165 items
Distribution of major and trace elements in the Kovin lignite (Serbia)
Dragana Životić, Olga Cvetković, Predrag Vulić, Ivan Gržetić, Vladimir Simić, Konstantin Ilijević, Biljana Dojčinović, Suzana Erić, Bogdan Radić, Sanja Stojadinović, Snežana Trifunović (2019)geochemical and mineralogical study was performed on lignite samples from the Upper Miocene Kovin deposit, hosting three coal seams. The Kovin lignite is characterized by high moisture content, medium to high ash yield, medium to high sulphur content and a relatively low gross and net calorific value. The mineralogical composition, and major and trace element contents were determined by X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive Xray spectroscopy (SEM-EDS) analyses, and inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES). ...... Olga Cvetković, Predrag Vulić, Ivan Gržetić, Vladimir Simić, Konstantin Ilijević, Biljana Dojčinović, Suzana Erić, Bogdan Radić, Sanja Stojadinović, Snežana Trifunović Дигитални репозиторијум Рударско-геолошког факултета Универзитета у Београду [ДР РГФ] Distribution of major and trace elements in ...
... Olga Cvetković, Predrag Vulić, Ivan Gržetić, Vladimir Simić, Konstantin Ilijević, Biljana Dojčinović, Suzana Erić, Bogdan Radić, Sanja Stojadinović, Snežana Trifunović | Geologia Croatica | 2019 | | 10.4154/gc.2019.06 http://dr.rgf.bg.ac.rs/s/repo/item/0005658 Дигитални репозиторијум Рударско-геолошког ...
... Predrag Vulić1, Ivan Gržetić3, Vladimir Simić1, Konstantin Ilijević3, Biljana Dojčinović2, Suzana Erić1, Bogdan Radić4, Sanja Stojadinović2 and Snežana Trifunović3 1 University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mining and Geology, Đušina 7, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia; (corresponding author: dragana.zivotic@rgf ...Dragana Životić, Olga Cvetković, Predrag Vulić, Ivan Gržetić, Vladimir Simić, Konstantin Ilijević, Biljana Dojčinović, Suzana Erić, Bogdan Radić, Sanja Stojadinović, Snežana Trifunović. "Distribution of major and trace elements in the Kovin lignite (Serbia)" in Geologia Croatica, Croatian Geological Survey (2019). https://doi.org/10.4154/gc.2019.06
An overview of the radiation properties of spring water in the rural areas of Central Serbia
Biljana Vučković, Smiljana Marković, Snežana Stević, Sanja Mrazovac Kurilić, Ljiljana Nikolić-Bujanović, Nataša Todorović, Jovana Nikolov, Dragan Radovanović, Danica Srećković Batoćanin, Anja Jokić (2021)Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis,Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health,Pollution,Soil Science,Waste Management and Disposal,Water Science and Technology,Environmental Chemistry,Analytical ChemistryBiljana Vučković, Smiljana Marković, Snežana Stević, Sanja Mrazovac Kurilić, Ljiljana Nikolić-Bujanović, Nataša Todorović, Jovana Nikolov, Dragan Radovanović, Danica Srećković Batoćanin, Anja Jokić. "An overview of the radiation properties of spring water in the rural areas of Central Serbia" in International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry, Informa UK Limited (2021). https://doi.org/10.1080/03067319.2021.1890060
Overcoming the Low Oral Bioavailability of Deuterated Pyrazoloquinolinone Ligand DK-I-60-3 by Nanonization: A Knowledge-Based Approach
Jelena R. Mitrović , Branka Divović-Matović, Daniel E. Knutson, Jelena B. Ðoković, Aleksandar Kremenović, Vladimir D. Dobričić, Danijela V. Randjelović, Ivana Pantelić, James M. Cook, Miroslav M. Savić, Snežana D. Savić (2021)Poor water solubility of new chemical entities is considered as one of the main obstacles in drug development, as it usually leads to low bioavailability after administration. To overcome these problems, the selection of the appropriate formulation technology needs to be based on the physicochemical properties of the drug and introduced in the early stages of drug research. One example of the new potential drug substance with poor solubility is DK-I-60-3, deuterated pyrazoloquinolinone, designed for the treatment of various neuropsychiatric ...... Knutson, Jelena B. Ðoković, Aleksandar Kremenović, Vladimir D. Dobričić, Danijela V. Randjelović, Ivana Pantelić, James M. Cook, Miroslav M. Savić, Snežana D. Savić Дигитални репозиторијум Рударско-геолошког факултета Универзитета у Београду [ДР РГФ] Overcoming the Low Oral Bioavailability of Deuterated ...
... Knutson, Jelena B. Ðoković, Aleksandar Kremenović, Vladimir D. Dobričić, Danijela V. Randjelović, Ivana Pantelić, James M. Cook, Miroslav M. Savić, Snežana D. Savić | Pharmaceutics | 2021 | | 10.3390/pharmaceutics13081188 http://dr.rgf.bg.ac.rs/s/repo/item/0005481 Дигитални репозиторијум Рударско-геолошког ...
... Aleksandar Kremenović 4 , Vladimir D. Dobričić 5, Danijela V. Randjelović 6, Ivana Pantelić 1 , James M. Cook 3 , Miroslav M. Savić 2 and Snežana D. Savić 1,* ���������� ������� Citation: Mitrović, J.R.; Divović-Matović, B.; Knutson, D.E.; Ðoković, J.B.; Kremenović, A.; Dobričić ...Jelena R. Mitrović , Branka Divović-Matović, Daniel E. Knutson, Jelena B. Ðoković, Aleksandar Kremenović, Vladimir D. Dobričić, Danijela V. Randjelović, Ivana Pantelić, James M. Cook, Miroslav M. Savić, Snežana D. Savić. "Overcoming the Low Oral Bioavailability of Deuterated Pyrazoloquinolinone Ligand DK-I-60-3 by Nanonization: A Knowledge-Based Approach" in Pharmaceutics, MDPI, Basel, Switzerland (2021). https://doi.org/10.3390/pharmaceutics13081188
Freeze-dried nanocrystal dispersion of novel deuterated pyrazoloquinolinone ligand (DK-I-56-1): Process parameters and lyoprotectant selection through the stability study
Jelena R. Mitrović, Maja Bjelošević Žiberna, Aleksandar Vukadinović, Daniel E. Knutson, Dishary Sharmin, Aleksandar Kremenović, Pegi Ahlin Grabnar, Odon Planinšek, Dominique Lunter, James M. Cook, Miroslav M. Savić, Snežana D. Savić (2023)Recently, nanocrystal dispersions have been considered as a promising formulation strategy to improve the bioavailability of the deuterated pyrazoloquinolinone ligand DK-I-56-1 (7‑methoxy-2-(4‑methoxy-d3-phenyl)-2,5-dihydro-3H-pyrazolo[4,3-c]quinolin-3-one). In the current study, the freeze-drying process (formulation and process parameters) was investigated to improve the storage stability of the previously developed formulation. Different combinations of lyoprotectant (sucrose or trehalose) and bulking agent (mannitol) were varied while formulations were freeze-dried under two conditions (primary drying at -10 or -45 °C). The obtained lyophilizates were characterized in terms ...... Daniel E. Knutson, Dishary Sharmin, Aleksandar Kremenović, Pegi Ahlin Grabnar, Odon Planinšek, Dominique Lunter, James M. Cook, Miroslav M. Savić, Snežana D. Savić Дигитални репозиторијум Рударско-геолошког факултета Универзитета у Београду [ДР РГФ] Freeze-dried nanocrystal dispersion of novel ...
... Daniel E. Knutson, Dishary Sharmin, Aleksandar Kremenović, Pegi Ahlin Grabnar, Odon Planinšek, Dominique Lunter, James M. Cook, Miroslav M. Savić, Snežana D. Savić | European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences | 2023 | | 10.1016/j.ejps.2023.106557 http://dr.rgf.bg.ac.rs/s/repo/item/0008122 Дигитални ...
... Knutson d, Dishary Sharmin d, Aleksandar Kremenović *, Pegi Ahlin Grabnar , Odon Planinšek , Dominique Lunter', James M. Cook “, Miroslav M. Savić”, Snežana D. Savić “ * Department of Pharmaceutical Technology and Cosmetology, University of Belgrade-Faculty of Pharmacy, Vojvode Stepe 450, Belgrade 11221 ...Jelena R. Mitrović, Maja Bjelošević Žiberna, Aleksandar Vukadinović, Daniel E. Knutson, Dishary Sharmin, Aleksandar Kremenović, Pegi Ahlin Grabnar, Odon Planinšek, Dominique Lunter, James M. Cook, Miroslav M. Savić, Snežana D. Savić. "Freeze-dried nanocrystal dispersion of novel deuterated pyrazoloquinolinone ligand (DK-I-56-1): Process parameters and lyoprotectant selection through the stability study" in European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Elsevier BV (2023). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ejps.2023.106557
Старење бунара у алувијалним срединама различитог степена оксичности
Brankica Majkić (2013-09-27)Старење бунара настаје као последица процеса корозије и колмирања. Процесекорозије могуће је спречити уградњом филтерских конструкција од материјалаотпорних на корозију. Колмирање може да настане без обзира на врсту материјалаод кога се праве бунарске конструкције, а процесом може бити захваћенаприфилтарска зона па и зона саме водоносне средине. Из тог разлога тезa јеусмеренa на процесе који доводе до колмирања бунара и последицe опадањaкапацитета водозахватних објеката. Полазна хипотеза је да бунари стареразличитом брзином у срединама различитог степена оксичности. Хидрохемијскеи микробиолошке карактеристике подземних ...старење бунара, алувијалне издани, степен оксичности средине,колмирање, бунарски талог, локални хидраулички губитак, дозвољене улазнебрзине... рада црпних станица. Пијезометарска мрежа на подручју Ковин-Дубовац управна је на дренажне линије и обухвата око 66 пијезометарских бушотина (Sretenović et al. 2004). Посебна мрежа пијезометара формирана је на приобалном потезу под утицајем рудника угља Ковин (Дубовачки рукавац) и чини је ...
... Lewis Publishers, p 291. Бранкица Мајкић докторска дисертација 293 121. Sretenović M., Radosavljević P. and M. Babić-Mladenović (2004): The program of monitoring, measurements and analysis of the effects of “Djerdap I” and “Djerdap ...Brankica Majkić. "Старење бунара у алувијалним срединама различитог степена оксичности" in Универзитет у Београду, Универзитет у Београду, Рударско-геолошки факултет (2013-09-27)