Драженко Ненадић
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- drazenko.nenadic@rgf.bg.ac.rs
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54 items
Профил квартарних творевина приобаља Саве код Београда
Ненадић Драженко, Богићевић Катарина, Ганић Мери, Миливојевић Јелена, Лазаревић Зорица. "Профил квартарних творевина приобаља Саве код Београда" in Зборник радова 15. конгреса геолога Србије са међународним учешћем, Београд, [26-29 мај] 2010. = Proceedings of the 15th Congress of Geologists of Serbia with International Participation, Belgrade [26-29 May] 2010, Београд:Српско геолошко друштво (2010): 168-168
Assessing the morphological variability of the invasive thermophylous Asian clam (Corbicula fluminalis Muller 1774) from the Pleistocene fluvial deposits of the Carpathian basin using geometric morphometric techniques
Gulyas Sandor, Sumegi Pai, Szaloki Zoltan, Nenadić Draženko. "Assessing the morphological variability of the invasive thermophylous Asian clam (Corbicula fluminalis Muller 1774) from the Pleistocene fluvial deposits of the Carpathian basin using geometric morphometric techniques" in Geolitera Publishers, Szeged: (2013): 37-48
Rekonstrukcija tipa staništa na osnovu ostataka fosilnih sisara (primeri sa pleistocenskih lokaliteta Srbije)
Bogićević Katarina, Nenadić Draženko, Marković Zoran, Lazarević Zorica, Milivojević Jelena. "Rekonstrukcija tipa staništa na osnovu ostataka fosilnih sisara (primeri sa pleistocenskih lokaliteta Srbije)" in Зборник радова 15. конгреса геолога Србије са међународним учешћем, Београд, [26-29 мај] 2010. = Proceedings of the 15th Congress of Geologists of Serbia with International Participation, Belgrade [26-29 May] 2010, Београд:Српско геолошко друштво (2010): 149-150
Kako su velikani popularizovali nauku – Milutin Milanković
Bogićević Katarina, Nenadić Draženko (2010)Bogićević Katarina, Nenadić Draženko. "Kako su velikani popularizovali nauku – Milutin Milanković" in Зборник радова 15. конгреса геолога Србије са међународним учешћем, Београд, [26-29 мај] 2010. = Proceedings of the 15th Congress of Geologists of Serbia with International Participation, Belgrade [26-29 May] 2010, Београд:Српско геолошко друштво (2010): 719-720
The occurrence of the Corbicula in the Pleistocene of Serbia
Nenadić Draženko, Gaudenyi Tivadar, Bogićević Katarina, Jovanović Mlađen. "The occurrence of the Corbicula in the Pleistocene of Serbia" in Conference of the Europan Quaternary Malagologists 15-18th August, Molluscs and Quaternary envirnoment of Central Europe, Szeged:Srpsko geološko društvo, University of Szeged (2010): 26-27
Quaternary stratigraphy and paleoenvironment of the Ada Ciganlija based on borehole P-1
Nenadić Draženko, Gaudenyi T.,Bogićević Katarina, Jovanović M. "Quaternary stratigraphy and paleoenvironment of the Ada Ciganlija based on borehole P-1" in Conference of the Europan Quaternary Malagologists 15-18th August, Molluscs and Quaternary envirnoment of Central Europe, Szeged:Srpsko geološko društvo, University of Szeged (2010): 27-28
Early Miocene palaeoflora in Čačak Depression (Serbia)
Lazarević Zorica, Milivojević Jelena, Nenadić Draženko, Bogićević Katarina, Životić, D.. "Early Miocene palaeoflora in Čačak Depression (Serbia)" in 8th European Palaeobotany-Palynology Conference 6-10 July 2010, Budapest:Hungarian Natural National Museum (2010): 168-169
Biostratigrafija kvartara na osnovu sitnih i krupnih sisara
Bogićević Katarina, Nenadić Draženko (2014)Bogićević Katarina, Nenadić Draženko. "Biostratigrafija kvartara na osnovu sitnih i krupnih sisara" in Оптимално истраживање и одрживо коришћење геолошких ресурса : зборник радова XVI конгреса геолога Србије, Donji Milanovac, 22-25.05.2014. = Optimal Reserach and Sustainable Usage of the Geological Resources : proceedings of the XVI Serbian Geologcal, Beograd:Српско геолошко друштво = Serbian Geological Society (2014): 206-210
Pleistocenske fluvijalne naslage jugoistočnog Srema i dolina Dunava i Morave
Nenadić Draženko, Bogićević Katarina (2014)Nenadić Draženko, Bogićević Katarina. "Pleistocenske fluvijalne naslage jugoistočnog Srema i dolina Dunava i Morave" in Оптимално истраживање и одрживо коришћење геолошких ресурса : зборник радова XVI конгреса геолога Србије, Donji Milanovac, 22-25.05.2014. = Optimal Reserach and Sustainable Usage of the Geological Resources : proceedings of the XVI Serbian Geologcal, Beograd:Српско геолошко друштво = Serbian Geological Society (2014): 78-81
Palynological and Petrographical Characteristics of Coal and Host Sediments from the Kovin Deposit (Serbia)
Milivojević Jelena, Životić Dragana, Lazarević Zorica, Bogićević Katarina, Nenadić Draženko. "Palynological and Petrographical Characteristics of Coal and Host Sediments from the Kovin Deposit (Serbia)" in 8th European Palaeobotany-Palynology Conference 6-10 July 2010, Budapest:Hungarian Natural National Museum (2010): 169-170
Middle Pleistocene rodents (Rodentia, Mammalia) from the fissure filling Kamenjak on Venčac near Arandjelovac (central Serbia)
Bogićević Katarina, Marković Zoran, Nenadić Draženko, Milivojević Jelena, Lazarević Zorica. "Middle Pleistocene rodents (Rodentia, Mammalia) from the fissure filling Kamenjak on Venčac near Arandjelovac (central Serbia)" in XIX Congress of the Carpathian-Balkan Geological Association, Thessaloniki, Greece, Thessaloniki:Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (2010): 23-26
Quaternary continental biochronology in Europe based on Arvicolids
Bogićević Katarina, Nenadić Draženko (2013)Bogićević Katarina, Nenadić Draženko. "Quaternary continental biochronology in Europe based on Arvicolids" in Programme & abstracts / One Day Workshop Neogene and quaternary stratigraphy - actual terminology and nomenclature, Belgrade, September 20, 2013, Beograd:Serbian Geological Society (2013): 50-52
Stratigrafski značaj i geografsko rasprostranjenje Apodemus mystacinus-grupe (Muridae, Mammalia)
Bogićević Katarina, Nenadić Draženko (2014)Bogićević Katarina, Nenadić Draženko. "Stratigrafski značaj i geografsko rasprostranjenje Apodemus mystacinus-grupe (Muridae, Mammalia)" in Оптимално истраживање и одрживо коришћење геолошких ресурса : зборник радова XVI конгреса геолога Србије, Donji Milanovac, 22-25.05.2014. = Optimal Reserach and Sustainable Usage of the Geological Resources : proceedings of the XVI Serbian Geologcal, Beograd:Српско геолошко друштво = Serbian Geological Society (2014): 169-173
Stratigraphy of fluvial polycyclic sediments of Serbia
Gaudenyi Tivadar, Nenadić Draženko, Jovanović Mlađen. "Stratigraphy of fluvial polycyclic sediments of Serbia" in Kvarter 2011, Brno: (2011): 7-8
Arcahaisms in the Serbian Quaternary Stratigraphy
Gaudenyi Tivadar, Jovanović Mlađen, Nenadić Draženko. "Arcahaisms in the Serbian Quaternary Stratigraphy" in Programme & abstracts / One Day Workshop Neogene and quaternary stratigraphy - actual terminology and nomenclature, Belgrade, September 20, 2013, Beograd:Serbian Geological Society (2013): 41-44
Stratigraphical position of pleistocene fluvial polycyclic deposits of Serbia
Nenadić Draženko, Gaudenyi Tivadar (2013)Nenadić Draženko, Gaudenyi Tivadar. "Stratigraphical position of pleistocene fluvial polycyclic deposits of Serbia" in Programme & abstracts / One Day Workshop Neogene and quaternary stratigraphy - actual terminology and nomenclature, Belgrade, September 20, 2013, Beograd:Serbian Geological Society (2013): 44-47
Stratigraphy of the Serbian Pleistocene Corbicula beds
Gaudenyi Tivadar, Nenadić Draženko, Jovanović Mlađen. "Stratigraphy of the Serbian Pleistocene Corbicula beds" in Correlations of Quaternary Fluvial, Eolian, Deltaic and Marine Sequences, Meeting of INQUA- Section of European Quaternary Stratigraphy (SEQS), Constanta: (2013): 17-18
Stratigrafski model kvartara za rečne policiklične sedimente na prostoru Srbije
Nenadić Draženko, Gaudeny Tivadar (2014)Nenadić Draženko, Gaudeny Tivadar. "Stratigrafski model kvartara za rečne policiklične sedimente na prostoru Srbije" in Оптимално истраживање и одрживо коришћење геолошких ресурса : зборник радова XVI конгреса геолога Србије, Donji Milanovac, 22-25.05.2014. : [(национални конгрес с међународним учешћем)] = Optimal Reserach and Sustainable Usage of the Оптимално истраж, Beograd:Српско геолошко друштво = Serbian Geological Society (2014): 74-78
Slope processes of Srem Loess Plateau (N. Serbia)
Jovanović Mlađen, Mesaroš Minucer, Gaudenyi Tivadar, Nenadić Draženko. "Slope processes of Srem Loess Plateau (N. Serbia)" in Geological versus Geoinformatic dataset. XVIII INQUA Congress, 21-27 July in Bern, Bern:INQUA (2011)
Stratigraphical subdivision of the fluvial policyclic sediments of the Sava River riparian near Belgrade
Gaudenyi Tivadar, Nenadić Draženko, Jovanović Mlađen. "Stratigraphical subdivision of the fluvial policyclic sediments of the Sava River riparian near Belgrade" in XVIII INQUA Congress, 21-27 July in Bern, Switzerland, Bern: (2011)