2234 items
Geotechnical conditions of “Debelo brdo” tunnel construction on the highway E-80: Nis-Merdare-Pristina (“Peace Highway”)
The construction of the highway E-80 has begun in Serbia, which will represent the traffic hub of the Western Balkans and will be part of the main regional transport network of Southeast Europe. Its total length through Serbia is 77 km, and one part of the route is designed through a typical plain terrain, while a larger part of the route passes through hilly terrain. The construction of the tunnel “Debelo brdo” is planned partly in an open cut ...Dragoslav Rakić, Irena Basarić Ikodinović, Radojica Lapčević, Dragan Lukić. "Geotechnical conditions of “Debelo brdo” tunnel construction on the highway E-80: Nis-Merdare-Pristina (“Peace Highway”)" in Proceedings of the XVIII ECSMGE 2024 geotechnical engineering challenges to meet current and emerging needs of society, Lisbon, 26-30 August 2024, CRC Press (2024). https://doi.org/10.1201/9781003431749-356 М33
Comparative analysis of karst water quality parameters of the Banja spring near Valjevo (Republic of Serbia)
Jovana Lončar, Jovana Mladenović, Vesna Ristić Vakanjac, Veljko Marinović, Branislav Petrović, Petar Vojnović, Radisav Golubović (2024)The monitoring of karst spring release regimes is becoming more and more relevant due to the fact that karst waters are of exceptional quality and most often it is only necessary to chlorinate these waters in order to use them for water supply. In addition to monitoring the discharge regime, it is certainly necessary to establish monitoring of quality parameters that are generally observed sporadically (seasonally or monthly). An example of a well-designed monitoring of quantitative and qualitative parameters ...Jovana Lončar, Jovana Mladenović, Vesna Ristić Vakanjac, Veljko Marinović, Branislav Petrović, Petar Vojnović, Radisav Golubović. "Comparative analysis of karst water quality parameters of the Banja spring near Valjevo (Republic of Serbia)" in Review of the Bulgarian Geological Society, Bulgarian Geological Society (2024). https://doi.org/10.52215/rev.bgs.2024.85.3.214 М23
Did the Dinaric Alps force an arid climate and speciation during the Miocene Climatic Optimum?
Robert Šamarija, Nevena Andrić-Tomašević, Oleg Mandic, Julia Madl, Katja Mužek, Katarina Bradić-Milinović, Armin Zeh, Ljupko Rundić, Vladimir Simić, Dragana Životić, Violeta Gajić, Zoran Marković, Davor Pavelić, Vedad Demir (2024)Robert Šamarija, Nevena Andrić-Tomašević, Oleg Mandic, Julia Madl, Katja Mužek, Katarina Bradić-Milinović, Armin Zeh, Ljupko Rundić, Vladimir Simić, Dragana Životić, Violeta Gajić, Zoran Marković, Davor Pavelić, Vedad Demir. "Did the Dinaric Alps force an arid climate and speciation during the Miocene Climatic Optimum?" in 100 years of the Paratethys (Laskarev, 1924) – Conceptual History and Modern Challenges, Belgrade, Serbia, 30. september – 1. october 2024 , Srpsko geološko društvo (2024) М34
Синтеза, структурне и магнетне особине Ca1-xGdxMnO3 нанопрахова
Milena Rosić (2014-12-05)У оквиру ове докторске тезе, испитиване су оптималне методе за добијањенанопраха – калцијум манганског оксида допираног јонима гадолинијума. Циљистраживања је испитивање одговарајућих прекурсора који су подесни да седобију чисти нано прахови манганита са перовскитском структуром, као имонофазни чврсти раствори са перовскитском структуром. Као подесан методкоришћена је модификована глицин нитратна метода, а од прекурсора нитрати иацетати одговарајућих метала. Модификација глицин нитратне методе се односина делимичну замену нитрата ацетатима, чиме је ублажена бурност реакције.Испитан је различити однос прекурсора, који дају наночестичне ...Milena Rosić. "Синтеза, структурне и магнетне особине Ca1-xGdxMnO3 нанопрахова" in Универзитет у Београду, Универзитет у Београду, Рударско-геолошки факултет (2014-12-05)
Kontaktni metamorfizam gornjokrednih sedimentnih stena Rudnika
Kostić N. Bojan (2021)Kontaktni metamorfizam gornjokrednih sedimentnih stena na planini Rudnik ispitivan je na uzorcima iz pet bušotina. Definisano je šest varijeteta krednih stena (protolita) koji čine dve litološke jedinice izgrađene od klastičnog, karbonatnog i klastično-karbonatnog materijala. Vulkanskom aktivnosti na Rudniku formirana su vulkanska tela koja se utiskuju duž slojevitosti sedimentnih stena, a neka ih presecaju u vidu dajkova. Starost ovog vulkanskog događaja određena je na 23.9 miliona godina. Ovaj miocenski vulkanizam doveo je do kontaktno metamorfnih promena sedimentnih stena i obrazovanja skarnova ...Kostić N. Bojan. Kontaktni metamorfizam gornjokrednih sedimentnih stena Rudnika, Univerzitet u Beogradu, Rudarsko-geološki fakultet, 2021 M70
Analysis of the Influence of Burden Deviation from the Designed One on the Intensity of the Blast Vibration
Stefan Milanović, Lazar Kričak, Milanka Negovanović, Nikola Simić, Jovan Marković, Nikola Đokić (2023)This paper presents an analysis of the influence of burden deviation from the designed one on the intensity of blasting vibrations through the use of laboratory and field examinations. By definition, the burden represents the shortest distance from the axis of an explosive column charge to the free surface. It should be measured along the entire hole length, although, in practice, it is often measured only on the bench surface as the shortest distance from the axis of the ...Stefan Milanović, Lazar Kričak, Milanka Negovanović, Nikola Simić, Jovan Marković, Nikola Đokić. "Analysis of the Influence of Burden Deviation from the Designed One on the Intensity of the Blast Vibration" in Applied Sciences, MDPI AG (2023). https://doi.org/10.3390/app132312837 М22
Geochemistry of neutral mine drainage at sulfide deposits ‒ example of the „Grot“ Pb-Zn mine, South-Eastern Serbia
U ovom radu proučavan je hemijski sastav voda iz rudnika i izdvojeni su hidro-geohemijski faktori koji utiču na njegovo formiranje. Sakupljeno je 11 uzoraka vode sa 6 lokacija na području Krive Feje, kako bi se utvrdio njihov hemijski sastav. Analizom podataka utvrđeno je da su vode sa ovog područja visokog kvaliteta, HCO3--SO42--Ca2+ i SO42--Ca2+ tipa, sa neutralnom pH vrednošću. Koncentracije metala u ovim vodama (cinka, olova, barijuma, bakra i hroma) generalno su niske i većina uzoraka voda ispunjava kriterijume ...podzemne vode, kisele rudničke vode, hidrogeohemijski faktori, metali, PHREEQC modeliranje, indeks saturacijeSnežana Kretić, Jana Štrbački, Nebojša Atanacković. "Geochemistry of neutral mine drainage at sulfide deposits ‒ example of the „Grot“ Pb-Zn mine, South-Eastern Serbia" in Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society, National Library of Serbia (2024). https://doi.org/10.2298/jsc230811013k М23
Prilog poznavanju promena kvalitativnih parametara voda vrela banje kod Valjeva
Jovana Lončar, Maša Vulović, Veljko Marinović, Branislav Petrović, Radisav Golubović, Vesna Ristić Vakanjac (2024)Zbog nepristupačnosti karstnih masiva i nenaseljenosti slivova karstnih vrela, često se sprovode osmatranja parametara kvaliteta i kvantiteta voda sporadično, po potrebi i to godišnje, sezonski/kvartalno, mesečno, nedeljno. Analize ovako formiranih nizova mogu dovesti do pogrešnih zaključaka, naročito kada se vrše analize ekstrema. Međutim, kada su u pitanju karstne izdanske vode, režim pojedinih parametara može biti jako uslovljen pluviografskim režimom. Najčešći su slučajevi da nakon otapanja snežnog pokrivača, zatim pri kišama jačih intenziteta ili dužih trajanja dolazi do skoro istovremenog ...Jovana Lončar, Maša Vulović, Veljko Marinović, Branislav Petrović, Radisav Golubović, Vesna Ristić Vakanjac. "Prilog poznavanju promena kvalitativnih parametara voda vrela banje kod Valjeva" in Zbornik radova XVII srpskog simpozijuma o hidrogeologiji sa međunarodnim učešćem, Beograd : Univerzitet u Beogradu - Rudarsko-geološki fakultet (2024). https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.13740037 М33
Eocene Marine fauna from the SW Part of Sirt Basin (Libya): Biostratigraphy and Paleoeenviromental Remarks
Rundić Ljupko, Ganić Meri, Gagić Nadežda, Knežević Slobodan, Sherif Khalid, Turki Salah, Vasić Nebojša (2012)Rundić Ljupko, Ganić Meri, Gagić Nadežda, Knežević Slobodan, Sherif Khalid, Turki Salah, Vasić Nebojša. "Eocene Marine fauna from the SW Part of Sirt Basin (Libya): Biostratigraphy and Paleoeenviromental Remarks" in The Geology of Souther Libya 1, Tripoli, Libya:Eart Science of Libya (ESSL) (2012): 223-235 M14
Tertiary Formations of the SW part of Sirt Basins (Libya): New Stratigraphic and Sedimentological Data
Rundić Ljupko, Toljić Marinko, Vasić Nebojša, Turki Salah, Dalub Husin, Sherif Kalid. "Tertiary Formations of the SW part of Sirt Basins (Libya): New Stratigraphic and Sedimentological Data" in The Geology of Southern Libya 1, Tripoli:Earth Science Society of Libya (ESSL) (2013): 153-174 M14
Textural and compositional characteristics of mantle xenoliths from southeastern Libya: Evidence of mantle refertilization processes
Radivojević Maša, Erić Suzana, Turki Salah M., Toljić Marinko, Cvetković Vladica. "Textural and compositional characteristics of mantle xenoliths from southeastern Libya: Evidence of mantle refertilization processes" in Geophysical Research Abstracts 16, Vienna, Austria:EGU (2014) M34
Skarn mineralizations in the Bor ore district: new evidence from study of bornite-chalcopyrite-hematite paragenesis
Pačevski Aleksandar, Šarić Kristina, Banješević Miodrag, Tončić Trajče, Cvetković Vladica. "Skarn mineralizations in the Bor ore district: new evidence from study of bornite-chalcopyrite-hematite paragenesis" in Diversity of copper and gold deposits in the Eastern Europe Balkan, Carpathian and Rhodopean belts: tectonic, magmatic and geochronological investigations, May 29 - June 02, Štip: (2012) M34
The origin and age of the metamorphic sole from the Rogozna Mts., Western Vardar Belt: New support for the one-ocean model for the Balkan ophiolites
Borojević-Šoštarić Sibila, Palinkaš Ladislav, Neubauer Franz, Cvetković Vladica, Bernroider Manfred, Genser Johann (2013)Borojević-Šoštarić Sibila, Palinkaš Ladislav, Neubauer Franz, Cvetković Vladica, Bernroider Manfred, Genser Johann. "The origin and age of the metamorphic sole from the Rogozna Mts., Western Vardar Belt: New support for the one-ocean model for the Balkan ophiolites" in 11th Workshop on Alpine Geological Studies & 7th IFAA 99, Schladming, Austria:EGU (2013): 20-21 M34
New evidence for the one-ocean model for the Balkan ophiolites: the origin and age of the metamorphic sole from the Rogozna Mts., Western Vardar Belt
Borojević-Šoštarić Sibila, Palinkaš Ladislav, Neubauer Franz, Cvetković Vladica, Bernroider Manfred, Genser Johann (2014)Borojević-Šoštarić Sibila, Palinkaš Ladislav, Neubauer Franz, Cvetković Vladica, Bernroider Manfred, Genser Johann. "New evidence for the one-ocean model for the Balkan ophiolites: the origin and age of the metamorphic sole from the Rogozna Mts., Western Vardar Belt" in Bul. Shk. Gjeol., 1/2014 - Special Issue. Proceedings of XX CBGA Congress no. 1, Tirana, Albania: (2014): 9-9 M34
Unravelling of continued magmatic activity along the Serbo-Macedonian massif since the Precambrian (south Serbia, southwest Bulgaria and Macedonia)
Antić Milorad, Kounov Alexandre, Trivić Branislav, Peytcheva Irena, Von Quadt Albrecht, Gerdjikov Ianko, Serafimovski Todor, Tasev Goran (2011)Antić Milorad, Kounov Alexandre, Trivić Branislav, Peytcheva Irena, Von Quadt Albrecht, Gerdjikov Ianko, Serafimovski Todor, Tasev Goran. "Unravelling of continued magmatic activity along the Serbo-Macedonian massif since the Precambrian (south Serbia, southwest Bulgaria and Macedonia)" in Abstract Volume, 9th Swiss Geoscience Meeting, Zurich, 11th – 13th November :Swiss Tectonics Studies Group of the Swiss Geological Society (2011): 13-13 M34
New data from the Vardar suture zone in the Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) used to test alternative models of Jurassic ophiolite emplacement and Neotethyan evolution in the Balkan region
Robertson H.F. Alastair, Trivić Branislav, Đerić Nevenka. "New data from the Vardar suture zone in the Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) used to test alternative models of Jurassic ophiolite emplacement and Neotethyan evolution in the Balkan region" in Geophysical Research Abstracts 13 no. EGU2011-1527, Max-Planck-Str. 13, 37191 Katlenburg-Lindau, Germany:Copernicus GmbH (2011) M34
Towards a Mining Equipment Ontology
Ranka Stanković, Ivan Obradović, Olivera Kitanović, Ljiljana Kolonja. "Towards a Mining Equipment Ontology" in Proceedings of the 12th International Conference Research and Development in Mechanical Industry, RaDMI 2012, September 2012, Vrnjačka Banja, Serbia no. 1, Vrnjačka Banja, Serbia : SaTCIP (Scientific and Technical Center for Intellectual Property) Ltd. (2012) M31
Pliocene lake deposits and the Pliocene/Quaternary boundary at the Fruška Gora (Serbia): An integrated study
Rundić Ljupko, Knežević Slobodan,Vasić Nebojša, Životić Dragana, Bechtel Achim, Gaudenyi Tivadar & Cvetkov Vesna (2016)Rundić Ljupko, Knežević Slobodan,Vasić Nebojša, Životić Dragana, Bechtel Achim, Gaudenyi Tivadar & Cvetkov Vesna. "Pliocene lake deposits and the Pliocene/Quaternary boundary at the Fruška Gora (Serbia): An integrated study" in RCMNS Interim Colloquium 2016 Croatian Geological Society Limnogeology Workshop Lake – Basin – Evolution, Zagreb, Croatia:Croatian Geological Institute, Croatian Geological Society (2016): 40-41 M34
Autocorrelation and cross-correlation analyses of total bacteria: Case study of Banja karst spring in Valjevo, Serbia
Ristić Vakanjac Vesna, Golubović Radisav, Polomčić Dušan, Čokorilo Ilić Marina, Štrbački Jana, Bajić Dragoljub, Ratković Jelena (2017)Ristić Vakanjac Vesna, Golubović Radisav, Polomčić Dušan, Čokorilo Ilić Marina, Štrbački Jana, Bajić Dragoljub, Ratković Jelena. "Autocorrelation and cross-correlation analyses of total bacteria: Case study of Banja karst spring in Valjevo, Serbia" in Proceedings of the national conference with international participation „Geosciences 2017“, Sofia:Bulgarian Geological Society (2017): 145-146 M34
Application of the VIKOR and FAHP multi-criteria optimisation methods for choosing the optimal groundwater control system: case of pumping station Bezdan 1 (Serbia)
Bajić Dragoljub, Polomčić Dušan, Ristić Vakanjac Vesna, Ratković Jelena, Čokorilo Ilić Marina (2017)Bajić Dragoljub, Polomčić Dušan, Ristić Vakanjac Vesna, Ratković Jelena, Čokorilo Ilić Marina. "Application of the VIKOR and FAHP multi-criteria optimisation methods for choosing the optimal groundwater control system: case of pumping station Bezdan 1 (Serbia)" in Proceedings of the national conference with international participation „Geosciences 2017“, Sofia:Bulgarian Geological Society (2017): 131-132 M34