2295 items
Cu(II) effect on sphalerite floatability and zeta potential
Vučinić Dušica, Deušić Slaven, Tomašević Aleksandra. "Cu(II) effect on sphalerite floatability and zeta potential" in Proceedings of 11th Inter. Conf. on Fundamental and Applied Aspects of Physical Chemistry, Belgrade: (2012): 712-714 M33
Drilling fluids and environmental safety
Leković Branko, Karović-Maričić Vesna, Danilović Dušan. "Drilling fluids and environmental safety" in 5th Balkan Mining Congress 1 no. 1, Ohrid: Association of Mining and Geological Engineers of Macedonia (2013): 172-177 M33
Supportive methods for assessing effective porosity and regulating karst aquifers
Stevanović Zoran, Milanović Saša, Ristić-Vakanjac Vesna. "Supportive methods for assessing effective porosity and regulating karst aquifers" in Acta Carsologica 39 no. 2, Postojna:Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts (2010): 313-329. https://doi.org/10.3986/ac.v39i2.102 M23
Well completion of suspended and abandoned wells for the production of thermal and electrical energy
Marija Ilic, Dušan Danilović, Miroslav Crnogorac, Vesna Karović-Maričić, Lola Tomić, Anastasija Mirjanić (2024)opremanje bušotina, konzervirana bušotina, likvidirana bušotina, toplotna energija, električna energijaMarija Ilic, Dušan Danilović, Miroslav Crnogorac, Vesna Karović-Maričić, Lola Tomić, Anastasija Mirjanić. "Well completion of suspended and abandoned wells for the production of thermal and electrical energy" in Underground mining engineering, Belgrade : Faculty of Mining and Geology (2024) М51
Long-term planning methodology for improving wood biomass utilization
The insufficiently developed forest management system is often followed by undeveloped forest resources supply chain and insufficient institutional support. These cause inefficient usage of fuel-wood as well as huge amounts of unused forest residues. In order to achieve optimal and long-term sustainable utilisation of biomass, an original methodology based on the interaction of mathematical optimization and backcasting approach has been developed. Mathematical optimization is used for both generation and consideration of techno-economic parameters of the forest biomass supply chain. ...Vladimir Vukašinović, Dušan Gordić, Marija Živković, Davor Koncalović, Dubravka Živković. "Long-term planning methodology for improving wood biomass utilization" in Energy, Elsevier BV (2019). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.energy.2019.03.105 М21а
Available technological procedures for capturing CO2 in the industrial and power generation sectors
Climate change is a major environmental issue caused by anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gases. Capturing CO2 and storing it in suitable geological formations is one of the main technological solutions that can provide mitigation of CO2 emission into the atmosphere. Capturing CO2 represents the first phase in process of carbon capture and storage, and includes the application of various technologies for the separation of CO2 produced in the energy and industrial sectors. There are four main systems for capturing ...Lola Tomić, Vesna Karović Maričić, Dušan Danilović, Branko Leković, Miroslav Crnogorac. "Available technological procedures for capturing CO2 in the industrial and power generation sectors" in 8th International Conference Mining and Environmental Protection, 22 – 25th September 2021, Serbia, Univerzitet u Beogradu, Rudarsko-geološki fakultet (2021) М33
Integrating landslide magnitude in the susceptibility assessment of the City of Doboj, using machine learning and heuristic approach
In this work, landslide assessment of the Doboj City area was modeled by combining machine learning and heuristic tools. The machine learning part was used to map the Morphometric factor. i.e. probability of landslides based on relation between the magnitude of events and morphometric parameters: elevation, distance to streams, slope, profile curvature, and aspect. The Random Forest and Support Vector Machines algorithms were implemented in the learning protocol, which included several strategies: balancing of the training/testing set size, algorithm ...Cvjetko Sandić, Miloš Marjanović, Biljana Abolmasov, Radislav Tošić. "Integrating landslide magnitude in the susceptibility assessment of the City of Doboj, using machine learning and heuristic approach" in Journal of Maps, Taylor&Francis (2023). https://doi.org/ 10.1080/17445647.2022.2163199 М22
Integrative GHG Assessment in Oil and Gas Industry
Reducing greenhouse gas emissions is one of the main targets of national strategies in European countries. As a main contributor to emissions, the energy sector is recognized as the most promising to apply measures and actions aimed to decrease GHG emissions. The Oil and Gas industry as a significant contributor to global greenhouse gas emissions is facing a growing need for estimating, mitigating, and reducing the impact of their operations on the atmosphere to stay competitive in a newly ...Aleksandar Mirković, Marija Živković, Stevan Đenadić, Darja Lubarda, Chinedu Anyanwa. "Integrative GHG Assessment in Oil and Gas Industry" in Energija, ekonomija, ekologija (2023). https://doi.org/10.46793/EEE23-1.51M М51
A new species and genus of Lower Jurassic rhynchonellide (Brachiopoda) from Livari (Rumija Mountain, Montenegro): taxonomic implications of the shell microstructure
A new rhynchonellide brachiopod genus and species, Skadarirhynchia semicostata gen. et sp. nov., is described from the late Pliensbachian of Livari, Rumija Mountain, southeastern Montenegro. It occurs in shallow-water brachiopod-crinoid packstone beds (bioclastic limestones) of the periplatform facies of the Dinaric Carbonate Platform. Stratigraphy is constrained by means of 87Sr/86Sr dating indicating a late Pliensbachian age, and by the fact that the brachiopod beds lie immediately below the Toarcian marly limestones, which is consistent with the regional stratigraphical position. ...Barbara V. Radulović, Michael R. Sandy, Peter Schaaf. "A new species and genus of Lower Jurassic rhynchonellide (Brachiopoda) from Livari (Rumija Mountain, Montenegro): taxonomic implications of the shell microstructure" in Historical Biology (2024). https://doi.org/10.1080/08912963.2024.2403595 М22
Depth geological relations of the wider area of Belgrade - based on the wells and geophysical data
Đorđe Marinović, Ljupko Rundić (2020)Предметна референца обухвата простор шире околине Београда укупне површине око 2.000 km2. Аутори су објединили капиталне геолошке и геофизичке податке обезбеђене површинским истраживањима и мултидисциплинарним елементима из 52 бушотинe са дубинама између 33 и 2.733 m. Конкретни палеонтолошки налази специјализованих аналитичара са детерминацијом макро и микрофауне и флоре, презентовани су како из неогених формација тако и из басенске подине. Осим конвенционалних петролошких описа стена цитиране су и микроскопске детерминације интрузивних и екструзивних магматита. Из затвореног басенског простора корелативно су ...Đorđe Marinović, Ljupko Rundić. "Depth geological relations of the wider area of Belgrade - based on the wells and geophysical data" in Annales geologiques de la Peninsule balkanique, National Library of Serbia (2020). https://doi.org/10.2298/GABP201030009M М24
Development of the hybrid MCDM model for evaluating and selecting bucket wheel excavators for the modernization process
This paper presents a methodology for evaluating and ranking different bucket wheel excavators (BWE) for determining which machine should enter in the process of revitalization and modernization. Various multicriteria methods are used. Combining them achieves the best effect when choosing BVE for the modernization process. AHP, TOPSIS, VIKOR, and PROMETHEE methods are used. The hybrid models are developed from the multi-criteria decision making (MCDM) methods and they are used to evaluate the basic indicators that characterize the operation of ...Snezana Savkovic, Predrag Jovancic, Stevan Djenadic, Milos Tanasijevic, Filip Miletic. "Development of the hybrid MCDM model for evaluating and selecting bucket wheel excavators for the modernization process" in Expert Systems with Applications, Elsevier BV (2022). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eswa.2022.117199 М21а
DNA/BSA interactions and cytotoxic studies of tetradentate N,N,O,O Schiff base copper(II) complexes
Aleksandar Mijatović, Angelina Caković, Aleksandar Lolić, Snezana Sretenović, Marko Živanović, Dragana Seklić, Jovana Bogojeski, Biljana Petrović (2023)Three Schiff base Cu(II) complexes, (N,N’-bis(acetylacetone)propylenediimine)copper(II) complex, [Cu(acac2pn)] (1), (N,N'-bis-(benzoylacetone)propylenediimine)copper(II) complex, [Cu(phacac2pn)] (2) and (N,N’-bis-(trifluoroacetylacetone)propylenediimine)copper(II) complex, [Cu(tfacac2pn)] (3), were used to investigate the interactions with calf thymus DNA (ct-DNA) and bovine serum albumin (BSA) using the electronic absorption and spectroscopic fluorescence methods. UV-Vis absorption studies showed that studied complexes interact with DNA molecule and exhibit moderate binding affinity. Fluorescence studies of complexes 1-3 also showed a possibility for DNA intercalation as well as a relatively high binding ability ...Aleksandar Mijatović, Angelina Caković, Aleksandar Lolić, Snezana Sretenović, Marko Živanović, Dragana Seklić, Jovana Bogojeski, Biljana Petrović. "DNA/BSA interactions and cytotoxic studies of tetradentate N,N,O,O Schiff base copper(II) complexes" in Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society (2023). https://doi.org/10.2298/JSC230614063M М23
Risk Evaluation: Brief Review and Innovation Model Based on Fuzzy Logic and MCDM
Stevan Djenadic, Milos Tanasijevic, Predrag Jovancic, Dragan Ignjatovic, Dejan Petrovic, Ugljesa Bugaric (2022)The risk assessment of engineering systems represents an important part of the quality of service and dependability. The existing methods for risk evaluation use crisp sets for rating partial indicators’ proposition and their cumulative products as an overall indicator. In this paper, existing FMEA and FMECA methods have been improved using the fuzzy expert system for calculating the risk priority number. The application of fuzzy logic allows the use of linguistic descriptions for risk analysis. In this way, the ...Stevan Djenadic, Milos Tanasijevic, Predrag Jovancic, Dragan Ignjatovic, Dejan Petrovic, Ugljesa Bugaric. "Risk Evaluation: Brief Review and Innovation Model Based on Fuzzy Logic and MCDM" in Mathematics, MDPI AG (2022). https://doi.org/10.3390/math10050811 М21а
Petrological and organic geochemical characterization of OM in coal and shales from the Ibar basin (south Serbia)
Životić Dragana, Bechtel Achim, Sachsenhofer Rainhadr, Gratzer Rainhadr, Stojanović Ksenija, Andrić Nevena, Simić Vladimir (2015)Životić Dragana, Bechtel Achim, Sachsenhofer Rainhadr, Gratzer Rainhadr, Stojanović Ksenija, Andrić Nevena, Simić Vladimir. "Petrological and organic geochemical characterization of OM in coal and shales from the Ibar basin (south Serbia)" in ICCP Program & Abstract Book. 67th Annual Meeting of the International Committee for Coal and Organic Petrology, September 5-11. 2015,, Potsdam, Germany:Schriftenreihe der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften Heft 87 (2015): 166-167 M34
Assessment of Landscape Sensitivity Based on Geochemical Characteristics of Sediments (Kremna Basin, Serbia)
Kašanin-Grubin Milica, Šajnović Aleksandra, Perunović Tamara, Stojanović Ksenija, Simić Vladimir, Gajica Gordana, Brčeski Ilija (2018)Kašanin-Grubin Milica, Šajnović Aleksandra, Perunović Tamara, Stojanović Ksenija, Simić Vladimir, Gajica Gordana, Brčeski Ilija. "Assessment of Landscape Sensitivity Based on Geochemical Characteristics of Sediments (Kremna Basin, Serbia)" in Natural Resources and Sustainable Development 2 no. 8, Oradea, Debrecen:University of Oradea, Faculty of Enviromental Protection Enviromental Engineering Department and University of Debrecen, Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences and Environmental Management (2018): 148-165. https://doi.org/10.31924/nrsd.v8i2.016 M51
Geochemical study of U, Th and REE mineralizations in Jurassic sediments and hydrochemical characterization of groundwaters in Eastern Serbia – Case study: Plavna area
Jovan Kovačević, Maja Todorović, Marina Ćuk, Petar Papić . "Geochemical study of U, Th and REE mineralizations in Jurassic sediments and hydrochemical characterization of groundwaters in Eastern Serbia – Case study: Plavna area" in Carpathian Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences (2016) М23
Stratigraphy and Microfauna (Radiolarians and Foraminifera) of the Upper Cretaceous (Upper Santonian–Lower Campanian) Carbonate Deposits in the Area of Struganik Village, Western Serbia)
Santonian, Campanian, radiolarians, planktonic foraminifera, biostratigraphy, limestones, Struganik, SerbiaLiubov Bragina, Nikita Bragin, Luidmila Kopaevich, Nevenka Đerić, Nataša Gerzina Spajić. "Stratigraphy and Microfauna (Radiolarians and Foraminifera) of the Upper Cretaceous (Upper Santonian–Lower Campanian) Carbonate Deposits in the Area of Struganik Village, Western Serbia)" in Stratigraphy and Geological Correlation, Pleiades Publishing Ltd (2020). https://doi.org/10.1134/S0869593820010037 М22
Crystallographic, spectroscopic, thermal and computational studies of polymeric cobalt(II)–mellitate complex with 2,2′-bipyridine
Orange single crystals of new polymeric cobalt(II) complex {[Co(bipy)(H2O)4]2[Co(μ-mell)(H2O)2]·10H2O}n, 1, were synthesized by slow evaporation method at room temperature (bipy = 2,2′-bipyridine, mell = hexaanion of mellitic acid) and its crystal structure was determined by single-crystal X-ray diffraction. The complex 1 was characterized based on elemental analysis, FTIR spectroscopy and thermal (TG/DTA) analysis followed by computational analysis of noncovalent interactions and quantum chemical calculations of interaction energies. In 1, two crystallographically different Co(II) atoms adopt a deformed octahedral geometry, ...Lidija Radovanović, Dušan P. Malenov, Marko V. Rodić, Aleksandar Kremenović, Jelena Rogan. "Crystallographic, spectroscopic, thermal and computational studies of polymeric cobalt(II)–mellitate complex with 2,2′-bipyridine" in Journal of Molecular Structure, Elsevier BV (2021). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.molstruc.2021.132202 М22
In vitro and in silico study of the biological activity of tetradentate Schiff base copper(II) complexes with ethylenediamine-bridge
Aleksandar Mijatović, Nevenka Gligorijević, Dušan Ćoćić, Snežana Spasić, Aleksandar Lolić, Sandra Aranđelović, Milan Nikolić, Rada Baošić (2023)The biological activity of six structurally similar tetradentate Schiff base copper(II) complexes, namely [Cu (ethylenediamine-bis-acetylacetonate)] (CuAA) and five derivatives where two methyl groups are replaced by phenyl, (CuPP), CF3 (CuTT) or by mixed groups CH3/CF3 (CuAT), Ph/CF3 (CuPT), and Ph/CH3 (CuAP) has been investigated. The set of antioxidant assays was performed, and the results were expressed as IC50 and EC50 values. The series of complexes showed interesting bioactivity and were investigated for the determination of antioxidant, antifungal, antimicrobial, and ...Aleksandar Mijatović, Nevenka Gligorijević, Dušan Ćoćić, Snežana Spasić, Aleksandar Lolić, Sandra Aranđelović, Milan Nikolić, Rada Baošić. "In vitro and in silico study of the biological activity of tetradentate Schiff base copper(II) complexes with ethylenediamine-bridge" in Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry, Elsevier BV (2023). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jinorgbio.2023.112224 М21
In vitro and in silico study of the biological activity of tetradentate Schiff base copper(II) complexes with ethylenediamine-bridge
Aleksandar Mijatović, Nevenka Gligorijević, Dušan Ćoćić, Snežana Spasić, Aleksandar Lolić, Sandra Aranđelović, Milan Nikolić, Rada Baošić (2023)The biological activity of six structurally similar tetradentate Schiff base copper(II) complexes, namely [Cu(ethylenediamine-bis-acetylacetonate)] (CuAA) and five derivatives where two methyl groups are replaced by phenyl, (CuPP), CF3 (CuTT) or by mixed groups CH3/CF3 (CuAT), Ph/CF3 (CuPT), and Ph/CH3 (CuAP) has been investigated. The set of antioxidant assays was performed, and the results were expressed as IC50 and EC50 values. The series of complexes showed interesting bioactivity and were investigated for the determination of antioxidant, antifungal, antimicrobial, and cytotoxic ...Aleksandar Mijatović, Nevenka Gligorijević, Dušan Ćoćić, Snežana Spasić, Aleksandar Lolić, Sandra Aranđelović, Milan Nikolić, Rada Baošić. "In vitro and in silico study of the biological activity of tetradentate Schiff base copper(II) complexes with ethylenediamine-bridge" in Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry, Elsevier BV (2023). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jinorgbio.2023.112224 М21