Design and drilling of wells in formations with high pressure
- Врста завршног рада
- Мастер рад
- Језик
- енглески
- Аутор
- Vojin Solomun
- Година одбране
- 2024
- Ментор
- Dušan Danilović
- Чланови комисије
- Dušan Danilović, Vesna Karović -Maričić, Branko Leković
- Резиме
Objectives of this Thesis are to:
- Develop an awareness of the challenges presented from elevated temperatures
and pressures in well construction.
- Learn the key differences between ―normal‖ condition wells and HPHT wells.
- Understand some of the indicators of thermal- and pressure-related problems.
- Understand the responses which may be made to mitigate high pressure and
high temperature ,,HPHT‘‘ challenges while drilling wells.
HPHT wells are an unavoidable consequence of the ever expanding search for
oil and gas resources around the world. As wells are drilled ever deeper, they encounter higher pressures and high temperatures than are met in shallower wells.The elevated temperatures and pressures make these wells some of the most challenging wells in the industry.The design and construction of these wells must incorporate the components, materials,procedures and competencies required to ensure that these wells will handle safely the formation and flowing pressures and temperatures both when drilling the wells and when producing and maintaining the wells, throughout the well life cycle.In addition to encountering HPHT conditions in deeper reservoirs, we also have HPHT conditions in wells in which we employ steam injection, and in geothermal wells. - Кључне речи
- HPHT, well, challenges, design, oil and gas
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Vojin Solomun. Design and drilling of wells in formations with high pressure, 2024
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