1507 items
Variability of orogenic magmatism during Mediterranean-style continental collisions: A numerical modelling approach
Andrić Nevena, Vogt Karin, Matenco Liviu, Cvetković Vladica, Cloetingh Sierd, Gerya Taras. "Variability of orogenic magmatism during Mediterranean-style continental collisions: A numerical modelling approach" in Gondwana Research no. 56, Kochi, Japan:Internationl Association for Godwana Research (2018): 119-134
Effect of gas-lift on liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) product yield: A case study of Chinarevskoe gas treatment unit (Kazakhstan)
Grubač Branko, Šević Snežana, Živković Marija. "Effect of gas-lift on liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) product yield: A case study of Chinarevskoe gas treatment unit (Kazakhstan)" in Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 165, :Elsevier (2018): 586-595
Variability of Accident Risk Level at Industrial Waste Landfills as a Result of Different Factors
Dragana Nišić, Neda Nišić (2021)Dragana Nišić, Neda Nišić. "Variability of Accident Risk Level at Industrial Waste Landfills as a Result of Different Factors" in 8th International Conference Mining and Environmental Protection, Soko banja, September 2021, Faculty of Mining and Geology (2021)
A model for estimation of stress-dependent deformation modulus of rock mass
Slavko Torbica, Veljko Lapčević (2019)Slavko Torbica, Veljko Lapčević. "A model for estimation of stress-dependent deformation modulus of rock mass" in International Journal of Mining and Geo-Engineering (2019). https://doi.org/10.22059/IJMGE.2018.255295.594729
Оцјена водопропусности понорске зоне Шуковићу (Цернићко поље) помоћу Лижоновог теста
One of the specificities of reservoirs forming in highly karstified terrains is reflected in the wide range of unknowns, specifically during reservoir formation, filling and operation. Unfortunately, despite complex research, many reservoirs constructed in karst terrains have problems with water losses from the reservoir to other aquifers due to ponor and ponor zones which are a common in the karst of Eastern Herzegovina. One of such zones is Šuković ponor located in the southern part of the Cerničko polje ...Петар Војновић, Саша Милановић, Љиљана Васић. "Оцјена водопропусности понорске зоне Шуковићу (Цернићко поље) помоћу Лижоновог теста " in Мултидисциплинарна конференција “Kарст 2022 - Значај, стање и перспективе коришћења и заштите ресурса у карсту", Српска академија наука и уметности (2022)
Three new Sr-bearing arsenates, hydrothermally synthesized in the system SrO–MO–As2O5–H2O (M2+ = Mg, Cu, Zn)
Tamara Đorđević, Ljiljana Karanović (2018)During systematic research on the mineral-related synthetic arsenates, with particular focus on their structural and spectroscopic classification, three new Sr-containing arsenates Sr2Mg(AsO4)2· 2H2O (1), Sr2Zn4(AsO4)4·H2O (2) and Sr2Cu7(AsO4)6 (3) have been synthesized under low-temperature hydrothermal conditions in the system SrO MO As2O5 H2O (M 2þ = Mg, Zn, Cu). Their crystal structures were determined using room-temperature single-crystal X-ray diffraction data and refined to the following R-values: 1– R1 = 0.025; 2– R1 = 0.030; 3– R1 = 0.035. Compounds ...стронцијум, арсен, арсенати, кристална структура, дифракција рендгенских зрака на монокристалима, хидротермална синтеза, Раманска спектроскопијаTamara Đorđević, Ljiljana Karanović. "Three new Sr-bearing arsenates, hydrothermally synthesized in the system SrO–MO–As2O5–H2O (M2+ = Mg, Cu, Zn)" in European Journal of Mineralogy, Schweizerbart (2018). https://doi.org/10.1127/ejm/2018/0030-2749
Challenges of Energy Transition in the Individual Heating Sector
U radu su prikazani rezultati istraživanja i ankete koja je sprovedena 2020. godine u domaćinstvima sa individualnim sistemima grejanja u Srbiji. Cilj ankete je bio da se sagleda stanje individualnih sistema grejanja, ali i stavovi vlasnika sistema vezano za energetsku tranziciju. Rezultati ukazuju na zastarelost sistema grejanja, nisku efikasnost, nedovoljna ulaganja u primenu mera energetske efikasnosti i nedostatak finansijskih sredstava za ulaganje u održivo grejanje. Osnovni prioriteti kod izbora načina grejanja jesu troškovi kupovine sistema i troškovi energenta, dok ...Boban Pavlović, Dejan Ivezić, Marija Živković. "Challenges of Energy Transition in the Individual Heating Sector" in Energija, ekonomija, ekologija, University Library in Kragujevac (2022). https://doi.org/10.46793/EEE22-1.17P
Transition pathways of household heating in Serbia: Analysis based on an agent-based model
To explore pathways of the energy transition of household heating, an agent-based simulation model was developed for the case of the Serbian household sector. The model is focused on individual entities (households) with the objective to explore the effects of policy instruments on energy transition in households with individual heating systems. Empirically collected survey data were used as input for households’ attitudes towards sustainable heating. Simulations showed that the proposed instruments would lead to higher heating efficiency and less ...energetska tranzicija, modeliranje bazirano na agentima, sistemi grejanja, sektor domaćinstva, obnovljivi izvori energije, emisija CO2Boban Pavlović, Dejan Ivezić, Marija Živković. "Transition pathways of household heating in Serbia: Analysis based on an agent-based model" in Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Elsevier BV (2022). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rser.2022.112506
Football terminology: compilation and transformation into OntoLex-Lemon resource
У овом раду представља се пројекат који је у развоју, креирање првог дигиталног фудбалског речника на српском језику, као и да демонстрација примене модела OntoLex и љегових модула. OntoLex-FrAC модул укључује информације о учесталости и примерима употребе екстрахованих из корпуса. У овом случају, креиран је корпус за специфичан домен под називом СрФудКо, који садржи чланке вести о фудбалу на српском језику. Вишечлани термини аутоматски су екстраховани из српског корпуса, а затим ручно евалуирани и класификовани као спортски или ...Jelena Lazarević, Ranka Stanković, Mihailo Škorić, Biljana Rujević. "Football terminology: compilation and transformation into OntoLex-Lemon resource" in LDK 2023 – 4th Conference on Language, Data and Knowledge, 12-15 September in Vienna, Austria, Lisabon : NOVA FCSH - CLUNL (2023). https://doi.org/10.34619/srmk-injj
Integrated energy planning approach for accelerating energy transition of households
The success of energy transition planning depends on several influential and variable factors that need to be considered and tracked in modeling to support policymakers. Expert-based energy models are mainly developed following the assumptions of experts and, in most cases, a limited number of stakeholders. This top-down modeling approach will provide satisfactory results in centrally managed energy sectors (electricity generation and distribution, district heating, etc.), where further decisions could be projected relatively precisely. However, the same approach will not ...Energetsko planiranje, Integrisano energetsko modeliranje, Energetska tranzicija, Domaćinstva, Individualno grejanje, LEAPBoban Pavlović, Marija Živković, Dejan Ivezić. "Integrated energy planning approach for accelerating energy transition of households" in Energy Reports, Elsevier BV (2023). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.egyr.2023.11.016
In-vitro ispitivanje interakcija dva strukturno slična Rh(III) kompleksa Šifovih baza sa HSA/DNK i molekulski doking
Aleksandar Mijatović, Ljubica Bacetić, Nikola Pavlović, Dušan Ćoćić, Milan Nikolić, Aleksandar Lolić, Rada Baošić (2021)Kompleksi metala sa tetradentatnim Šifovim bazama ispoljavaju različitu biološku aktivnost, što omogućava ciljne sinteze novih biološki aktivnih jedinjenja. Proučavane su interakcije H[Rh(acac2en)Cl2] (1) i H[Rh(phacac2en)Cl2] (2) sa humanim serum albuminom (HSA) i sa DNK, primenom fluorescentne i UV-Vis spektroskopije (298 K, pH 7,4). Dobijene su relativno visoke vrednost dinamičke konstante vezivanja (Ksv) i to 3,88·104 M-1 za (1), 7,02·104 M-1 za (2), što ukazuje na značajno vezivanje za HSA. Izračunate konstante unutrašnjeg vezivanja (Kb) su: 2,87·105 M-1 ...Aleksandar Mijatović, Ljubica Bacetić, Nikola Pavlović, Dušan Ćoćić, Milan Nikolić, Aleksandar Lolić, Rada Baošić. "In-vitro ispitivanje interakcija dva strukturno slična Rh(III) kompleksa Šifovih baza sa HSA/DNK i molekulski doking" in 57. savetovanje Srpskog hemijskog društva , Dušan Sladić (2021)
Paleomagnetic study of Jurassic-Early Cretaceus sediments in the Danibicum of Eastern Serbia
... have participated in a CW rotation of around 40° together, in post Early Miocene times. In order to support this conclusion, we plan to extend the research to the area situated between the Vardar Zone and the Danubicum. References: 1. Iancu V., Berza T., Seghedi A., Gheuca I. & Hann H.-P ...
... potrebno. Uzorci su podvrgnuti standardnim paleomagnetskim merenjima i demagnetizacijama. Izvršena je analiza linearnih segmenata krivi demagnetizacije, a na dobijene podatke primenjena je statistička analiza na nivou lokaliteta. Da bi se utvrdilo da li dobijena remanentna magnetizacija odražava starost ...
... Upper and Lower Danubian thrust complexes. Our area of investigation belongs to the Upper Danubian on the Serbian side of the River Danube, but, it has a continuation in Romania, where it was studied earlier for paleomagnetism. The aim of our study was to find out if the study area was involved in regional ...Vesna Cvetkov, Emo Marton, Vesna Lesić, Dragana Tomić. "Paleomagnetic study of Jurassic-Early Cretaceus sediments in the Danibicum of Eastern Serbia" in I Kongres geologa u Bosni i Hercegovini sa međunarodnim učešćem, Udruženje geologa u Bosni i Hercegovini (2015)
Regionalna saradnja u okviru Jadransko-balkanske istraživačke mreže ICL-a
Mihalić Arbanas Snježana, Arbanas Željko, Abolmasov Biljana, Mikoš Matjaž, Komac Marko. "Regionalna saradnja u okviru Jadransko-balkanske istraživačke mreže ICL-a" in Zbornik radova XIV Simpozijuma iz inženjerske geologije i geotehnike sa međunarodnim učešćem, Beograd, 27. i 28. septembar 2012., Beograd, Srbija:Društvo geoloških inženjera i tehničara Srbije (2012): 43-56
Lower Miocene terrestrial sediments from the Vrdnik Formation near Beočin (Fruška Gora mt., Serbia) – a preliminary geochemical data.
Rundić Ljupko, Đorđević Dragan, Stanković Maja, Đorđević Milan, Krstić Nenad. "Lower Miocene terrestrial sediments from the Vrdnik Formation near Beočin (Fruška Gora mt., Serbia) – a preliminary geochemical data." in 5th International Workshop on Neogene of Central and SE Europe, Varna, Bugarska:BAN, Bugarska (2013): 53-54
Application of Complex Geophysical Data for Determining Tectonic Fabric: A Case Study on Lece Andesite Massive, Serbia
Mladenović Ana, Petrović Dragana (2011)Mladenović Ana, Petrović Dragana. "Application of Complex Geophysical Data for Determining Tectonic Fabric: A Case Study on Lece Andesite Massive, Serbia" in Proceedings of the 73rd EAGE Conference and Exhibition incorporating SPE EUROPEC 2011, Vienna, Vienna:European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers : Society of Petroleum Engineers (2011)
Primena GIS-a u upravljanju i administraciji istražnih i eksploatacionih odobrenja
Stanković Ranka, Kitanović Olivera, Branislav Trivić, Blagojević Branislav, Prodanović Jelena (2010)Stanković Ranka, Kitanović Olivera, Branislav Trivić, Blagojević Branislav, Prodanović Jelena. "Primena GIS-a u upravljanju i administraciji istražnih i eksploatacionih odobrenja" in 3rd International Symposium ENERGY MINING 2010, 08 - 11. September 2010., Banja Junakovic, Apatin, Serbia, :Univerzitet u Beogradu - Rudarsko-geološki fakultet (2010): 494-502
Recycling of coal ashes from Serbian Nicola Tesla Power Plant
Marinković Slobodanka, Trifunović Prvoslav, Tokalić Rade, A. Kostić-Pulek. "Recycling of coal ashes from Serbian Nicola Tesla Power Plant" in The 43rd International October Conference on Mining and Metallurgy, Bor:Technical faculty in Bor University of Belgrade (2011): 55-58
A decision support system for mine project selection under uncertainty using fuzzy topsis technique
Gligorić Zoran, Beljić Čedomir, Gluščević Branko, Jovanović Saša. "A decision support system for mine project selection under uncertainty using fuzzy topsis technique" in Proceedings of the 23rd International Mining Congress of Turkey, Antalya,Turkey:Chamber of Mining Engineers of Turkey (2013): 1471-1482
Provenance of Late Cretaceous to Miocene tectonically controlled sedimentation at the present contact between the Dinarides and the Pannonian basin
Stojadinovic Uroš, Matenco Liviu, Andriessen Paul A. M., Toljić Marinko. "Provenance of Late Cretaceous to Miocene tectonically controlled sedimentation at the present contact between the Dinarides and the Pannonian basin" in Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 17, Viena:Copernicus publications (2015)
A new arsenate SrNi2(AsO4)2(H2O)2 related to tsumcorite group
Kovač Sabina, Đorđević Tamara, Karanović Ljiljana. "A new arsenate SrNi2(AsO4)2(H2O)2 related to tsumcorite group" in XXII Konferencija Srpskog kristalografskog društva, Đušina 7, 11000 Beograd Đušina 7, 11000 Beograd :Srpsko kristalografsko društvo Srpsko kristalografsko društvo (2015): 70-71