139 items
A survey of greenhouse gases production in central European lignites
Anna Pytlak, Anna Szafranek-Nakonieczna, Weronika Goraj, Izabela Śnieżyńska, Aleksandra Krążała, Artur Banach, Ivica Ristović, Mirosław Słowakiewicz, Zofia Stępniewska (2021)... oxygen conditions should be taken into account as they have a significant impact on the shape of the microhabitat and direction of or- ganic matter transformation that occurs in the unexploited part of the deposit. CRediT authorship contribution statement Anna Pytlak: Conceptualization, Investigation, Formal ...Anna Pytlak, Anna Szafranek-Nakonieczna, Weronika Goraj, Izabela Śnieżyńska, Aleksandra Krążała, Artur Banach, Ivica Ristović, Mirosław Słowakiewicz, Zofia Stępniewska. "A survey of greenhouse gases production in central European lignites" in Science of The Total Environment, Elsevier (2021). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.149551
Prioritization of strategic measures for strengthening the security of supply of the Serbian natural gas sector
To strengthen the security of supply of the Serbian gas sector, it is necessary to analyze the impact of planned strategic measures. The analysis involves the identification of the most influential threats to the security of natural gas supply and prioritization of the strategic measures for overcoming the consequences of threats. The proposed methodology is based on Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process. The obtained weights for the identified threats and strategic measures are formed according to experts' judgments. The results ...Sigurnost snabdevanja, Donošenje odluka, Snabdevanje prirodnim gasom, Fazi AHP, Energetski indikatoriBoban Pavlović, Dejan Ivezić, Marija Živković. "Prioritization of strategic measures for strengthening the security of supply of the Serbian natural gas sector" in Energy Policy, Elsevier BV (2020). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enpol.2020.111936
Overcoming the Low Oral Bioavailability of Deuterated Pyrazoloquinolinone Ligand DK-I-60-3 by Nanonization: A Knowledge-Based Approach
Jelena R. Mitrović , Branka Divović-Matović, Daniel E. Knutson, Jelena B. Ðoković, Aleksandar Kremenović, Vladimir D. Dobričić, Danijela V. Randjelović, Ivana Pantelić, James M. Cook, Miroslav M. Savić, Snežana D. Savić (2021)Poor water solubility of new chemical entities is considered as one of the main obstacles in drug development, as it usually leads to low bioavailability after administration. To overcome these problems, the selection of the appropriate formulation technology needs to be based on the physicochemical properties of the drug and introduced in the early stages of drug research. One example of the new potential drug substance with poor solubility is DK-I-60-3, deuterated pyrazoloquinolinone, designed for the treatment of various neuropsychiatric ...... Eerdenbrugh, B.; Van den Mooter, G.; Augustijns, P. Top-down production of drug nanocrystals: Nanosuspension stabiliza- tion, miniaturization and transformation into solid products. Int. J. Pharm. 2008, 364, 64–75. [CrossRef] 16. Siewert, C.; Moog, R.; Alex, R.; Kretzer, P.; Rothenhäusler, B. Process and ...Jelena R. Mitrović , Branka Divović-Matović, Daniel E. Knutson, Jelena B. Ðoković, Aleksandar Kremenović, Vladimir D. Dobričić, Danijela V. Randjelović, Ivana Pantelić, James M. Cook, Miroslav M. Savić, Snežana D. Savić. "Overcoming the Low Oral Bioavailability of Deuterated Pyrazoloquinolinone Ligand DK-I-60-3 by Nanonization: A Knowledge-Based Approach" in Pharmaceutics, MDPI, Basel, Switzerland (2021). https://doi.org/10.3390/pharmaceutics13081188
Comprehensive Profiling of Microbiologically Induced CaCO3 Precipitation by Ureolytic Bacillus Isolates from Alkaline Soils
Olja Šovljanski, Lato Pezo, Jovana Stanojev, Branimir Bajac, Sabina Kovač, Elvira Tóth, Ivan Ristić, Ana Tomić, Aleksandra Ranitović, Dragoljub Cvetković, Siniša Markov (2021)MICP process, kinetic study, calcite, vaterite, MALDI-TOF identification, Bacillus licheniformis, Sporosarcina pasteurii... exponential model (for Urea concentration prediction), and four-parameter sigmoidal mathematical model (for pH value and bacterial concentration prediction) appear to be simple, robust, and accurate. The mathematical models had an insignificant lack of fit tests, which means that all the models represented ...
... 59. Tang, H.; Yu, J.; Zhao, X. Controlled synthesis of crystalline calcium carbonate aggregates with unusual morphologies involving the phase transformation from amorphous calcium carbonate. Mater. Res. Bull. 2009, 44, 831–835. [CrossRef] ...
... obtained range for each assay [19], according to Equation (1). xi = xi − min i xi max i xi − min i xi , ∀i (1) The standard score (SS) is the mathematical function whose maximum has been determined by evaluating the scores for all variables, according to Equation (2). Each output variable has its weight ...Olja Šovljanski, Lato Pezo, Jovana Stanojev, Branimir Bajac, Sabina Kovač, Elvira Tóth, Ivan Ristić, Ana Tomić, Aleksandra Ranitović, Dragoljub Cvetković, Siniša Markov. "Comprehensive Profiling of Microbiologically Induced CaCO3 Precipitation by Ureolytic Bacillus Isolates from Alkaline Soils" in Microorganisms, MDPI AG (2021). https://doi.org/10.3390/microorganisms9081691
A multi-criteria approach for assessing the potential of renewable energy sources for electricity generation: Case Serbia
When assessing the potential of renewable energy alternatives for electricity generation, it is necessary to implement a multi-perspective approach that includes economic, technical, environmental, and socio-political criteria. For the evaluation of criteria and alternatives, the Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process (FAHP) method is applied. The obtained weights are formed according to the values of energy indicators and expert judgments. The use of a fuzzy numerical value scale for the assessment of expert judgments and energy indicators provides a more sensitive ...... AMBIO. J Hum Environ 43 (2014), 530–531. Bogdanov, D., Farfan, J., Sadovskaia, K., Aghahosseini, A., Child, M., Gulagi, A., et al., 2019. Radical transformation pathway towards sustainable electricity via evolutionary steps. Nat Commun 10 (2019), 1077. Buckley, J.J., 1985. Fuzzy hierarchical analysis. ...
... with respect to the economic, technical, environmental, and social aspects. Using the case of Lithuania’s electricity sector and multiple criteria mathematical methods AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process) and ARAS (Additive Ratio Assessment method) Štreimikiene et al. (2016) evaluated electricity generation ...Boban Pavlović, Dejan Ivezić, Marija Živković. "A multi-criteria approach for assessing the potential of renewable energy sources for electricity generation: Case Serbia" in Energy Reports, Elsevier BV (2021). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.egyr.2021.02.072
Hydrochemical features and their controlling factors in the Kucaj-Beljanica Massif, Serbia
Earth-Surface Processes, Geology, Pollution, Soil Science, Water Science and Technology, Environmental Chemistry, Global and Planetary ChangeFen Huang, Ljiljana Vasic, Xia Wu, Jianhua Cao, Saša Milanovic. "Hydrochemical features and their controlling factors in the Kucaj-Beljanica Massif, Serbia" in Environmental Earth Sciences, Springer Science and Business Media LLC (2019). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12665-019-8452-4
Long-term planning methodology for improving wood biomass utilization
The insufficiently developed forest management system is often followed by undeveloped forest resources supply chain and insufficient institutional support. These cause inefficient usage of fuel-wood as well as huge amounts of unused forest residues. In order to achieve optimal and long-term sustainable utilisation of biomass, an original methodology based on the interaction of mathematical optimization and backcasting approach has been developed. Mathematical optimization is used for both generation and consideration of techno-economic parameters of the forest biomass supply chain. ...Vladimir Vukašinović, Dušan Gordić, Marija Živković, Davor Koncalović, Dubravka Živković. "Long-term planning methodology for improving wood biomass utilization" in Energy, Elsevier BV (2019). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.energy.2019.03.105
Agates of the Lece Volcanic Complex (Serbia): Mineralogical and Geochemical Characteristics
Agate veins and nodules occur in the Lece Volcanic Complex (Oligocene-Miocene) situated in the south of Serbia and occupying an area of 700 km2. This volcanic complex is composed predominantly of andesites, with sporadic occurrences of andesite-basalts, dacites and latites, and features agate formations that have been very little investigated. This study focuses on five selected agate occurrences within the Lece Volcanic Complex, employing optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray powder diffraction analysis, inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry ...Zoran Miladinović, Vladimir Simić, Nenad Nikolić, Nataša Jović Orsini, Milena Rosić. "Agates of the Lece Volcanic Complex (Serbia): Mineralogical and Geochemical Characteristics" in Minerals, MDPI AG (2024). https://doi.org/10.3390/min14050511
Application of geophysical and multispectral imagery data for predictive mapping of a complex geo-tectonic unit: a case study of the East Vardar Ophiolite Zone, North-Macedonia
... Rogge D, Hitchcock R et al (2005) Mapping lithology in Canada's Arctic: application of hyperspectral data using the mini- mum noise fraction transformation and matched filtering. Can J Earth Sci 42:2173—2193. https://doi.org/10.1139/e05-064 Harris JR, Ford KL, Charbonneau BW (2009) Application ...Filip Arnaut, Dragana Đurić, Uroš Đurić, Mileva Samardžić-Petrović, Igor Peshevski. "Application of geophysical and multispectral imagery data for predictive mapping of a complex geo-tectonic unit: a case study of the East Vardar Ophiolite Zone, North-Macedonia" in Earth Science Informatics, Springer Science and Business Media LLC (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12145-024-01243-4
Управљање отпадом – услови, циљеви и изазови на домаћем тржишту
Дарко Драгићевић (2024)Тема овог завршног рада обухвата анализу система управљања отпадом на домаћем тржишту, са посебним освртом на постојеће изазове и могућности за унапређење. Управљање отпадом је кључна компонента заштите животне средине и одрживог развоја, док у Србији ова област пролази кроз процес трансформације у складу са захтевима Европске уније и међународним стандардима. Овај завршни рад је пружио боље разумевање сложености управљања отпадом у Србији и понудио практична решења која могу помоћи у остваривању одрживог развоја у овој области.... improvement. Waste management is a key component of environmental protection and sustainable development, while in Serbia this area is undergoing a transformation process in accordance with the requirements of the European Union and international standards. This final paper provided a better understanding ...Дарко Драгићевић. Управљање отпадом – услови, циљеви и изазови на домаћем тржишту, 2024
Синтеза и карактеризација керамике на бази сфена
Jelena R. Pantić (2015-07-10)Механохемијска активација стехиометријске смеше реактаната TiO2, SiO2 и CaCO3 показала се као веома успешна и једноставна метода за добијање сфена (CaTiSiO5). На основу мерења релативних густина свих синтерованих узорака установљено је да максималну густину од 93,9 % имају узорци који су активирани 30 минута и синтеровани на 1200 °С. Микроструктурном анализом, тј. анализом слика синтерованих узорака активираних 30 минута, које су добијене скенирајућом електронском микроскопијом, опажа се бимодална расподела величине зрна, са просечном величином од 3 μm, односно 5 ...сфен, механохемија, Ритвелдова метода, оптичка спектроскопија, микроструктурна анализа, фазна трансфоpмација, чврсти раствори... Kosova N. (2001) Soft Mechanochemical Synthesis: A Basis for New Chemical Technologies. Kluwer Academic Publishers, 207. Angel R.J. (1997) Transformation of fivefold-coordinated silicon to octahedral silicon in calcium silicate, CaSi2O5. Am Mineral 82: 836-839. Angel R.J., Kunz M., Miletich ...
... Докторска дисертација Јелена Пантић 124 Nord Jr. G.L. (1992) Imaging Transformation-induced Microstructures. In: Buseck P.R. (ed) Minerals and Reactions at the Atomic Scale: Transmission Electron Microscopy. Reviews in mineralogy ...Jelena R. Pantić. "Синтеза и карактеризација керамике на бази сфена" in Универзитет у Београду, Универзитет у Београду, Рударско-геолошки факултет (2015-07-10)
Синтеза и карактеризација керамике на бази сфена
Jelena R. Pantić (2015-07-10)Механохемијска активација стехиометријске смеше реактаната TiO2, SiO2 и CaCO3 показала се као веома успешна и једноставна метода за добијање сфена (CaTiSiO5). На основу мерења релативних густина свих синтерованих узорака установљено је да максималну густину од 93,9 % имају узорци који су активирани 30 минута и синтеровани на 1200 °С. Микроструктурном анализом, тј. анализом слика синтерованих узорака активираних 30 минута, које су добијене скенирајућом електронском микроскопијом, опажа се бимодална расподела величине зрна, са просечном величином од 3 μm, односно 5 ...сфен, механохемија, Ритвелдова метода, оптичка спектроскопија, микроструктурна анализа, фазна трансфоpмација, чврсти раствори... Kosova N. (2001) Soft Mechanochemical Synthesis: A Basis for New Chemical Technologies. Kluwer Academic Publishers, 207. Angel R.J. (1997) Transformation of fivefold-coordinated silicon to octahedral silicon in calcium silicate, CaSi2O5. Am Mineral 82: 836-839. Angel R.J., Kunz M., Miletich ...
... Докторска дисертација Јелена Пантић 124 Nord Jr. G.L. (1992) Imaging Transformation-induced Microstructures. In: Buseck P.R. (ed) Minerals and Reactions at the Atomic Scale: Transmission Electron Microscopy. Reviews in mineralogy ...Jelena R. Pantić. "Синтеза и карактеризација керамике на бази сфена" in Универзитет у Београду, Универзитет у Београду, Рударско-геолошки факултет (2015-07-10)
Mineral Resources of Serbia: Environmental, Societal and Economic Challenges
... Special Attention to the Transformation Products of PPCPs in Environment. Emerging Contaminants 3 (2): 69—75. doi: 10.1016/j.emcon.2017.04.001. Zuccato, E., Castiglioni, S. (2009). IIlicit Drugs in the Environment. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering ...
... pesticide transformation products because the transformation products are often more polar, mobile and persistent than their parent molecules. Furthermore, transformation products can be found in the environment at higher concentrations than parent molecules and sometimes transformation products ...
... evaluated using the following mathematical and statistical methods: factor impact on the plant characteristics (variance analysis) and correlation analysis of plant characteristics with the use of the statistical package STATISTICA 12 for Windows. Applied mathematical and statistical methods for the ...Vladimir Simić, Rade Jelenković, Dragana Životić. "Mineral Resources of Serbia: Environmental, Societal and Economic Challenges" in Serbia: Current Issues and Challenges in the Areas of Natural Resources, Agriculture and Environment,, Nova Science Publishers, Inc. (2019)
Analysis Of the Process Of Carbon Capture Utilization And Storage In Underground Reservoirs
John Nyame (2024)The importance of mitigating the effects of global climate change has necessitated an in-depth exploration of innovative strategies to reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. Among these strategies, Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage (CCUS) has emerged as a promising and transformative solution. This master thesis delves into the diverse realm of CCUS processes, aiming to unravel the positives challenges, and opportunities within this dynamic field. The analysis begins with a systematic examination of carbon capture technologies, encompassing post-combustion, pre-combustion, and oxy-fuel combustion ...... [23]. For example, retrofitting a cement plant in Texas by SkyMine to reduce its carbon emissions by 15 % (83 000 t year!) through the direct transformation of flue gas into marketable products, such as sodium bicarbonate, hydrochloric acid, and bleach, is approaching the commercialization step. In ...John Nyame. Analysis Of the Process Of Carbon Capture Utilization And Storage In Underground Reservoirs, 2024
Sastav i teksture minerala FeO-Fe2O3-TiO2 sistema u vulkanskim stenama i porfirskim ležištima bakra Borske metalogenetske zone
Aleksandar Luković (2021)Proces obrazovanja minerala iz sistema FeO-Fe2O3-TiO2 u uzorcima vulkanskih stena i porfirskih orudnjenja borske zone prikazan kroz pojavu magnetita/hematita i njihovih alteracija. Minerali ove zone su ispitivani optičkim metodama (odbijena i propuštena svetlost), SEM-EDS/BSD, XRPD, LA-ICP-MS metodama. Rezultati ispitivanja su, pored glavnih Fe – Ti oksida, otkrili prisustvo ferijskog ilmenita u hornblenda andezitima I vulkanske faze kao i magnetita sa većim koncetracija Cr u zoni zlotske magnetne anomalije. Ispitivanje uzoraka iz bušotina porfirskih sistema borske zone otkriva postojanje nekoliko ...... at 1300'C. American Mineralogist, 49, 1016-1030. Tenailleau, C., Pring, A., Etschmann, B., Brugger, J., Grguric, B., & Putnis, A., (2006): Transformation of pentlandite to violarite under mild hydrothermal conditions. American Mineralogist, 91(4), 706–709. Tietze, E., (1870): Geologische Notizen ...
... st, 99(11-12), 2196–2202. Zhao, J., Brugger, J., Grundler, P.V., Xia, F., Chen, G., Pring, A., (2009): Mechanism and kinetics of a mineral transformation under hydrothermal conditions: calaverite to metallic gold. American Mineralogist, 94, 1541-1555. Živković, P., & Momčilović, S., (2005): Sadržaji ...Aleksandar Luković. Sastav i teksture minerala FeO-Fe2O3-TiO2 sistema u vulkanskim stenama i porfirskim ležištima bakra Borske metalogenetske zone, Beograd : [A. Luković], 2021
Modeliranje sistema upravljanja zaštitom životne sredine u rudarsko-energetskim kompleksima
Jelena R. Malenović - Nikolić (2016-07-12)Efikasnost funkcionisanja sistema upravljanja zaštitom životne sredine u rudarskoenergetskimkompleksima zavisi od stepena sprovođenja usvojene politike zaštiteživotne sredine i primene preventivnih mera zaštite životne sredine. Nedostatakfinansijskih sredstava za unapređivanje tehnologije eksploatacije, transporta, pripreme iprerade energetskih mineralnih sirovina u našim rudarsko-energetskim kompleksima,negativno utiče na ostvarivanje ciljeva zaštite životne sredine, a posledice radnihaktivnosti rudarsko-energetskih kompleksa dovode do smanjenja nivoa kvalitetavazduha, vode i zemljišta...rudarsko-energetski kompleks, životna sredina, sistem upravljanja,višekriterijumsko odlučivanje, modeliranje... evaluation of a marketing driven business and corporate strategy, Mathematical Modelling 9, (3-5), 1987, pp. 285-291 210. Dorweiler, V., Legal case planning via the analytic hierarchy process: Litigation— or—conflict resolution, Mathematical Modelling 9, (3-5), 1987, pp. 251-261 211. Saaty, T.L., G ...
... for improving the environmental management process. Multiple-criteria decision analysis based on an analysis of the effects of coal energy transformation and of the importance of environmental aspects creates a good foundation for selecting priority preventive and corrective environmental protection ...
... to create a theoretical foundation for changing how the environmental protection system is organized, to reduce the negative impact of the transformation of the primary energy of coal into secondary, to improve the state of the environment, and to propose one of the possible way of resolving ...Jelena R. Malenović - Nikolić. "Modeliranje sistema upravljanja zaštitom životne sredine u rudarsko-energetskim kompleksima" in Универзитет у Београду, Универзитет у Београду, Рударско-геолошки факултет (2016-07-12)
Development of a petrographic classification system for organic particles affected by self-heating in coal waste. (An ICCP Classification System, Self-heating Working Group – Commission III)
M. Misz-Kennan, J. Kus, D. Flores, C. Avila, Z. Büçkün, N. Choudhury, K. Christanis, J.P. Joubert, S. Kalaitzidis, A.I. Karayigit, M. Malecha, M. Marques, P. Martizzi, J.M.K. O'Keefe, W. Pickel, G. Predeanu, S. Pusz, J. Ribeiro, S. Rodrigues, A.K. Singh, I. Suárez-Ruiz, I. Sýkorová, N.J. Wagner, D. Životić (2020)Self-heating of coal waste is a major problem in the leading coal-producing and consuming countries, independent of the recent or past coal exploitation history. The phenomenon of self-heating is dependent on many factors such as the properties of organic matter (maceral composition and rank), moisture and pyrite content, climate effects, and storage conditions (shape of the dump or compaction of the coal waste). Once deposited, coal waste undergoes oxidation, which can lead to self- heating with the overall temperatures ...M. Misz-Kennan, J. Kus, D. Flores, C. Avila, Z. Büçkün, N. Choudhury, K. Christanis, J.P. Joubert, S. Kalaitzidis, A.I. Karayigit, M. Malecha, M. Marques, P. Martizzi, J.M.K. O'Keefe, W. Pickel, G. Predeanu, S. Pusz, J. Ribeiro, S. Rodrigues, A.K. Singh, I. Suárez-Ruiz, I. Sýkorová, N.J. Wagner, D. Životić. "Development of a petrographic classification system for organic particles affected by self-heating in coal waste. (An ICCP Classification System, Self-heating Working Group – Commission III)" in International Journal of Coal Geology, Elsevier BV (2020). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.coal.2020.103411
Хидрогеохемијске карактеристике и квалитет вода слива Требишњице, Република Српска, Босна и Херцеговина
Dragoslav R. Banjak (2016-08-25)Упркос неповољном временском и просторном распореду, воде су најзначајнијиприродни ресурс Источне Херцеговине. Ова чињеница довела је до реализацијепројекта „Вишенамјенског хидросистема Требишњица“, којим је, премаМилановићу (2006), до сада обухваћено: седам хидроелектрана, шестакумулација, шест брана, шест тунела укупне дужине 59,7 km, неколикоприступних тунела, 62,5 km бетонског канала кроз Попово поље, канал крозДабарско (6750 m) и Фатничко поље (2770 m) и систем тунел-канал или цјевоводпрема Дубравама.У почетку са доминантним енергетским предзнаком, концепција јетрансформисана у интегрално рјешење вишенамјенског коришћења и заштитевода и животне ...хидрогеохемијски процеси, мултиваријантна статистичкаанализа, инверзно геохемијско моделовање, квалитет воде, употребиљивост водеза наводњавање, слив Требишњице... Anambra basin, Nigeria, Petroleum & Coal, 51(4), Pages 260-269 49. Osborne J.W. (2010), Improving your data transformations: Applying the Box- Cox transformation, Practical Assessment, Research & Evaluation 15, No. 12, Pages 118-130 Драгослав Р. Бањак ...
... Vigo (NW Spain); an Assessment of Metal Pollution, Marine Pollution Bulletin, Vol 40, No 11, Pages 968-900 60. Sakia R.M. (1992), The Box-Cox transformation technique, A review „The statistician 41, Pages 169-178 61. Стевановић З. (2011), Менаџмент подземних водних ресурса, Рударско- геолошки ...Dragoslav R. Banjak. "Хидрогеохемијске карактеристике и квалитет вода слива Требишњице, Република Српска, Босна и Херцеговина" in Универзитет у Београду, Универзитет у Београду, Рударско-геолошки факултет (2016-08-25)
Novi model za postizanje optimalne proizvodnje na naftnom polju Amal
Elnori Elmabrouk Ali Elhaddad (2015-04-16)Doktorskom disertacijom analizirani su i proučavani problemi proizvodnje nafte iprimenjene metode za njihovo rešavanje na naftnom polju Amal. Ukratko jeprikazana proizvodnje nafte u Libiji, njene karakteristike i rezerve, da bi se videoznačaj ovog naftnog polja.Utvrđeno je da su na naftnom polju Amal ključni problemi koji prate procesproizvodnje taloženje parafina, pojava slojnog peska, neefikasan rad gasliftsistema, neefikasna desalinizacija nafte i ekološki problemi. Proizvodniproblemi, pojedinačno i više njih zajedno, na nekim bušotinama uzrokovali susmanjenje proizvodnje nafte od 40 do 75%. Zbog ...... -field-redevelopment-libya-commercial-asset-valuation. Amal (2011), Production data. Ancheyta J., Fernando T. (2009) Asphaltenes: chemical transformation during hydro-processing of heavy oils. New York, NY, USA: CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group. APPA (2011), African Petroleum Producers Association ...
... and Gas Journal, vol. 99, no. 21, pp. 47–49. Ayatollahi S., Narimani M., Moshfeghian M. (2004) Intermittent gas lift in Aghajari oil field, a mathematical study, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, Volume 42, Issues 2–4, 245-255. Bahgat, G. (2006) Libya Looks to a Bright Future Post-Sanctions ...
... M.H, Hamouda A.M.S., Hang Tuah Bin Baharudin (2012) Modeling the technology transfer process in the petroleum industry: Evidence from Libya, Mathematical and Computer Modelling, Volume 55, Issues 3–4, 451-470. Modesty Kelechukwu E., Said Al-Salim H., Saadi A., (2013) Prediction of Wax Deposition ...Elnori Elmabrouk Ali Elhaddad. "Novi model za postizanje optimalne proizvodnje na naftnom polju Amal" in Универзитет у Београду, Универзитет у Београду, Рударско-геолошки факултет (2015-04-16)
Novi model za postizanje optimalne proizvodnje na naftnom polju Amal
Elnori Elmabrouk Ali Elhaddad (2015-04-16)Doktorskom disertacijom analizirani su i proučavani problemi proizvodnje nafte iprimenjene metode za njihovo rešavanje na naftnom polju Amal. Ukratko jeprikazana proizvodnje nafte u Libiji, njene karakteristike i rezerve, da bi se videoznačaj ovog naftnog polja.Utvrđeno je da su na naftnom polju Amal ključni problemi koji prate procesproizvodnje taloženje parafina, pojava slojnog peska, neefikasan rad gasliftsistema, neefikasna desalinizacija nafte i ekološki problemi. Proizvodniproblemi, pojedinačno i više njih zajedno, na nekim bušotinama uzrokovali susmanjenje proizvodnje nafte od 40 do 75%. Zbog ...... -field-redevelopment-libya-commercial-asset-valuation. Amal (2011), Production data. Ancheyta J., Fernando T. (2009) Asphaltenes: chemical transformation during hydro-processing of heavy oils. New York, NY, USA: CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group. APPA (2011), African Petroleum Producers Association ...
... and Gas Journal, vol. 99, no. 21, pp. 47–49. Ayatollahi S., Narimani M., Moshfeghian M. (2004) Intermittent gas lift in Aghajari oil field, a mathematical study, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, Volume 42, Issues 2–4, 245-255. Bahgat, G. (2006) Libya Looks to a Bright Future Post-Sanctions ...
... M.H, Hamouda A.M.S., Hang Tuah Bin Baharudin (2012) Modeling the technology transfer process in the petroleum industry: Evidence from Libya, Mathematical and Computer Modelling, Volume 55, Issues 3–4, 451-470. Modesty Kelechukwu E., Said Al-Salim H., Saadi A., (2013) Prediction of Wax Deposition ...Elnori Elmabrouk Ali Elhaddad. "Novi model za postizanje optimalne proizvodnje na naftnom polju Amal" in Универзитет у Београду, Универзитет у Београду, Рударско-геолошки факултет (2015-04-16)