17 items
Lamproites as indicators of accretion and/or shallow subduction in the assembly of south-western Anatolia, Turkey
Prelević Dejan, Akal Cüneyt, Romer Rolf, Foley Stephen. "Lamproites as indicators of accretion and/or shallow subduction in the assembly of south-western Anatolia, Turkey" in Terra Nova 22, Oxford, United Kingdom :Blackwell Publishing Ltd. (2010): 443-452. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1365-3121.2010.00963 M21
Mediterranean tertiary lamproites derived from multiple source components in postcollisional geodynamics
Prelević Dejan, Foley Stephen, Romer Rolf, Conticelli Sandro. "Mediterranean tertiary lamproites derived from multiple source components in postcollisional geodynamics" in Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 72, Amsterdam, Netherlands :Elsevier BV (2008): 2125-2156. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gca.2008.01.029 M21
The analcime problem and its impact on the geochemistry of ultrapotassic rocks from Serbia
Prelević Dejan, Foley Stephen, Cvetković Vladica, Romer Rolf. "The analcime problem and its impact on the geochemistry of ultrapotassic rocks from Serbia" in Mineralogical Magazine 68, London, United Kingdom :Mineralogical Society (2004): 633-648. https://doi.org/10.1180/0026461046840209 M21
Origin of minette by mixing of lamproite and dacite magmas in Veliki Majdan, Serbia
Prelević Dejan, Foley Stephen, Cvetković Vladica, Romer Rolf. "Origin of minette by mixing of lamproite and dacite magmas in Veliki Majdan, Serbia" in Journal of Petrology 45, Oxford :Oxford University Press (2004): 759-792 M21
Petrogenesis of orogenic lamproites of the Bohemian Massif: Sr-Nd-Pb-Li isotope constraints for Variscan enrichment of ultra-depleted mantle domains
Krmíček Lukas, Romer Rolf, Ulrych Jaromír, Glodny Johannes, Prelević Dejan. "Petrogenesis of orogenic lamproites of the Bohemian Massif: Sr-Nd-Pb-Li isotope constraints for Variscan enrichment of ultra-depleted mantle domains" in Gondwana Research, Amsterdam: Elsevier BV (2016). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gr.2015.04.012 M21
Hf isotope compositions of Mediterranean lamproites: Mixing of melts from asthenosphere and crustally contaminated mantle lithosphere
Prelević Dejan, Stracke Andreas, Foley Stephen, Romer Rolf, Conticelli Sandro. "Hf isotope compositions of Mediterranean lamproites: Mixing of melts from asthenosphere and crustally contaminated mantle lithosphere" in Lithos 119 no. 03-Apr, Amsterdam, Netherlands :Elsevier BV (2010): 297-312. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lithos.2010.07.007 M21
Tertiary ultrapotassic volcanism in Serbia: Constraints on petrogenesis and mantle source characteristics
Prelević Dejan, Foley Stephen, Romer Rolf, Cvetković Vladica, Downes Hilary. "Tertiary ultrapotassic volcanism in Serbia: Constraints on petrogenesis and mantle source characteristics" in Journal of Petrology 46, Oxford :Oxford University Press (2005): 1443-1487. https://doi.org/10.1093/petrology/egi022 M21
Granitoids associated with East Vardar ophiolites (Serbia, F.Y.R. of Macedonia and northern Greece): origin, evolution and geodynamic significance inferred from major and trace element data and Sr-Nd-Pb isotopes.
Šarić Kristina, Cvetković Vladica, Romer, R.L., Christofides, G., Koroneos, A.. "Granitoids associated with East Vardar ophiolites (Serbia, F.Y.R. of Macedonia and northern Greece): origin, evolution and geodynamic significance inferred from major and trace element data and Sr-Nd-Pb isotopes." in Lithos Lithos no. 108, :Elsevier Elsevier Elsevier (2009): 131-150 M21
Jurassic calc-alkaline granitoids associated with the East Vardar Ophiolites
Šarić Kristina, Cvetković Vladica, Romer Rolf L., Christofides Georgios, Koroneos Antonios. "Jurassic calc-alkaline granitoids associated with the East Vardar Ophiolites" in Geologica Balcanica, Abstracts volume, XIX Congress of the Carpathian Geological Association, Thessaloniki, Greece, 23-26 September 2010. 1*2 no. 39, Thessaloniki: (2010): 23-26 M34
Петрогенеза интраофиолитских калкоалкалних и толеитских гранитоида источног обода Вардарске зоне у Србији
Шарић Kристина, Цветковић Владица, Romer R.L., Peytcheva Irena, von Quadt Albrecht. "Петрогенеза интраофиолитских калкоалкалних и толеитских гранитоида источног обода Вардарске зоне у Србији" in Оптимално истраживање и одрживо коришћење геолошких ресурса : зборник радова XVI конгреса геолога Србије, Donji Milanovac, 22-25.05.2014. = Optimal Reserach and Sustainable Usage of the Geological Resources : proceedings of the XVI Serbian Geologcal, Beograd:Srpsko geološko društvo (2010): 43-43 M63
Magmatic response to slab tearing: Constraints from the afyon alkaline volcanic complex, Western Turkey
Prelević Dejan, Akal Cüneyt, Romer Rolf, Mertz-Kraus Regina, Helvaci Cahit. "Magmatic response to slab tearing: Constraints from the afyon alkaline volcanic complex, Western Turkey" in Journal of Petrology 56 no. 3, Oxford, United Kingdom :Oxford University Press (2015): 527-562. https://doi.org/10.1093/petrology/egv008 M21
Ultrapotassic mafic rocks as geochemical proxies for post-collisional dynamics of orogenic lithospheric mantle: The case of southwestern Anatolia, Turkey
Prelević Dejan, Akal Cüneyt, Foley Stephen, Romer Rolf, Stracke Andreas, Van den Bogaard Paul (2012)Prelević Dejan, Akal Cüneyt, Foley Stephen, Romer Rolf, Stracke Andreas, Van den Bogaard Paul. "Ultrapotassic mafic rocks as geochemical proxies for post-collisional dynamics of orogenic lithospheric mantle: The case of southwestern Anatolia, Turkey" in Journal of Petrology 53 no. 5, Oxford, United Kingdom :Oxford University Press (2012): 1019-1055. https://doi.org/10.1093/petrology/egs008 10 M21
The demir kapija ophiolite, Macedonia (FYROM): A Snapshot of subduction initiation within a back-arc
Božović Milica, Prelević Dejan, Romer Rolf, Barth Matthias, van den Bogaard Paul, Boev Blazo. "The demir kapija ophiolite, Macedonia (FYROM): A Snapshot of subduction initiation within a back-arc" in Journal of Petrology 54 no. 7, Oxford, United Kingdom :Oxford University Press (2013): 1427-1453. https://doi.org/doi.org/10.1093/petrology/egt0 M21
Melt evolution beneath a rifted craton edge: 40Ar/39Ar geochronology and Sr-Nd-Hf-Pb isotope systematics of primitive alkaline basalts and lamprophyres from the SW Baltic Shield
Tappe Sebastian, Smart Katie A., Stracke Andreas, Romer Rolf, Prelević Dejan, van den Bogaard Paul (2016)Tappe Sebastian, Smart Katie A., Stracke Andreas, Romer Rolf, Prelević Dejan, van den Bogaard Paul. "Melt evolution beneath a rifted craton edge: 40Ar/39Ar geochronology and Sr-Nd-Hf-Pb isotope systematics of primitive alkaline basalts and lamprophyres from the SW Baltic Shield" in Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 173, :Pergamon (2016): 1-36. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gca.2015.10.006 M21
Cretaceous ultrapotassic magmatism from the Sava-Vardar Zone of the Balkans
Kristijan Sokol, Dejan Prelević, Rolf Romer, Milica Božović, Paul van den Bogaard, Elitsa Stefanova, Bojan Kostić, Nenad Čokulov (2020)Late Cretaceous global plate reorganization associated with the inception of counterclockwise rotation of Africa relative to Europe initiated in the Balkan region small-volume magmatism of diverse geochemical signature along the enigmatic Sava-Vardar Zone. We study a Late Cretaceous lamprophyric sill in Ripanj village near Belgrade to constrain this magmatic episode. The lamprophyre is characterized by high contents of Na, P, Fe and Al, and low contents of K, Ca and Mg. Its original nature (Na, K, Ca and Mg) is ...Kristijan Sokol, Dejan Prelević, Rolf Romer, Milica Božović, Paul van den Bogaard, Elitsa Stefanova, Bojan Kostić, Nenad Čokulov. "Cretaceous ultrapotassic magmatism from the Sava-Vardar Zone of the Balkans" in Lithos (2020) М21а
The Late Cretaceous Klepa basalts in Macedonia (FYROM) - Constraints on the final stage of Tethys closure in the Balkans
Dejan Prelević, S. Wehrheim, M. Reutter, Romer, R.L., Blažo Boev, Milica Božović, P. van den Bogaard, Vladica Cvetković, Stefan M. Schmid (2017)Dejan Prelević, S. Wehrheim, M. Reutter, Romer, R.L., Blažo Boev, Milica Božović, P. van den Bogaard, Vladica Cvetković, Stefan M. Schmid. "The Late Cretaceous Klepa basalts in Macedonia (FYROM) - Constraints on the final stage of Tethys closure in the Balkans" in Émile Argand Conference - 13th Workshop on Alpine Geological Studies - September 7th-18th 2017 in Serbia, Zlatibor Mts., Beograd:University of Belgrade - Faculty of Mining and Geology (2017): 87-87 M34
The Late Cretaceous Klepa basalts in Macedonia (FYROM)—Constraints on the final stage of Tethys closure in the Balkans
Dejan Prelević, Simon Wehrheim, Magnus Reutter, Rolf L. Romer, Blažo Boev, Milica Božović, Paul van den Bogaard, Vladica Cvetković, Stefan M. Schmid (2017)Dejan Prelević, Simon Wehrheim, Magnus Reutter, Rolf L. Romer, Blažo Boev, Milica Božović, Paul van den Bogaard, Vladica Cvetković, Stefan M. Schmid. "The Late Cretaceous Klepa basalts in Macedonia (FYROM)—Constraints on the final stage of Tethys closure in the Balkans" in Terra Nova no. 29 (2017): 145-153. https://doi.org/10.1111/ter.12264 M21