2941 items
Оцена перспективности изворишта "Вић баре" за водоснабдевање Обреновца
... development of the Obrenovac city (30 km west from Belgrade) and plan to connect smaller settlements to the main waterworks system have initiated hydrogeological research and creation of hydrodynamical model of the exisiting source ,,Vié bare“ located in Sava River alluvium. The source consists of 30 vertical ...
... Digital repository of The University of Belgrade Faculty of Mining and Geology archives faculty publications available in open access, as well as the employees' publications. - The Repository is available at: www.dr.rgf.bg.ac.rs XIV ASSESSING PROSPECT OF GROUNDWATER SOURCE ...
... FV ,Zabrezje“, 12. profilska linija. Figure 1. Hydrogeological map and sections A-B of groundwater sources “Vic Bare”. Legend: 1. clay and sand with the main water bearing layer in gravel (Q), 2. sand and alevrite, 3. loess clay and fine sand, 4. clay (Pl), 5. geological boundary, 6. intergranular porosity ...Бојан Хајдин, Душан Поломчић, Зоран Стевановић, Драгољуб Бајић, Катарина Хајдин. "Оцена перспективности изворишта "Вић баре" за водоснабдевање Обреновца" in XIV Српски симпозијум о хидрогеологији са међународним учешћем, Рударско-геолошки факултет, Београд (2012)
Need to Improve the Natural Aggregate Resources Supply in the City of Belgrade (Serbia)
Simić Vladimir, Abramović Filip, Andrić Nevena, Delić Ivana, Miladinović Zoran, Životić Dragana (2016)Simić Vladimir, Abramović Filip, Andrić Nevena, Delić Ivana, Miladinović Zoran, Životić Dragana. "Need to Improve the Natural Aggregate Resources Supply in the City of Belgrade (Serbia)" in Acta Montanistica Slovaca 3 no. 21, :Union of Metallurgy, Mining Industry and Geology of Slovak Republic, the Slovak Mining Society, the Faculty of Mining, Ecology, Process Control and Geotechnologies (FBERG) of the Technical University (2016): 191-199
Hydrodynamic Model of The Open-Pit Mine “Buvač” (Republic of Srpska, Bosnia And Herzegovina)
Bajić Dragoljub, Polomčić Dušan, Papić Petar, Stojković Jana. "Hydrodynamic Model of The Open-Pit Mine “Buvač” (Republic of Srpska, Bosnia And Herzegovina)" in CD Proceedings of 6th Dubrovnik Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy Water and Environmental Systems,, Dubrovnik: (2011): 25-29
The application of Euler deconvolution for defining the position and depth of magnetic anomaly sources
Ignjatović Snežana, Vasiljević Ilija, Negovanović Milanka, Kričak Lazar, Pantović Radoje. "The application of Euler deconvolution for defining the position and depth of magnetic anomaly sources" in Proceedings of the 49th International October Conference on Mining and Metallurgy IOC 2017, Bor, Serbia:University of Belgrade, Technical Faculty in Bor (2017): 471-475
Hybrid model of evaluation of underground lead–zinc mine capacity expansion project using Monte Carlo simulation and fuzzy numbers
Gligorić Zoran, Beljić Čedomir, Gluščević Branko, Jovanović Saša. "Hybrid model of evaluation of underground lead–zinc mine capacity expansion project using Monte Carlo simulation and fuzzy numbers" in Simulation: Transactions of the Society for Modeling and Simulation International 8 no. 87, :Sage Science Press (UK) ^Subsidiary of: Sage Publications, Inc. (2011): 726-742. https://doi.org/10.1177/0037549711410902
Granitoids associated with East Vardar ophiolites (Serbia, F.Y.R. of Macedonia and northern Greece): origin, evolution and geodynamic significance inferred from major and trace element data and Sr-Nd-Pb isotopes.
Šarić Kristina, Cvetković Vladica, Romer, R.L., Christofides, G., Koroneos, A.. "Granitoids associated with East Vardar ophiolites (Serbia, F.Y.R. of Macedonia and northern Greece): origin, evolution and geodynamic significance inferred from major and trace element data and Sr-Nd-Pb isotopes." in Lithos Lithos no. 108, :Elsevier Elsevier Elsevier (2009): 131-150
Numerical and experimental diagnostic of dynamic behavior of the rotor-excavator construction
Maneski Taško, Jovančić Predrag, Ignjatović Dragan, Milošević Mitić Vesna, Trišović Nataša. "Numerical and experimental diagnostic of dynamic behavior of the rotor-excavator construction" in Third Serbian (28th Yu) Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics 1, Vlasina Lake:Serbian society of mechanics (2011): 629-636
Quantitative and Geochemical Characterization of the Mokra Karst Aquifer (SE Serbia) by Time Series Analysis and Stochastic Modelling
Branislav Petrović, Veljko Marinović (2023)Branislav Petrović, Veljko Marinović. "Quantitative and Geochemical Characterization of the Mokra Karst Aquifer (SE Serbia) by Time Series Analysis and Stochastic Modelling" in EuroKarst 2022, Málaga - Advances in the Hydrogeology of Karst and Carbonate Reservoirs, Springer International Publishing (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-16879-6_8
Uporedni prikaz proizvodnje električne energije iz uglja zemalja Evrope sa najvećim udelom: politika i projekcija proizvodnje
Energetski razvoj zemalja Evrope decenijama je bio baziran na uglju. Instalisana snaga svih energetskih kapaciteta koji su zasnovani na uglju je preko 2000 GW. Ugalj je i dalje od bitnog značaja za dobijanje električne energije u Evropi. I pored toga što postoji veliki potencijal uglja, trend je smanjenja proizvodnje električne energije iz uglja do 2050. godine. Imajući u vidu Zelenu agendu i politiku EU, zemlje Evrope se okreću obnovljivim izvorima energije. Srbija u okviru obnovljvih izvora ima potencijala prevashodno ...Predrag Jovančić, Dragan Ignjatović, Stevan Đenadić. "Uporedni prikaz proizvodnje električne energije iz uglja zemalja Evrope sa najvećim udelom: politika i projekcija proizvodnje" in Energija, ekonomija, ekologija, Savez energetičara (2022). https://doi.org/10.46793/EEE22-3.63J
Groundwater balance, natural recharge and drainage zones at open pit mine „Polje E“ of Kolubara Coal Basin (Republic of Serbia)
Polomčić Dušan, Bajić Dragoljub, Ristić-Vakanjac Vesna. "Groundwater balance, natural recharge and drainage zones at open pit mine „Polje E“ of Kolubara Coal Basin (Republic of Serbia)" in CD Proceedings of 7th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy Water and Environmental Systems, Ohrid: (2012): 236-237
Geomechanical research for defining terms of performing the first section of waterproof screen in the open pit “Drmno”
Dragana Savić, Majstorović Jelena, Dimitrijević Bojan. "Geomechanical research for defining terms of performing the first section of waterproof screen in the open pit “Drmno”" in Proceedings of the 5. International Geomechanics Conference no. V, Varna, Bulgaria:Scientific and Technical Union of Mining, Geology and Metallurgy (2012): 250-256
Pinite-cordierite from spotted slate of the Brajkovac contact metamorphic aureole (Dudovica Locality, Central Serbia)
Vasković Nada, Nikić Zoran, Srećković Batoćanin Danica, Erić Suzana, Memović Emin. "Pinite-cordierite from spotted slate of the Brajkovac contact metamorphic aureole (Dudovica Locality, Central Serbia)" in Геолошки анали Балканског полуострва = Annales geologiques de la Peninsule Balkanique no. 74, Beograd:Dept. of Historical and Dynamical Geology and Department of paleontology, University of Belgrade (2013): 47-55. https://doi.org/10.2298/GABP1374047V
Geotehnički efekti razaranja komunalnog otpada različitim postupcima zbijanja
Jovana M. Janković Pantić (2022)Odlaganje otpada na komunalne deponije predstavlja osnovni način zbrinjavanja otpada u Srbiji. Kako bi se prostor za deponovanje materijala racionalno koristio potrebno ga je svakodnevno zbijati sa unapred definisanom količinom vode koja se dodaje. Dobro zbijeni komunalni otpad zauzima manju zapreminu i omogućuje sigurnije skladištenje, pa je korisno prethodno laboratorijski odrediti parametre zbijanja: maksimalnu suvu zapreminsku težinu (dmax) i optimalnu vlažnost (wopt). U Srbiji do sada nisu određivani parametri zbijanja, dok je u svetu primenjivana standardna metoda (Proktorov opit) ...Jovana M. Janković Pantić. Geotehnički efekti razaranja komunalnog otpada različitim postupcima zbijanja, Beograd : [J. Janković Pantić], 2022
Effects of Eu3+ concentration on structural, optical and vibrational properties of multifunctional Ce1-xEuxO 2-delta nanoparticles synthesized by thermolysis of 2,4-pentanedione complexes
Kremenović Aleksandar, Božanić Dušan K., Welsch Ana-Maria, Jancar Bostjan, Nikolić Aleksandar S., Bošković Marko, Colomban Philippe, Fabian Martin, Antić Bratislav (2012)Kremenović Aleksandar, Božanić Dušan K., Welsch Ana-Maria, Jancar Bostjan, Nikolić Aleksandar S., Bošković Marko, Colomban Philippe, Fabian Martin, Antić Bratislav. "Effects of Eu3+ concentration on structural, optical and vibrational properties of multifunctional Ce1-xEuxO 2-delta nanoparticles synthesized by thermolysis of 2,4-pentanedione complexes" in Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 12 no. 12, 26650 THE OLD RD, STE 208, VALENCIA, CA 91381-0751 USA:MER SCIENTIFIC PUBLISHERS (2012): 8893-8899. https://doi.org/10.1166/jnn.2012.6797
Contribution to the geotechnical classification of municipal waste landfills in Serbia
Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law,Nature and Landscape Conservation,Geochemistry and Petrology,Waste Management and Disposal,Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology,Water Science and Technology,Environmental Chemistry,Environmental EngineeringDragoslav Rakić, Irena Basarić, Laslo Čaki, Slobodan Ćorić. "Contribution to the geotechnical classification of municipal waste landfills in Serbia" in Environmental Geotechnics, Thomas Telford Ltd. (2018). https://doi.org/10.1680/jenge.18.00028
Deprimiranje minerala pirita cijanidnim i fero/feri solima; Depression of pyrite mineral with cyanide and ferrous/ferric salts
Kostović Milena (2011)Kostović Milena. "Deprimiranje minerala pirita cijanidnim i fero/feri solima; Depression of pyrite mineral with cyanide and ferrous/ferric salts" in Podzemni radovi; Underground Mining Engineering no. 19, Beograd, Belgrade:Rudarsko-geološki fakultet; Faculty of Mining and Geology (2011): 67; 149-73; 155
Security of Supply as a Major Part of the Energy Security Puzzle
Sigurnost snadbevanja prirodnim gasom Republike Srbije se kroz poslednje dve decenije tretira kao hitno, strateško, političko i bezbednosno pitanje. U sektoru prirodnog gasa, Republika Srbija je veoma zavisna od gasa koji uvozi iz Rusije. Indikatori sigurnosti snadbevanja predstavljaju jedan od osnovnih elemenata za određivanje energetske bezbednosti i snažne alate za usmeravanje energetskog sektora ka održivom razvoju. Metodolaška analiza prikazana u radu je bila koncentrisana na pokazatelje sigurnosti snadbevanja u oblasti energetske bezbednosti koji se odnose na sektor prirodnog gasa ...energetska bezbednost, sigurnost snabdevanja, energetski indikator, dostupnost energije, diversifikacija izvora i pravacaAleksandar Madžarević, Miroslav Crnogorac. "Security of Supply as a Major Part of the Energy Security Puzzle" in Energija, ekonomija, ekologija, University Library in Kragujevac (2022). https://doi.org/10.46793/EEE22-4.28M
Distant Reading in Digital Humanities: Case Study on the Serbian Part of the ELTeC Collection
Ranka Stanković, Cvetana Krstev, Branislava Šandrih Todorović, Duško Vitas, Mihailo Škorić, Milica Ikonić Nešić (2022)In this paper we present the Serbian part of the ELTeC multilingual corpus of novels written in the time period 1840-1920. The corpus is being built in order to test various distant reading methods and tools with the aim of re-thinking the European literary history. We present the various steps that led to the production of the Serbian sub-collection: the novel selection and retrieval, text preparation, structural annotation, POS-tagging, lemmatization and named entity recognition. The Serbian sub-collection was published ...Ranka Stanković, Cvetana Krstev, Branislava Šandrih Todorović, Duško Vitas, Mihailo Škorić, Milica Ikonić Nešić. "Distant Reading in Digital Humanities: Case Study on the Serbian Part of the ELTeC Collection" in Proceedings of the Language Resources and Evaluation Conference, June 2022, Marseille, France, European Language Resources Association (2022)
Filling of dolines with aeolian sediments in the high-mountain karst of the Dinarides (Mt. Durmitor, Montenegro)
Filling of dolines with aeolian sediments, one of the less frequently described ways in which they are filled, is analysed in the present study on an example of a doline in the high-mountain karst of the Dinarides. There is a series of deep dolines on a broad ridge (about 2450 m a.s.l.) on Mt. Durmitor (Montenegro) in the southeastern part of the Dinarides. The accumulation of very fine-grained sand that almost completely fills one of the dolines was analysed. ...Mirela Djurović, Violeta Gajić, Predrag Djurović. "Filling of dolines with aeolian sediments in the high-mountain karst of the Dinarides (Mt. Durmitor, Montenegro)" in Journal of mountain science, Science Press (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11629-021-7274-5
Influence of Galena Grain Size and Collector Concentration on Recovery and Flotation Rate
Cvetićanin Lidija, Lazić Predrag, Vučinić Dušica. "Influence of Galena Grain Size and Collector Concentration on Recovery and Flotation Rate" in Journal of Mining Science 54 no. 3, Switzerland:Springer Nature Switzerland AG (2018): u stampi-u stampi