2846 items
Određivanje prostorne distribucije vrednosti hidrauličkih parametara izdani: primer površinskog kopa „Radljevo“
Najčešće se kalibracija hidrodinamičkih modela vršila manuelno - „probanjem“ sa različitim vrednostima hidrauličkih parametara i hidrauličkih karakteristika graničnih uslova. Ovakav način rada zahteva veliko znanje i iskustvo eksperta, pri čemu ostaje otvoreno pitanje da li dobijeno rešenje ima optimalan skup parametara. Primenom optimizacione metode, koja se zasniva na Gauss-Marquardt-Levenberg-ovom algoritmu, i PEST softvera, ...Dragoljub Bajić, Dušan Polomčić, Jelena Ratković, Predrag Pajić. "Određivanje prostorne distribucije vrednosti hidrauličkih parametara izdani: primer površinskog kopa „Radljevo“" in 9. Međunarodni simpozijum o upravljanju podzemnim resursima, Zaječar 2019., Megatrend Univerzitet, Fakultet za menadžment, Zaječar (2019)
In vitro and in silico study of the biological activity of tetradentate Schiff base copper(II) complexes with ethylenediamine-bridge
Aleksandar Mijatović, Nevenka Gligorijević, Dušan Ćoćić, Snežana Spasić, Aleksandar Lolić, Sandra Aranđelović, Milan Nikolić, Rada Baošić (2023)The biological activity of six structurally similar tetradentate Schiff base copper(II) complexes, namely [Cu (ethylenediamine-bis-acetylacetonate)] (CuAA) and five derivatives where two methyl groups are replaced by phenyl, (CuPP), CF3 (CuTT) or by mixed groups CH3/CF3 (CuAT), Ph/CF3 (CuPT), and Ph/CH3 (CuAP) has been investigated. The set of antioxidant assays was performed, and the results were expressed as IC50 and EC50 values. The series of complexes showed interesting bioactivity and were investigated for the determination of antioxidant, antifungal, antimicrobial, and ...Aleksandar Mijatović, Nevenka Gligorijević, Dušan Ćoćić, Snežana Spasić, Aleksandar Lolić, Sandra Aranđelović, Milan Nikolić, Rada Baošić. "In vitro and in silico study of the biological activity of tetradentate Schiff base copper(II) complexes with ethylenediamine-bridge" in Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry, Elsevier BV (2023). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jinorgbio.2023.112224
Roots of trinomials of bounded height
Stankov Dragan (2014)Stankov Dragan. "Roots of trinomials of bounded height" in International Conference. 13th Serbian Mathematical Congress, Maj, 22-25, 2014, Vrnjačka Banja, Serbia : Book of Abstracts, Niš:Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics (2014): 11
Determination of wather loss from reservoirs in less permeable karst aquifer- case example of left bank of Lazici dam- western Serbia
Jemcov Igor, Mladenović Ana, Pavlović Radmila, Trivić Branislav, Petrović Dragana, Petrović Rastko (2014)Jemcov Igor, Mladenović Ana, Pavlović Radmila, Trivić Branislav, Petrović Dragana, Petrović Rastko. "Determination of wather loss from reservoirs in less permeable karst aquifer- case example of left bank of Lazici dam- western Serbia" in Proceedings of International conference and field seminar „Karst without boundaries“, 11-15 June 2014, Trebinje, Dubrovnik, Trebinje:Grafokomerc (2014): 307-312
Regional Scale Screening of Groundwater Pollution Risk Induced by Regional Scale Screening of Groundwater Pollution Risk Induced by Historical Mining Activities in Serbia
Atanacković Nebojša, Dragišić Veselin, Živanović Vladimir, Ninković Sunčica, Magazinović Sava (2015)Atanacković Nebojša, Dragišić Veselin, Živanović Vladimir, Ninković Sunčica, Magazinović Sava. "Regional Scale Screening of Groundwater Pollution Risk Induced by Regional Scale Screening of Groundwater Pollution Risk Induced by Historical Mining Activities in Serbia" in Groundwater Vulenrability from Scientific concept to practical application, Ustron, Poland, 25-29 May 2015, Sosnowiec, Poland:Faculty of Earth Sciences, University of Silesia, Sosnowiec, Poland (2015): 9-9
Multicriteria Analysis and Optimization of Groundwater Control Systems with Variable Values of Criterion over Predefined Time Points
Milica Stepanović, Dragoljub Bajić, Dušan Polomčić. "Multicriteria Analysis and Optimization of Groundwater Control Systems with Variable Values of Criterion over Predefined Time Points" in Comptes rendus de l'Académie Bulgare des Sciences, "Prof. Marin Drinov" Publishing House of Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (2021). https://doi.org/10.7546/CRABS.2021.08.09
Distribution Modulo One of the Sum of Powers of a Salem Nubmer
Stankov Dragan (2015)Stankov Dragan. "Distribution Modulo One of the Sum of Powers of a Salem Nubmer" in Šesti simpozijum Matematika i primene zbornik radova, Beograd:Univerzitet u Beogradu Matematički fakultet (2015)
Geothermobarometric investigations of Hercynian granitoids of East Serbia
Bosić Dragana, Erić Suzana, Šarić Kristina, Kostić Bojan, Cvetković Vladica, Jovanović Dragan (2016)Bosić Dragana, Erić Suzana, Šarić Kristina, Kostić Bojan, Cvetković Vladica, Jovanović Dragan. "Geothermobarometric investigations of Hercynian granitoids of East Serbia" in Geologica Macedonica, sp. iss. Third Congress of Geologists of Republic of Macedonia 2 no. 4 (2016): 467-468. https://doi.org/http://www.libraweb.net/artico
Single and multi-phase inclusions in garnets from the Lešnica alluvion in the Internal Dinarides, Serbia
Maja Milošević, Bojan Kostić (2021)... радовима запослених доступним у слободном приступу. - Претрага репозиторијума доступна је на www.dr.rgf.bg.ac.rs The Digital repository of The University of Belgrade Faculty of Mining and Geology archives faculty publications available in open access, as well as the employees' publications. - The Repository ...
... varioustypes of inclusions in their structure. Single and multiphase inclusions in the garnets wereexamined optically by petrographic methods followed by SEM-EDS method, applied for thechemical analyses of the individual inclusion, and LA-ICP-MS applied to determine distribution andcontent of trace elements ...
... and multi-phase inclusions in garnets from the Lešnicaalluvion in the Internal Dinarides, Serbia Maja Milošević and Bojan Kostić University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mining and Geology, Belgrade, Serbia Inclusions in garnets from the river Lešnica alluvion (Cer mountain area, Serbia), were investigatedin ...Maja Milošević, Bojan Kostić. "Single and multi-phase inclusions in garnets from the Lešnica alluvion in the Internal Dinarides, Serbia" in EGU Assembly 2021, Copernicus GmbH (2021). https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-2423
Модел миграције нитрата у епикарсту: лабораторијски експеримент
Бранислав Петровић (2022)Епикарст је део карстног изданског система који се налази у зони аерације и представља сложену област додира и мешања неконсолидованог материјала са површине терена, остатака карбонатних стена измењених корозивном водом, флоре и фауне и њихових остатака, који је делимично и повремено засићен подземном водом. Подручје истраживања примењених мултидисциплинарних истраживања био је карстни масив Суве планине (ЈИ Србија), односно подручје око мале пећине Печ, настале у епикарсту. Између осталих истраживања, опит трасирања (На-флуоресцеин) у пећини Печ помогао је у одређивању ...Бранислав Петровић. "Модел миграције нитрата у епикарсту: лабораторијски експеримент" in XVI Српски симпозијум о хидрогеологији, са међународним учешћем, Универзитет у Београду, Рударско-геолошки факултет (2022)
Possibilities of retro-digitalized German-Serbian Mining Dictionary
U radu će biti prikazan opis procesa retrodigitalizacije dvojezičnog Nemačko-srpskog rudarskog rečnika iz 1923. godine čiji je autor rudarski inženjer Dragutin Stepanović (Степановић, 1923). Ovaj rečnik je zasnovan na skoro 4 000 leksičkih zapisa koji su prevodilački ekvivalenti ili uputnice. Umesto predgovora autor daje uvid u svoje pismo upućeno “Ministru šuma i rudnika” u kome piše o nameri da zabeleži reči koje se koriste u narodu kako bi izbegao upotrebu nemačkih reči. Iako broj odrednica nije toliko veliki, rečnik ...Biljana Lazić, Olivera Kitanović, Ivan Obradović. "Possibilities of retro-digitalized German-Serbian Mining Dictionary" in E-dictionaries and E-lexicography, Zagreb, 10-11 May 2019, Zagreb : Institut za hrvatski jezik i jezikoslovlje (2019)
Geotehnički uslovi izgradnje metro stanice „Savski trg“ – beogradski metro linija 1
Ukrštanje linija 1 i 2 beogradskog metroa, planirano je na lokaciji “Savski trg” gde će se izgraditi zajednička metro stanica. Zbog složene konstrukcije objekta i različite dubine dijafragmi, koja na delu metro linije 2 iznosi preko 40 m, planirana je fazna izgradnja. U vezi sa tim u radu je prikazan način definisanja geotehničkog modela, kao i geotehnički proračuni u kojima su analizirani: fazni načini iskopa, filtraciona analiza, uticaj pornih i efektivnih napona na stabilnost dijafragme, horizontalna i vertikalna ...beogradski metro, metro stanica, geotehnički model, stabilnost dijafragme, horizontalna pomeranja, vertikalna pomeranjaDragoslav Rakić, Nemanja Stanić, Josip Išek, Slavoljub Stojković. "Geotehnički uslovi izgradnje metro stanice „Savski trg“ – beogradski metro linija 1" in Geotehnički aspekti građevinarstva i zemljotresno inženjerstvo – Vrnjačka Banja, 01-03. novembar 2023., Beograd : Savez građevinskih inženjere Srbije (2023)
Дефинисање хидрауличког механизма истицања карстних подземних вода применом биваријантне анализе временских серија
Вељко Мариновић (2022)Bivariate analysis was applied within the cross-correlation in time and the gain function as part of the cross-spectral function in the frequency domain, to the time series of precipitation and discharge of the Oko Bijela and Bosna karst springs in the period 2015-2020. Bivariate analysis showed a very fast reaction of the Oko Bijela spring and a reaction delay at the Bosna spring, which indicate a very weak amortization of the input signal within the Oko Bijela system and ...Вељко Мариновић. "Дефинисање хидрауличког механизма истицања карстних подземних вода применом биваријантне анализе временских серија" in Мултидисциплинарна конференција “Kарст 2022 - Значај, стање и перспективе коришћења и заштите ресурса у карсту", Српска академија наука и уметности (2022)
Challenges of Renewable Energy Source Utilisation at Section of Future Highway E-763 Belgrade-Southern Adriatic Across Karst Plateau of Pešter Plateau (Western Serbia)
Milenić Dejan, Stevanović Zoran, Dragišić Veselin, Vranješ Ana, Savić Nevena. "Challenges of Renewable Energy Source Utilisation at Section of Future Highway E-763 Belgrade-Southern Adriatic Across Karst Plateau of Pešter Plateau (Western Serbia)" in Engineering Geology for Society and Territory - Volume 5, Proceedings of the XII IAEG Congress, Torino 2014 5, :Springer International (2014): 581-584. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-09048-1_113
Effects of Eu3+ concentration on structural, optical and vibrational properties of multifunctional Ce1-xEuxO 2-delta nanoparticles synthesized by thermolysis of 2,4-pentanedione complexes
Kremenović Aleksandar, Božanić Dušan K., Welsch Ana-Maria, Jancar Bostjan, Nikolić Aleksandar S., Bošković Marko, Colomban Philippe, Fabian Martin, Antić Bratislav (2012)Kremenović Aleksandar, Božanić Dušan K., Welsch Ana-Maria, Jancar Bostjan, Nikolić Aleksandar S., Bošković Marko, Colomban Philippe, Fabian Martin, Antić Bratislav. "Effects of Eu3+ concentration on structural, optical and vibrational properties of multifunctional Ce1-xEuxO 2-delta nanoparticles synthesized by thermolysis of 2,4-pentanedione complexes" in Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 12 no. 12, 26650 THE OLD RD, STE 208, VALENCIA, CA 91381-0751 USA:MER SCIENTIFIC PUBLISHERS (2012): 8893-8899. https://doi.org/10.1166/jnn.2012.6797
Geothermobarometric investigations of Hercynian granitoids of East Serbia
Bosić Dragana, Erić Suzana, Šarić Kristina, Kostić Bojan, Cvetković Vladica, Jovanović Dragan (2016)Bosić Dragana, Erić Suzana, Šarić Kristina, Kostić Bojan, Cvetković Vladica, Jovanović Dragan. "Geothermobarometric investigations of Hercynian granitoids of East Serbia" in Geologica Macedonica, sp. iss. Third Congress of Geologists of Republic of Macedonia 2 no. 4, Struga :Macedonian Geological Society (2016): 467-468
An analysis of the impact of errors occuring in the auxiliary parameters while determing geometric corrections of distance
Medved Milan, Ganić Aleksandar, Vulić Milivoj. "An analysis of the impact of errors occuring in the auxiliary parameters while determing geometric corrections of distance" in Geodetski list no. 1, Zagreb, Hrvatska:Hrvatsko geodetsko društvo (2012): 21-38
A Variant of Sharma-Aroras Optimal Eighth-Order Family of Methods for Finding A Simple Root of Nonlinear Equation,
Ćebić Dejan, Paunović Marija, Ralević Nebojša. "A Variant of Sharma-Aroras Optimal Eighth-Order Family of Methods for Finding A Simple Root of Nonlinear Equation," in IEEE 16th International Symposium on Intelligent Systems and Informatics (SISY) (2018): 81-96. https://doi.org/ 10.1109/SISY.2018.8524857
Inovation of tehnology of construction of underground mining workings by use drilling and blasting metods
Vidanović Nebojša, Đukanović Duško, Dragosavljević Zlatko. "Inovation of tehnology of construction of underground mining workings by use drilling and blasting metods" in Technics Technologies Education Management / TTEM 5 no. 4, Sarajevo, Bosna i Hercegovina: (2010): 861-866
A new optimal family of three-step methods for efficient finding of a simple root of a nonlinear equation
Ralević Nebojša, Ćebić Dejan (2016)Ralević Nebojša, Ćebić Dejan. "A new optimal family of three-step methods for efficient finding of a simple root of a nonlinear equation" in Mathematical Communications 21 (2016): 189-197