137 items
Tectonothermal evolution of an asymmetric extensional system: the Juhor Mts in Central Serbia (Northern Serbomacedonian massif)
Miloš Radonjić, Uroš Stojadinović, Elco Luijendijk, Dejan Radivojević, Željko Golubović, Nikola Vuković (2018)... ns and Dinarides—the Jastrebac Mountains of Central Serbia. Tectonophysics 710–711, 162–183. Matenco, L., Radivojević, D., 2012. On the formation and evolution of the Pannonian Basin: Constraints derived from the structure of the junction area between the Carpathians and Dinarides. Tectonics 31 ...
... , E., Ljubović‐Obradović, L., 2018. Understanding fossil fore‐ arc basins: inferences from the Cretaceous Adria – Europe convergence in the NE Dinarides. Global and Planetary Change. In press. ...
... extension, pannonian basin, serbomacedonian massif, thermochronology. Studies on recent tectonic setting of the Pannonian Basin argue for the internal deformation of principal tectonic units constituting the basement of the basin, rather than motion along the boundaries of large‐scale fully ri ...Miloš Radonjić, Uroš Stojadinović, Elco Luijendijk, Dejan Radivojević, Željko Golubović, Nikola Vuković. "Tectonothermal evolution of an asymmetric extensional system: the Juhor Mts in Central Serbia (Northern Serbomacedonian massif)" in 17th Serbian Geological Congress, Vrnjačka Banja, 17-20 maj 2018, Srpsko geološko društvo (2018)
Late and post-collisional tectonic evolution of the Adria-Europe suture in the Vardar Zone
The Vardar Zone is a product of the Triassic-Jurassic opening of the Neotethys, Jurassic obduction, Late Cretaceous/Paleogene consumption of the oceanic crust and continental collision. During the last process, the Eastern Vardar Zone was thrust over the Central and eventually both onto the Western Vardar Zone. The present paleomagnetic and structural study provided new results from the first two zones in the Belgrade area. The younger set of data, together with published ones from the third zone, provide firm ...Emő Márton, Marinko Toljić, Vesna Cvetkov. "Late and post-collisional tectonic evolution of the Adria-Europe suture in the Vardar Zone" in Journal of Geodynamics, Elsevier BV (2022). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jog.2021.101880
Postorogenic interplay of tectonic and magmatic processes in the Kopaonik Mts. area.
Mladenović Ana, Trivić Branislav, Cvetković Vladica. "Postorogenic interplay of tectonic and magmatic processes in the Kopaonik Mts. area." in Scientific workshop “Geology of the Dinarides and adjacent orogens – Remaining Conundrum”, 27–28. June 2015, Svilajnac, Serbia (2015)
Geodynamics of basins above subducted slabs: An integrated modelling study of tectonics, sedimentation, and magmatism in the Timok Magmatic Complex
Uros Stojadinovic, Marinko Toljic, Branislav Trivic, Radoje Pantovic, Danica Sreckovic-Batocanin, Nemanja Krstekanic, Bojan Kostic, Milos Velojic, Jelena Stefanovic, Nikola Randjelovic, Maja Males (2024)Uros Stojadinovic, Marinko Toljic, Branislav Trivic, Radoje Pantovic, Danica Sreckovic-Batocanin, Nemanja Krstekanic, Bojan Kostic, Milos Velojic, Jelena Stefanovic, Nikola Randjelovic, Maja Males. "Geodynamics of basins above subducted slabs: An integrated modelling study of tectonics, sedimentation, and magmatism in the Timok Magmatic Complex" in Annales geologiques de la Peninsule balkanique, National Library of Serbia (2024). https://doi.org/10.2298/GABP240116003S
Еволуција напонског поља подручја Интерних Динарида у Србији током алпске орогенезе
Ana S. Mladenović (2015-06-19)Циљ ове докторске дисертације био је реконструкција еволуције напонског пољаЗемљине коре у подручју Интерних Динарида у Србији током Алпске орогенезе.Истраживања за потребе решавања овог проблема су изведена у два дела. Првидео обухватао је анализу палеонапона на дефинисаном подручју истраживања,док се други део односио на анализу тренутно активног поља напона у овом делуБалканског полуострва. Истраживано подручје обухвата унутрашњи деоДинарског орогеног појаса, који се простире у централној и западној Србији. Собзиром на циљ истраживања, истраживано подручје је дефинисано тако даобухвата три ...Интерни Динариди, анализа палеонапона, фокални механизмиземљотреса, напонско поље, тектоно-магматски догађаји... STRESS FIELD EVOLUTION IN THE AREA OF THE INTERNAL DINARIDES IN SERBIA DURING THE ALPINE OROGENIC CYCLE Abstract The main aim of this PhD thesis was to reconstruct the evolution of the stress field of the Earth's crust in the area of Internal Dinarides in Serbia, during the Alpine orogenic ...
... of the subducting Adriatic slab under the Dinarides, and roll-back of the European slab beneath the Carpathian arc, which caused extension in the Pannonian Basin system. However, it is not clear yet whether the extension within the Internal Dinarides is the result of interference of these two ...
... of the Internal Dinarides: an inference based on the paleostress study in the Valjevo area (western Serbia). Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 16, EGU2014-46. EGU General Assembly 2014 Mladenović, A., Trivić, B. 2014. Cenozoic brittle tectonic history of the Kopaonik area (Internal Dinarides ...Ana S. Mladenović. "Еволуција напонског поља подручја Интерних Динарида у Србији током алпске орогенезе" in Универзитет у Београду, Универзитет у Београду, Рударско-геолошки факултет (2015-06-19)
Clockwise vertical-axis rotation in the West Vardar zone of Serbia: Tectonic implications
The Vardar-Tethyan mega-suture between the Eurasian and Adria (Gondwana) margins comprises remnants of oceanic lithosphere of Neotethys and distal parts of the adjacent continental margins including unconformable Late Cretaceous sedimentary cover and Cenozoic igneous rocks of post-obduction age. This study provides kinematic constraints for displacements and rotations affecting the Serbian part of the West Vardar and Jadar-Kopaonik units after the closure of the Neotethyan (= Sava) Ocean. The targets of the paleomagnetic research were Late Cretaceous sediments representing an ...... of Adria, on the other hand are related to large scale extension in the southern Pannonian basin. Keywords Paleomagnetism � Clockwise rotation � Dinarides � West Vardar zone 1 Introduction The Vardar zone as defined by Kossmat (1924) is a wide zone (Vardar-Tethyan mega-suture) that not only com- ...
... input; it was solely based on estimates of Miocene compression (Alps and Carpathians) and extension (Pannonian basin) in the Alps-Carpathians-Dinarides system. According the cited study this differential rotation is clearly related to the opening of the Pannonian basin. Matenco and Radivojević ...
... concluded that this extension is the result of a com- bination of slab rollback in the Carpathians and the retreating slab beneath the external Dinarides. The results of our study are in line with these interpretations. Most importantly, they quantify the amount of clockwise rotation of the part ...Vesna Lesić, Emo Márton, Violeta Gajić, Dragana Jovanović, Vesna Cvetkov. "Clockwise vertical-axis rotation in the West Vardar zone of Serbia: Tectonic implications" in Swiss Journal of Geosciences, Basel : Springer International Publishing (2018). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00015-018-0321-8
Is the Sava-Vardar zone a remnant of an Upper Cretaceous ocen? Pro et contra
... varying in composition from basalt (gabbro) to rhyolite (granite). Most geologists agree that the SVZ is a NW-dipping suture between Adria (the Dinarides) and Europe (Tisza-Dacia), however, their interpretations vary because some consider the SVZ an Upper Cretaceous ophiolite [2], whereas others ...
... appreciates the support of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts (F9 and F17). REFERENCES 1. Pamić, J., (2002). The Sava-Vardar Zone of the Dinarides and Hellenides versus the Vardar Ocean. Eclogae geologicae Helvetiae, 95,99-113. 2. Schmid, S. M. Bemoull, D., Figenschuh, B., Matenco, L ...Vladica Cvetković, Dejan Prelević, Ana Mladenović. "Is the Sava-Vardar zone a remnant of an Upper Cretaceous ocen? Pro et contra" in Fifth Congress of Geologists of the Republic of North Macedonia, Ohrid, 2024, Macedonian Geological Society (2024)
Groundwaters of the "Valjevo karst" area (Western Serbia)
Petar Dokmanović, Veljko Marinović (2021)“Ваљевски карст” је подручје кoje заузима површину од око 780 km2, док откривени кречњак чини око 330 km2. Припада Унутрашњим Динаридима западне Србије. У литостратиграфском погледу доминирају карстификовани кречњаци средњег и горњег тријаса у којима су формиране карстне издани. Анализирани су и систематизовани доступни подаци хидрогеолошких и других релевантних истраживања. Приказана је разграната мрежа траса подземних вода између понора и дренажних пунктова, као и главне карактеристике шеснаест карстних врела (или „разбијених“ дренажних зона) и девет (група) бунара, подељених ...Petar Dokmanović, Veljko Marinović. "Groundwaters of the "Valjevo karst" area (Western Serbia)" in Geoloski anali Balkanskoga poluostrva (Annales geologiques de la Peninsule balkanique), University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mining and Geology (2021). https://doi.org/10.2298/GABP210311002D
Termička zrelost organske supstance i naftno-matični potencijal istočne Hercegovine
Nikoleta Aleksić (2021)Cilj istraživanja, obrade i interpretacije rezultata prikazanih u disertaciji je utvrđivanje termičke zrelosti organske supstance i naftno-matičnog potencijala sedimentnih stena na području istočne Hercegovine, primenom metoda pirolize Rock-Eval, organo-petrografskog proučavanja organske supstance u normalnoj svetlosti i fluorescenciji, koja je pored kvalitativne analize uključila posebno i refleksiju vitrinita. Osim toga, na osnovu organsko-geohemijskih analiza sagledane su karakteristike i poreklo ekstrahovanog bitumena metodom gasne hromatografije - masene spektrometrije, pri čemu su izvršene analize biomarkera kao geohemijskih indikatora. Tokom rada na doktorskoj ...organska supstanca, termička zrelost, matične stene, naftni potencijal, refleksija vitrinita, piroliza Rock-Eval, biomarkeri, Karbonatna platforma, istočna HercegovinaNikoleta Aleksić. Termička zrelost organske supstance i naftno-matični potencijal istočne Hercegovine, Beograd : [N. Aleksić], 2021
Tektonska evolucija ugljevičkog basena (Bosna i Hercegovina)
Slobodan Dragić (2024)U radu je prezentovana šira slika tektonske evolucije ugljevičkog basena, kao i Dinarida uopšte. Prikazani su litostratigrafski odnosi istraživanog područja, kao i kratak pregled tektonskih jedinica koje se nalaze u domenu basena. Najveća pažnja posvećena je kinematskoj analizi rasjednih struktura i interpretaciji podataka u svjetlu tektonske evolucije basena. Ugljevički basen zapunjen je oligocensko-miocenskim sedimentima, a njegovu osnovu grade paleozojsko-mezozojske formacije. Najstarije tvorevine na ovom području su permski sedimenti. Trijaski i kredni deponati, uglavnom krečnjaci, reprezent su tvorevina ...... tektonskim procesima i specifičnim razvojem facija što je rezultat duge geološke evolucije. NB intra-montane basins of the Dinarides. Adria-derived thrust sheets S Alps and Dinarides Ophioltes, oceanic accrebonary prisms Plemont-Liguria, Vahic, Inacovce-Kriscevo, Dalmatian Zone |2 Undeformed part of hhe ...
... Hrvatović, H., 2012. Paleomagnetic and geochronologic constraints on the geodynamic evolution of the Central Dinarides, Tectonophysics, 530-531, p. 286-298. Dimitrijević, M. 2001. Dinarides and the Vardar Zone: a short review of the geology. Acta Vulcanologica. 13: p. 1-8. Dimitrijević, M. D. 1995 ...
... Geologija Jugoslavije, Geoinstitut, Beograd, p. 205. 52 Handy, M., Ustaszewski, K., Kissling, E. 2014. Reconstructing: the Alps — Carpathians — Dinarides as a key to understanding switches in subduction polarity, slab gaps and surface motion. Inmfermational Journal of Earth Sciences 104 (1): p. ...Slobodan Dragić. Tektonska evolucija ugljevičkog basena (Bosna i Hercegovina), 2024
Novi pristup proučavanju tekstura minerala značajnih za istraživanje rudnih ležišta
Aleksandar Pačevski (2022)... ja gornje krede jednog dela Unutrašnjih Dinarida (zapadna Srbija) Violeta Gajić, Sedimentology of the Upper Cretaceous within a part of the Internal Dinarides (West Serbia) Dragana Đurić, Primena SAR intereferometrije za određivanje koseizmičkih deformacija: trendovi i dostignuća Dragana Đurić ...
... Bogićević, V. Gajić, S. Teslić, P. Cvijić, J. Sovilj, S. Marjanović, R. Ahmetzjanov, Regional oil and geological projects in the Pannonian Basin, Dinarides and Carpathian Balkan. PREDAVANJA PO POZIVU / INVITED LECTURES Nevena Andrić-Tomašević, Dinamika litosfere duž severoistočnog oboda Adrije ...Aleksandar Pačevski. "Novi pristup proučavanju tekstura minerala značajnih za istraživanje rudnih ležišta" in 18. Kongres geologa Srbije “Geologija rešava probleme” Divčibare, 01-04 jun 2022., Beograd : Srpsko geološko društvo (2022)
Strain partitioning in a large intracontinental strike-slip system accommodating backarc-convex orocline formation: The Circum-Moesian Fault System of the Carpatho-Balkanides
Nemanja Krstekanić, Liviu Matenco, Uroš Stojadinović, Ernst Willingshofer, Marinko Toljić, Daan Tamminga (2022)oroklini, raspodela deformacija, transkurentna kretanja, Karpato-balkanidi, Cirkum-mezijski rasedni sistem... of the NE Dinarides: constraints from low-temperature thermochronology. Glob. Planet. Chang. 103, 19–38. Stojadinovic, U., Matenco, L., Andriessen, P., Toljić, M., Rundić, Lj, Ducea, M.N., 2017. Structure and provenance of Late Cretaceous–Miocene sediments located near the NE Dinarides margin: ...
... from the post-middle Miocene evolution of the Dinarides. Glob. Planet. Chang. 182, 103027. van Unen, M., Matenco, L., Nader, F.H., Darnault, R., Mandic, O., Demir, V., 2019b. Kinematics of foreland-vergent crustal accretion: inferences from the dinarides evolution. Tectonics 38, 49–76. Vangelov, ...
... kinematics cannot be explained by a homogenous stress field. Such cases of strain partitioning and deformation transfer during indentation include the Dinarides orogen that transfers the deformation from the Alps to the Aegean subduction (van Unen et al., 2019a), the East Anatolian and the Dead Sea Faults ...Nemanja Krstekanić, Liviu Matenco, Uroš Stojadinović, Ernst Willingshofer, Marinko Toljić, Daan Tamminga. "Strain partitioning in a large intracontinental strike-slip system accommodating backarc-convex orocline formation: The Circum-Moesian Fault System of the Carpatho-Balkanides" in Global and Planetary Change, Elsevier BV (2022). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gloplacha.2021.103714
Rift sequence stratigraphy and its contribution to source rock understanding – Serbian part of Pannonian Basin
Filip Anđelković, Dejan Radivojević (2018)... On the formation and evolution of the Pannonian Basin: Constraints derived from the structure of the junction area between the Carpathians and Dinarides. Tectonics 31 (6), TC6007. Radivojević, D., Rundić, Lj. 2016. Synrift and postrift Miocene sediments of northern Banat, Serbia. Underground Mining ...Filip Anđelković, Dejan Radivojević. "Rift sequence stratigraphy and its contribution to source rock understanding – Serbian part of Pannonian Basin" in CBGA, Salzburg, Austria, Septembar 10-13, 2018, Bulgarian Academy of Science (2018)
Maceralni sastav i rang uglja Ibarskog basena
Donjemiocenski ugljonosni Ibarski basen se nalazi u južnoj Srbiji. Intramontanski ektenzivni basen, izdužen u pravcu severozapad-jugoistok ispunjen je slatkovodnim sedimentima koji su formirani kao deo Dinarskog neogenog jezerskog sistema. Paleoreljef basena izgrađen je od paleozojskih amfibolskih škriljaca, sericit-hloritskih škriljaca, krečnjaka, mermera i metabazičnih stena, mezozojskih peščara, laporca, laporovitih krečnjaka, krečnjaka, dolomita, ofiolita i oligo-/miocenskih magmatskih stena. Tercijarne magmatske stene izgrađene su od oligocenskih dacito-andezita i neogenih kvarctlatita/riodacita i piroklastičnih stena. Miocenski sedimenti izgrađeni su od aluvijalnih breča, konglomerata, peščara, ...Željana Novković, Nevena Andrić -Tomašević, Vladimir Simić, Dragana Životić. "Maceralni sastav i rang uglja Ibarskog basena" in 18. Kongres geologa Srbije "Geologija rešava probleme", Divčibare, 01-04 jun 2022., Srpsko geološko društvo (2022)
Hidrološki i hidraulički mehanizam isticanja vrela Rijeka Crnojevića
Rijeka Crnojevića predstavlja karstno (kraško) vrelo, koje u teritоrijalnom pogledu pripada Opštini Cetinje, u gеоlоškо-tеktоnskоm pоglеdu pripаdа zоni Visоkоg kršа (оblаst stаrе Crnе Gоrе), dоk prema hidrogeološkoj rejonizaciji spаdа u prоstоr Spoljašnjih Dinarida. Izvire iz Obodske (ili Crnojevića) pećine u selu Obod (81 m.n.m.). Voda koja ističe iz Obodske pećine vodi porijeklo od atmosferskih voda, koje se formiraju na prostoru Cetinjskog polja i Dobrskog sela. Vоdе nа оbоdu pоljа pоniru i kreću se uglаvnоm podzemnim kаvеrnаmа i kаnаlimа, nаstаlim ...Golub Ćulafić, Veljko Marinović, Branislav Petrović, Jelena Krstajić. "Hidrološki i hidraulički mehanizam isticanja vrela Rijeka Crnojevića" in KRAS - VEKOVNA NAUČNA INSPIRACIJA, naučni skup posvećen dr Dušanu Gavriloviću profesoru Geografskog fakulteta, Univerzitet u Beogradu - Geografski fakultet (2022)
Tektonske i litostratigrafske karakteristike šireg područja Grivske (Zapadna Srbija)
Nikola Otašević (2024)U ovom radu predstavljene su osnovne geološke karakteristike šireg područja Grivske. U litostratigrafskom pogledu na ovom prostoru prisutne su paleozojske, mezozojske i kenozojske sedimentne, magmatske i metamorfne stene. Tvorevine karbona su predstavljene semimeta-morfisanim tvorevinama.Tvorevine trijaske starosti su predstavljene slojevitim i masivnim krečnjacima, dok su tvorevine jure predstavljeni produktima ofiolitskog melanža. Takođe, prisutne su i tvorevine senona koje su predstavljene masivnim krečnjacima. U neogenoj sukcesiji dominiraju klastiti miocena, dok su u kvartaru zastupljeni različiti tipovi fluvijalnih, deluvijalnih i deluvijalno-proluvijalnih tvorevina. ...Nikola Otašević. Tektonske i litostratigrafske karakteristike šireg područja Grivske (Zapadna Srbija), 2024
Pannonian Basin, Pannonian Basin System and Pannonian realm - three different concepts
Dejan Radivojević (2019)... was introduced, which included, besides the агеа ог Pannonian basin sensu stricto also the neighboring orogen represented by the Carpathians, the Dinarides and the Alps. This term is used in the structural-tectonic sense and refers to a space consisted of numerous connected depressions and highs of ...Dejan Radivojević. "Pannonian Basin, Pannonian Basin System and Pannonian realm - three different concepts" in GeomorForum 2019, Landforms related to the plains of Serbia and its neighboring area, Beograd, , Društvo geomorfologa Srbije (2019)
Tektonska evolucija istočne periferije timočke eruptivne oblasti
Stefan Zujić (2024)U radu su predstavljeni rezultati proučavanja tektonskih i litostratigrafskih karakteristika istočnog oboda Timočke eruptivne zone. Zaključci o geološkim odnosima u okviru Timočke eruptivne oblasti i susednih geotektonskih jedinica izvedeni su na osnovu podataka prikuljenih tokom terenskih istraživanja i podataka dobijenih iz publikovanih radova. Rezultati rada ukazuju da je teren koji je bio tema ovog istraživanja, u strukturno-tektonskom smislu oblikovan tokom glavnih geodinamičkih događaja u okviru Karpato-balkanskog orogenog luka. Analizom strukturnog sklopa su utvrđeni glavni deformacioni događaji koji su predsavljeni ...Stefan Zujić. Tektonska evolucija istočne periferije timočke eruptivne oblasti, 2024
Stratigraphic implications of the Mio-Pliocene geodynamics in the area of Mt. Avala: new evidence from Torlak Hill and Beli Potok (Belgrade, Serbia)
Mt. Avala is located on the southern margin of the Pannonian basin (SPB), a border zone between the uplifted morphostructures of the Dinarides and Carpathian-Balkanides. Similar to the Pannonian basin, tectonostratigraphic evolution of the Mt. Avala area during the last 23 Ma has is characterized by syn- and post-rifting processes as well as tectonic inversion. Here, we present the results of field investigations of the Miocene‒Pliocene dynamics that led to different spatial positions of the same stratigraphic units (e.g. ...... Abstract Mt. Avala is located on the southern margin of the Pannonian basin (SPB), a border zone be- tween the uplifted morphostructures of the Dinarides and Carpathian-Balkanides. Similar to the Pannonian basin, tectonostratigraphic evolution of the Mt. Avala area during the last 23 Ma has is ch ...
... 2007). This collision is classically interpreted as post Jurassic obduction, large scale faulting and thrusting within the innermost units of the Dinarides and with a general NW – SE strike (along the cen- tral part of the Balkan Peninsula) (TOLJIĆ et al., 2018). Struc- tures related to these events are ...
... 10.1016/j.palaeo.2007.12.013 HORVÁTH, F. (1984): Neotectonics of the Pannonian basin and the surrounding moun- tain belts: Alps, Carpathians and Dinarides.‒ Annal. Geophys., 2, 147–154. HORVÁTH, F., BADA, G., SZAFIÁN, P., TARI, G., ÁDÁM, A. & CLOETINGH, S. (2006): Formation and deformation of the Pannonian ...Ljupko Rundić, Meri Ganić, Slobodan Knežević, Dejan Radivojević, Miloš Radonjić. "Stratigraphic implications of the Mio-Pliocene geodynamics in the area of Mt. Avala: new evidence from Torlak Hill and Beli Potok (Belgrade, Serbia)" in Geologia Croatica (2019). https://doi.org/10.4154/gc.2019.11
Tektono-termalna evolucija kontakta Dinarida i Karpato-Balkanida u području Jastrepca
Dalibor Erak (2019)Predmet istraživanja doktorske disertacije je tektonska evolucija područja planine Jastrebac u centralnoj Srbiji, gde višefazna tektonska aktivnost od mezozoika do danas komplikuje rekonstrukciju strukturnih odnosa i geološke evolucije ovog prostora. Kompleksna višefazna evolucija planine Jastrebac u Srbiji je demonstrirana kombinovanjem kinematskih podataka prikupljenih na terenu i mikrostrukturnih opservacija sa dodatnim termohronološkim podacima “fission track” i podacima odredbe starosti metodom U-Pb na cirkonima. Gornjokredna ekshumacija bila je praćena gornjokredno-eocenskim navlačenjem i magmatizmom vezanim za kontinentalnu koliziju, pri čemu je akreciona ...... Romanian Journal of Tectonics and Regional Geology 75 Suppl. 2, 3–15. Schefer, S., 2010. Tectono-metamorphic and magmatic evolution of the Internal Dinarides (Kopaonik area, southern Serbia) and its significance for the geodynamic evolution of the Balkan Peninsula, Philosophisch- Naturwissensc ...
... , 2010. Triassic sediments in the D. Erak: Tektono-termalna evolucija kontakta Dinarida i Karpato-balkanida u području Jastrepca 151 Internal Dinarides (Kopaonik area, southern Serbia): stratigraphy, paleogeographic and tectonic significance. Geologica Carpathica 61, 89- 109. Schmid, S. ...
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