2295 items
Examination of the possibility of obtaining pyrite concentrate from the flotation tailings of the Lece mine
Рудник Леце је карактеристичан по томе што у флотацијским концентратима олова и цинка као корисну примену има злато и сребро. Практично од отварања рудника и флотације трају истраживања и борба за што боље технолошке показатеље на сва четири платива метала (олово, цинк, злато и сребро) посебно на злату. Овај рад представља допринос тој борби у циљу повећања искоришћења злата. Како је начин појављивања злата веома различит (самородно, са оловом и цинком, са пиритом и кварцом) то је и технолошка ...Predrag Lazić, Đurica Nikšić, Dejan Stojanović, Tamara Stojanović. "Examination of the possibility of obtaining pyrite concentrate from the flotation tailings of the Lece mine" in Underground Mining Engineering, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mining and Geology (2022) М51
Distribution of Potentially Toxic Elements in the City of Zintan and Its Surroundings (Northwestern Libya) by Surface Soil Sampling
Boris Vakanjac, Zorana Naunović, Vesna Ristić Vakanjac, Tanita Đumić, Saša Bakrač, Jana Štrbački, Vuk Gajić, Taher Mohamed Alzarog (2023)The study area is the city of Zintan, in northwestern Libya, which has grown over the past 30 years. Its current population is roughly 30,000. Although the city is in part commercial, most of the population engages in agriculture and primarily grows cereal crops (wheat and barley). The demand of the growing city for agricultural products has increased, intensifying the use of fertilizers, pesticides, and insecticides. Consequently, concentrations of potentially toxic elements (PTE) in the soil have increased. To ...Boris Vakanjac, Zorana Naunović, Vesna Ristić Vakanjac, Tanita Đumić, Saša Bakrač, Jana Štrbački, Vuk Gajić, Taher Mohamed Alzarog. "Distribution of Potentially Toxic Elements in the City of Zintan and Its Surroundings (Northwestern Libya) by Surface Soil Sampling" in Minerals, MDPI AG (2023). https://doi.org/10.3390/min13081048 М22
EU Projekti -mogućnost i šansa za uključivanje i angažman naučnih kadrova iz geologije i rudarstva (posebno PMS-struke). Sa osvrtom na projekat RIS-DustRec- no 22009 iz oblasti EITRawMaterials (sekundarnih sirovina)
Dragan Radulović, Ivica Ristović, Gašper Tavčar, Davide Mombelli, Vladimir Jovanović, Dejan Todorović, Branislav Ivošević (2023)Velike količine prašine iz EAF peći se stvaraju u Evropi (1,3Mt), kao i u svetu (8,764Mt). Zbog visokog sadržaja Fe i Zn, čiji sadržaj često dostiže ukupno između 50 i 60 tež.%, EAF prašina je oduvek bila interesantna za reciklažu. Do sada, najčešće primenjivana metoda prerade EAF prašine je pirometalurški proces ekstrakcije Zn u Waelz pećima (85% tržišnog učešća). U radu je predstavlјen EIT Raw Materials projekat: RIS-DustRec-II, koji ima za cilј razvoj inovativnih tehnologija za odvajanje, ponovnu obradu ...Dragan Radulović, Ivica Ristović, Gašper Tavčar, Davide Mombelli, Vladimir Jovanović, Dejan Todorović, Branislav Ivošević. "EU Projekti -mogućnost i šansa za uključivanje i angažman naučnih kadrova iz geologije i rudarstva (posebno PMS-struke). Sa osvrtom na projekat RIS-DustRec- no 22009 iz oblasti EITRawMaterials (sekundarnih sirovina)" in X Kolokvijum o pripremi mineralnih sirovina, Beograd : Univerzitet u Beogradu - Rudarsko-geološki fakultet (2023) М63
Protective channels to prevent a potential rockfall during blasting
Miljan Gomilanović, Stefan Milanović, Nikola Stanić, Miloš Živanović, Saša Stepanović, Aleksandar Doderović, Tanja Stanković (2024)Drilling and blasting at the Open Pit North Mining District takes place in the complex geological and urban environment conditions. The proximity of the city requires the performance of mining works with application the numerous and strict protection measures against the negative impact of mining. This paper presents a protection measure against the possible movement of loose pieces of rock that may occur as a result of blasting by creating the protective channels.open pit north mining district, rockfall during blasting, special protection measures, protective channelsMiljan Gomilanović, Stefan Milanović, Nikola Stanić, Miloš Živanović, Saša Stepanović, Aleksandar Doderović, Tanja Stanković. "Protective channels to prevent a potential rockfall during blasting" in The 55th international october conference on mining and metallurgy, Kladovo, Serbia, 15 - 17 october 2024, Mining and metallurgy institute Bor (2024). https://doi.org/10.5937/IOC24087T М33
Life Cycle Assessment of Individual Wood Biomass Heating Systems in Households
The use of solid fuels (wood biomass and coal) for heating of households continues to be common practice within European countries. Solid fuel combustion in households contributes more than 46% to total emissions of fine particulate matter. In this study, a life-cycle assessment (LCA) of firewood-based and pellet-based heating systems is performed. These two systems represent two different types of individual wood biomass heating systems. In the case of the firewood-based heating systems, it is analyzed a typical stove ...Boban Pavlović, Dejan Ivezić, Marija Živković. "Life Cycle Assessment of Individual Wood Biomass Heating Systems in Households" in 5th International Scientific Conference ”Conference on Mechanical Engineering Technologies and Applications” COMETa2020, East Sarajevo, 2020, University of East Sarajevo, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering East Sarajevo (2020) М33
The optimization of auxiliary machinery in open-cast lignite mines: a case study of bulldozers
One of the most important prerequisites for the successful operation of the open-cast lignite mine is to carry out all the auxiliary works timely with the necessary quality. The most important and most commonly used auxiliary machines are bulldozers. Engaging time of bulldozers use is in direct relation with the coefficients of the time and capacity utilization of the continuous system for the excavation of coal and tailings, which indicates their importance. More than 100 bulldozers have been hired ...Dragan Ignjatović, Predrag Jovančić, Stevan Đenadić, Ivan Janković, Ivica Ristović. "The optimization of auxiliary machinery in open-cast lignite mines: a case study of bulldozers" in 7th International Symposium Mining and Environmental Protection, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mining and Geology, Belgrade, Serbia (2019) М33
Mathematical modeling to define catchment size and real evapotranspiration (case study: Andrića karst spring, Western Serbia)
Marina Čokorilo Ilić, Vesna Ristić Vakanjac, Dušan Polomčić, Dragoljub Bajić, Jelena Ratković, Bojan Hajdin (2018)Water resources in karst are extremely important sources of drinking water supply. The quality of groundwater formed in karst aquifers is generally high and in most cases only chlorination is required. However, from a hydrogeological perspective, these water resources are the least studied. Often only basic information is available on catchment size, groundwater reserves (dynamic and static, if any) and groundwater balance. Detailed hydrogeological investigations and long-term monitoring of karst spring discharges are needed to acquire such information. In ...Marina Čokorilo Ilić, Vesna Ristić Vakanjac, Dušan Polomčić, Dragoljub Bajić, Jelena Ratković, Bojan Hajdin. "Mathematical modeling to define catchment size and real evapotranspiration (case study: Andrića karst spring, Western Serbia)" in National Conference with international participation “Geosciences 2018”, Bulgarian Geological Sciety (2018) М34
Hydrochemistry of groundwater contaminated by petroleum hydrocarbons: the impact of biodegradation (Vitanovac, Serbia)
Nenad Marić, Jana Štrbački, Sanja Mrazovac Kurilić, Vladimir P. Beškoski, Zoran Nikić, Snežana Ignjatović, Jovana Malbašić (2020)Aquifer contamination by petroleum hydrocarbons leads to measurable changes of groundwater hydrochemistry, primarily due to the microbiological activity. This study analyzes this phenomenon at an historical kerosene-contaminated site in Vitanovac (central Serbia). Due to the long-term hydrocarbon contamination and exposure to aerobic and anaerobic biodegradation mechanisms, the lowest concentrations of O2, NO3−, and SO42− (electron acceptors) and the highest concentrations of Mn and Fe (products of microbial metabolic activity) overlap. The terminal redox-accepting processes in groundwater ranged from oxygen ...Nenad Marić, Jana Štrbački, Sanja Mrazovac Kurilić, Vladimir P. Beškoski, Zoran Nikić, Snežana Ignjatović, Jovana Malbašić. "Hydrochemistry of groundwater contaminated by petroleum hydrocarbons: the impact of biodegradation (Vitanovac, Serbia)" in Environmental Geochemistry and Health, Springer Netherlands (2020). https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1007/s10653-019-00462-9 М21
How active is recent tectonics in the central Balkans: Evidence from the Serbian Carpatho-Balkanides
Ana Mladenović (2022)Since the Late Cretaceous, after closure of the Neotethys ocean, tectonic processes in the central Balkan Peninsula were mainly controlled by the mutual interaction of the Adriatic and the Eurasian plates, and tectonic units in-between. Most of the tectonic structures that have been active during Cenozoic times were inherited from previous tectonic stages under different tectonic regimes. Tectonic activity within the Carpatho-Balkan orogen in eastern Serbia since Miocene is conditioned by the existence of the rigid Moesian promontory east ...Ana Mladenović. "How active is recent tectonics in the central Balkans: Evidence from the Serbian Carpatho-Balkanides" in 15th Emile Argand Conference on Alpine Geological Studies, 12-14 September 2022, Ljubljana, Slovenia, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering (2022) М34
The influence of structural modification of Pd(II) pincer-type complexes on the kinetics of substitution reactions
Snežana Jovanović Stević, Snežana Radisavljević, Aleksandar Mijatović, Biljana Petrović, Ana Kesić (2023)This mini-review summarizes the kinetic data obtained for the substitution reactions of some palladium(II) complexes containing bis-pyrazolylpyridine derivatives as pincer-type ligands with biologically significant nitrogen- and sulfur-donor biomolecules as nucleophiles. Three structurally different palladium(II) complexes were selected: [Pd(L1)Cl]+ (Pd1), [Pd(L2)Cl]+ (Pd2) and [Pd(L3)Cl]+ (Pd3) (where L1 = bis(2-(1H-pyrazol-1-yl)ethyl)amine, L2 = 2,6-bis(5-(tert-butyl)-1H-pyrazol-3-yl)pyridine, and L3 = 2,6-bis(5-(tert-butyl)-1-methyl-1H-pyrazol-3-yl)pyridine, while for the entering nucleophiles were used thiourea (Tu), L-methionine (L-met), and guanosine-5’-monophosphate (5’-GMP). Kinetic measurements were carried out for all systems as pseudo-first ...Snežana Jovanović Stević, Snežana Radisavljević, Aleksandar Mijatović, Biljana Petrović, Ana Kesić. "The influence of structural modification of Pd(II) pincer-type complexes on the kinetics of substitution reactions" in 2nd International Conference on Chemo and BioInformatics ICCBIKG 2023, 28-29 September 2023, Institute for Information Technologies, University of Kragujevac, Serbia, Kragujevac : Institute for Information Technologies, University of Kragujevac (2023) М33
Hronološki pregled razvoja površinske eksploatacije lignita u Srbiji
U ovom preglednom radu dat je istorijski pregled razvoja površinske eksploatacije lignita na teritoriji Srbije, uz kratak osvrt na geološki nastanak i kvalitet i rezerve uglja, kao i mogućnosti korišćenja za dalju upotrebu. Kolubarski, Kostolački i Kovinski ugljeni baseni lignita u Srbiji, ne računajući Kosovsko-Metohijski i Drenički u sastavu AP Kosovo i Metohija po Rezoluciji 1244 UN, su ležišta najrasprostranjenijeg uglja - lignita u Srbiji koji se eksploatiše od druge polovine 20. veka na velikom broju površinskih kopova ...Bojan Dimitrijević, Radmila Gaćina, Bogoljub Vučković. "Hronološki pregled razvoja površinske eksploatacije lignita u Srbiji" in XI Međunarodna konferencija ugalj i kritični mineral CCM 2023, Zlatibor, 11-14. oktobar 2023., Beograd : Jugoslovenski komitet za površinsku eksploataciju (2023) М33
Arsenopirit iz rudnih ležišta Šumadijsko-kopaoničke oblasti: paregeneza, sastav i produkti oksidacije
Ivana N. Jelić (2023)Arsenopirit, FeAsS je čest pratilac polimetaličnih orudnjenja Šumadijsko-kopaoničke oblasti. Jedan je od sulfida koji u najvećoj meri koncentriše zlato. Nepoželjan je u rudama jer njegovom oksidacijom na jalovištima može doći do oslobađanja arsena koji spada u elemente toksične za životnu sredinu. U okviru ovog doktorata sistematski su ispitivani arsenopiriti iz različitih stadijuma i tipova orudnjenja rudnih ležišta i mineralizacija Šumadijsko-kopaoničke oblasti (Rudnik, Sastavci, Trepča, Gokčanica – Drenjak i Rujak, Golijska reka i Jurija). Uzorci arsenopirita ispitivani su polarizacionom mikroskopijom ...Ivana N. Jelić. Arsenopirit iz rudnih ležišta Šumadijsko-kopaoničke oblasti: paregeneza, sastav i produkti oksidacije, Beograd : [I. Jelić], 2023 M70
Развој модела за одређивање расположивости континуалних система на површинским коповима применом неуро-фази модела
Миљан С. Гомилановић (2024)Расположивост представља један од основних показатеља употребног квалитета (енг. quality of service) техничких система. Условљена је поузданошћу и погодношћу за одржавањем. У овој дисертацији приказани су теоријски принципи инжењерства одржавања техничких система са становишта расположивости и сигурности функционисања (енг. dependability), посебно је истакнут проблем дефинисања расположивости у случају континуалних система површинске експлоатације. Паралелно је развијено и примењено више метода за одређивање расположивости применом експертних система, модела вештачке интелигенције и симулационих модела. Континуални системи на производњи угља и откривке су производни ...расположивост, континуални системи, фази логика, вештачке неуронске мреже, неуро-фази систем (ANFIS), симулацијаМиљан С. Гомилановић. Развој модела за одређивање расположивости континуалних система на површинским коповима применом неуро-фази модела, Београд : [М. Гомилановић], 2024 M70
A Correlation Relating the Residual Strength Parameters to the Proportions of Clay Fractions and Plasticity Characteristics of Overburden Sediments from the Open-Pit Mine Drmno
Jedan od preduslova za bezbedno obavljanje eksploatacije na površinskim kopovima, jeste stabilnost završnih i radnih kosina kopa. Da bi se ovo obezbedilo potrebno je izvršiti detaljna terenska i laboratorijska geomehanička ispitivanja tla i na osnovu dobijenih rezultata uraditi proračune vezane za analize stabilnosti. Ovako dobijeni rezultati koriste se za dimenzionisanje nagiba eksplotacionih kosina (iskopa), odnosno kosina formiranih usled odlaganja jalovine. Klizišta nastaju kada je dostignuta granična čvrstoća smicanja i zato je adekvatno definisanje parametara čvrstoće na smicanje, jedan ...Stevan Ćorluka, Dragoslav Rakić, Nikola Živanović, Ksenija Đoković, Tina Đurić. "A Correlation Relating the Residual Strength Parameters to the Proportions of Clay Fractions and Plasticity Characteristics of Overburden Sediments from the Open-Pit Mine Drmno" in Applied Sciences, MDPI AG (2024). https://doi.org/10.3390/app142210325 М22
Uticaj utiskivanja gas-lift gasa na prenos mase i toplote
Branko Grubač (2019)Nakon uvođenja kontinualnog gas-lifta, primećen je porast proizvodnje tečnog naftnog gasa, TNG, u postrojenju za preradu gasa, kao jednog od finalnih proizvoda dobijenog iz fluida gaso kondenzatnih i rastvorenog gasa iz naftnih bušotina. Pretpostavljeno je da se prisustvom gas-lift gasa uspostavlja drugačija ravnoteža faza u odnosu na slučaj bez gaslifta, te da je gas-lift gas stripovao propan i butane iz tečne u parnu fazu, što je dovelo do povećanja prinosa TNG-a. Napravljen je model bušotine koja radi u kontinualnom gas-liftu ...Branko Grubač. Uticaj utiskivanja gas-lift gasa na prenos mase i toplote, Beograd : Rudarsko-geološki fakultet, 2019 M70
Razvoj modela upravljanja cirkulacijom u postupku bušenja korišćenjem neuro fazi sistema zaključivanja
Seyed Ali S. Razeghi (2022)Gubitak isplake predstavlja nekontrolisano isticanje bušaćeg fluida kroz formacije kao što su kaverne, pukotine, ili drugi slojevi. Tradicionalne metode procene gubitka isplake se zasnivaju na primeni seizmičkih podataka ili pronalasku „mesta“ gubitka isplake na osnovu raspoloživih podataka iz susednih bušotina. Međutim, ove metode procene nisu pouzdane.‘ U disertaciji je izvršena analiza i procena uticaja parametara bušenja, geoloških faktora, karakteristika formacije i fluida na gubitak isplake kao i na formiranje fraktura u formacijama. Uspostavljeni su modeli koji podrazumevaju proces obrade ...Seyed Ali S. Razeghi. Razvoj modela upravljanja cirkulacijom u postupku bušenja korišćenjem neuro fazi sistema zaključivanja, Beograd : [S. Razeghi], 2022 M70
Epidotizacija sanidina u kvarclatitima Grota
Propilitska alteracija je veoma česta u gornjokredno-tercijarnim vulkanitima Srbije. Kvarclatiti Grota, otkriveni na dubini od oko 550 m u jednoj od istražnih bušotina su holokristalaste porfirske strukture sa fenokristalima sanidina dimenzija i do 1,5 x 2 cm. Optičkim ispitivanjima su u kvarclatitu potvrdjeni i elementi sitaste, pojkilitske i glomeroporfirske strukture. Kao fenokristali prisutni su sanidin, plagioklas, kvarc, biotit i amfiboli. Sekundarni minerali su hlorit, epidot, coisit, Fe-hidroksidi, redak kalcit i ilit. U fenokristalima sanidina se zapažaju „lepeze“ izduženih kristala ...Danica Srećković-Batoćanin, Suzana Erić, Nikola Novičić, Nikola Pašajlić, Natalija Batoćanin. "Epidotizacija sanidina u kvarclatitima Grota" in III Congress of Geologists of Bosnia and Herzegovina with international participation, Neum, 21. – 23.09.2023, Ilidža : Udruženje/udruga geologa u Bosni i Hercegovini (2023) М63
Determination of Mechanical Properties of Altered Dacite by Laboratory Methods
This paper presents a methodology for determining the uniaxial and triaxial compressive strength of heterogeneous material composed of dacite (D) and altered dacite (AD). A zone of gradual transition from altered dacite to dacite was observed in the rock mass. The mechanical properties of the rock material in that zone were determined by laboratory tests of composite samples that consisted of rock material discs. However, the functional dependence on the strength parameter alteration of the rock material (UCS, intact ...Veljko Rupar, Vladimir Čebašek, Vladimir Milisavljević, Dejan Stevanović, Nikola Živanović. "Determination of Mechanical Properties of Altered Dacite by Laboratory Methods" in Minerals, MDPI AG (2021). https://doi.org/10.3390/min11080813 М22
Pliocene deposits and the Pliocene/Quaternary boundary on the northern slope of Fruska Gora (Serbia) – new data based on an integrated study
Rundić Ljupko, Vasić Nebojša, Knežević Slobodan, Cvetkov Vesna. "Pliocene deposits and the Pliocene/Quaternary boundary on the northern slope of Fruska Gora (Serbia) – new data based on an integrated study" in The 4th International Workshop on the Neogene from the Central and South-Eastern Europe, Slovak Republic, Abstracts and Guide of Excursion, September, 12 – 16, 2011, Banská Bystrica:Faculty of Natural Sciences, Matej Bel University (2011): 63-65 M34
Parameter determination of soil oscillation law using quotient of the relative growth increments of oscillation velocity and reduced distances at “Nepričava“ open pit mine
Suzana Lutovac, Sanja Bajić, Marina Ravilić, Radmila Gaćina. "Parameter determination of soil oscillation law using quotient of the relative growth increments of oscillation velocity and reduced distances at “Nepričava“ open pit mine" in Underground Mining Engineering, Belgrade : University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mining and Geology (2015). https://doi.org/10.5937/podrad1526009L M53