3255 items
O mogućnosti proizvodnog reaktiviranja ležišta cementnih laporaca Ralja kod Beograda
Ilić M., Kričak Lazar, Jagodić-Krunić D., Podunavac D.. "O mogućnosti proizvodnog reaktiviranja ležišta cementnih laporaca Ralja kod Beograda" in Zbornik radova XI Međunarodne Konferencije o površinskoj eksploataciji - OMC 2014, Zlatibor,Srbija:Jugoslovenski komitet za površinsku eksploataciju,Savez inženjera rudarstva i geologije Srbije (2014): 103-111 M33
Bioaccumulation of metals in sediments, fish and plant from Tisza river (Serbia)
Štrbac Snežana, Gajica Gordana, Kašanin Grubin Milica, Šajnović Aleksandra, Vasić Nebojša, Jovančićević Branimir, Simonović Predrag (2014)Štrbac Snežana, Gajica Gordana, Kašanin Grubin Milica, Šajnović Aleksandra, Vasić Nebojša, Jovančićević Branimir, Simonović Predrag. "Bioaccumulation of metals in sediments, fish and plant from Tisza river (Serbia)" in EGU2014 16, Austria:European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2014 (2014) M34
Influence of the organic complex concentration on adsorption of herbicide in organic modified montmorillonite
Kaluđerović Lazar, Tomić Zorica, Đurović Rada, Milošević Maja. "Influence of the organic complex concentration on adsorption of herbicide in organic modified montmorillonite" in Geophysical Research Abstracts 18, Vienna, Austria :Copernicus Publications (2016) M34
Orientation and optical properties of methylene blue crystal for better understanding of interactions with clay mineral surface
Milošević Maja, Logar Mihovil (2013)Milošević Maja, Logar Mihovil. "Orientation and optical properties of methylene blue crystal for better understanding of interactions with clay mineral surface" in Geophysical Research Abstracts Geophysical Research Abstracts Geophysical Research Abstracts 15, Vienna, Austria :Copernicus Publications (2013) M34
Color measurement of methylene blue dye/clay mixtures and its application using economical methods
Milošević Maja, Kaluđerović Lazar, Logar Mihovil. "Color measurement of methylene blue dye/clay mixtures and its application using economical methods" in Geophysical Research Abstracts 18, Vienna, Austria Vienna, Austria :Copernicus Publications Copernicus Publications (2016) M34
Monitoring podzemnih voda Beljaničkog masiva u funkciji formiranja modela karstnog sistema
Milanović Saša, Stevanović Zoran, Vasić Ljiljana. "Monitoring podzemnih voda Beljaničkog masiva u funkciji formiranja modela karstnog sistema" in Vodoprivreda 42 no. 04-Jun, Beograd:Jugoslovensko društvo za odvodnjavanje i navodnjavanje (2010): 199-212 M52
Damage quantification of built stone on Dark Gate (Belgrade, Serbia): sample of damage index application for decay rate evaluation
Franković Maja, Novaković Nevenka, Matović Vesna. "Damage quantification of built stone on Dark Gate (Belgrade, Serbia): sample of damage index application for decay rate evaluation" in Environmental Earth Sciences no. december, Berlin, Heidelberg:Springer-Verlag (2014). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12665-014-3843-z M22
Monoclinic structure and nonstoichiometry of ‘KAlSiO4-O1’
Kremenović Aleksandar, Lazić Biljana, Krüger Hannes, Tribus Martina, Vulić Predrag. "Monoclinic structure and nonstoichiometry of ‘KAlSiO4-O1’" in Acta Crystallographica Section C 69 no. 4, Copenhagen:International Union of Crystallography by Munksgaard (2013): 334-336. https://doi.org/10.1107/S0108270113006069 M23
Synchronization of the minimal models of bursting neurons coupled by delayed chemical or electrical synapses
Vasović Nebojša, Burić Nikola, Todorović Kristina, Grozdanović Ines. "Synchronization of the minimal models of bursting neurons coupled by delayed chemical or electrical synapses" in Chinese Physics B 21 no. 1, Bristol:IOP Publishing on behalf of the Chinese Physical Society (2012): 010203-1-010203-8 M21
PVC mixtures’ mechanical properties with the addition of modified calcite as filler
Mihajlović Slavica, Sekulić Živko, Vučinić Dušica, Jovanović Vladimir, Kolonja Božo. "PVC mixtures’ mechanical properties with the addition of modified calcite as filler" in Hemijska Industrija 66 no. 5, Beograd:Savez hemijskih inženjera (2012): 787-794. https://doi.org/10.2298/HEMIND111115025M M23
Device for more efficiency production of heavy oil
Danilović Dušan, Karović-Maričić Vesna, Batalović Veselin, Leković Branko. "Device for more efficiency production of heavy oil" in Chemical Engineering Research and Design 2 no. 90, London-Amsterdam -New York:Elsevier (2012): 238-242 M21
Exploration, production pace faster in Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Karović-Maričić Vesna, Danilović Dušan, Batalović Veselin, Leković Branko. "Exploration, production pace faster in Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina" in Oil & Gas Journal 110 no. 1A, Tulsa:Penwell (2012): 64-69 M23
Uticaj sastava biogasa na emisiju polutanata mikroturbine sa pilot gorionikom
Живковић Марија, Аџић Мирољуб, Ивезић Дејан, Даниловић Душан, Миливојевић Саша. "Uticaj sastava biogasa na emisiju polutanata mikroturbine sa pilot gorionikom" in Savremena poljoprivredna tehnika 37 no. 3, Novi Sad:Nacionalno društvo za poljoprivrednu tehniku (2011): 225-333 M51
Model of oil and gas pipeline rinsing using the fluid flow
Batalović Veselin, Danilović Dušan, Živković Marija. "Model of oil and gas pipeline rinsing using the fluid flow" in Journal of Applied Engineering Science 9 no. 1, Beograd:Institute for Research and Design in Commerce and Industry (2011): 237-242 M51
Semi-Automatic Extraction of Multiword Terms from Domain-Specific Corpora
Vesna Pajić, Staša Vujičić Stanković, Ranka Stanković, Miloš Pajić. "Semi-Automatic Extraction of Multiword Terms from Domain-Specific Corpora" in The Electronic Library 36 no. 3, Emerald Publishing Limited (2018): 550-567. https://doi.org/10.1108/EL-06-2017-0128 M23
Primena karata ranjivosti u definisanju zona sanitarne zaštite u karstu na primeru Zlotskog izvorišta
Milić Uroš, Živanović Vladimir, Jemcov Igor. "Primena karata ranjivosti u definisanju zona sanitarne zaštite u karstu na primeru Zlotskog izvorišta" in Vodoprivreda 50 no. 291-293, Beograd:Srpsko društvo za odvodnjavanje I navodnjavanje (2018): 101-110 M51
Upravljanje proizvodnjom nafte – novi alat na bazi fazi logike
Мирослав Црногорац, Душан Даниловић, Лола Томић. "Upravljanje proizvodnjom nafte – novi alat na bazi fazi logike" in IX Naučno stručni skup Preduzetništvo, inženjerstvo i menadžment Zrenjanin, 24.10.2020. god., Visoka tehnička škola strukovnih studija u Zrenjaninu (2020) М63
The Reciprocal Algebraic Integers Having Small House
Dragan Stankov (2021)Algebraic integer, the house of algebraic integer, maximal modulus, reciprocal polynomial, primitive polynomial, Schinzel-Zassenhaus conjecture, Mahler measure, method of least squares, cyclotomic polynomialsDragan Stankov. "The Reciprocal Algebraic Integers Having Small House" in Experimental Mathematics (2021). https://doi.org/ 10.1080/10586458.2021.1982425 М22
An optimal sixteenth order family of methods for solving nonlinear equations and their basins of attraction
Dejan Ćebić, Nebojša Ralević, Marina Marčeta. "An optimal sixteenth order family of methods for solving nonlinear equations and their basins of attraction" in Mathematical Communications (2020) М22
Први резултати истраживања заштићеног лесног профила у Земуну
Љупко Рундић, Млађен Јовановић , Тивадар Гауденyи, Виолета Гајић. "Први резултати истраживања заштићеног лесног профила у Земуну" in Владимир Д. Ласкарев - живот и дело (Поводом 150 година од рођења), Београд : САНУ : Српско геолошко друштво (2019) М61