582 items
The mean value of the zeta-function on σ = 1
Ivić Aleksandar (2011)Ivić Aleksandar. "The mean value of the zeta-function on σ = 1" in The Ramanujan Journal 2 no. 26, Dordrecht, Netherlands:Springer-Verlag Dordrecht (2011): 209-227. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11139-011-9297-y M22
Higher moments of the error term in the divisor problem
Ivić Aleksandar, Zhai Wenguang (2010)Ivić Aleksandar, Zhai Wenguang. "Higher moments of the error term in the divisor problem" in Mathematical Notes 3 no. 88, Moskva, Russia:Russian in Matematicheskie Zametki (2010): 338-346. https://doi.org/10.1134/S0001434610090063 M23
On the Dirichlet divisor problem in short intervals
Ivić Aleksandar, Zhai Wenguang (2014)Ivić Aleksandar, Zhai Wenguang. "On the Dirichlet divisor problem in short intervals" in The Ramanujan Journal no. 33, New York, USA:Springer Science+Business Media (2014): 447-465. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11139-013-9470-6 M22
Развој сектора природног гаса у Србији – Индикатори напретка
Ivezić Dejan, Živković Marija, Madžarević Aleksandar, Ivić Milica. "Развој сектора природног гаса у Србији – Индикатори напретка" in Енергија, економија, екологија 03-Apr no. XX, Beograd:Savez energetičara Srbije (2018): 383-391 M52
Novi pristup proučavanju tekstura minerala značajnih za istraživanje rudnih ležišta
Aleksandar Pačevski (2022)Aleksandar Pačevski. "Novi pristup proučavanju tekstura minerala značajnih za istraživanje rudnih ležišta" in 18. Kongres geologa Srbije “Geologija rešava probleme” Divčibare, 01-04 jun 2022., Beograd : Srpsko geološko društvo (2022) М64
Crystallography and Surface Oxidation of Stoichiometric Arsenopyrite from Šumadija-Kopaonik Pb-Zn/Polymetallic Ore District (Serbia)
Ivana Jelić, Aleksandar Pačevski, Aleksandar Kremenović, Aleš Šoster, Andreja Šestan, Janez Zavašnik (2023)The behaviour and stability of arsenopyrite largely depend on its crystal structure, but studies of crystallography and structural defects are scarce. For clarification, we investigated a series of natural arsenopyrite crystals from the polymetallic Pb-Zn-(±Cu,Ag,Au,Sb,Bi,W) Šumadija-Kopaonik ore district (Serbia) by powder X-ray diffraction (XRPD). Among them, samples from the Drenjak gold mineralisation showed near-stoichiometric FeAsS composition and were further investigated by conventional and high-resolution transmission electron microscopy methods. TEM revealed abundant planar crystallographic defects and epitaxial surface oxide layer ...Inorganic Chemistry, Condensed Matter Physics,General Materials Science, General Chemical Engineering, crystal structure, FeAsS, oxidation, TEM, XRPDIvana Jelić, Aleksandar Pačevski, Aleksandar Kremenović, Aleš Šoster, Andreja Šestan, Janez Zavašnik. "Crystallography and Surface Oxidation of Stoichiometric Arsenopyrite from Šumadija-Kopaonik Pb-Zn/Polymetallic Ore District (Serbia)" in Crystals, MDPI AG (2023). https://doi.org/10.3390/cryst13020278 М22
Flux grown β- and γ-spodumene single crystals
Prekajski Marija, Kremenović Aleksandar, Vulić Predrag, Welsch Anna-Maria, Murawski Dawid, Behrens Harald (2012)Prekajski Marija, Kremenović Aleksandar, Vulić Predrag, Welsch Anna-Maria, Murawski Dawid, Behrens Harald. "Flux grown β- and γ-spodumene single crystals" in XIX Conference of the Serbian Crystallographic Society-Abstracts, Bela Crkva, Srbija:Srpsko kristalografsko društvo (2012): 86-87 M64
O tretmanu uljnih šejlova u predloženoj novoj zakonskoj regulativi u oblasti rudarstva i geoloških istraživanja Srbije
Kostić Aleksandar, Ilić Miloje (2013)Kostić Aleksandar, Ilić Miloje. "O tretmanu uljnih šejlova u predloženoj novoj zakonskoj regulativi u oblasti rudarstva i geoloških istraživanja Srbije" in Zbornik radova sa VI Međunarodne konferencije Ugalj 2013, Zlatibor, 2-5 oktobar 2013, Beograd:Jugoslovenski komitet za površinsku eksploataciju (2013): 143-152 M33
Analiza distribucije prašine na području površinskog kopa uglja Delići
Lilić Nikola, Kolonja Božo, Knežević Dinko, Cvjetić Aleksandar. "Analiza distribucije prašine na području površinskog kopa uglja Delići" in Zbornik radova VI međunarodne konferencije Ugalj 2013, Zlatibor, 02-05.10.2013 (2013): 153-162 M33
Application of polymer composites for stabilization of degraded rock mass in mining
Trifunović Prvoslav, Tokalić Rade, Ganić Aleksandar. "Application of polymer composites for stabilization of degraded rock mass in mining" in Časopis Underground Mining Engineering/Podzemni radovi no. 22, Beograd:Rudarsko-geološki fakultet, Beograd (2013): 23-31 M52
An analysis of the impact of errors occuring in the auxiliary parameters while determing geometric corrections of distance
Medved Milan, Ganić Aleksandar, Vulić Milivoj. "An analysis of the impact of errors occuring in the auxiliary parameters while determing geometric corrections of distance" in Geodetski list no. 1, Zagreb, Hrvatska:Hrvatsko geodetsko društvo (2012): 21-38 M23
Superstructure of Mullite-type KAl9O14
Lazić P. Biljana, Krueger H., Kaindl R., Perfler L., Kremenović Aleksandar, Cvetković Vladica, Withers R.L. (2013)Lazić P. Biljana, Krueger H., Kaindl R., Perfler L., Kremenović Aleksandar, Cvetković Vladica, Withers R.L.. "Superstructure of Mullite-type KAl9O14" in Chemistry of Materials 25 no. 3, Washington, United States:American Chemical Society (2013): 496-502. https://doi.org/10.1021/cm3038476 M21
Organic geochemistry of Miocene source rocks from the Banat Depression (S.E. Pannonian Basin, Serbia)
Mrkić Sanja, Stojanović Ksenija, Kostić Aleksandar, Nytoft Hans Peter, Šajnović Aleksandra. "Organic geochemistry of Miocene source rocks from the Banat Depression (S.E. Pannonian Basin, Serbia)" in Organic Geochemistry Geochem no. 42, :Elsevier (2011): 655-677. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.orggeochem.2011.03.0 M21
Specifičnosti uljnih šelova i njihov tretman u predloženoj novoj zakonskoj regulativi u oblasti geoloških istraživanja i rudarstva u Srbiji
Kostić Aleksandar, Ilić Miloje (2013)Kostić Aleksandar, Ilić Miloje. "Specifičnosti uljnih šelova i njihov tretman u predloženoj novoj zakonskoj regulativi u oblasti geoloških istraživanja i rudarstva u Srbiji" in Tehnika 5 no. 68, Beograd:Savez inženjera i tehničara Srbije (2013): 849-856 M51
An intelligent hybrid system for surface coal mine safety analysis
Nikola Lilić, Ivan Obradović, Aleksandar Cvjetić. "An intelligent hybrid system for surface coal mine safety analysis" in Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence (2010) M21
Razvoj gasne privrede Srbije u poslednjih 20 godina
Ивезић Дејан, Живковић Марија, Даниловић Душан, Маџаревић Александар. "Razvoj gasne privrede Srbije u poslednjih 20 godina" in Energija, ekologija, ekonomija, Beograd:Savez energetičara Jugoslavije (2012): 318-322 M51
On the General Additive Divisor Problem
Ivić Aleksandar, Wu Jie (2012)Ivić Aleksandar, Wu Jie. "On the General Additive Divisor Problem" in Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics 1 no. 276, Ekaterinburg, Russia:Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society, Trudy Instituta matematiki i mekhaniki (2012): 140-148. https://doi.org/10.1134/S0081543812010117 M22
On some mean square estimates for the zeta-function in short intervals
Ivić Aleksandar (2013)Ivić Aleksandar. "On some mean square estimates for the zeta-function in short intervals" in Annales Universitatis Scientiarum Budapestinensis de Rolando Eötvös nominatae. Sectio computatorica no. 40, Budapest, Hungary:Eotvos Lorand Tudomanyegyetem ^(Eotvos Lorand University)^Allam- es Jogtudomanyi Kara (2013): 321-335 M23
The mean value of the Riemann zeta-function on the critical line
Ivić Aleksandar (2014)Ivić Aleksandar. "The mean value of the Riemann zeta-function on the critical line" in Analytic Number Theory, Approximation Theory, and Special Functions, New York, USA:Springer (2014): 3-68. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4939-0258-3\_1 M21
Exploring scenarios for more sustainable heating: The case of Niš
Živković Marija, Pereverza Kateryna, Pasichnyi Oleksii, Madžarević Aleksandar, Ivezić Dejan, Kordas Olga (2016)Živković Marija, Pereverza Kateryna, Pasichnyi Oleksii, Madžarević Aleksandar, Ivezić Dejan, Kordas Olga. "Exploring scenarios for more sustainable heating: The case of Niš" in Energy no. 115, :Elsevier (2016): 1758-1770. https://doi.org/http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.en M21