2295 items
Rationalization of electrical energy consumption in mining plants
Aleksandrović Snežana, Jovančić Predrag, Jeftenić Ilija. "Rationalization of electrical energy consumption in mining plants" in 6th International Symposium Mining and Environmental Protection MEP 2017, Vrdnik, Serbia:Center for Environmental Engineering, Mining Department, Faculty of Mining and Geology, University of Belgrade (2017): 144-148 M33
Mineralogy and thermal properties of clay from Slatina (Ub, Serbia)
Milošević M., Logar M., Kaluđerović L., Jelić I.. "Mineralogy and thermal properties of clay from Slatina (Ub, Serbia)" in Geophysical Research Abstracts Geophysical Research Abstracts 19, Vienna, Austria:Copernicus Publications (2017): 2044 M34
Water supply and groundwater quality in Republic of Serbia
Polomčić Dušan, Štrbački Jana, Bajić Dragoljub. "Water supply and groundwater quality in Republic of Serbia" in Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Natural Resources Management, Zaječar:John Naisbitt University, Faculty of Management (2018): 205-211 M33
The stratigraphical position and the use of the term Eopleistocene in Serbian geological literature
Gaudenyi Tivadar, Nenadić Draženko, Jovanović Mlađen, Bogićević Katarina. "The stratigraphical position and the use of the term Eopleistocene in Serbian geological literature" in Quaternary International no. 319, Oxford:Pergamon (2014): 150-159 M22
Open-pit Filijala northwest slope stabilization in order to reduce damage risk and enviromental protection
Čebašek Vladimir, Gojković Nebojša (2013)Čebašek Vladimir, Gojković Nebojša. "Open-pit Filijala northwest slope stabilization in order to reduce damage risk and enviromental protection" in Podzemni radovi no. 22, Beograd:Univerzitet u Beogradu Rudarsko-geološki fakultet (2013): 49-61 M51
Redesigning components of power transmission according to numerical model and vibration diagnostics
Jovančić Predrag, Ćelović Šefket, Ignjatović Dragan, Maneski Taško. "Redesigning components of power transmission according to numerical model and vibration diagnostics" in Journal of VIBROENGINEERING 15 no. 3, :JVE International Ltd. (2013): 1322-1329 M23
Spontaneous Formation of Synchronization Clusters in Homogenous Neuronal Ensembles Induced by Noise and Interaction Delays
Franović Igor, Todorović Kristina, Vasović Nebojša, Burić Nikola. "Spontaneous Formation of Synchronization Clusters in Homogenous Neuronal Ensembles Induced by Noise and Interaction Delays" in Physical Review Letters 108 no. 9, Vašington:American Physical Society (2012): 094101-1-094101-5 M21
Justification of renewed coal exploitation from the deposit “Bajovac“
Vidanović Nebojša, Tokalić Rade, Savić Ljubinko, Lutovac Suzana. "Justification of renewed coal exploitation from the deposit “Bajovac“" in Mining and Metallurgy Engineering Bor 2013 no. 3, Bor, Serbia:Mining and Metallurgy Institute Bor (2013): 81-89 M24
Assumptions for Definition of Mine Assesments Procedure with Hybrid Model
Zlatanović Dragan, Milisavljević Vladimir, Tanasijević Miloš. "Assumptions for Definition of Mine Assesments Procedure with Hybrid Model" in Mining and Metallurgy Engineering Bor no. 4, Bor:Mining and Metallurgy Institute (2013): 49-58. https://doi.org/10.5937/MMEB1304049Z M24
Deep oil wells between production and disaster - Duboke naftne bušotine između proizvodnje i katastrofe
Bošković Zvonimir, Mitrović Vladimir, Malbašić Tatjana, Stupar Jelka. "Deep oil wells between production and disaster - Duboke naftne bušotine između proizvodnje i katastrofe" in Technics Technologies Education Management / TTEM 7 no. No.2, Sarajevo: (2012): 580-585 M23
Assumptions for Defining the Mine Assessment Procedure with Hybrid Model
Dragan Zlatanović, Milisavljević Vladimir, Tanasijević Miloš. "Assumptions for Defining the Mine Assessment Procedure with Hybrid Model" in Mining and Metalurgy Engineering Bor no. 4, Bor:Mining and Metallurgy Institute, Bor (2013): 49-68 M24
Inovation of tehnology of construction of underground mining workings by use drilling and blasting metods
Vidanović Nebojša, Đukanović Duško, Dragosavljević Zlatko. "Inovation of tehnology of construction of underground mining workings by use drilling and blasting metods" in Technics Technologies Education Management / TTEM 5 no. 4, Sarajevo, Bosna i Hercegovina: (2010): 861-866 M23
Constraints on the sources of post-collisional K-rich magmatism: The roles of continental clastic sediments and terrigenous blueschists
Wang Yu, Prelević Dejan, Buhre Stephan, Foley Stephen. "Constraints on the sources of post-collisional K-rich magmatism: The roles of continental clastic sediments and terrigenous blueschists" in Chemical Geology, :Elsevier BV (2016). https://doi.org/DOI:10.1016/j.chemgeo.2016.10. M21
Forecasting financial distress of mining companies: Tool for examination of key performance indicators
Zlatanović Dragan, Bugarin Mile, Milisavljević Vladimir. "Forecasting financial distress of mining companies: Tool for examination of key performance indicators" in Mining and Metalurgy Engineering Bor no. 1, Bor:Mining and Metallurgy Institute, Bor (2016): 73-80. https://doi.org/10.5937/MMEB1601073Z M24
Diversity and biodeteriorative potential of bacterial isolates from deteriorated modern combined-technique canvas painting
Pavić Aleksandar, Ilić-Tomić Tatjana, Pačevski Aleksandar, Nedeljković Tatjana, Vasiljević Branka, Morić Ivana (2015)Pavić Aleksandar, Ilić-Tomić Tatjana, Pačevski Aleksandar, Nedeljković Tatjana, Vasiljević Branka, Morić Ivana. "Diversity and biodeteriorative potential of bacterial isolates from deteriorated modern combined-technique canvas painting" in International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation 97, :Elsevier (2015): 40-50. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ibiod.2014.11.012 M22
Interplay between internal delays and coherent oscillations in delayed coupled noisy excitable systems
Grozdanović Ines, Todorović Kristina, Vasović Nebojša, Burić Nikola, Trišoviće Nataša. "Interplay between internal delays and coherent oscillations in delayed coupled noisy excitable systems" in International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics 73 (2015): 121-127 M21
Developing and Application of Software for Determining Parameters of Drainage on Designed Embankment
Nurić Adila, Nurić Samir, Kričak Lazar, Negovanović Milanka. "Developing and Application of Software for Determining Parameters of Drainage on Designed Embankment" in International Journal of Engineering Works 2 no. 5, Beijing, China:KWPublisher (2015): 58-65. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.17402 M24
First paleomagnetic and magnetic anisotropy results from Montenegrо - the coastal area
Emö Márton, Vesna Cvetkov, Martin Đaković, Vesna Lesić, Slobodan Radusinović. "First paleomagnetic and magnetic anisotropy results from Montenegrо - the coastal area" in General Assembly 2021, Europen Geosciences Union (2021) М34
Relation between crustal stress and thickness of earth's crust
Slavko Torbica, Veljko Lapčević (2020)Slavko Torbica, Veljko Lapčević. "Relation between crustal stress and thickness of earth's crust" in Podzemni radovi (2020). https://doi.org/10.5937/podrad1935013T М51
Tailor-made comics on geoforensics in language teaching: interfaculty cooperation and application
Лидија Беко, Драгослава Мићовић (2024)Лидија Беко, Драгослава Мићовић. "Tailor-made comics on geoforensics in language teaching: interfaculty cooperation and application" in TEME, University of Nis (2024). https://doi.org/10.22190/TEME220216026B М23