1246 items
Climatic influence on Paleogene vegetation dynamics as evidenced from organic petrological and geochemical data from Bulgarian coal deposits
Alexander Zdravkov, Achim Bechtel, Doris Groβ, Ivan Kojić, Ksenija Stojanović, Dragana Životić (2024)Alexander Zdravkov, Achim Bechtel, Doris Groβ, Ivan Kojić, Ksenija Stojanović, Dragana Životić. "Climatic influence on Paleogene vegetation dynamics as evidenced from organic petrological and geochemical data from Bulgarian coal deposits" in 75th ICCP Meeting “Organic Petrology Research and Applications for the 21st Century”, Oviedo, Spain, September 22-28, 2024, Instituto de Ciencia y Tecnología del Carbono (INCAR-CSIC) (2024) М34
Paleovegetation and environment during deposition of the Late Oligocene sub-bituminous coal in the Bobov Dol Basin (SW Bulgaria) as deduced from petrographic and geochemical characteristics
Alexander Zdravkov, Achim Bechtel, Doris Groβ, Ivan Kojić, Ksenija Stojanović, Dragana Životić (2024)Coal and carbonaceous shale samples were taken from the Late Oligocene Bobov Dol Basin, SW Bulgaria. Seams Ia, I, IIa+b, III, IV and V from the coal-bearing Bobov Dol Fm. were sampled to provide insights into the peat forming vegetation and depositional environment based on detailed organic petrological and geochemical study. The petrographic composition indicates that both coals and carbonaceous shales contain predominantly terrestrial organic matter with abundant huminite macerals and locally enriched liptinite macerals. Inertinite is rare or ...Alexander Zdravkov, Achim Bechtel, Doris Groβ, Ivan Kojić, Ksenija Stojanović, Dragana Životić. "Paleovegetation and environment during deposition of the Late Oligocene sub-bituminous coal in the Bobov Dol Basin (SW Bulgaria) as deduced from petrographic and geochemical characteristics" in International Journal of Coal Geology, Elsevier BV (2024). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.coal.2024.104489 М21а
Microscopical characterization of carbon materials derived from coal and petroleum and their interaction phenomena on making steel electrodes, anodes and cathodes blocks
Predeanu G., Panaitescu C., Balanescu M., Bieg G., Gómez Borrego A., Diez M.A., Kwiecińska B., Marques M., Mastalerz M., Misz-Kennan M., Pusz S., Suárez Ruiz I., Rodriguez S., Singh A.K., Varma A., Zdravkov A., Životić Dragana (2013)Predeanu G., Panaitescu C., Balanescu M., Bieg G., Gómez Borrego A., Diez M.A., Kwiecińska B., Marques M., Mastalerz M., Misz-Kennan M., Pusz S., Suárez Ruiz I., Rodriguez S., Singh A.K., Varma A., Zdravkov A., Životić Dragana. "Microscopical characterization of carbon materials derived from coal and petroleum and their interaction phenomena on making steel electrodes, anodes and cathodes blocks" in 64rd Annual Meeting of the International Committee for Coal and Organic Petrology (ICCP) Book of Abstracts, Sosnowiec, Poland:University of Silesia, Sosnowiec (2013): 108-109 M34
Microscopical characterization of carbon materials derived from coal and petroleum and their interaction phenomena in making steel electrodes, anodes and cathode blocks for the microscopy of carbon materials working group of the ICCP
Predeanu G., Panaitescu C., Bălănescu M., Bieg G., Gómez Borrego A., Diez M.A., Hackley P., Kwiecińska B., Marques M., Mastalerz M., Misz-Kennan M., Pusz S., Suárez Ruiz I., Rodrigues S., Singh A.K., Varma A.K., Zdravkov A., Životić Dragana (2015)Predeanu G., Panaitescu C., Bălănescu M., Bieg G., Gómez Borrego A., Diez M.A., Hackley P., Kwiecińska B., Marques M., Mastalerz M., Misz-Kennan M., Pusz S., Suárez Ruiz I., Rodrigues S., Singh A.K., Varma A.K., Zdravkov A., Životić Dragana. "Microscopical characterization of carbon materials derived from coal and petroleum and their interaction phenomena in making steel electrodes, anodes and cathode blocks for the microscopy of carbon materials working group of the ICCP" in International Journal of Coal Geology 139, Amsterdam, Netherlands:Elsevier BV (2015): 63-79. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.coal.2014.07.011 M21
Petrological and organic geochemical study of the high rank coal from the Vrška Čuka Basin (Serbia)
Branka Đurić, Achim Bechtel, Reinhard F. Sachsenhofer, David Todorović, Ksenija Stojanović, Alexander Zdravkov, Dragana Životić (2024)Branka Đurić, Achim Bechtel, Reinhard F. Sachsenhofer, David Todorović, Ksenija Stojanović, Alexander Zdravkov, Dragana Životić. "Petrological and organic geochemical study of the high rank coal from the Vrška Čuka Basin (Serbia)" in 75th ICCP Meeting “Organic Petrology Research and Applications for the 21st Century”, Oviedo, Spain, September 22-28, 2024, Instituto de Ciencia y Tecnología del Carbono (INCAR-CSIC) (2024) М34
Structure and morphology of chars and activated carbons obtained from thermal treatment of coal and biomass origin materials, including their wastes: Results from the ICCP Microscopy of Carbon Materials Working Group
Georgeta Predeanu, Małgorzata Wojtaszek-Kalaitzidi, Isabel Suárez Ruiz., Mihaela N Bălănescu, Angeles Gómez Borrego, Mircea D.Ghiran, Paul C.Hackley, Stavros Kalaitzidis, Jolanta Kus, Maria Mastalerz, Magdalena Misz-Kennan, Slawka Pusz, Sandra Rodrigues, Georgios Siavalas, Atul Varma, Alexander Zdravkov, Dragana Životić (2024)This paper describes the evaluation of petrographic textures in char and activated carbon derived from coal, coal by-products and biomass, formed during carbonization and activation processes. This work represents the results of interlaboratory exercises from 2016 to 2022 of the Microscopy of Carbon Materials Working Group in Commission III of the International Committee for Coal and Organic Petrology. The interlaboratory exercises were run on photomicrograph samples. For textural characterization of carbon materials, the existing American Society for Testing and ...чађ/биочађ, активни угљеник, термичка обрада (конвенционална/неконвенционална), адсорпција, међулабораторијака вежбања, ICCPGeorgeta Predeanu, Małgorzata Wojtaszek-Kalaitzidi, Isabel Suárez Ruiz., Mihaela N Bălănescu, Angeles Gómez Borrego, Mircea D.Ghiran, Paul C.Hackley, Stavros Kalaitzidis, Jolanta Kus, Maria Mastalerz, Magdalena Misz-Kennan, Slawka Pusz, Sandra Rodrigues, Georgios Siavalas, Atul Varma, Alexander Zdravkov, Dragana Životić. "Structure and morphology of chars and activated carbons obtained from thermal treatment of coal and biomass origin materials, including their wastes: Results from the ICCP Microscopy of Carbon Materials Working Group" in International Journal of Coal Geology, Elsevier BV (2024). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.coal.2024.104519 М21а
Pregled geologije i istraživanja urana u oblastima Naarst-a, Suujiin Taal-a i Zunbajan-a u jugoistočnoj Mongoliji (Dornogovi)
Vakanjac Boris, Ristić-Vakanjac Vesna, Kondžulović Rajko. "Pregled geologije i istraživanja urana u oblastima Naarst-a, Suujiin Taal-a i Zunbajan-a u jugoistočnoj Mongoliji (Dornogovi)" in Zapisnici Srpskog geološkog društva, Beograd, Srbija:Srpsko geološko društvo (2014): 59-78 M53
A new optimal family of three-step methods for efficient finding of a simple root of a nonlinear equation
Ralević Nebojša, Ćebić Dejan (2016)Ralević Nebojša, Ćebić Dejan. "A new optimal family of three-step methods for efficient finding of a simple root of a nonlinear equation" in Mathematical Communications 21 (2016): 189-197 M23
Using English Baits to Catch Serbian Multi-Word Terminology
In this paper we present the first results in bilingual terminology extraction. The hypothesis of our approach is that if for a source language domain terminology exists as well as a domain aligned corpus for a source and a target language, then it is possible to extract the terminology for a target language. Our approach relies on several resources and tools: aligned domain texts, domain terminology for a source language, a terminology extractor for a target language, and a ...aligned texts, word alignment, terminology extraction, electronic dictionaries, morphological inflectionCvetana Krstev, Branislava Šandrih, Ranka Stanković. "Using English Baits to Catch Serbian Multi-Word Terminology" in Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, LREC 2018, Miyazaki, Japan, May 7-12, 2018, European Language Resources Association (ELRA) (2018) M33
A necessary and sufficient condition for an algebraic integer to be a Salem number
Dragan Stankov (2019)We present a necessary and sufficient condition for a root greater than unity of a monic reciprocal polynomial of an even degree at least four, with integer coefficients, to be a Salem number. This condition requires that the minimal polynomial of some power of the algebraic integer has a linear coefficient that is relatively large. We also determine the probability that an arbitrary power of a Salem number, of certain small degrees, satisfies this condition.Algebraic integer, the house of algebraic integer, maximal modulus, reciprocal polynomial, primitive polynomial, Schinzel-Zassenhaus conjecture, Mahler measure, method of least squares, cyclotomic polynomialsDragan Stankov. "A necessary and sufficient condition for an algebraic integer to be a Salem number" in Journal de theorie des nombres de Bordeaux (2019). https://doi.org/10.5802/jtnb.1076 М23
A Teamwork-Based Protocol for a Holistic Approach to Selecting a Sustainable Mine Dewatering Management Plan
znanje eksperta, podzemne vode, primenjena matematika, fazi optimizacija, strategija održivog upravljanja, holistički sistemDragoljub Bajić, Sanja Bajić, Jelena Trivan, Ljubica Figun, Jelena Milovanović. "A Teamwork-Based Protocol for a Holistic Approach to Selecting a Sustainable Mine Dewatering Management Plan" in Sustainability , MDPI (2024) М22
A Variant of Sharma-Aroras Optimal Eighth-Order Family of Methods for Finding A Simple Root of Nonlinear Equation,
Ćebić Dejan, Paunović Marija, Ralević Nebojša. "A Variant of Sharma-Aroras Optimal Eighth-Order Family of Methods for Finding A Simple Root of Nonlinear Equation," in IEEE 16th International Symposium on Intelligent Systems and Informatics (SISY) (2018): 81-96. https://doi.org/ 10.1109/SISY.2018.8524857 M33
Moho Depth Determination of the Adriatic Sea Region Using a New Bouguer Anomaly Database
Tassis G.A., Papazachos C.B., G.N. Tsokas, I.N. Tziavos, Vasiljević Ivana, Stampolidis A.. "Moho Depth Determination of the Adriatic Sea Region Using a New Bouguer Anomaly Database" in 8th Congress of the Balkan Geophysical Society, Chania, Greece:Balkan Geophysical Society (2015). https://doi.org/10.3997/2214-4609.201414213 M33
Fission-track constraints on the thermal evolution of the Serbo-Macedonian Massif (south Serbia, southwest Bulgaria and east Macedonia)
Antić, M., Kounov A., Trivic B., Peytcheva I., von Quadt A., Gerdjikov I.. "Fission-track constraints on the thermal evolution of the Serbo-Macedonian Massif (south Serbia, southwest Bulgaria and east Macedonia)" in 10th Swiss Geoscience Meeting, Bern, Switzerland, 16-17 November 2012, Abstract Volume, Bern: (2012): 65-65 M34
Towards resolving Cretaceous to Miocene kinematics of the Adria-Europe contact zone in reconstructions: Inferences from a structural study in a critical Dinarides area
One key element in the current debate analysing the Central Mediterranean evolution is the Cretaceous structure and kinematics of the present-day oroclinal bent contact between Adria-and Europe-derived continental units in the Dinarides, interpreted in different tectonic reconstructions as a subduction-related thrust system or a large-scale strike-slip fault zone. We provide a solution to the debate by a structural and kinematic study in a key area located in central Serbia along the Europe–Adria orogenic suture of the Sava Zone. The ...Uroš Stojadinović, Nemanja Krstekanić, Liviu Matenco, Tamara Bogdanović. "Towards resolving Cretaceous to Miocene kinematics of the Adria-Europe contact zone in reconstructions: Inferences from a structural study in a critical Dinarides area" in Terra Nova, Wiley (2022). https://doi.org/10.1111/ter.12618 М22
Measurement of Compressive Forces on the Rolls of a Pipe Conveyor by Action Various Tensile Forces in a Conveyor Belt
Michalik Peter, Molnár Vjeroslav, Fedorko Gabriel, Ristović Ivica. "Measurement of Compressive Forces on the Rolls of a Pipe Conveyor by Action Various Tensile Forces in a Conveyor Belt" in Metallurgy 2 no. 49, Zagreb, Croatia:Croatian Metallurgical Society (CMS) (2010): 381-384 M23
Integration of the 4Cs in a CLIL-based textbook for geology students: A case study
Marija Đorđević (2023)Marija Đorđević. "Integration of the 4Cs in a CLIL-based textbook for geology students: A case study" in Technium Social Sciences Journal, PLUS COMMUNICATION CONSULTING SRL (2023). https://doi.org/10.47577/tssj.v52i1.10248 М51
A Model for Determining Fuzzy Evaluations of Partial Indicators of Availability for High-Capacity Continuous Systems at Coal Open Pits Using a Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System
This paper presents a model for determining fuzzy evaluations of partial indicators of the availability of continuous systems at coal open pits using a neuro-fuzzy inference system. The system itself is a combination of fuzzy logic and artificial neural networks. The system availability is divided into partial indicators. By combining the fuzzy logic and artificial neural networks, a model is obtained that has the ability to learn and uses expert judgment for that learning. This paper deals with the ...системи, континуални системи експлоатације (роторни багер-транспортер-дробилично постројење), рударство, расположивост, меко рачунарство, фази логика, ANN, ANFISMiljan Gomilanović, Miloš Tanasijević, Saša Stepanović, Filip Miletić. "A Model for Determining Fuzzy Evaluations of Partial Indicators of Availability for High-Capacity Continuous Systems at Coal Open Pits Using a Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System" in Energies, MDPI AG (2023). https://doi.org/10.3390/en16072958 М23
Structural transformations of hydrothermaly synthesized a-Li2-xTiO3-0.5x•(H2O)y - Структурне трансформације хидротермално синтетисаних a-Li2-xTiO3-0.5x•(H2O)y
Veljković Ivana, Poleti Dejan, Karanović Ljiljana, Rogan Jelena. "Structural transformations of hydrothermaly synthesized a-Li2-xTiO3-0.5x•(H2O)y - Структурне трансформације хидротермално синтетисаних a-Li2-xTiO3-0.5x•(H2O)y" in XVIII Konferencija Srpskog kristalografskog društva, Izvodi radova, Andrevlje, Srbija:Srpsko kristalografsko društvo (2011): 34-35 M64
The demir kapija ophiolite, Macedonia (FYROM): A Snapshot of subduction initiation within a back-arc
Božović Milica, Prelević Dejan, Romer Rolf, Barth Matthias, van den Bogaard Paul, Boev Blazo. "The demir kapija ophiolite, Macedonia (FYROM): A Snapshot of subduction initiation within a back-arc" in Journal of Petrology 54 no. 7, Oxford, United Kingdom :Oxford University Press (2013): 1427-1453. https://doi.org/doi.org/10.1093/petrology/egt0 M21