86 items
The Effect of Gravel and Sand Mining on Groundwater and Surface Water Regimes — A Case Study of the Velika Morava River, Serbia
Milan Kresojević, Vesna Ristić Vakanjac, Dragan Trifković, Jugoslav Nikolić, Boris Vakanjac, Dušan Polomčić, Dragoljub Bajić (2023)Овај рад описује како неконтролисано и нелегално откопавање песка и шљунка може утицати на режим површинских и подземних вода на местима где постоји активна хидрауличка веза између њих, са студијом случаја реке Велике Мораве у Србији. Такође, промена геометрије попречног профила, као последица антропогених и природних фактора, отежава уливање ове реке за укључивање у водне токове Србије. Плодност Велике Мораве омогућила би развој речног саобраћаја како за трговачке бродове, тако и за пловила Речне флотиле Војске Србије. Корелације између ...Milan Kresojević, Vesna Ristić Vakanjac, Dragan Trifković, Jugoslav Nikolić, Boris Vakanjac, Dušan Polomčić, Dragoljub Bajić. "The Effect of Gravel and Sand Mining on Groundwater and Surface Water Regimes — A Case Study of the Velika Morava River, Serbia" in Water, MDPI AG (2023). https://doi.org/10.3390/w15142654
Kvantitativni status podzemnih voda aluvijona Velike Morave (potez Bagrdan - ušće)
Jovana Mladenović, Milan Kresojević, Dušan Polomčić, Dejan Đorđević, Boris Vakanjac, Jugoslav Nikolić, Vesna Ristić Vakanjac (2023)Велика Морава настаје спајањем Јужне и Западне Мораве код Сталаћа и њена дужина тока од формирања до ушћа у Дунав износи 185 км. Укупна сливна површина ове реке заједно са њеним саставницама износи од 37.444 км2 што је територијално око 42% Републике Србије чинећи ову реку њеним главним дреном. Протиче централним делом Србије, најплоднијим земљиштем као и најгушће насељеним деловима наше земље. Добра хидрауличка веза вода Велике Мораве и подземних вода утицале су на то да у оквиру алувијона ...Jovana Mladenović, Milan Kresojević, Dušan Polomčić, Dejan Đorđević, Boris Vakanjac, Jugoslav Nikolić, Vesna Ristić Vakanjac. "Kvantitativni status podzemnih voda aluvijona Velike Morave (potez Bagrdan - ušće)" in Zbornik radova III Kongresa geologa Bosne i Hercegovine sa međunarodnim učešćem, Neum, 21-23.9.2023., Ilidža : Udruženje/udruga geologa u Bosni i Hercegovini (2023)
Anthropogenic impact on the groundwater regime: Case study of the Velika Morava alluvium
Jovana Mladenović, Vesna Ristić Vakanjac, Milan Kresojević, Boris Vakanjac, Jugoslav Nikolić, Dušan Polomčić, Dragoljub Bajić (2023)The Velika Morava River originates at the junction of the Južna Morava and Zapadna Morava at the town of Stalać in Serbia. It is 185 km long and empties into the Danube. The Velika Morava River Basin occupies a land area of 37 444 km2. The river flows through central Serbia, which features the most fertile land and the highest population density in the country. Public water supply in this region of Serbia relies on groundwater formed in alluvial ...Jovana Mladenović, Vesna Ristić Vakanjac, Milan Kresojević, Boris Vakanjac, Jugoslav Nikolić, Dušan Polomčić, Dragoljub Bajić. "Anthropogenic impact on the groundwater regime: Case study of the Velika Morava alluvium" in National Conference with International Participation “GEOSCIENCES 2023”, Review of the Bulgarian Geological Society, Sofia : Bulgarian Geological Society (2023)
A contribution to the understanding of the water regime of the Visočica river
Ristić Vakanjac Vesna, Nikolić J., Čokorilo Ilić Marina, Polomčić Dušan, Bajić Dragoljub, Hajdin Bojan, Ratković Jelena (2018)Ristić Vakanjac Vesna, Nikolić J., Čokorilo Ilić Marina, Polomčić Dušan, Bajić Dragoljub, Hajdin Bojan, Ratković Jelena. "A contribution to the understanding of the water regime of the Visočica river" in Proceedings of the XVII Serbian Geological Congress, Belgrade:Serbian Geological Society (2018): 505-510
Core and shell structure of ytterbium sesquioxide nanoparticles
Vučinić-Vasić Milica, Kremenović Aleksandar, Nikolić Aleksandar S., Colomban Philippe, Mazzerolles Leo, Kahlenberg Volker, Antić Bratislav (2010)Vučinić-Vasić Milica, Kremenović Aleksandar, Nikolić Aleksandar S., Colomban Philippe, Mazzerolles Leo, Kahlenberg Volker, Antić Bratislav. "Core and shell structure of ytterbium sesquioxide nanoparticles" in Journal of Alloys and Compounds 1 no. 502, PO BOX 564, 1001 LAUSANNE, SWITZERLAND:Elsevier Science Sa (2010): 107-111. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jallcom.2010.03.158
Prilog poznavanju režima voda reke Visočice
Vesna Ristić Vakanjac, Jovan Nikolić, Marina Čokorilo Ilić, Dušan Polomčić, Dragoljub Bajić, Bojan Hajdin, Jelena Ratković (2018)Специфични геолошки и хидрогеолошки услови у области слива реке Височице, а пре свега широко распрострањење карбонатног средње тријаског комплекса стена, као и доњо тријаске шарене серије (алевролити, пешчари, конгломерати) имали су за последицу формирање специфичног типа дренажне мреже као и специфичног режима отицаја реке Височице и њених значајнијих притока. У конкретном случају, у горњим деловима слива ове реке као и њених главних притока, у оквиру доњо тријаских седимената развијен је дендритичан тип хидрографске мреже, док преласком на средње тријаске ...Vesna Ristić Vakanjac, Jovan Nikolić, Marina Čokorilo Ilić, Dušan Polomčić, Dragoljub Bajić, Bojan Hajdin, Jelena Ratković . "Prilog poznavanju režima voda reke Visočice" in 17. Kongres geologa Srbije, Vrnjačka Banja, 17-20.05.2018., Beograd : Srpsko geološko društvo (2018)
In vitro and in silico study of the biological activity of tetradentate Schiff base copper(II) complexes with ethylenediamine-bridge
Aleksandar Mijatović, Nevenka Gligorijević, Dušan Ćoćić, Snežana Spasić, Aleksandar Lolić, Sandra Aranđelović, Milan Nikolić, Rada Baošić (2023)The biological activity of six structurally similar tetradentate Schiff base copper(II) complexes, namely [Cu (ethylenediamine-bis-acetylacetonate)] (CuAA) and five derivatives where two methyl groups are replaced by phenyl, (CuPP), CF3 (CuTT) or by mixed groups CH3/CF3 (CuAT), Ph/CF3 (CuPT), and Ph/CH3 (CuAP) has been investigated. The set of antioxidant assays was performed, and the results were expressed as IC50 and EC50 values. The series of complexes showed interesting bioactivity and were investigated for the determination of antioxidant, antifungal, antimicrobial, and ...Aleksandar Mijatović, Nevenka Gligorijević, Dušan Ćoćić, Snežana Spasić, Aleksandar Lolić, Sandra Aranđelović, Milan Nikolić, Rada Baošić. "In vitro and in silico study of the biological activity of tetradentate Schiff base copper(II) complexes with ethylenediamine-bridge" in Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry, Elsevier BV (2023). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jinorgbio.2023.112224
Analiza režima Velike Morave i podzemnih voda formiranih u njenom aluvijonu
Jovana Mladenović, Vesna Ristić Vakanjac, Jugoslav Nikolić, Dušan Polomčić, Dragoljub Bajić, Boris Vakanjac, Marina Čokorilo Ilić (2022)Jovana Mladenović, Vesna Ristić Vakanjac, Jugoslav Nikolić, Dušan Polomčić, Dragoljub Bajić, Boris Vakanjac, Marina Čokorilo Ilić. "Analiza režima Velike Morave i podzemnih voda formiranih u njenom aluvijonu" in Proceedings of the XVI Serbian Symposium on Hydrogeology, Zlatibor, Serbia, 28. September - 02. October, 2022, University of Belgrade - Faculty of mining and geology (2022)
In vitro and in silico study of the biological activity of tetradentate Schiff base copper(II) complexes with ethylenediamine-bridge
Aleksandar Mijatović, Nevenka Gligorijević, Dušan Ćoćić, Snežana Spasić, Aleksandar Lolić, Sandra Aranđelović, Milan Nikolić, Rada Baošić (2023)The biological activity of six structurally similar tetradentate Schiff base copper(II) complexes, namely [Cu(ethylenediamine-bis-acetylacetonate)] (CuAA) and five derivatives where two methyl groups are replaced by phenyl, (CuPP), CF3 (CuTT) or by mixed groups CH3/CF3 (CuAT), Ph/CF3 (CuPT), and Ph/CH3 (CuAP) has been investigated. The set of antioxidant assays was performed, and the results were expressed as IC50 and EC50 values. The series of complexes showed interesting bioactivity and were investigated for the determination of antioxidant, antifungal, antimicrobial, and cytotoxic ...Aleksandar Mijatović, Nevenka Gligorijević, Dušan Ćoćić, Snežana Spasić, Aleksandar Lolić, Sandra Aranđelović, Milan Nikolić, Rada Baošić. "In vitro and in silico study of the biological activity of tetradentate Schiff base copper(II) complexes with ethylenediamine-bridge" in Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry, Elsevier BV (2023). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jinorgbio.2023.112224
Influence of geological substrate on runoff formation, a case study: small river catchments in southeastern Serbia of similar size and with comparable pluviographic regimes
Vesna Ristić Vakanjac, Veljko Marinović, Nikola Milovanović, Marina Čokorilo Ilić, Boris Vakanjac, Jugoslav Nikolić, Saša Bakrač (2022)We are witnessing climate change that is happening both, globally and, at the regionally - or local level. As a result of expected climate change in Southeast Europe, in the first place are the distributions of precipitation within the year (frequent extreme events are present) and then the increase in temperature, which already has a significant impact on evapotranspiration and runoff formed in a particular catchment area. In addition to climatic factors, the geological structure, i.e. the hydrogeological characteristics ...Vesna Ristić Vakanjac, Veljko Marinović, Nikola Milovanović, Marina Čokorilo Ilić, Boris Vakanjac, Jugoslav Nikolić, Saša Bakrač. "Influence of geological substrate on runoff formation, a case study: small river catchments in southeastern Serbia of similar size and with comparable pluviographic regimes" in XXII International Congress of the Carpathian Balkan Geological Association (CBGA), Sofia : Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (2022)
Comparative structural and optical properties of different ceria nanoparticles
Nikolić Aleksandar S., Bošković Marko, Fabian Martin, Božanić Dušan K., Vučinić-Vasić Milica, Kremenović Aleksandar, Antić Bratislav (2013)Nikolić Aleksandar S., Bošković Marko, Fabian Martin, Božanić Dušan K., Vučinić-Vasić Milica, Kremenović Aleksandar, Antić Bratislav. "Comparative structural and optical properties of different ceria nanoparticles" in Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 10 no. 13, 26650 THE OLD RD, STE 208, VALENCIA, CA 91381-0751 USA:American Scientific Publishers (2013): 6787-6792. https://doi.org/10.1166/jnn.2013.7774
Magnetization enhancement in nanostructured random type MgFe 2O4 spinel prepared by soft mechanochemical route
Antić Bratislav, Jović Nataša, Pavlović Miodrag B., Kremenović Aleksandar, Manojlović Dragan, Vučinić-Vasić Milica, Nikolić Aleksandar S. (2010)Antić Bratislav, Jović Nataša, Pavlović Miodrag B., Kremenović Aleksandar, Manojlović Dragan, Vučinić-Vasić Milica, Nikolić Aleksandar S.. "Magnetization enhancement in nanostructured random type MgFe 2O4 spinel prepared by soft mechanochemical route" in Journal of Applied Physics 4 no. 107, 1155 16TH ST, NW, WASHINGTON, DC 20036 USA:American Institute Physics (2010). https://doi.org/10.1063/1.3319563
Iron (III) Oxide Fabrication From Natural Clay With Reference to Phase Transformation γ- → α- Fe2O3
Šaponjić A., Šaponjić Đ., Nikolić V., Milošević M., Marinović-Cincović M., Gyoshev S., Vuković M., Kokunešoski M. (2017)Šaponjić A., Šaponjić Đ., Nikolić V., Milošević M., Marinović-Cincović M., Gyoshev S., Vuković M., Kokunešoski M.. "Iron (III) Oxide Fabrication From Natural Clay With Reference to Phase Transformation γ- → α- Fe2O3" in Science of Sintering 49 no. 2, Srbija:Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts (2017): 197-205. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.2298/SOS170
Savremene metode deponovanja pepela i šljake i održivi razvoj
Knežević Dinko, Stevanović Dejan, Banković Mirjana, Tomašević Aleksandra, Matko Zlatan, Lončar Stevan, Beatović Sreten, Nikolić Marijana, Pantelić Uroš (2013)Knežević Dinko, Stevanović Dejan, Banković Mirjana, Tomašević Aleksandra, Matko Zlatan, Lončar Stevan, Beatović Sreten, Nikolić Marijana, Pantelić Uroš. "Savremene metode deponovanja pepela i šljake i održivi razvoj" in International workshop COAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT, MAREN, multimedijalni zbornik prezentacija, Beograd, Srbija:Rudarsko-geološki fakultet (2013)
Mineralogija, hemija i distribucija odabranih mikroelemenata u uglju i glincima Ibarskog basena (Južna Srbija)
Željana Novković, Nenad Nikolić, Nevena Andrić-Tomašević, Violeta Gajić, Suárez M, Romero García E, Vladimir Simić, Dragana Životić (2023)Željana Novković, Nenad Nikolić, Nevena Andrić-Tomašević, Violeta Gajić, Suárez M, Romero García E, Vladimir Simić, Dragana Životić. "Mineralogija, hemija i distribucija odabranih mikroelemenata u uglju i glincima Ibarskog basena (Južna Srbija)" in Zbornik 36. Međunarodnog kongresa o procesnoj industriji – avgust 2023., SMEITS (2023)
Magnetization enhancement and cation valences in nonstoichiometric (Mn,Fe) 3-deltaO 4 nanoparticles
Antić Bratislav, Kremenović Aleksandar, Jović Nataša, Pavlović Miodrag B., Jovalekić Čedomir, Nikolić Aleksandar S., Goya Gerardo F, Weidenthaler Claudia (2012)Antić Bratislav, Kremenović Aleksandar, Jović Nataša, Pavlović Miodrag B., Jovalekić Čedomir, Nikolić Aleksandar S., Goya Gerardo F, Weidenthaler Claudia. "Magnetization enhancement and cation valences in nonstoichiometric (Mn,Fe) 3-deltaO 4 nanoparticles" in Journal of Applied Physics 7 no. 111, CIRCULATION & FULFILLMENT DIV, 2 HUNTINGTON QUADRANGLE, STE 1 N O 1, MELVILLE, NY 11747-4501 USA:American Institute Physics (2012). https://doi.org/10.1063/1.3700228
Tectonically induced travertine deposition in the Middle Miocene Levač intramountain basin (Central Serbia)
Nevena Andrić‐Tomašević, Vladimir Simić, Dragana Životić, Nenad Nikolić, Aleksandra Pavlović, Tobias Kluge, Aratz Beranoaguirre, Jeroen Smit, Achim Bechtel (2023)Nevena Andrić‐Tomašević, Vladimir Simić, Dragana Životić, Nenad Nikolić, Aleksandra Pavlović, Tobias Kluge, Aratz Beranoaguirre, Jeroen Smit, Achim Bechtel. "Tectonically induced travertine deposition in the Middle Miocene Levač intramountain basin (Central Serbia)" in Sedimentology, Wiley (2023). https://doi.org/10.1111/sed.13171
Composition related properties of (Yb,Y)2O3 nanoparticles synthesized by controlled thermal degradation of AA complexes
Antić Bratislav, Kremenović Aleksandar, Vučinić-Vasić Milica, Dohčević-Mitrović Zorana, Nikolić Aleksandar S., Gruden-Pavlović Maja, Jancar Bostjan, Meden Anton (2010)Antić Bratislav, Kremenović Aleksandar, Vučinić-Vasić Milica, Dohčević-Mitrović Zorana, Nikolić Aleksandar S., Gruden-Pavlović Maja, Jancar Bostjan, Meden Anton. "Composition related properties of (Yb,Y)2O3 nanoparticles synthesized by controlled thermal degradation of AA complexes" in Materials Chemistry and Physics no. 122, PO BOX 564, 1001 LAUSANNE, SWITZERLAND:Elsevier Science Sa (2010): 386-391. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matchemphys.2010.03.
Optimization of photoluminescence of Y2O3:Eu and Gd2O3:Eu phosphors synthesized by thermolysis of 2,4-pentanedione complexes
Antić Bratislav, Rogan Jelena, Kremenović Aleksandar, Nikolić Aleksandar S., Vučinić-Vasić Milica, Božanić Dušan K., Goya Gerardo F., Colomban Philippe (2010)Antić Bratislav, Rogan Jelena, Kremenović Aleksandar, Nikolić Aleksandar S., Vučinić-Vasić Milica, Božanić Dušan K., Goya Gerardo F., Colomban Philippe. "Optimization of photoluminescence of Y2O3:Eu and Gd2O3:Eu phosphors synthesized by thermolysis of 2,4-pentanedione complexes" in Nanotechnology 24 no. 21, TEMPLE CIRCUS, TEMPLE WAY, BRISTOL BS1 6BE, ENGLAND:IOP Publishing LTD (2010). https://doi.org/10.1088/0957-4484/21/24/245702
Curcumin nanonization using an alternative small-scale production unit: selection of proper stabilizer applying basic physicochemical consideration and biological activity assessment of nanocrystals
Ines Nikolić, Jelena Antić-Stanković, Dragana Božić, Danijela Ranđelović, Bojan Marković, Dominique Jasmin Lunter, Aleksandar Kremenović, Miroslav Savić, Snežana Savić (2020)As the number of poorly soluble drugs is increasing, nanocrystals have become very interesting due to wide range of application possibilities. Curcumin was used as a model active ingredient in this work. Even though it has many proven positive effects, due to its physicochemical issues, its possibilities have not been fully exploited. The goal of this work was to select optimal conditions for a top-down method for curcumin nanosuspension production, and to perform their comprehensive characterization applying complementary methodologies: ...Ines Nikolić, Jelena Antić-Stanković, Dragana Božić, Danijela Ranđelović, Bojan Marković, Dominique Jasmin Lunter, Aleksandar Kremenović, Miroslav Savić, Snežana Savić. "Curcumin nanonization using an alternative small-scale production unit: selection of proper stabilizer applying basic physicochemical consideration and biological activity assessment of nanocrystals" in Review on advanced materials science, Walter de Gruyter GmbH (2020). https://doi.org/10.1515/rams-2020-0043