11 items
Tectonic Setting of the Vardar Suture Zone (dinaric-hellenic Belt): the Example of the Kopaonik Area (southern Serbia)
Zelic Mario, Marroni Michele, Pandolfi Luca, Trivić Branislav. "Tectonic Setting of the Vardar Suture Zone (dinaric-hellenic Belt): the Example of the Kopaonik Area (southern Serbia)" in Ofioliti 35/1 no. 35, 56126 Pisa, Italy:Publisher Edizioni ETS (2010): 49-69. https://doi.org/10.4454/ofioliti.v35i1.386 M22
Alpine tectono-metamorphic history of the continental units from Vardar zone: the Kopaonik Metamorphic Complex (Dinaric-Hellenic belt, Serbia)
Zelic Mario, Levi Nicola, Malasoma Alessandro, Marroni Michele, Pandolfi Luca, Trivić Branislav (2010)Zelic Mario, Levi Nicola, Malasoma Alessandro, Marroni Michele, Pandolfi Luca, Trivić Branislav. "Alpine tectono-metamorphic history of the continental units from Vardar zone: the Kopaonik Metamorphic Complex (Dinaric-Hellenic belt, Serbia)" in Geological Journal 45/1 no. 45, Sussex, England:John Wiley & SONS LTD (2010): 59-77. https://doi.org/10.1002/gj.1169 M22
Landslide Susceptibility Zonation in The Kolubara River Basin (Western Serbia) – Analisys of Input Data
Dragićević Slavoljub, Carević Ivana, Kostadinov Stanimir, Novković van., Abolmasov Biljana, Milojković Branko, Simić Dušan (2012)Dragićević Slavoljub, Carević Ivana, Kostadinov Stanimir, Novković van., Abolmasov Biljana, Milojković Branko, Simić Dušan. "Landslide Susceptibility Zonation in The Kolubara River Basin (Western Serbia) – Analisys of Input Data" in Carpathian Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences 7 no. 2, Baia Mare, Romania:University Of Baia Mare, Faculty of Mineral Resources and Environment (2012): 37-47 M22
Multi-phased normal faulting of the Eisenstadt-Sopron basin margins as a controlling factor over spatially confined coal mini-hydrocarbon play (east Austria).
Spahić Darko, Rundić Ljupko (2015)Spahić Darko, Rundić Ljupko. "Multi-phased normal faulting of the Eisenstadt-Sopron basin margins as a controlling factor over spatially confined coal mini-hydrocarbon play (east Austria)." in Carpathian Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences 2 no. 10, Baia Mare, Romania:North University Center of Baia Mare, Earth and Environmental Team (2015): 45-58 M23
Facing Engineering Problems in the Fragile Karst Environment
Parise Mario, Closson Damien, Gutierrez Francisco, Stevanović Zoran. "Facing Engineering Problems in the Fragile Karst Environment" in Engineering Geology for Society and Territory - Volume 5, Proceedings of the XII IAEG Congress, Torino 2014 5, :Springer International (2014): 479-482. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-09048-1_92 M33
Hazards in Karst and Managing Water Resources Quality
Parise Mario, Ravbar Nataša, Živanovic Vladimir, Mikszewski Alex, Kresic Neven, Mádl-Szőnyi Judit, Kukuric Neno (2015)Parise Mario, Ravbar Nataša, Živanovic Vladimir, Mikszewski Alex, Kresic Neven, Mádl-Szőnyi Judit, Kukuric Neno. "Hazards in Karst and Managing Water Resources Quality" in Karst Aquifers – Characterization and Engineering (Stevanović Z. ed), Series: Professional Practice in Earth Science, :Springer International Publishing (2015): 601-676. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-12850-4_17 M13
A new analytical method for determination of discharge duration in tunnels subjected to groundwater inrush
Mohsen Golian, Ebrahim Sharifi Teshnizi, Mario Parise, Josip Terzić, Sasa Milanović, Vesna Ristić Vakanjac, Masoud Mahdad, Mehdi Abbasi, Hossein Taghikhani, Habib Saadat (2021)Mohsen Golian, Ebrahim Sharifi Teshnizi, Mario Parise, Josip Terzić, Sasa Milanović, Vesna Ristić Vakanjac, Masoud Mahdad, Mehdi Abbasi, Hossein Taghikhani, Habib Saadat. "A new analytical method for determination of discharge duration in tunnels subjected to groundwater inrush" in Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, Springer Science and Business Media LLC (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10064-021-02140-6 М21
Influence of mono- and two-component organic modifiers on determination of lipophilicity of tetradentate Schiff bases
The infuences of the application of mono- and two-component organic modifers on lipophilicity determination of 12 tet radentate Schif bases by reversed-phase thin layer chromatography were investigated. The main goal is to estimate types of interaction between observed compounds and components of the applied chromatographic systems and establish some behaviour pattern in order to easier choose a combination of organic modifers which will simulate interaction in biological systems based on the facts that the same basic intermolecular interactions are ...Materials Chemistry, Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering, General Chemical Engineering, Biochemistry, General ChemistryNikola Stevanović, Aleksandar Mijatović, Aleksandar Lolić, Mario Zlatović, Rada Baošić. "Influence of mono- and two-component organic modifiers on determination of lipophilicity of tetradentate Schiff bases" in Chemical Papers, Springer Science and Business Media LLC (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11696-021-01884-5 М23
Influence of mono- and two-component organic modifiers on determination of lipophilicity of tetradentate Schiff bases
The infuences of the application of mono- and two-component organic modifers on lipophilicity determination of 12 tetradentate Schif bases by reversed-phase thin layer chromatography were investigated. The main goal is to estimate types of interaction between observed compounds and components of the applied chromatographic systems and establish some behaviour pattern in order to easier choose a combination of organic modifers which will simulate interaction in biological systems based on the facts that the same basic intermolecular interactions are responsible ...Materials Chemistry, Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering, General Chemical Engineering, Biochemistry,General ChemistryNikola Stevanović, Aleksandar Mijatović, Aleksandar Lolić, Mario Zlatović, Rada Baošić. "Influence of mono- and two-component organic modifiers on determination of lipophilicity of tetradentate Schiff bases" in Chemical Papers, Springer Science and Business Media LLC (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11696-021-01884-5 М23
Influence of mono- and two-component organic modifiers on determination of lipophilicity of tetradentate Schiff bases
Ispitivani su uticaji primene mono- i dvokomponentnih organskih modifikatora na određivanje lipofilnosti 12 tetradentatnih Šifovih baza metodom reverzno-fazne tankoslojne hromatografije. Osnovni cilj je da se proceni tip interakcije između posmatranih jedinjenja i komponenti primenjenih hromatografskih sistema i uspostavi neki obrazac ponašanja kako bi se lakše izabrala kombinacija organskih modifikatora koji će simulirati interakciju u biološkim sistemima na osnovu činjenica da iste osnovne intermolekularne interakcije su odgovorne za ponašanje supstanci i u biološkom i u hromatografskom sistemu. Primenjeni organski modifikator ...Nikola Stevanović, Aleksandar Mijatović, Aleksandar Lolić, Mario Zlatović, Rada Baošić. "Influence of mono- and two-component organic modifiers on determination of lipophilicity of tetradentate Schiff bases" in Chemical Papers, Springer Science and Business Media LLC (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11696-021-01884-5 М23
Defining of karstification depth beneath dam sites using special investigations methods (the Višegrad dam example, Bosnia & Herzegovina)
Saša Milanović, Ljiljana Vasić, Branislav Petrović, Veljko Marinović, Petar Vojnović. "Defining of karstification depth beneath dam sites using special investigations methods (the Višegrad dam example, Bosnia & Herzegovina)" in EUROKARST 2024, Rome, 10-14 June 2024, Sapienza Universita di Roma; Universita degli studi di Bari Aldo Moro (2024). https://doi.org/sciencesconf.org:eurokarst2024:515912 М34