936 items
Recycling of carbonates into the deep mantle beneath central Balkan Peninsula: Mg-Zn isotope evidence
Mg i Zn izotopi, ciklus ugljenika, natrijski alkalni bazalti, orogeni pojas Tetisa, Balkansko poluostrvoZi-Tan Shu, Sheng-Ao Liu, Dejan Prelević, Vladica Cvetković, Shuguang Li. "Recycling of carbonates into the deep mantle beneath central Balkan Peninsula: Mg-Zn isotope evidence" in Lithos, Elsevier (2022). https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lithos.2022.106899 М21а
Cutting elements of bucket wheel excavators in lignite opensast mines: Methodology and performed solutions
Dragan Novaković, Predrag Jovančić (2016)Bucket and cutting elements geometry (teeth and hardened steel) have very powerful impact on effective operation of bucket wheel excavator, and that`s why, problems of optimal geometry of elements in specific conditions always are of special interest in mining science and technique. If we want to achieve satisfactory utilization of bucket wheel excavator, it is necessary to modulate geometry material characteristics and technological parameters, as regards bucket wheel excavator work regime, and bucket wheel working performances, and also bucket ...Dragan Novaković, Predrag Jovančić. "Cutting elements of bucket wheel excavators in lignite opensast mines: Methodology and performed solutions" in 13th International symposium Continuous Surface Mining ISCSM 2016, 12-14 September 2016, Belgrade – Serbia, Belgrade : Yugoslav Opencast Mining Committee, Belgrade (2016) М33
A comparison between ARIMA, LSTM, ARIMA-LSTM and SSA for cross-border rail freight traffic forecasting: the case of Alpine-Western Balkan Rail Freight Corridor
Miloš Milenković, Miloš Gligorić, Nebojša Bojović, Zoran Gligorić. "A comparison between ARIMA, LSTM, ARIMA-LSTM and SSA for cross-border rail freight traffic forecasting: the case of Alpine-Western Balkan Rail Freight Corridor" in Transportation Planning and Technology, Informa UK Limited (2023). https://doi.org/10.1080/03081060.2023.2245389 М23
Determination of the groundwater-leakage mechanism (binary mixing) in a karstic dam site using thermometry and isotope approach (HPP Visegrad, Bosnia, and Herzegovina)
Earth-Surface Processes,Geology, Pollution, Soil Science, Water Science and Technology, Environmental Chemistry, Global and Planetary ChangeLjiljana Vasić, Saša Milanović, Anita Puskás-Preszner, Laszlo Palcsu. "Determination of the groundwater-leakage mechanism (binary mixing) in a karstic dam site using thermometry and isotope approach (HPP Visegrad, Bosnia, and Herzegovina)" in Environmental Earth Sciences, Springer Science and Business Media LLC (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12665-020-08910-x М22
A new analytical method for determination of discharge duration in tunnels subjected to groundwater inrush
Mohsen Golian, Ebrahim Sharifi Teshnizi, Mario Parise, Josip Terzić, Sasa Milanović, Vesna Ristić Vakanjac, Masoud Mahdad, Mehdi Abbasi, Hossein Taghikhani, Habib Saadat (2021)Mohsen Golian, Ebrahim Sharifi Teshnizi, Mario Parise, Josip Terzić, Sasa Milanović, Vesna Ristić Vakanjac, Masoud Mahdad, Mehdi Abbasi, Hossein Taghikhani, Habib Saadat. "A new analytical method for determination of discharge duration in tunnels subjected to groundwater inrush" in Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, Springer Science and Business Media LLC (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10064-021-02140-6 М21
Characterization, axial anisotropy and formation conditions of celestine from the Jabal Eghei (Nuqay) late Neogene – Pleistocene volcanic province, southern Libya: Constraints on the mineralogical geothermometer
Pavle Tančić, Maja Milošević, Darko Spahić, Bojan Kostić, Aleksandar Kremenović, Maja Poznanović-Spahić, Jovan Kovačević (2023)Pavle Tančić, Maja Milošević, Darko Spahić, Bojan Kostić, Aleksandar Kremenović, Maja Poznanović-Spahić, Jovan Kovačević. "Characterization, axial anisotropy and formation conditions of celestine from the Jabal Eghei (Nuqay) late Neogene – Pleistocene volcanic province, southern Libya: Constraints on the mineralogical geothermometer" in Mineralogical Magazine (2023). https://doi.org/10.1180/mgm.2023.88 М22
Application of geophysical and multispectral imagery data for predictive mapping of a complex geo-tectonic unit: a case study of the East Vardar Ophiolite Zone, North-Macedonia
Filip Arnaut, Dragana Đurić, Uroš Đurić, Mileva Samardžić-Petrović, Igor Peshevski. "Application of geophysical and multispectral imagery data for predictive mapping of a complex geo-tectonic unit: a case study of the East Vardar Ophiolite Zone, North-Macedonia" in Earth Science Informatics, Springer Science and Business Media LLC (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12145-024-01243-4 М22
Примена CNC машина при обради мермера
Ненад Остојић (2024)Мермер је стена настала метаморфизмом седиментних карбонатних стена, најчешће кречњака или доломита. Мермер се углавном састоји од калцита,кречњака, серпентина и доломита. Његове главне компоненте су углавном калцијум карбонат, који чини више од 50 посто, и други магнезијум карбонат, калцијум оксид, манган оксид и силицијум диоксид, итд. Фазе обраде мермера су: примарно резање мермерних блокова у плоче, површинска обрада мермерних плоча, секундарно резање мермерних плоча, терцијарна обрада (ако је потребно). CNC машина је електро-механички уређај који управља алатима, користећи програмирање путем ...Ненад Остојић. Примена CNC машина при обради мермера, 2024
Hidrogeološke karakteristike i ocena bilansa Ravaničkih krečnjaka
Andrijana Stanišić (2024)Hidrogeološka problematika koja se vezuje za složene uslove cirkulacije podzemnih voda u karstu kao i kompleksnost karakterizacije karstnih izdanskih voda, predstavljaju ključne faktore za usmeravanje ka istraživanju karsta i definisanje teme završnog rada. Tematikom rada obuhvaćene su prvenstveno hidrogeološke karakteristike područja istraživanja a zatim i analiza elemenata režima i bilansa podzemnih vodnih resursa u cilju njihove pravilne valorizacije.Zapadni krečnjački pojas Karpato-balkanskog luka odvojen je od mezozojskog kompleksa Kučajsko-beljaničkog masiva navlakom crvenih permskih peščara, koja se nastavlja na krepoljinsko-senjsku zonu ...karstni tip izdani, bilans podzemnih voda, podzemno isticanje, sifonalna cirkulacija, Ravanički krečnjaciAndrijana Stanišić . Hidrogeološke karakteristike i ocena bilansa Ravaničkih krečnjaka, 2024
Hydraulic impact of pressure transients from water conveyance tunnel on the complex hydrogeological system: A case study HPP
Tunel pod pritiskom, Unutrašnji pijezometri, Tranzijenti pritiska, Karstna izdan, Pukotinska izdan, Hidraulički odzivIgor Jemcov, Maja Todorović, Aleksandar Jemcov, Marina Ćuk Đurović. "Hydraulic impact of pressure transients from water conveyance tunnel on the complex hydrogeological system: A case study HPP" in Journal of Hydrology, Pirot, 2024, Elsevier BV (2024). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhydrol.2024.132068 М21а
Tehnička i biološka rekultivacija deponije pepela i šljake na Površinskom kopu Gračanica, Gacko
Boban Crnogorac (2024)U završnom radu prikazane su faze rekultivacije u cilju uklanjanja degradiranih površina nastale usled deponovanja pepela i šljake, tehnološki proces nastajanja istih, kao i način transporta i odlaganja šljake i pepela. Primenjena je optimalna rekultivacija koja se sastoji od tehničke i biološke rekultivacije. Detaljno je predstavljen opis izvođenja radova tehničke i biološke rekultivacije, ukupni troškovi svih radova, kao i izbor metoda prevođenja degradiranih površina izazvanih odlaganjem šljake i pepela, u cilju njihove rekultivacije i rehabilitacije u njihov koliko je moguće prvobitni oblik. Ovi ciljevi se ...Površinska eksploatacija, PK „Gračanica“, Tehnička rekultivacija, Biološka rekultivacija, zaštita životne sredine, pepeo, šljakaBoban Crnogorac. Tehnička i biološka rekultivacija deponije pepela i šljake na Površinskom kopu Gračanica, Gacko, 2024
A Simple Flow Injection System for Amperometric Detection of Ascorbic Acid Using Carbon Paste/Copper Schiff Base Composite Electrode
Mihajlo Kulizić, Milan Stanković, Marija Rašić, Aleksandar Mijatović, Rada Baošić, Aleksandar Lolić (2023)askorbinska kiselina, elektroda modifikovane ugljenične paste, analiza protočne injekcije, dijetetski suplementi, amperometrijaMihajlo Kulizić, Milan Stanković, Marija Rašić, Aleksandar Mijatović, Rada Baošić, Aleksandar Lolić. "A Simple Flow Injection System for Amperometric Detection of Ascorbic Acid Using Carbon Paste/Copper Schiff Base Composite Electrode" in ChemistrySelect, Wiley (2023). https://doi.org/10.1002/slct.202304631 М22
First record of fossil fish (enchodontoidei, actinopterygii) in the struganik quarry in western Serbia
Katarina Bradić-Milinović, Dragana Đurić, Nevenka Đerić, Ivana Petrović, Nemanja Krstekanić, Uroš Stojadinović (2022)Katarina Bradić-Milinović, Dragana Đurić, Nevenka Đerić, Ivana Petrović, Nemanja Krstekanić, Uroš Stojadinović. "First record of fossil fish (enchodontoidei, actinopterygii) in the struganik quarry in western Serbia" in Geoloski anali Balkanskoga poluostrva, National Library of Serbia (2022). https://doi.org/10.2298/GABP221021008B М24
Some continuous stress mixed formulations and inf-sup test
The most frequent motivation for the use of mixed methods is their robustness in the presence of certain limiting and extreme situations. At variance, the main goal of the present paper is to reconsider the use of mixed formulation as a tool for wider application, i.e., to study the stability of the proposed procedure treating problems in elasticity otherwise well suited for the solution by the usual displacement method.Computational procedure for the inf-sup test is outlined, and the results ...Mladen Berković, Dubravka Mijuca, Ines Grozdanović. "Some continuous stress mixed formulations and inf-sup test" in Computer Assisted Mechanics and Engineering Sciences, Instytut Podstawowych Problemów Techniki PAN (2001) М52
On the distribution modulo 1 of the sum of powers of a Salem number
Dragan Stankov (2016)It is well known that the sequence of powers of a Salem number θ, modulo 1, is dense in the unit interval, but is not uniformly distributed. Generalizing a result of Dupain, we determine, explicitly, the repartition function of the sequence , where P is a polynomial with integer coefficients and θ is quartic. Also, we consider some examples to illustrate the method of determination.Algebraic integer, the house of algebraic integer, maximal modulus, reciprocal polynomial, primitive polynomial, Schinzel-Zassenhaus conjecture, Mahler measure, method of least squares, cyclotomic polynomialsDragan Stankov. "On the distribution modulo 1 of the sum of powers of a Salem number" in Comptes rendus Mathematique (2016). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.crma.2016.03.012 М23
Tectonothermal evolution of an asymmetric extensional system: the Juhor Mts in Central Serbia (Northern Serbomacedonian massif)
Miloš Radonjić, Uroš Stojadinović, Elco Luijendijk, Dejan Radivojević, Željko Golubović, Nikola Vuković (2018)Miloš Radonjić, Uroš Stojadinović, Elco Luijendijk, Dejan Radivojević, Željko Golubović, Nikola Vuković. "Tectonothermal evolution of an asymmetric extensional system: the Juhor Mts in Central Serbia (Northern Serbomacedonian massif)" in 17th Serbian Geological Congress, Vrnjačka Banja, 17-20 maj 2018, Srpsko geološko društvo (2018) М34
Хазард од клизишта у Србији у 21. веку
Biljana Abolmasov (2019)Biljana Abolmasov. "Хазард од клизишта у Србији у 21. веку" in Геохазард у Србији у 21. веку – знање је најбољи бедем против стихије, Српска академија наука и уметности (2019) М44
Predictive modeling for U and Th concentrations in mineral and thermal waters, Serbia
Earth-Surface Processes, Geology, Pollution, Soil Science, Water Science and Technology, Environmental Chemistry, Global and Planetary ChangeMarina Ćuk Đurović, Igor Jemcov, Maja Todorović, Ana Mladenović, Petar Papić, Jana Štrbački. "Predictive modeling for U and Th concentrations in mineral and thermal waters, Serbia" in Environmental Earth Sciences, Springer Science and Business Media LLC (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12665-020-09204-y М22
Characterization of biochar surface functional groups
In this work, biochar originating from paper fibres was examined. Biochar was prepared via pyrolysis method at 550°C. Oxygen-containing functional groups on biochar surface were determined. The surface functional groups of biochar were analysed by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. The amount of oxygen-containing functional groups was performed with Boehm titration. The total acidity of biochar was mostly attributed to carboxylic and lactonic groups.Marija Ilić, Vesna Pavelkić, Aleksandar Lolić, Branko Leković. "Characterization of biochar surface functional groups" in Šesti Naučno-stručni skup Politehnika, Beograd, 10. decembar 2021., Beograd : Akademija tehničkih strukovnih studija (2021) М63
Metallogenic Implications of the High-Precision U-Pb Zircon Geochronology of Igneous Rocks from the Rogozna Skarn-hosted Au-Zn-Pb-Cu Project
Sean P. Gaynor, Milorad D. Antić, Vladica Cvetković, Kristina Šarić, Urs Schaltegger. "Metallogenic Implications of the High-Precision U-Pb Zircon Geochronology of Igneous Rocks from the Rogozna Skarn-hosted Au-Zn-Pb-Cu Project" in XXII International Congress of the Carpathian-Balkan Geological Association, Geologica Balcanica, Plovdiv, Bulgaria, 7–11 September 2022, Geological Institute, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (2022) М33