210 items
ГЕОРЕКС - Изазов за младе истраживаче
Шишић Ријад, Ракић Драгослав, Зафировски Златко, Папић Јован. "ГЕОРЕКС - Изазов за младе истраживаче" in Зборник радова XIV симпозијума из инжењерске геологије и геотехнике са међународним учешћем, Београд, 27. и 28. септембар, 2012., Београд:Друштво геолошких инжењера и техничара Србије (2012): 35-42
Water Evacuation from the “Sarića Osoje“ Municipal Waste Landfill of Užice
Šušić Nenad, Rakić Dragoslav, Đoković Ksenija, Berisavljević Dušan. "Water Evacuation from the “Sarića Osoje“ Municipal Waste Landfill of Užice" in 2nd International symposium Environmental and material flow management, EMFM 2012 : proceedings, Zenica, BIH:Faculty of Mechanical Engineering (2012): 71-76
Analiza uticajnih faktora na čvrstoću smicanja komunalnog otpada
Rakić Dragoslav, Čaki Laslo, Ćorić Slobodan, Cvetković Vladica. "Analiza uticajnih faktora na čvrstoću smicanja komunalnog otpada" in Međunarodna konferencija Otpadne vode, komunalni čvrsti otpad i opasan otpad, [42], 02-05. april 2012. godine, Čačak = International Conference Waste Waters, Municipal Solid Wastes and Hazardous Wastes, [42st], 02th-05th April 2012, Čačak, Serbia : I, Čačak, Srbija:Udruženje za tehnologiju vode i sanitarno inženjerstvo (2012): B 227-B 231
Određivanje parametara stišljivosti starog komunalnog otpada
Rakić Dragoslav, Čaki Laslo, Ćorić Slobodan, Cvetković Vladica. "Određivanje parametara stišljivosti starog komunalnog otpada" in Međunarodna konferencija Otpadne vode, komunalni čvrsti otpad i opasan otpad, [40], 29. mart - 01. april 2010. godine, Subotica = International Conference Waste Waters, Municipal Solid Wastes and Hazardous Wastes, [40th], 29th March - 01st April 2010, Beograd:Udruženje za tehnologiju vode i sanitarno inženjerstvo (2010): B 203-B 207
Анализа слагања административног објекта изграђеног на комуналној депонији у Новом Саду
Ракић Драгослав, Чаки Ласло, Томашевић Биљана, Новаковић Дејан. "Анализа слагања административног објекта изграђеног на комуналној депонији у Новом Саду" in Зборник радова / Седмо научно-стручно саветовање Оцена стања, одржавање и санација грађевинских објеката и насеља, Златибор, 9.- 11. мај 2011. године, Београд:Савез грађевинских инжењера Србије (2011): 479-484
Analiza sleganja objekta na komunalnoj deponiji
Rakić Dragoslav, Čaki Laslo, Tomašević Biljana, Novaković Dejan. "Analiza sleganja objekta na komunalnoj deponiji" in Međunarodna konferencija Otpadne vode, komunalni čvrsti otpad i opasan otpad, [41], 05-08. april 2011. godine, Niška Banja = International Conference Waste Waters, Municipal Solid Wastes and Hazardous Wastes, [41st], 05th-08th April 2011, Niška Banja, Niška Banja, Srbija:Udruženje za tehnologiju vode i sanitarno inženjerstvo, (2011): B 310-B 314
Definisanje parametara čvrstoće na smicanje heterogene flišne stenske mase – Deo I (inženjerskogeološke karakteristike)
Berisavljević Zoran, Rakić Dragoslav, Šušić Nenad, Berisavljević Dušan. "Definisanje parametara čvrstoće na smicanje heterogene flišne stenske mase – Deo I (inženjerskogeološke karakteristike)" in Zbornik radova sa šestog naučno-stručnog međunarodnog savetovanja - Geotehnički aspekti građevinarstva, Vršac:Savez građevinskih inženjera Srbije (2015): 129-138
High cuts on the critical path of the construction of Corridor 10 through Grdelica Gorge: design and construction
Berisavljević Zoran, Šušić Nenad, Ćorić Slobodan, Rakić Dragoslav. "High cuts on the critical path of the construction of Corridor 10 through Grdelica Gorge: design and construction" in Zbornik sedmega posvetovanja slovenskih geotehnikov, Ljubljana:Slovensko geotehniško društvo (2016): 65-69
Fazni odnosi i pokazatelji fizičkog stanja komunalnog otpada
Rakić Dragoslav, Čaki Laslo, Ćorić Slobodan, Papić Jovan. "Fazni odnosi i pokazatelji fizičkog stanja komunalnog otpada" in Zbornik radova sa šestog naučno-stručnog međunarodnog savetovanja - Geotehnički aspekti građevinarstva, Vršac:Savez građevinskih inženjera Srbije (2015): 435-444
Geotechnicsl conditions for construction of bank revetment on the Sava amphitheatre area in Belgrade - Serbia
Rakić Dragoslav, Stanić Nemanja, Basarić Irena, Filipović Vladimir. "Geotechnicsl conditions for construction of bank revetment on the Sava amphitheatre area in Belgrade - Serbia" in XVI Danube - European conference on geotechnical engineering – DECGE 2018, Skoplje:Wely (2018): 755-760
Thermal properties of soil
Djurić Tina, Rakić Dragoslav, Čaki Laslo, Ćorić Slobodan. "Thermal properties of soil" in 14 International Scientific Conference: Planning, Design, Construction and renewal in the Civil Engineering, Novi Sad: (2018): 1045-1052
Thermal properties of soil
Djurić Tina, Rakić Dragoslav, Čaki Laslo, Ćorić Slobodan. "Thermal properties of soil" in 14 International Scientific Conference: Planning, Design, Construction and renewal in the Civil Engineering, Novi Sad: (2018): 121-121
Analiza bočno opterećenih šipova primenom rezultata DMT opita
Berisavljević Dušan, Filipović Vladimir, Ćorić Slobodan, Rakić Dragoslav. "Analiza bočno opterećenih šipova primenom rezultata DMT opita" in Zbornik radova sedmog naučno-stručnog međunarodnog savetovanja - Geotehnički aspekti građevinarstva, Šabac:Savez gradjevinskih inženjera Srbije (2017): 439-446
Contribution to municipal waste geotechnical classification
Rakić Dragoslav, Basarić Irena, Čaki Laslo, Ćorić Slobodan. "Contribution to municipal waste geotechnical classification" in Proceedings of the 2nd Symposium - Coupled Phenomena in Environmental Geotechnics (CPEG2, Lids:CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group (2017)
Residual strength parameters of high plasticity clay and alevrites from open/pit mine “Tamnava - West field”
Rakić Dragoslav, Čaki Laslo, Ćorić Slobodan, Ljubojev Milenko. "Residual strength parameters of high plasticity clay and alevrites from open/pit mine “Tamnava - West field”" in Mining Enginerering = Rudarski radovi no. 1, Bor, Srbija:Mining and metallurgy institute Bor (2011): 39-48
Nonlinear stress-strain analysis of terrain using the finite element method
Ćorić Slobodan, Čaki Laslo, Rakić Dragoslav, Ćorić Slava. "Nonlinear stress-strain analysis of terrain using the finite element method" in Mining Enginerering - Rudarski radovi no. 4, Bor, Srbija:Mining and metallurgy institute Bor (2012): 311-320. https://doi.org/10.5937/rudrad1204301C
Primjena parametara stišljivosti u analizi slijeganja komunalnog otpada
Rakić Dragoslav, Krušić Jelka, Andrejev Katarina, Lazaroski Dušan. "Primjena parametara stišljivosti u analizi slijeganja komunalnog otpada" in e-gf-os – Elektonički časopis građevinskog fakulteta Osijek no. 7, Osijek, Hrvatska:Sveučilište Josipa Jurja Strossmayera u Osijeku, Građevinski fakultet Osijek (2013): 32-42
The Importance of Geotechnical Investigations for the Construction of Transfer Station „Prelići“ on Landfill in Cacak – Serbia
For the purpose of the facilities construction within the transfer station „Prelici“ in Cacak, specific geotechnical investigations were carried out based on which the technological project with the facilities schedule was developed. Significant deviations in relation to the presented results were determined during earthworks, so the additional geotechnical investigation works were carried out. Since the new investigation works have determined a different cross section of the terrain, it was proposed to move the planned facilities which led to the ...... Serbia Dragoslav Rakić, Irena Basarić, Jovana Janković, Tina Đurić Дигитални репозиторијум Рударско-геолошког факултета Универзитета у Београду [ДР РГФ] The Importance of Geotechnical Investigations for the Construction of Transfer Station „Prelići“ on Landfill in Cacak – Serbia | Dragoslav Rakić ...
... cisapublisher.com THE IMPORTANCE OF GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATIONS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF TRANSFER STATION “PRELICI” ON LANDFILL IN CACAK - SERBIA Dragoslav Rakic, Irena Basaric, Jovana Jankovic and Tina Djuric University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mining and Geology, Department of Geotechnics, Djusina ...Dragoslav Rakić, Irena Basarić, Jovana Janković, Tina Đurić. "The Importance of Geotechnical Investigations for the Construction of Transfer Station „Prelići“ on Landfill in Cacak – Serbia" in 17th International waste management and landfill symposium, Proceedings SARDINIA 2019, CISA Publisher (2019)
Contribution to the geotechnical classification of municipal waste landfills in Serbia
Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law, Nature and Landscape Conservation, Geochemistry and Petrology, Waste Management and Disposal,Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology,Water Science and Technology,Environmental Chemistry,Environmental EngineeringDragoslav Rakić, Irena Basarić, Laslo Čaki, Slobodan Ćorić. "Contribution to the geotechnical classification of municipal waste landfills in Serbia" in Environmental Geotechnics, Thomas Telford Ltd. (2018). https://doi.org/10.1680/jenge.18.00028
Contribution to the geotechnical classification of municipal waste landfills in Serbia
Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law,Nature and Landscape Conservation,Geochemistry and Petrology,Waste Management and Disposal,Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology,Water Science and Technology,Environmental Chemistry,Environmental EngineeringDragoslav Rakić, Irena Basarić, Laslo Čaki, Slobodan Ćorić. "Contribution to the geotechnical classification of municipal waste landfills in Serbia" in Environmental Geotechnics, Thomas Telford Ltd. (2018). https://doi.org/10.1680/jenge.18.00028