50 items
Vulnerability methods in hard rock formation as a basis for groundwater risk assessment – from resource to source
Groundwater in a hard rock formation is most endangered at places where a potential source can discharge contaminants that can reach the saturated zone of an aquifer. In these circumstances, an essential tool for groundwater protection is the contamination risk map. This map is based on the integration of two maps: a hazards map, i.e., map of potential sources of contamination and a vulnerability map. The selection of a proper vulnerability method is an important task since the resulting ...karta rizika od kontaminacije, ranjivosti podzemnih voda, DRASTIC, EPIK, PI, COP, Nacionalni park TaraVladimir Živanović, Igor Jemcov, Veselin Dragišić. "Vulnerability methods in hard rock formation as a basis for groundwater risk assessment – from resource to source" in Geologia Croatica, Croatian Geological Survey (2022). https://doi.org/10.4154/gc.2022.23
An example of karst catchment delineation for prioritizing the protection of an intact natural area
Vesna Ristić Vakanjac, Zoran Stevanović, Aleksandra Maran Stevanović, Boris Vakanjac, Marina Čokorilo Ilić (2015)Проучавано је карстни извор Перућац као главни дрен подручја планине Таре у западној Србији у циљу процене његовог режима отицања, резерви воде и дефинисања његове сливне површине. Извор се налази у североисточној, унутрашњој зони класичног динарског крша, коју карактерише доминантно проширење висококарстификованих тријаских кречњака, слабо развијена хидрографска мрежа са много понора и густе шуме. Тара је један од пет националних паркова у Србији. Циљ рада је био да се идентификује заштитна зона високог приоритета у оквиру очуваног природног подручја ...Vesna Ristić Vakanjac, Zoran Stevanović, Aleksandra Maran Stevanović, Boris Vakanjac, Marina Čokorilo Ilić. "An example of karst catchment delineation for prioritizing the protection of an intact natural area" in Environmental Earth Science (2015). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12665-015-4390-y
Geoheritage and Mining Heritage in the Promotion of Theme Parks: An Example of the National Park Đerdap (Carpathian-Balkan Thrust-And-Fold Belt, Eastern Serbia)
The National Park Đerdap (eastern Serbia, vicinity of the Danube River) occupies a segment of the Carpathian-Balkan fold-and-thrust belt and has a significant geoheritage potential, accounting for the impressive natural (geological) and cultural legacy. In addition to the extraordinary orogenic-type landscape or nappe-stacked mountainous configura tion, the region contains evidence of ancient mining activities, uncovered within its immediate neighbourhood. The ancient mining activities date back a few thousand years ago and represent a solid ground for the idea of ...Karpatobalkanski pojas nabora i navlaka, Geopark Djerdap, Tematski park "Muzej rudarstva", Konzervacija, Održivi razvoj, Geotopi, SrbijaIvana Mojsić Velikić, Dragoman Rabrenović, Danica Srećković-Batoćanin, Darko Spahić. "Geoheritage and Mining Heritage in the Promotion of Theme Parks: An Example of the National Park Đerdap (Carpathian-Balkan Thrust-And-Fold Belt, Eastern Serbia)" in Geoheritage, Springer Science and Business Media LLC (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12371-022-00735-3
Hidrogeološke karakteristike sliva Pive i Tare sa aspekta korišćenja i zaštite vodnog potencijala
Slavko Hrvačević (1999)Slavko Hrvačević. Hidrogeološke karakteristike sliva Pive i Tare sa aspekta korišćenja i zaštite vodnog potencijala, Beograd:Rudarsko-geološki fakultet, 1999
Migrant Lepidoptera species of National Park Fruška Gora
Ranđelović Dragana, Stojanović Dejan (2014)Ranđelović Dragana, Stojanović Dejan. "Migrant Lepidoptera species of National Park Fruška Gora" in Proceedings / XXII International Conference Ecological Truth, Eco-Ist '14, 10-13 June 2014, Bor, Serbia, Bor:Tehnical Faculty Bor, University of Belgrade (2014): 47-52
Metals in the sediment and liver of four fish species from different trophic levels in Tisza River, Serbia
Štrbac Snežana, Šajnović Aleksandra, Budakov Ljiljana, Vasić Nebojša, Kašanin Grubin Milica, Simonović Predrag, Jovančićević Branimir (2013)Štrbac Snežana, Šajnović Aleksandra, Budakov Ljiljana, Vasić Nebojša, Kašanin Grubin Milica, Simonović Predrag, Jovančićević Branimir. "Metals in the sediment and liver of four fish species from different trophic levels in Tisza River, Serbia" in Chemistry and Ecology, London, UK:Taylor and Francis Ltd, 4 Park Square, Milton Park, Abingdon OX14 4RN, OXON, England (2013): 1-18. https://doi.org/10.1080/02757540.2013.841893
Possibility of Using Wind and Solar Sources for Electric Power Generation on Serbian Opencast Coal Mines
Natalija Pavlović, Dragan Ignjatović, Tomislav Šubaranović. "Possibility of Using Wind and Solar Sources for Electric Power Generation on Serbian Opencast Coal Mines" in Materials Proceedings - International Conference on Raw Materials and Circular Economy, MDPI (2021). https://doi.org/10.3390/materproc2021005050
Geoheritage Object-Natural Park Šargan Mokra Gora
Milovanović Dragan, Amidžić., Knežević Slobodan, Banjac Nenad, Kličković M., Maran Aleksandra (2011)Milovanović Dragan, Amidžić., Knežević Slobodan, Banjac Nenad, Kličković M., Maran Aleksandra. "Geoheritage Object-Natural Park Šargan Mokra Gora" in Proceedings, 1st international conference “Harmony of nature and Spirituality in Stone”, Kragujevac:Stone Studio Association (2011): 143-150
The evaluation of geosites in the territory of National Park „Kopaonik“(Serbia)
Vukoičić Danijela, Milosavljević Saša, Valjarević Aleksandar, Nikolić Milena, Srećković-Batoćanin Danica (2018)Vukoičić Danijela, Milosavljević Saša, Valjarević Aleksandar, Nikolić Milena, Srećković-Batoćanin Danica. "The evaluation of geosites in the territory of National Park „Kopaonik“(Serbia)" in Open Geosciences 10 no. 1, Krakow, Poland:DE GRUYTER Poland (2018): 618-633. https://doi.org/10.1515/geo-2018-0049
Decay products of the kersantite building stone in the monument of the Small Staircase at the Kalemegdan Park (Belgrade, Serbia)
Novaković Nevenka, Franković Maja, Matović Vesna, Šarić Kristina, Erić Suzana. "Decay products of the kersantite building stone in the monument of the Small Staircase at the Kalemegdan Park (Belgrade, Serbia)" in Proceedings of the 13th International Congress on the Deterioration And Conservation of Stone 1, Glasgow : (2016): 125-132
Izrada karte rizika od zagađivanja podzemnih voda na primeru nacionalnog parka Đerdap
Živanović Vladimir, Dragišić Veselin, Atanacković Nebojša, Ninković Sunčica, Magazinović Sava (2015)Živanović Vladimir, Dragišić Veselin, Atanacković Nebojša, Ninković Sunčica, Magazinović Sava. "Izrada karte rizika od zagađivanja podzemnih voda na primeru nacionalnog parka Đerdap" in Zapisnici srpskog geološkog društva za 2015. godinu, Beograd:Srpsko Geološko društvo (2015): 59-77
Geodiversity in the Đerdap national park as a fuction of the geopark promotion
Rabrenović Dragoman, Milovanović Dragan, Mojsić Ivana, Đaković M.. "Geodiversity in the Đerdap national park as a fuction of the geopark promotion" in Proceedings of the International Symposium GEOECOLOGY-XXI CENTURY, GEOECO 2010, Žabljak-Nikšić, Montenegro:Ministarstvo uređenja prostora i zaštite životne sredine Crne Gore (2010): 562-570
Decay products of the kersantite building stone in the monument of the Small Staircase at the Kalemegdan Park (Belgrade, Serbia)
Novaković Nevenka, Franković Maja, Matović Vesna, Šarić Kristina, Erić Suzana. "Decay products of the kersantite building stone in the monument of the Small Staircase at the Kalemegdan Park (Belgrade, Serbia)" in Proceedings of the 13th International Congress on the Deterioration And Conservation of Stone 1, Glasgow : (2016): 125-132
Project solution for land reclamation and spatial arrangement of the „Srebro“ open pit mine at the Fruška gora national park
Vujić Slobodan, Cvejić Jasminka, Miljanović Igor, Petrovski Aleksandar. "Project solution for land reclamation and spatial arrangement of the „Srebro“ open pit mine at the Fruška gora national park" in The Journal of the South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy 111 no. 5, -:South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (2011): 365-370. https://doi.org/-
Cretaceous potential source rocks of the Outer Dinarides (Mokra Gora, Tara Mountain, SW Serbia)
Neumeister Stefan, Banjac Nenad, Dulić Ivan, Gawlick Hans Jurgen. "Cretaceous potential source rocks of the Outer Dinarides (Mokra Gora, Tara Mountain, SW Serbia)" in International Conference of the Geologische Vereinigung and Sediment - Hamburg, Germany, 23. – 28. September,, Hamburg:Universitat Hamburg (2012): 206-206
Cenomanian potential source rocks of SW Serbia (Mokra Gora, Tara Mountain)
Neumeister Stefan, Banjac Nenad, Dulić Ivan, Gawlick Hans-Juergen. "Cenomanian potential source rocks of SW Serbia (Mokra Gora, Tara Mountain)" in The 29th IAS Meeting of Sedimentology, Schladming: (2012)
Hidrohemijski odgovor karstne izdani u uslovima formirane hidruličke barijere – primer brane Lazići, Tara
Marina Ćuk, Maja Todorović, Igor Jemcov. "Hidrohemijski odgovor karstne izdani u uslovima formirane hidruličke barijere – primer brane Lazići, Tara" in Knjiga apstrakata 9. Simpozijuma o zaštiti karsta, Beograd, Akademski speleološko – alpinistički klub (ASAK) (2019)
Source rock investigations and organic geochemistry of a Cretaceous succession of the Outer Dinarides (Mokra Gora, Tara Mountain, SW Serbia).
Neumeister Stefan, Banjac Nenad, Bechtel A. Gawlick Hans Jurgen. "Source rock investigations and organic geochemistry of a Cretaceous succession of the Outer Dinarides (Mokra Gora, Tara Mountain, SW Serbia)." in 11th Workshop on Alpine Geological Studies & 7thEuropean Symposium on Fossil Algae, Abstracts & Field Guides, Schladming, 7. - 14. September 2013, Wien:Verlag - Geologische Bundesanstalt (2013): 71-72
Introduction to special section: Characterization of hydrocarbon and geothermal resource potential and carbon sequestration opportunities of the Pannonian Basin
Balázs Németh, Gábor Tari, Gábor Bada, Dejan Radivojević, Bruno Tomljenovic, Csaba Krézsek. "Introduction to special section: Characterization of hydrocarbon and geothermal resource potential and carbon sequestration opportunities of the Pannonian Basin" in Interpretation, AAPG SEG (2018). https://doi.org/10.1190/INT-2017-1207-SPSEINTRO.1
Анализа података у циљу одређивања националних параметара према Еврокоду 8 за простор Републике Српске
Snježana N. CVIJIĆ (2016)Snježana N. CVIJIĆ. Анализа података у циљу одређивања националних параметара према Еврокоду 8 за простор Републике Српске, Beograd:Rudarsko-geološki fakultet, 2016