3931 items
Landslide Umka-the first automated monitoring project in Serbia
Abolmasov Biljana, Milenković Svetozar, Jelisavac Branko, Vujanic Vladeta. "Landslide Umka-the first automated monitoring project in Serbia" in 2nd Project workshop-Monitoring and analysis for disaster mitigation of landslides, debris flow and floods, Book of Abstracts 1 no. 1, Rijeka, Croatia:University of Rijeka and JICA (2012): 77-80 M33
3D Terrestrail Laser scanning and GPS Technology for slope stability investigations-case studies
Abolmasov Biljana, Pejić Marko (2012)Abolmasov Biljana, Pejić Marko. "3D Terrestrail Laser scanning and GPS Technology for slope stability investigations-case studies" in 2nd Project workshop-Monitoring and analysis for disaster mitigation of landslides, debris flow and floods, Book of Abstracts 1 no. 1, Rijeka, Croatia:University of Rijeka and JICA (2012): 81-84 M33
Bacteriological pollution of karst springs in Zlatar, Western Serbia
Milenić Dejan, Milanković Đuro, Savić Nevena, Doroslovac Nenad. "Bacteriological pollution of karst springs in Zlatar, Western Serbia" in Proceedings of the 22nd International Karstological School “Classical Karst” Karst and microorganisms, Postojna, Slovenia, Postojna:Karst Research Institute ZRC SAZU (2014): 54-55 M34
The application of hydrochemical methods in the groundwater genesis in lithologically heterogeneous catchments-Case study Sušičko spring (Western Serbia, Europe)
Milenić Dejan, Milanković Đuro (2014)Milenić Dejan, Milanković Đuro. "The application of hydrochemical methods in the groundwater genesis in lithologically heterogeneous catchments-Case study Sušičko spring (Western Serbia, Europe)" in Proceedings of the 10th International Hydrogeological Congress, Thessaloniki, Greece (2014): 477-486 M33
Forecast of a possible climate impact on the water balance and regime in the area of Zlatibor Mountain, Serbia, Europe
Milenić Dejan, Savić Nevena (2014)Milenić Dejan, Savić Nevena. "Forecast of a possible climate impact on the water balance and regime in the area of Zlatibor Mountain, Serbia, Europe" in Proceedings of the 10th International Hydrogeological Congress, Thessaloniki, Greece (2014): 487-494 M33
Regulativa u oblasti istraživanja i korišćenja resursa podzemnih voda u Srbiji, predavanje po pozivu
Dokmanović Petar (2014)Dokmanović Petar. "Regulativa u oblasti istraživanja i korišćenja resursa podzemnih voda u Srbiji, predavanje po pozivu" in Zbornik radova = Proceedings / IV Međunarodni kongres Biomedicina i geonauke - uticaj životne sredine na zdravlje ljudi, Beograd, 17-18. jun 2014., Beograd:Asocijacija geofizičara i ekologa Srbije (2014): 127-132 M61
The Analysis of landslide dynamics based on GNSS monitoring-A case study
Abolmasov Biljana, Milenković Svetozar, Jelisavac Branko, Pejić Marko, Radić Zoran. "The Analysis of landslide dynamics based on GNSS monitoring-A case study" in Proceedings of XII IAEG Congress, Italy, Torino 2 no. 1, :Springer International Publishing (2014): 143-146 M33
Definisanje strategije sistema održavanja rudarske opreme na površinskim kopovima lignita Srbije
Ignjatović Dragan, Jovančić Predrag, Tanasijević Miloš. "Definisanje strategije sistema održavanja rudarske opreme na površinskim kopovima lignita Srbije" in VIII Međunarodni simpozijum Mehanizacija i automatizacija u rudarstvu i enregetika - MAREN 1, Lazarevac:Rudarsko-geološki fakultet (2010): 248-260 M33
Analiza distribucije prašine na području površinskog kopa uglja Delići
Lilić Nikola, Kolonja Božo, Knežević Dinko, Cvjetić Aleksandar. "Analiza distribucije prašine na području površinskog kopa uglja Delići" in Zbornik radova VI međunarodne konferencije Ugalj 2013, Zlatibor, 02-05.10.2013 (2013): 153-162 M33
Jurassic pelagic deposits of the Tatra Mountains: facies, depositional environments, integrated stratigraphy
Jach Renata, Đerić Nevenka, Goričan Špela, Rehakova Daniela. "Jurassic pelagic deposits of the Tatra Mountains: facies, depositional environments, integrated stratigraphy" in 19th International Sedimentological Congress; Geneva, Switzerland, 18-22 August, Geneva: (2014): 323 M34
Палеогена флора Каменице - Paleogene flora from Kamenica
Lazarević Zorica, Milovanović Ljubica (2014)Lazarević Zorica, Milovanović Ljubica. "Палеогена флора Каменице - Paleogene flora from Kamenica" in Оптимално истраживање и одрживо коришћење геолошких ресурса : зборник радова XVI конгреса геолога Србије, Donji Milanovac, 22-25.05.2014. = Optimal Reserach and Sustainable Usage of the Geological Resources : proceedings of the XVI Serbian Geologcal, Beograd:Srpsko geološko društvo (2014): 163 M64
Mineral resources in the Republic of Serbia: A Driving Force for Economic Development – Pro et Contra
Jelenković Rade (2014)Jelenković Rade. "Mineral resources in the Republic of Serbia: A Driving Force for Economic Development – Pro et Contra" in 4nd International Conference Mineral resources in the Republic of Serbia: A Driving Force for Economic Development, Beograd:TGI Executive Meetings (2014) M31
Коришћење потенцијалних поља у моделовању геолошких средина
Петровић Драгана, Игњатовић Снежана, Васиљевић Ивана. "Коришћење потенцијалних поља у моделовању геолошких средина" in I Конгрес геолога у Босни и Херцеговини са међународним учешћем, Тузла, Зборник радова, Тузла, Босна и Херцеговина:Удружење/удруга геолога у Босни и Херцеговини (2015): 131-132 M64
Uslovi ovodnjensoti „Centralnog polja“ ležišta uglja „Štavalj“ kod Sjenice (jugozapadna Srbija)
Miladinović Branko, Ristić-Vakanjac Vesna, Bukumirović Dragomir, Vakanjac Boris. "Uslovi ovodnjensoti „Centralnog polja“ ležišta uglja „Štavalj“ kod Sjenice (jugozapadna Srbija)" in XVI kongres geologa Srbije, Beograd, Srbija:Srpsko geološko društvo (2014): 447-453 M64
Quantitative Analysis of the Fossil Fauna from the Baturski Rzav River – Western Serbia
Banjac Nenad (2014)Banjac Nenad. "Quantitative Analysis of the Fossil Fauna from the Baturski Rzav River – Western Serbia" in Proceedings of the XVI Serbian Geological Congress, Donji Milanovac, Donji Milanovac:Serbian Geological Society (2014): 154-158 M33
Badenian-sarmatian otoliths from the Rakovica stream (miocene of Belgrade city area)
Bradić Katarina, Rundić Ljupko, Ganić Meri. "Badenian-sarmatian otoliths from the Rakovica stream (miocene of Belgrade city area)" in Zbornik radova 1. kongres geologa u Bosni i Hercegovini sa međunarodnim učešćem, Tuzla, Tuzla:Udruženje/Udruga geologa u Bosni i Hercegovini (2015): 41-41 M64
Cenomanian potential source rocks of SW Serbia (Mokra Gora, Tara Mountain)
Neumeister Stefan, Banjac Nenad, Dulić Ivan, Gawlick Hans-Juergen. "Cenomanian potential source rocks of SW Serbia (Mokra Gora, Tara Mountain)" in The 29th IAS Meeting of Sedimentology, Schladming: (2012) M34
Landslide Susceptibility Modeling Using Arbitary Polinomal Method
Peševski Igor, Jovanovski Milorad, Abolmasov Biljana. "Landslide Susceptibility Modeling Using Arbitary Polinomal Method" in Abstract book - 2nd Regional Symposium on Landslides in the Adriatic-Balkan Region - 2nd ReSyLAB 2015 1 no. 1, Beograd, Srbija:University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mining and Geology, Belgrade (2015): 93-94 M34
Badenian-Sarmatian Otoliths From The Rakovica Stream (Miocene Of Belgrade City Area)
Bradić Katarina, Rundić Ljupko, Ganić Meri. "Badenian-Sarmatian Otoliths From The Rakovica Stream (Miocene Of Belgrade City Area)" in 1st Congress of geologists of Bosnia & Herzegovina, Tuzla October 21-23, 2015, Tuzla:Udruženje geologa BiH Udruženje geologa BiH (2015): 41-41 M34
The Importance and Utilization of Mineral and Thermal Waters in Serbia as a Natural Curative Factor
Dokmanović Petar, Krunić Olivera (2015)Dokmanović Petar, Krunić Olivera. "The Importance and Utilization of Mineral and Thermal Waters in Serbia as a Natural Curative Factor" in Proceedings of the 5th International Congress Biomedicine and Geosciences – Influence of Environment on Human Health, Beograd:AGES (2015): 247-254 M33