3931 items
Resursi nafte i gasa u Srbiji: perspektivna područja, konvencionalni i nekonvencionalni potencijal
Kostić Aleksandar (2010)Kostić Aleksandar. "Resursi nafte i gasa u Srbiji: perspektivna područja, konvencionalni i nekonvencionalni potencijal" in Mineralno-sirovinski kompleks Srbije danas: izazovi i raskršća, Beograd:Akademija inženjerskih nauka Srbije, Rudarsko-geološki fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu, Privredna komora Srbije (2010): 329-349 M45
Phanerozoic activity of Tran-Saharan Fault Swarms in Central and Southern Libya
Marović Milun, Toljić Marinko, Turki Salah, Hanbola Masrud. "Phanerozoic activity of Tran-Saharan Fault Swarms in Central and Southern Libya" in The Geology of Southern Libya 3, Tripoli:Earth Science Society of Libya (ESSL) (2013): 137-150 M14
Prevent Leakage and Mixture of Karst Groundwater
Milanović Saša, Dragišić Veselin, Radulović Milan M., Stevanović Zoran. "Prevent Leakage and Mixture of Karst Groundwater" in Karst Aquifers – Characterization and Engineering (Stevanović Z. ed), Series: Professional Practice in Earth Science, :Springer International Publishing (2015): 531-600. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-12850-4_16 M13
Machine Learning and Landslide Assessment in a GIS Environment
Marjanović Miloš, Bajat Branislav, Abolmasov Biljana, Kovaćević Miloš. "Machine Learning and Landslide Assessment in a GIS Environment" in Geo Computational Analysis and Modeling of Regional Systems, Part of Advances in Geographic Information Science Book Series (AGIS), :Springer International Publishing (2018): 191-213. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-59511-5_11 M14
Неоген источне Србије: потенцијални објекти геонаслеђа
Ганић Мери, Кнежевић Слободан, Рундић Љупко. "Неоген источне Србије: потенцијални објекти геонаслеђа" in Оптимално истраживање и одрживо коришћење геолошких ресурса : зборник радова XVI конгреса геолога Србије, Donji Milanovac, 22-25.05.2014. = Optimal Reserach and Sustainable Usage of the Geological Resources : proceedings of the XVI Serbian Geologcal, Београд:Српско геолошко друштво (2014): 872-876 M64
Progress and improvement of the status of groundwater in Serbia, Invited Paper
Dimkić Milan, Stevanović Zoran, Đurić Dušan. "Progress and improvement of the status of groundwater in Serbia, Invited Paper" in Proceedings / IWA Specialist Groundwater Conference, 08-10 September 2011, Belgrade, Serbia, Belgrade: Institute for the Development of Water Resources Jaroslav Èerni (2011): 81-101 M33
Facing Engineering Problems in the Fragile Karst Environment
Parise Mario, Closson Damien, Gutierrez Francisco, Stevanović Zoran. "Facing Engineering Problems in the Fragile Karst Environment" in Engineering Geology for Society and Territory - Volume 5, Proceedings of the XII IAEG Congress, Torino 2014 5, :Springer International (2014): 479-482. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-09048-1_92 M33
On perspetives of semi-automated landslide assessment
Marjanović Miloš, Zečević Snežana, Basarić Irena. "On perspetives of semi-automated landslide assessment" in Landslide and flood hazard assessment : аbstract proceedings / 1st Regional Symposium on Landslides in the Adriatic-Balkan Region [and] 3rd Workshop of the Croatian-Japanese Project Risk Identification and Land-Use Planning for Disaster Mitigation o, Zagreb, Croatia:City of Zagreb, Emergency Management Office (2013): 64-64 M34
Energy geo-structure for sustainable development
Rakić Dragoslav, Basarić Irena (2014)Rakić Dragoslav, Basarić Irena. "Energy geo-structure for sustainable development" in Zbornik radova = Proceedings / 9. simpozijum Reciklažne tehnologije i održivi razvoj sa međunarodnim učešćem, Zaječar, 10.-12. septembar 2014. godine = 9th Symposium Recycling Technologies and Sustainable Development with International Participat 9, Zaječar, Srbija:Univerzitet u Beogradu Tehnički fakultet u Boru (2014): 476-481 M33
Značaj poznavanja postojećih geotehničkih podataka prilikom planiranja dubokih iskopa u urbanim sredinama
Rakić Dragoslav, Čaki Laslo (2010)Rakić Dragoslav, Čaki Laslo. "Značaj poznavanja postojećih geotehničkih podataka prilikom planiranja dubokih iskopa u urbanim sredinama" in Zbornik radova. Knj. 1 / Prvi nacionalni simpozijum sa međunarodnim učešćem Teorijska i eksperimentalna istraživanja konstrukcija i njihova primena u građevinarstvu, TEIK 2010, 18 - 19 mart 2010, Niš, Srbija no. 3, Niš, Srbija:Građevinsko-arhitektonski fakultet (2010): D 29-D 38 M33
Geotechnical education in the function of sustainable development – foreign and domestic experiences
Rakić Dragoslav, Ćorić Slobodan, Šušić Nenad. "Geotechnical education in the function of sustainable development – foreign and domestic experiences" in Proceedings [Elektronski izvor] / 4th International Conference Science and Higher Education in Function of Sustainable Development - SED 2011, 7-8 October 2011, Uzice, Serbia, Užice, Srbija:High Business = Technical School (2011): 30-36 M33
Proposal of geotechnical classification system for municipal waste
Rakić Dragoslav, Čaki Laslo, Ćorić Slobodan. "Proposal of geotechnical classification system for municipal waste" in Zbornik radova = Proceedings / 7. simpozijum Reciklažne tehnologije i održivi razvoj sa međunarodnim učešćem, Soko Banja, 5.-7. septembar 2012. godine = 7th Symposium Recycling Technologies and Sustainable Development with International Participa, Bor:Tehnički fakultet = Technical Faculty (2012): 42-49 M33
Water Evacuation from the “Sarića Osoje“ Municipal Waste Landfill of Užice
Šušić Nenad, Rakić Dragoslav, Đoković Ksenija, Berisavljević Dušan. "Water Evacuation from the “Sarića Osoje“ Municipal Waste Landfill of Užice" in 2nd International symposium Environmental and material flow management, EMFM 2012 : proceedings, Zenica, BIH:Faculty of Mechanical Engineering (2012): 71-76 M33
Aggregates Supply in Serbia
Simić Vladimir, Životić Dragana, Miladinović Zoran. "Aggregates Supply in Serbia" in Sustainable Aggregates Resource Management : Abstract and Short Paper Book, September 20-22, 2011, Ljubljana, Slovenia, Ljubljana, Slovenia:Geological Survey of Slovenia (2011): 26-27. https://doi.org/10.5474/9789616498289 M34
Geologicac Features and 3D Model of the Field „E“, Kolubara Basin
Veličković Marija, Životić Dragana (2011)Veličković Marija, Životić Dragana. "Geologicac Features and 3D Model of the Field „E“, Kolubara Basin" in The Geology in Digital Age - Proceedings of the 17th Meeting of the Association of European Geological Societies, MAEGS 17, Belgrade, [14-18. 09.] 2011., Belgrade:Serbian Geological Society (2011): 143-147 M33
The Early Middle Palaeolithic in the Balkans. The case of Velika and Mala Balanica (Serbia)
Mihailović, D., Belen Marín-Arroyo, A., Bogićević Katarina, Morley, M. & Roksandić, M.. "The Early Middle Palaeolithic in the Balkans. The case of Velika and Mala Balanica (Serbia)" in European Society for the Study of Human Evolution (ESHE). Inaugural Meeting, 23-24. September, Leipzig, Germany. (2011): 71-71 M34
Gemstone deposits of Lece volcanic complex (South Serbia)
Miladinović Zoran, Ilić Miloje, Simić Vladimir. "Gemstone deposits of Lece volcanic complex (South Serbia)" in Geologica Balcanica / XIX Congress of Carpathian-Balkan Geological Association, Thessaloniki, Greece, 23-26th September 01-Feb no. 39, Sofia, Bulgaria:Akademichno Izdatelstvo Prof. Marin Drinov, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (2010): 253-254 M34
The age of the isolation of the Pannonian basin
Ter Borgh Marten, Vasiliev Iuliana, Stoica Marius, Knežević Slobodan, Matenco Liviu, Krijgsman Wout, Rundić Ljupko, Cloething Sierd (2012)Ter Borgh Marten, Vasiliev Iuliana, Stoica Marius, Knežević Slobodan, Matenco Liviu, Krijgsman Wout, Rundić Ljupko, Cloething Sierd. "The age of the isolation of the Pannonian basin" in XXXIV International Geological Congress, Brysbane, Australia:IUGS, Norway (2012): 1336-1336 M34
Hydrodynamic Model of The Open-Pit Mine “Buvač” (Republic of Srpska, Bosnia And Herzegovina)
Bajić Dragoljub, Polomčić Dušan, Papić Petar, Stojković Jana. "Hydrodynamic Model of The Open-Pit Mine “Buvač” (Republic of Srpska, Bosnia And Herzegovina)" in CD Proceedings of 6th Dubrovnik Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy Water and Environmental Systems,, Dubrovnik: (2011): 25-29 M33
Model of Defining the Catchment Area of Karst Springs - the Case Study of Vapa Spring (South-West Serbia)
Čokorilo Marina, Ristić-Vakanjac Vesna, Stevanovic Zoran, Polomčić Dušan. "Model of Defining the Catchment Area of Karst Springs - the Case Study of Vapa Spring (South-West Serbia)" in XXVth Conference of the Danube Countries on Hydrological Forecasting and Hydrological Bases of Water Management, Budapest: (2011): 1-8 M33