22 items
Minerološka proučavanja turmalina iz pegmatita Cera
Slađana Jelić (2008)Slađana Jelić. Minerološka proučavanja turmalina iz pegmatita Cera, Beograd:Rudarsko-geološki fakultet, 2008
Foreign molecules and ions in beryl obtained by infrared and visible spectroscopy
Jelić I., Logar M., Milošević M.. "Foreign molecules and ions in beryl obtained by infrared and visible spectroscopy" in Geophysical Research Abstracts Geophysical Research Abstracts 19, Vienna, Austria:Copernicus Publications (2017): 2479 M34
Mineralogy and thermal properties of clay from Slatina (Ub, Serbia)
Milošević M., Logar M., Kaluđerović L., Jelić I.. "Mineralogy and thermal properties of clay from Slatina (Ub, Serbia)" in Geophysical Research Abstracts Geophysical Research Abstracts 19, Vienna, Austria:Copernicus Publications (2017): 2044 M34
Characterization of clays from Slatina (Ub, Serbia) for potential uses in the ceramic industry
Milošević M., Logar M., Kaluđerović L., Jelić I.. "Characterization of clays from Slatina (Ub, Serbia) for potential uses in the ceramic industry" in Energy Procedia Energy Procedia 125, :Elsevier (2017): 650-655. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.egypro.2017.08.270 M33
Kinetics, mechanism and equilibrium studies of the reactions between a ruthenium(II) сomplex and some nitrogen- and sulfur- donor nucleophiles
Mijatović Aleksandar, Jelić Ratomir, Bogojeski Jovana, Bugarčić Živadin, Petrović Biljana. "Kinetics, mechanism and equilibrium studies of the reactions between a ruthenium(II) сomplex and some nitrogen- and sulfur- donor nucleophiles" in Monatshefte für Chemie - Chemical Monthly 144 no. 897, Wien : Springer (2013): 1489-1498. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1007/s00706 M22
Replica of the “Great Triangle Gold Nugget” Belonging to Belgrade University Collection, Gilded or Not?
Alena Zdravković, Maja Milošević, Ivana Jelić. "Replica of the “Great Triangle Gold Nugget” Belonging to Belgrade University Collection, Gilded or Not?" in 8th Mineral Sciences in the Carpathians Conference, Acta Mineralogica-Petrographica, Miskolc, Hungary, Department of Mineralogy, Geochemistry and Petrology, University of Szeged, Szeged, Hungary (2021) М34
History of meteorite donations to the Collection of Minerals and Rocks of the University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mining and Geology (Serbia)
Alena Zdravković, Maja Milošević, Kristina Šarić, Ivana Jelić, Ana Černok. "History of meteorite donations to the Collection of Minerals and Rocks of the University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mining and Geology (Serbia)" in 9th International Conference Mineralogy and Museums, Sofia, Bulgaria, Earth and Man National Museum and Bulgarian Mineralogical Society (2021) М34
Cultural Heritage and Protection of Hand-Wheeled Pottery Manufacture in Western Serbia: Characteristics of Zlakusa Pottery Based on Sem-Eds and Optical Microscopy
Milošević Maja, Zdravković Alena, Đordjević Biljana, Jelić Ivana. "Cultural Heritage and Protection of Hand-Wheeled Pottery Manufacture in Western Serbia: Characteristics of Zlakusa Pottery Based on Sem-Eds and Optical Microscopy" in 8th Mineral Sciences in the Carpathians Conference, Acta Mineralogica-Petrographica, Miskolc, Hungary, Department of Mineralogy, Geochemistry and Petrology, University of Szeged, Szeged, Hungary (2021) М34
Metalogenetsko prognoziranje ležišta boksita zapadne Srbije
Slađan Timotijević (1993)Slađan Timotijević. Metalogenetsko prognoziranje ležišta boksita zapadne Srbije, Beograd:Rudarsko Geološki Fakultet, 1993
Metalogenija boksita zapadne Srbije
Slađan Timotijević (1984)Slađan Timotijević. Metalogenija boksita zapadne Srbije, Beograd:Rudarsko-geološki fakultet, 1984
Uloga geološko-hidrogeoloških i drugih uslova sredine na stanje erozionih procesa u Grdeličkoj klisuri
Slađana Marković (1996)Slađana Marković. Uloga geološko-hidrogeoloških i drugih uslova sredine na stanje erozionih procesa u Grdeličkoj klisuri, Beograd:Rudarsko-geološki fakultet, 1996
Crystallography and Surface Oxidation of Stoichiometric Arsenopyrite from Šumadija-Kopaonik Pb-Zn/Polymetallic Ore District (Serbia)
Ivana Jelić, Aleksandar Pačevski, Aleksandar Kremenović, Aleš Šoster, Andreja Šestan, Janez Zavašnik (2023)The behaviour and stability of arsenopyrite largely depend on its crystal structure, but studies of crystallography and structural defects are scarce. For clarification, we investigated a series of natural arsenopyrite crystals from the polymetallic Pb-Zn-(±Cu,Ag,Au,Sb,Bi,W) Šumadija-Kopaonik ore district (Serbia) by powder X-ray diffraction (XRPD). Among them, samples from the Drenjak gold mineralisation showed near-stoichiometric FeAsS composition and were further investigated by conventional and high-resolution transmission electron microscopy methods. TEM revealed abundant planar crystallographic defects and epitaxial surface oxide layer ...Inorganic Chemistry, Condensed Matter Physics,General Materials Science, General Chemical Engineering, crystal structure, FeAsS, oxidation, TEM, XRPDIvana Jelić, Aleksandar Pačevski, Aleksandar Kremenović, Aleš Šoster, Andreja Šestan, Janez Zavašnik. "Crystallography and Surface Oxidation of Stoichiometric Arsenopyrite from Šumadija-Kopaonik Pb-Zn/Polymetallic Ore District (Serbia)" in Crystals, MDPI AG (2023). https://doi.org/10.3390/cryst13020278 М22
Petrologija kvarcita Kaone i njihov značaj kao mineralne sirovine
Krstić Slađana D. (2016)Krstić Slađana D.. Petrologija kvarcita Kaone i njihov značaj kao mineralne sirovine, Beograd:Rudarsko-geološki fakultet, 2016
Arsenopirit iz rudnih ležišta Šumadijsko-kopaoničke oblasti: paregeneza, sastav i produkti oksidacije
Ivana N. Jelić (2023)Arsenopirit, FeAsS je čest pratilac polimetaličnih orudnjenja Šumadijsko-kopaoničke oblasti. Jedan je od sulfida koji u najvećoj meri koncentriše zlato. Nepoželjan je u rudama jer njegovom oksidacijom na jalovištima može doći do oslobađanja arsena koji spada u elemente toksične za životnu sredinu. U okviru ovog doktorata sistematski su ispitivani arsenopiriti iz različitih stadijuma i tipova orudnjenja rudnih ležišta i mineralizacija Šumadijsko-kopaoničke oblasti (Rudnik, Sastavci, Trepča, Gokčanica – Drenjak i Rujak, Golijska reka i Jurija). Uzorci arsenopirita ispitivani su polarizacionom mikroskopijom ...Ivana N. Jelić. Arsenopirit iz rudnih ležišta Šumadijsko-kopaoničke oblasti: paregeneza, sastav i produkti oksidacije, Beograd : [I. Jelić], 2023 M70
Synthesis of MnCo2O4 nanoparticles as modifiers for simultaneous determination of Pb(II) and Cd(II)
The porous spinel oxide nanoparticles, MnCo2O4, were synthesized by citrate gel combustion technique. Morphology, crystallinity and Co/Mn content of modified electrode was characterized and determined by Fourier transform infra-red spectroscopy (FT-IR), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive spectrometry (EDS), X-ray diffraction pattern analysis (XRD), simultaneous thermogravimetry and differential thermal analysis (TG/DTA). Nanoparticles were used for modification of glassy carbon electrode (GCE) and new sensor was applied for simultaneous determination of Pb(II) and Cd(II) ions in water samples with the ...Vesna Antunović, Marija Ilić, Rada Baošić, Dijana Jelić, Aleksandar Lolić. "Synthesis of MnCo2O4 nanoparticles as modifiers for simultaneous determination of Pb(II) and Cd(II)" in PLOS ONE (2019). https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0210904 М22
Micro- to nanoscale textures of gold in arsenopyrite and scorodite from the As-Au-Bi assemblage of Drenjak locality (Serbia)
Ivana Jelić, Janez Zavašnik, Marina Lazarov, Alena Zdravković, Sabina Kovač, Jovica Stojanović, Aleksandar Pačevski (2023)Arsenopyrite and pyrite are important carriers of Au that is present in the form of microscopic and “invisible” gold. Such gold can be expected to be released upon the process of oxidation of these sulfides. In studied gold mineralization at Drenjak, related to the granitoids of the Oligocene-Miocene Kopaonik Ore District, the main arsenopyrite-pyrite-(bismuthinite) sulfide assemblage was formed in the quartz bodies and partly replaced by scorodite (FeAsO4·2H2O) and Bi-arsenate. With only up to 5 ppm of gold recorded ...Ivana Jelić, Janez Zavašnik, Marina Lazarov, Alena Zdravković, Sabina Kovač, Jovica Stojanović, Aleksandar Pačevski. "Micro- to nanoscale textures of gold in arsenopyrite and scorodite from the As-Au-Bi assemblage of Drenjak locality (Serbia)" in Ore Geology Reviews, Elsevier BV (2023). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.oregeorev.2023.105711 М21
Equilibrium and kinetic studies of the reactions between [Ru(terpy)(bipy)Cl]Cl complex and biologically important N-donor ligands
Studije u oblasti antikancerogenih karakteristika jedinjenja rutenijuma(III/II) izazivaju veliku pažnju već nekoliko godina otkako su neka od njih kao što su KP1019 (indazolijum-tetrahloridobis(H-indazol)rutenat(III)) i NAMI-A (imidazolijum) -trans-tetrahlorido(dimetilsulfoksid)indazolerutenat(III)) dostigao nivo kliničkog ispitivanja. Kompleksi rutenijuma u reakciji sa molekulom DNK formiraju prvenstveno gvanin- i adenin-adukt, kao komplekse platine. Takođe, nekoliko studija ukazuje na veoma jake interakcije sa proteinima. Međutim, kompleksi Ru(III/II) pokazuju generalno manje toksične efekte od lekova platine(II).1 Proučavali smo kinetiku reakcija supstitucije kompleksa [Ru(terpi)(bipi)Cl]Cl sa biološki važnim ligandima: dimetilsulfoksidom, gvanozin-5’-monofosfatom, ...Aleksandar Mijatović, Biljana Petrović, Ratomir Jelić, Živadin Bugarčić. "Equilibrium and kinetic studies of the reactions between [Ru(terpy)(bipy)Cl]Cl complex and biologically important N-donor ligands" in EuroAnalysis 16 - Challenges in Modern Analytical Chemistry, Belgrade : Division of Analytical Chemistry of the Serbian Chemical Society (2011) М34
Kinetics, mechanism, and equilibrium studies of the reactions between a ruthenium(II) complex and some nitrogen- and sulfur-donor nucleophiles
Aleksandar M. Mijatović, Ratomir M. Jelić, Jovana Bogojeski, Živadin D. Bugarčić, Biljana Petrović (2013)Kinetika i mehanizam reakcija supstitucije između [Ru(trpi)(bpi)Cl]+ sa nukleofilima gvanozin-5′-monofosfatom, L-histidinom, tioureom i dimetilsulfoksidom proučavani su spektrofotometrijski u 0,1 M NaClO4 na 310 K. Red reaktivnosti za odabrane ligande je: tiourea > gvanozin-5′-monofosfat > L-histidin > DMSO. Ovaj red je povezan sa elektronskim, strukturnim i hemijskim karakteristikama kompleksa i nukleofila. Reakcija supstitucije sa tioureom je proučavana na tri različite temperature (288, 298 i 310 K). Negativna entropija aktivacije DS = potvrđuje asocijativni način aktivacije. Formiranje kompleksa [Ru(trpi)(bpi)H2O]2+ sa ligandima ...Aleksandar M. Mijatović, Ratomir M. Jelić, Jovana Bogojeski, Živadin D. Bugarčić, Biljana Petrović. "Kinetics, mechanism, and equilibrium studies of the reactions between a ruthenium(II) complex and some nitrogen- and sulfur-donor nucleophiles" in Monatshefte für Chemie - Chemical Monthly, Springer Science and Business Media LLC (2013). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00706-013-1044-1 М22
Orthorhombic Crystal Structure of Grossular Garnet (Suva Česma, Western Serbia): Evidence from the Rietveld Refinement
Pavle Tančić, Slađana Dušanić, Suzana Erić. "Orthorhombic Crystal Structure of Grossular Garnet (Suva Česma, Western Serbia): Evidence from the Rietveld Refinement" in Powders, MDPI AG (2023). https://doi.org/10.3390/powders2020023 М52
Korelacija između sadržaja i iskorišćenja bakra u flotacijskom koncentratu iz pogona Veliki Krivelj u funkciji finoće mlevenja
Jovanović Ivana, Todorović Dejan, Miljanović Igor, Urošević Daniela, Magdalinović Srđana, Krstić Slađana (2013)Jovanović Ivana, Todorović Dejan, Miljanović Igor, Urošević Daniela, Magdalinović Srđana, Krstić Slađana. "Korelacija između sadržaja i iskorišćenja bakra u flotacijskom koncentratu iz pogona Veliki Krivelj u funkciji finoće mlevenja" in Bakar 38 no. 2, -:Institut za rudarstvo i metalurgiju Bor (2013): 45-54. https://doi.org/- M53