209 items
Да ли су сви калкоалкални интраофилолитски гранитоиди источне Вардарске зоне јурске старости?
Шарић Кристина, Цветковић Владица, von Quadt, Albrecht, Peytcheva Irena, Малбашић Јована. "Да ли су сви калкоалкални интраофилолитски гранитоиди источне Вардарске зоне јурске старости?" in Српски геолошки конгрес, Врњачка Бања, 17‐20. мај 2018 no. 1, Врњачка Бања:Српско геолошко друштво (2018): 98-101 M64
Stability, coherent spiking and synchronization in noisy excitable systems with coupling and internal delays
Franović Igor, Todorović Kristina, Vasović Nebojša, Burić Nikola. "Stability, coherent spiking and synchronization in noisy excitable systems with coupling and internal delays" in Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 19 no. 9, Amsterdam:Elsevier (2014): 3202-3219 M21
Cluster synchronization of spiking induced by noise and interaction delays in homogenous neuronal ensembles
Franović Igor, Todorović Kristina, Vasović Nebojša, Burić Nikola. "Cluster synchronization of spiking induced by noise and interaction delays in homogenous neuronal ensembles" in Chaos 22 no. 3, Koledž Park:American Institute of Physics (2012): 033147-1 M21
Influence of Coupling Delay on Noise Induced Coherent Oscillations in Excitable Systems
Burić Nikola, Grozdanović Ines, Todorović Kristina, Vasović Nebojša. "Influence of Coupling Delay on Noise Induced Coherent Oscillations in Excitable Systems" in Journal of Statistical Physics 145 no. 1, Berlin:Springer (2011): 175-186 M22
Stability, bifurcations, and dynamics of global variables of a system of bursting neurons
Franović Igor, Todorović Kristina, Vasović Nebojša, Burić Nikola. "Stability, bifurcations, and dynamics of global variables of a system of bursting neurons" in Chaos 21 no. 3, Koledž Park:American Institute of Physics (2011): 033109-1 M21
Coupled stochastics oscillators with delays in coupling
Grozdanović Ines, Burić Nikola, Todorović Kristina, Vasović Nebojša. "Coupled stochastics oscillators with delays in coupling" in Facta Universitatis, Ser. Math. Inform. 27 no. 1, Niš:Faculty of Mechanical Ingineering, University of Niš (2012): 27-40 M51
Burnishing Versus Smoothing In Ceramic Surface Finishing: A Sem Study
From the Neolithic up to the present, people have used various methods to improve the surface of ceramic objects. In this study, we look specifically at smoothing and pattern burnishing of ceramics produced today by traditional methods. Optical microscopy and SEM show specific surface changes. Smoothing results in an irregular surface, which causes diffused reflection of light. Burnishing produces an even and compact surface, which causes specular reflection and lustre. The results can be used to infer methods of ...Ionescu Corina, Volker Hoeck, Crandell Otis N., Šarić Kristina. "Burnishing Versus Smoothing In Ceramic Surface Finishing: A Sem Study" in Archaeometry no. XZY, England: University of Oxford (2014): XX-XX. https://doi.org/10.1111/arcm.12089 M22
Texture and composition of ferrian ilmenite from hornblende andesites of the Timok Magmatic Complex, Serbia
Aleksandar Luković, Predrag Vulić, Janez Zavašnik, Vladica Cvetković, Kristina Šarić, Miodrag Banješević, Marina Lazarov, Aleksandar Pačevski (2021)hematit, ilmenit, hemoilmenit, ilmenohematit, čvrsti rastvor, tekstura, eksolucija, andezit, bakar porfiri, timocit, Krivelj, NikoličevoAleksandar Luković, Predrag Vulić, Janez Zavašnik, Vladica Cvetković, Kristina Šarić, Miodrag Banješević, Marina Lazarov, Aleksandar Pačevski. "Texture and composition of ferrian ilmenite from hornblende andesites of the Timok Magmatic Complex, Serbia" in Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie - Abhandlungen (Journal of Mineralogy and Geochemistry), Schweizerbart Science Publishers, Stuttgart, Germany (2021) М22
CEEPUS Network CIII-RS-0038: improving geological education to better serving the society
Kristina Šarić, Ana Fociro, Michael Wagreich, Hugo Ortner, Christoph von Hagke, Hans-Jürgen Gawlick, Eva Gerlšová, Darko Tibljaš, Miklos Kazmer, László Bujtor, Jolanta Burda, Ela Machaniec, Adriana Trojanowska Olichwer, Ágnes Gál, Paul Tibuleac, Luka Gale, Jana Fridrichová, Igor Duriška (2022)Kristina Šarić, Ana Fociro, Michael Wagreich, Hugo Ortner, Christoph von Hagke, Hans-Jürgen Gawlick, Eva Gerlšová, Darko Tibljaš, Miklos Kazmer, László Bujtor, Jolanta Burda, Ela Machaniec, Adriana Trojanowska Olichwer, Ágnes Gál, Paul Tibuleac, Luka Gale, Jana Fridrichová, Igor Duriška. "CEEPUS Network CIII-RS-0038: improving geological education to better serving the society" in XXII International Congress of the Carpathian-Balkan Geological Association, Geologica Balcanica, Plovdiv, Bulgaria, 7–11 September 2022, Geological Institute, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (2022) М33
From volcanology to petrogenesis: an example from Cenozoic volcanic rocks of Serbia
Vladica Cvetković, Kristina Šarić (2023)vulkanska stena, piroklastični depozit, dacit, andezit, kvarclatit, lamproit, magma miksing, explozivna aktivnostVladica Cvetković, Kristina Šarić. "From volcanology to petrogenesis: an example from Cenozoic volcanic rocks of Serbia" in III Congress of Geologists of Bosnia and Herzegovina with international participation, Neum, September 20-23, 2023, Iliidža : Udruženje/udruga geologa u Bosni i Hercegovini/Association of geologists in Bosnia and Herzegovina (2023) М64
Centrifugal separation of liquid carbon dioxide from natural gas
Batalović Veselin, Danilović Dušan, Živković Marija. "Centrifugal separation of liquid carbon dioxide from natural gas" in Hemijska industrija 68 no. 2, Beograd:Savez hemijskih inženjera Srbije (2014): 139-148 M23
Model of oil and gas pipeline rinsing using the fluid flow
Batalović Veselin, Danilović Dušan, Živković Marija. "Model of oil and gas pipeline rinsing using the fluid flow" in Journal of Applied Engineering Science 9 no. 1, Beograd:Institute for Research and Design in Commerce and Industry (2011): 237-242 M51
Geothermobarometric investigations of Hercynian granitoids of East Serbia
Bosić Dragana, Erić Suzana, Šarić Kristina, Kostić Bojan, Cvetković Vladica, Jovanović Dragan (2016)Bosić Dragana, Erić Suzana, Šarić Kristina, Kostić Bojan, Cvetković Vladica, Jovanović Dragan. "Geothermobarometric investigations of Hercynian granitoids of East Serbia" in Geologica Macedonica, sp. iss. Third Congress of Geologists of Republic of Macedonia 2 no. 4, Struga :Macedonian Geological Society (2016): 467-468 M34
Characterization of the medieval pottery from the Studenica monastery, Serbia, a UNESCO world heritage site
Ljiljana Damjanović,Srna Stojanović, Vesna Bikić, Ivana Radosavljević Evans, Suzana Erić, Kristina Šarić (2017)Ljiljana Damjanović,Srna Stojanović, Vesna Bikić, Ivana Radosavljević Evans, Suzana Erić, Kristina Šarić. "Characterization of the medieval pottery from the Studenica monastery, Serbia, a UNESCO world heritage site" in 15th Conference & Exhibition of the European Ceramic Society – EcerS2017, Budapest, Hungary, July 9-13, 2017. Book of abstracts, Budapest: (2017): 653-653 M34
Coherent oscillations in minimal neural network of excitable systems induced by time delay
Vasović Nebojša, Burić Nikola, Grozdanović Ines, Todorović Kristina. "Coherent oscillations in minimal neural network of excitable systems induced by time delay" in 11th Symposium on Neural Network Applications in electrical Engineering, Beograd:Faculty of Electrical Engineering (2012) M33
Сировине за израду окресаних артефаката из Лепенског Вира: од рутинске петрографске одредбе до сагледавања геолошког контекста.
Цветковић Владица, Шарић Кристина, Шарић Јосип. "Сировине за израду окресаних артефаката из Лепенског Вира: од рутинске петрографске одредбе до сагледавања геолошког контекста." in Српско археолошко друштво, XLI Скупштина и годишњи скуп, Панчево, 31. мај - 2. јун 2018. године, Панчево:Српско археолошко друштво (2018): 93-94 M64
Да ли су сви калкоалкални интраофилолитски гранитоиди источне Вардарске зоне јурске старости?
Шарић Кристина, Цветковић Владица, von Quadt, Albrecht, Peytcheva Irena, Малбашић Јована. "Да ли су сви калкоалкални интраофилолитски гранитоиди источне Вардарске зоне јурске старости?" in Српски геолошки конгрес, Врњачка Бања, 17‐20. мај 2018 no. 1, Врњачка Бања:Српско геолошко друштво (2018): 98-101 M64
Примена минералошко-петролошке анализе у проучавању керамике кроз пример испитивања средњовековне керамике из манастира Студеница
Шарић Кристина, Ерић Сузана, Бикић Весна. "Примена минералошко-петролошке анализе у проучавању керамике кроз пример испитивања средњовековне керамике из манастира Студеница" in Српско археолошко друштво, XLI Скупштина и годишњи скуп, Панчево, 31. мај - 2. јун 2018. године, Панчево:Српско археолошко друштво (2018): 97-98 M64
Spontaneous Formation of Synchronization Clusters in Homogenous Neuronal Ensembles Induced by Noise and Interaction Delays
Franović Igor, Todorović Kristina, Vasović Nebojša, Burić Nikola. "Spontaneous Formation of Synchronization Clusters in Homogenous Neuronal Ensembles Induced by Noise and Interaction Delays" in Physical Review Letters 108 no. 9, Vašington:American Physical Society (2012): 094101-1-094101-5 M21
Synchronization of the minimal models of bursting neurons coupled by delayed chemical or electrical synapses
Vasović Nebojša, Burić Nikola, Todorović Kristina, Grozdanović Ines. "Synchronization of the minimal models of bursting neurons coupled by delayed chemical or electrical synapses" in Chinese Physics B 21 no. 1, Kina:Chinese Physics B (2012): 1-8 M22