915 items
Anisotropic grossular–andradite garnets: Evidence of two stage skarn evolution from Rudnik, Central Serbia
This paper presents LA-ICP-MS data for garnets from the Rudnik skarn deposit (Serbia), which range from Grs45–58Adr40–52Alm2–3 in the core and Adr70–97Grs2–29Sps1 in the rim displaying anisotropy and zoning. In spite of wide compositional variations the garnets near the end-member of andradite (Adr > 90) are generally isotropic. Fe-rich rims exhibit LREE depletion and flat HREE pattern with weak negative Eu anomaly, including higher As and W contents. On the other side, the Fe-poorer core shows flat REE pattern ...... Jamtveit B. & Hervig R.L. 1994: Constraints on Transport and Kine- tics in Hydrothermal Systems from Zoned Garnet Crystals. Science 263, 505–508. https://doi.org/10.1126/science.263. 5146.505 Jamtveit B., Wogelius R. & Fraser D. 1993: Zonation patterns of skarn garnets: Records of hydrothermal system ...
... as the SEM laboratory, Faculty of Mining and Geology, University of Belgrade for support. The authors also wish to acknowledge the general support from all stuff of the Company Rudnik Mine. References Anđelković M. 1973: Geology of Mesozoic vicinity of Belgrade. Annales Geologiques de la Peninsule ...
... results obtained by Cvetković et al. (2016). Acknowledgments: This research was supported by project no. OI176019 of the Ministry of Education, Science and Tech- nological Development of the Republic of Serbia. The authors thank the LA-ICP-MS laboratory, Geological Institute in Sofia, as well as ...Bojan Kostić, Danica Srećković-Batoćanin, Petyo Filipov, Pavle Tančić, Kristijan Sokol. "Anisotropic grossular–andradite garnets: Evidence of two stage skarn evolution from Rudnik, Central Serbia" in Geologica Carpathica, Central Library of the Slovak Academy of Sciences (2021). https://doi.org/10.31577/GeolCarp.72.1.2
Геохемијске карактеристике флотацијског јаловишта рудника Грот (југоисточна Србија)
Božidar Đokić (2012-07-16)У дисертацији су анализиране геохемијске карактеристике флотацијскогјаловишта које се налази на највишој надморској висини у Србији. Јаловиште јенастало преграђивањем узводно од Селишког потока. Географске, геолошке игеоморфолошке карактеристике области у којима је смештено највећим делом суутицали на његову морфологију и морфометрију. Јаловиште чини велики, јужни ијугоисточни плато и велика брана. Делови јаловишта су засебно испитивани, азатим и њихова међусобна интеракција и утицаји на окружење.Прикупљени узорци су испитивани рендгенском дифракциономанализом, скенирајућом електронском микроскопијом, рендгенскомфлуоресцентном спектрометријом, гранулометријском и хемијском анализом.Рендгенском дифракционом анализом ...флотација, јаловиште, скенирајућа електронско-микроскопскаанализа, рендгенска флуоресцентна спектрометрија, Pb-Zn руда,тешки метали, контаминација... tailings dump. XIII international eco-conference®, Environmental protection of urban and suburban settlememts, Ecological Movement of the City of Novi Sad. University of Novi Sad, University of Beograd, International Independent University of Environmental and Political Sciences Moscow, Institute of field ...
... field and vegetable crops Novi Sad, Legambiente d′Italia (National Еnvironmental Оrganization), Novi Sad, 261-269. Đokić B. V., Jovanović M. (2009): Tehnogenic waste dumps of metal mines in Serbia. Work shop: Applied Environmental Geochemistry-Antropogenic impact on the human environment in the ...
... Правилник о хигијенској исправности воде за пиће. Службени лист СРЈ, бр. 42/98. 3. Drinking Water Standards and Health Advisory Tables. United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA). 4. Правилник о квалитету и другим захтевима за природну минералну воду, природну изворску воду и стону воду. Службени ...Božidar Đokić. "Геохемијске карактеристике флотацијског јаловишта рудника Грот (југоисточна Србија)" in Универзитет у Београду, Универзитет у Београду, Рударско-геолошки факултет (2012-07-16)
Геохемијске карактеристике флотацијског јаловишта рудника Грот (југоисточна Србија)
Božidar Đokić (2012-07-16)У дисертацији су анализиране геохемијске карактеристике флотацијскогјаловишта које се налази на највишој надморској висини у Србији. Јаловиште јенастало преграђивањем узводно од Селишког потока. Географске, геолошке игеоморфолошке карактеристике области у којима је смештено највећим делом суутицали на његову морфологију и морфометрију. Јаловиште чини велики, јужни ијугоисточни плато и велика брана. Делови јаловишта су засебно испитивани, азатим и њихова међусобна интеракција и утицаји на окружење.Прикупљени узорци су испитивани рендгенском дифракциономанализом, скенирајућом електронском микроскопијом, рендгенскомфлуоресцентном спектрометријом, гранулометријском и хемијском анализом.Рендгенском дифракционом анализом ...флотација, јаловиште, скенирајућа електронско-микроскопскаанализа, рендгенска флуоресцентна спектрометрија, Pb-Zn руда,тешки метали, контаминација... tailings dump. XIII international eco-conference®, Environmental protection of urban and suburban settlememts, Ecological Movement of the City of Novi Sad. University of Novi Sad, University of Beograd, International Independent University of Environmental and Political Sciences Moscow, Institute of field ...
... field and vegetable crops Novi Sad, Legambiente d′Italia (National Еnvironmental Оrganization), Novi Sad, 261-269. Đokić B. V., Jovanović M. (2009): Tehnogenic waste dumps of metal mines in Serbia. Work shop: Applied Environmental Geochemistry-Antropogenic impact on the human environment in the ...
... Правилник о хигијенској исправности воде за пиће. Службени лист СРЈ, бр. 42/98. 3. Drinking Water Standards and Health Advisory Tables. United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA). 4. Правилник о квалитету и другим захтевима за природну минералну воду, природну изворску воду и стону воду. Службени ...Božidar Đokić. "Геохемијске карактеристике флотацијског јаловишта рудника Грот (југоисточна Србија)" in Универзитет у Београду, Универзитет у Београду, Рударско-геолошки факултет (2012-07-16)
Uticaj utiskivanja gas-lift gasa na prenos mase i toplote
Branko Grubač (2019)Nakon uvođenja kontinualnog gas-lifta, primećen je porast proizvodnje tečnog naftnog gasa, TNG, u postrojenju za preradu gasa, kao jednog od finalnih proizvoda dobijenog iz fluida gaso kondenzatnih i rastvorenog gasa iz naftnih bušotina. Pretpostavljeno je da se prisustvom gas-lift gasa uspostavlja drugačija ravnoteža faza u odnosu na slučaj bez gaslifta, te da je gas-lift gas stripovao propan i butane iz tečne u parnu fazu, što je dovelo do povećanja prinosa TNG-a. Napravljen je model bušotine koja radi u kontinualnom gas-liftu ...... thermal science, Vol. 127, str 173-180, (2018) [21] A.Toth, E. Bobok, Flow and heat transfer in geothermal systems, Chepter 9, Elsevier, str 181-194, (2017) [22] H. Rahnema , J. You, M. McMillan, Numerical modeling of unsteady-state wellbore heat transmission, Journal of natural gas science and ...
... Engineering Science, Vol. 27, str 1197-1203, (1972) [35] D. Peng, D. Robinson, A new two-constant equation of state, Idustrial & Engineering Chemistry Fundamentals, Vol. 15, str 56-64, (1976) [36] T. Boldizsar, The distribution of temperature in flowing wells, Americal Journal of science, Vol. 256 ...
... Wellbore heat-transfer modeling and applications, Journal of Petroleum science and engineering, str 179-185, (2012) [41] C. Kabir, A Hasan, Performance of a two-phase gas/liquid flow model in vertical wells, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, Vol. 4, str 273-289, (1990) Doktorska disertacija ...Branko Grubač. Uticaj utiskivanja gas-lift gasa na prenos mase i toplote, Beograd : Rudarsko-geološki fakultet, 2019
Konstitutivne zavisnosti komunalnog otpada sa deponija u Srbiji
Dragoslav Rakić (2013-05-10)U disertaciji su prikazani rezultati laboratorijskih ispitivanja uzoraka komunalnogotpada dobijeni u aparatima za direktno smicanje i edometarskim aparatima (jedanedometarski aparat konstruisan je za potrebe ove disertacije). Sva ispitivanja su izvršenana veštački pripremljenim uzorcima, uz uvažavanje preporuka koje se odnose nadimenzije korišćenih aparata i veličinu najvećih frakcija u uzorku (EN 1997-2, ASTM2007-a, 2007-b). Za formiranje uzoraka korišćen je komunalni otpad različite starosti,uzet sa dve deponije u Srbiji (Ade Huje u Beogradu i gradske deponije u Novom Sadu).Interpretacija rezultata dobijenih iz ...komunalni otpad, deponija, geotehnička klasifikacija, čvrstoća smicanja,deformabilnost, indeks primarne kompresije, indeks sekundarne kompresije, modelisleganja... landfills in semiarid areas, Journal of Environmental Enginering, 118(6), 865-877. Bouazza, A., Van Impe, W.F. & Heageman W. (1996). Quality control of dynamic compaction in municipal solid waste fills. Proc. 2nd International Congress on Environmental Geotechnics, Osaka, Vol. 2, 635-640. ...
... Congress on Environmental Geotechnics, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Vol. 1, 171-175. Caicedo, B., Yamin, L., Giraldo, E. & Coronado, O. (2002b). Geomechanical properties of municipal solid waste in Dona Juana sanitary landfill, Proceeding of the Fourth International Congress on Environmental Geotechnics ...
... Edincliler, A., Benson, C.H. & Edil, T.B. (1996). Shear strength of municipal solid waste, Interim Report - year 1, Environmental Geotechnics Report 96-2, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Wisconsin - Madison, 65. Edgers, L., Noble, J. & Williams, E. (1992). A biologic model ...Dragoslav Rakić. "Konstitutivne zavisnosti komunalnog otpada sa deponija u Srbiji" in Универзитет у Београду, Универзитет у Београду, Рударско-геолошки факултет (2013-05-10)
Konstitutivne zavisnosti komunalnog otpada sa deponija u Srbiji
Dragoslav Rakić (2013-05-10)U disertaciji su prikazani rezultati laboratorijskih ispitivanja uzoraka komunalnogotpada dobijeni u aparatima za direktno smicanje i edometarskim aparatima (jedanedometarski aparat konstruisan je za potrebe ove disertacije). Sva ispitivanja su izvršenana veštački pripremljenim uzorcima, uz uvažavanje preporuka koje se odnose nadimenzije korišćenih aparata i veličinu najvećih frakcija u uzorku (EN 1997-2, ASTM2007-a, 2007-b). Za formiranje uzoraka korišćen je komunalni otpad različite starosti,uzet sa dve deponije u Srbiji (Ade Huje u Beogradu i gradske deponije u Novom Sadu).Interpretacija rezultata dobijenih iz ...komunalni otpad, deponija, geotehnička klasifikacija, čvrstoća smicanja,deformabilnost, indeks primarne kompresije, indeks sekundarne kompresije, modelisleganja... landfills in semiarid areas, Journal of Environmental Enginering, 118(6), 865-877. Bouazza, A., Van Impe, W.F. & Heageman W. (1996). Quality control of dynamic compaction in municipal solid waste fills. Proc. 2nd International Congress on Environmental Geotechnics, Osaka, Vol. 2, 635-640. ...
... Congress on Environmental Geotechnics, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Vol. 1, 171-175. Caicedo, B., Yamin, L., Giraldo, E. & Coronado, O. (2002b). Geomechanical properties of municipal solid waste in Dona Juana sanitary landfill, Proceeding of the Fourth International Congress on Environmental Geotechnics ...
... Edincliler, A., Benson, C.H. & Edil, T.B. (1996). Shear strength of municipal solid waste, Interim Report - year 1, Environmental Geotechnics Report 96-2, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Wisconsin - Madison, 65. Edgers, L., Noble, J. & Williams, E. (1992). A biologic model ...Dragoslav Rakić. "Konstitutivne zavisnosti komunalnog otpada sa deponija u Srbiji" in Универзитет у Београду, Универзитет у Београду, Рударско-геолошки факултет (2013-05-10)
The effect of finite driving rate on avalanche distributions
Statistics, Probability and Uncertainty,Statistics and Probability,Statistical and Nonlinear PhysicsSonja Radić, Sanja Janićević, Dragutin Jovković, Đorđe Spasojević. "The effect of finite driving rate on avalanche distributions" in Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, IOP Publishing (2021). https://doi.org/10.1088/1742-5468/ac1f12
Lamprofiri Kolaričke reke (Boranja)
Luka Jović (2024)Lamprofiri su grupa egzotičnih ultrakalijskih stena poznatih po sadrţaju nekompatibilnih elemenata i elemenata retkih zemalja. U našem delu sveta pojavljuju se u okviru ultrakalijskih provincija u Španiji, Italiji, Srbiji, Makedoniji i Turskoj. U Srbiji su zastupljeni ponajviše u zapadnim delovima zemlje, oko opština Ljubovija i Mali Zvornik, ali i u široj okolini Rudnika, Kopaonika i u istočnoj Srbiji. Mnoga ispitivanja sprovedena su u rudnom polju Veliki Majdan u zapadnoj Srbiji sa čije jugoistočne strane protiče Kolarička reka. Ovaj lokalitet ...geohemija, lamprofiri, ultrakalijski magmatizam, elementi retkih zemalja, mešanje magmi, mineta, kersantit, flogopit... Foley S.F. i dr., 1987: The Ultrapotassic Rocks: Characteristics, Classification, and Constraints for Petrogenetic models, Earth-Science Reviews 24, 81-134, Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., Amsterdam. ZAHVALNOST Duboko sam zahvalan mentoru i članovima komisije na nesebičnoj pomoći tokom izrade ...
... Indications' from major and trace elements of phlogopite, Chemical Geology. Mitchell R.H., Bergman S. C., 1991: Petrology of Lamproites, Springer Science & Business Media, New York. Mitchell R.H., 1994: The lamprophyre facies, Mineralogy and Petrology, 51:137-146. Wooley A.R., Bergman S.C., Edgar ...
... Oceanic Basalts: Isotopes and Trace Elements, Max Plank Institut, Mainz. Faure G., 2001: Origin of Igneous Rocks: The Isotopic Evidence, Springer Science & Business Media, New York. Dickin A.P., 2005: Radiogenic Isotope Geology, 2nd Edition, Cambridge University Press. Hoefs J., 2009: Stable Isotope ...Luka Jović. Lamprofiri Kolaričke reke (Boranja), 2024
A Mathematical Learning Environment Based on Serbian Language Resources
In recent years, in line with ever growing usage of Information technology, the learning environments are changing. The amount of available learning materials in various forms has increased. These new environments demand comprehensive learning systems, which enable management of the learning corpus with special attention paid to relevant lexical resources. In this paper we present the concept of a Mathematical Learning Environment in Serbian (MLES), which is based on a corpus of mathematical materials and various lexical resources, enabling ...... Mathematical Formulae. A Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 4120 (1), pp. 241- 253. [6] Iancu, M., Kohlhase, M., Prodescu, C. (2014). Representing, Archiving, and Searching the Space of Mathematical Knowledge. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 8592 (1), pp. 26- -30. [7] Lozier, L. D., (2003) ...
... lexical resources are used as well as local grammars, with the aim to provide a comprehensive and searchable learning environment. Although the general lexica in Serbian is well covered, mathematical terminology needs further improvements. MLES presents a system that supports managing and usage ...Radojičić Marija, Obradović Ivan, Stanković Ranka, Utvić Miloć, Kaplar Sebastijan. "A Mathematical Learning Environment Based on Serbian Language Resources" in Proceedings of the 7th International Scientific Conference Technics and Informatics in Education, Faculty of Technical Sciences, Čačak (2018)
Permanent GNSS monitoring of landslide Umka
Mileva Samardžić Petrović, Jovan Popović, Uroš Đurić, Biljana Abolmasov, Marko Pejić, Miloš Marjanović (2020)Клизиште Умка је једно од највећих насељених активних клизишта у Србији. Активност клизишта Умка се прати већ више од 85 година, различитим геотехничким и геодетским техникама. Од 2010. године, активност kлизишта се континуирано прати у реалном времену аутоматизованим перманентним системом за праћење базираним на Глобалним навигационим сателитским системима (ГНСС). Поред тога, од 2018. године активност клизишта се додатно прати кинематичким ГНСС одређивањем положаја скупа карактеристичних тачака као и применом UAV фотограметрије. Главни циљ овог рада је приказ резултата опажања три ...... of almost ten years of permanent monitoring, the system was successfully used in order to track the dynamics of Umka landslide in real time. In general, the derived data of automated monitoring are analyzed for two time periods separately, due to the relocation of the object point on December 2013 ...
... After the analysis of the dynamics of the Umka landslide, it is concluded that the third observation epoch should be realized in April 2020. In general, each of these applied procedures, automated GNSS monitoring, GNSS monitoring of characteristic landslide points and UAV photogrammetry, has an important ...
... “The application of GNSS and LIDAR technology for infrastructure facilities and terrain stability monitoring“, financed by Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia, and the collaboration between University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mining and Geology and ...Mileva Samardžić Petrović, Jovan Popović, Uroš Đurić, Biljana Abolmasov, Marko Pejić, Miloš Marjanović. "Permanent GNSS monitoring of landslide Umka" in International Conference on Contemporary Theory and Practice in Construction XIV Stepgrad, University of Banja Luka, Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy (2020). https://doi.org/10.7251/STP2014091S
Production of electricity from coal-fired power plants and accompanying CO2 emissions: comparison of EU-27 and US
Even in the third decade of the 21st century, large power plants are still responsible for more than half of the electricity production in Europe and US. They predominantly use fossil fuels in their work, which results in the emission of pollutants into the air, soil and water. In addition to the production of electric energy, fossil fuels, including coal, are used for industrial purposes. Although the use of coal, especially in the countries of the European Union, is ...... through energy-imagined minimal use of fossil fuels, reducing their import independence, by increasing security of supply and energy security in general. Global coal consumption increased by over 6% in 2021, to levels slightly above 2019, but also above the highest consumption recorded in 2014 ...Uroš Djorgovski, Aleksandar Madžarević, Predrag Jovančić. "Production of electricity from coal-fired power plants and accompanying CO2 emissions: comparison of EU-27 and US" in International Conference on Global Energy and Climate Change - ICGRECC-23, New York, 2023, Research Galery- Science Leagues (2023)
Late Triassic radiolarians from the Grivska formation, internal Dinarides, SW Serbia
Paleontology, Stratigraphy, Economic Geology, Geochemistry and Petrology, Geology, Geophysics, Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology... e Ugur Kagan Tekin and Hazim Hrvatović for their constructive comments on the manuscript. The study was supported by Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development ofthe Republic of Serbia, Project No. 176015. The study was made in the framework of Governmental Program 0135- ...
... , Z., NASTIĆ, V. & PoPEVIĆ, A. 2004. Geological map of Republic Serbia, 1:50 000, Sheet Prijepolje 2 - (”Geozavod-Gemini“, 1995), Ministry of Science and Environment Protection, Directorate for the Environ- mental Protection, Serbia, Belgrade. SCHMID, M.S., BERNOULLI, D., FUGENSCHUH, B., MATENCO ...Nikita Bragin, Liubov Bragina, Nevenka Đerić, Nataša Gerzina-Spajić. "Late Triassic radiolarians from the Grivska formation, internal Dinarides, SW Serbia" in Geološki anali Balkanskoga poluostrva (2019). https://doi.org/10.2298/GABP1901017B
Machine Learning and Deep Neural Network-Based Lemmatization and Morphosyntactic Tagging for Serbian
The training of new tagger models for Serbian is primarily motivated by the enhancement of the existing tagset with the grammatical category of a gender. The harmonization of resources that were manually annotated within different projects over a long period of time was an important task, enabled by the development of tools that support partial automation. The supporting tools take into account different taggers and tagsets. This paper focuses on TreeTagger and spaCy taggers, and the annotation schema alignment ...... finite-state resources. In Zygmunt Vetu- lani, et al., editors, Human Language Technology. Chal- lenges for Computer Science and Linguistics. LTC 2015. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 10930., pages 277–289. Springer International Publishing, Cham. Denis, P. and Sagot, B. (2009). Coupling an annotated ...
... reducing the ambiguity level, but also on introducing simultaneously new grammatical categories in the annotation schema. In this paper we present a general strategy for corpus correction and its results. The strategy can be used in different tagging environments: in a stand- alone tool, used strictly ...
... designed for tagger train- ing tasks. It comprises of more than 210,000 lemmas, 3955 including simple- and multi-word units (MWUs), proper names, general- and domain-oriented lexica. Its basic tagset is similar to the one used by the Serbian TreeTag- ger models built in 2011 (TT11) and 2019 (TT19) ...Ranka Stanković, Branislava Šandrih, Cvetana Krstev, Miloš Utvić, Mihailo Škorić. "Machine Learning and Deep Neural Network-Based Lemmatization and Morphosyntactic Tagging for Serbian" in Proceedings of the 12th Language Resources and Evaluation Conference, May Year: 2020, Marseille, France, European Language Resources Association (2020)
A Twitter Corpus and Lexicon for Abusive Speech Detection in Serbian
Uvredljivi govor na društvenim medijima, uključujući psovke, pogrdni govor i govor mržnje, dostigao je nivo pandemije. Sistem koji bi bio u stanju da detektuje takve tekstove mogao bi da pomogne da internet i društveni mediji postanu bolji virtuelni prostor sa više poštovanja. Istraživanja i komercijalna primena u ovoj oblasti do sada su bili fokusirani uglavnom na engleski jezik. Ovaj rad predstavlja rad na izgradnji AbCoSER-a, prvog korpusa uvredljivog govora na srpskom jeziku. Korpus se sastoji od 6.436 ručno označenih ...... of hate speech as described in [42]; 3) Classifiers trained on corpora containing general abusive speech, can be used to classify a domain hate speech corpus, while domain-specific classifiers perform poorly on the general data set and corpora from other hate speech domains ([46, 29]); therefore, instead ...
... In the course of this work, we leveraged existing annotation schemes and abusive term definitions as much as possible with the aim of creating a general data set convenient for the detection of a broad range of abusive topics. We already used this resource for the detection of abusive triggers and the ...
... contribute to a better annotator agreement (the difference between the levels is clearer). The main advantage is that the same scheme can be used for general-purpose hate speech corpora, which includes several types of hate speech, and for specific corpora, which usually cover only one type of hate speech ...Danka Jokić, Ranka Stanković, Cvetana Krstev, Branislava Šandrih. "A Twitter Corpus and Lexicon for Abusive Speech Detection in Serbian" in 3rd Conference on Language, Data and Knowledge (LDK 2021), MDPI AG (2021). https://doi.org/10.4230/OASIcs.LDK.2021.13
Српски језик у дигиталном добу -- The Serbian Language in the Digital Age
Duško Vitas, Ljubomir Popović, Cvetana Krstev, Ivan Obradović, Gordana Pavlović-Lažetić, Mladen Stanojević (2012)... limited to isolated courses within more general post-graduate study programmes. Paradoxically, despite this state of affairs, short research seminars on topics related to computational linguistics 67 for high school students are organised within the Pet- nica science centre [45] each year. At the level ...
... is is true in general for the majority of Slavic languages, and this co- operation asks for further stimulative measures. ere are especially great possibilities for cooperation among projects related to standard languages of Štokavian ori- gin, as well as Slavic languages in general, given the com- ...
... http://ec.europa.eu/languages/pdf/comm2008_en.pdf. [5] Directorate-General of the UNESCO. Intersectoral Mid-term Strategy on Languages and Multilingualism, 2007. http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0015/001503/150335e.pdf. [6] Directorate-General for Translation of the European Commission. Size of the Language ...Duško Vitas, Ljubomir Popović, Cvetana Krstev, Ivan Obradović, Gordana Pavlović-Lažetić, Mladen Stanojević. "Српски језик у дигиталном добу -- The Serbian Language in the Digital Age" in META-NET White Paper Series, G. Rehm, H. Uszkoreit (eds.), Springer (2012)
Equilibrium and kinetic studies of the reactions between [Ru(terpy)(bipy)Cl]Cl complex and biologically important N-donor ligands
Studije u oblasti antikancerogenih karakteristika jedinjenja rutenijuma(III/II) izazivaju veliku pažnju već nekoliko godina otkako su neka od njih kao što su KP1019 (indazolijum-tetrahloridobis(H-indazol)rutenat(III)) i NAMI-A (imidazolijum) -trans-tetrahlorido(dimetilsulfoksid)indazolerutenat(III)) dostigao nivo kliničkog ispitivanja. Kompleksi rutenijuma u reakciji sa molekulom DNK formiraju prvenstveno gvanin- i adenin-adukt, kao komplekse platine. Takođe, nekoliko studija ukazuje na veoma jake interakcije sa proteinima. Međutim, kompleksi Ru(III/II) pokazuju generalno manje toksične efekte od lekova platine(II).1 Proučavali smo kinetiku reakcija supstitucije kompleksa [Ru(terpi)(bipi)Cl]Cl sa biološki važnim ligandima: dimetilsulfoksidom, gvanozin-5’-monofosfatom, ...Aleksandar Mijatović, Biljana Petrović, Ratomir Jelić, Živadin Bugarčić. "Equilibrium and kinetic studies of the reactions between [Ru(terpy)(bipy)Cl]Cl complex and biologically important N-donor ligands" in EuroAnalysis 16 - Challenges in Modern Analytical Chemistry, Belgrade : Division of Analytical Chemistry of the Serbian Chemical Society (2011)
History of meteorite donations to the Collection of Minerals and Rocks of the University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mining and Geology (Serbia)
... where it was found – Sokobanja, in central- eastern Serbia. One of those who investigated the fall was Prof. Josif Pančić (1814-1888), a natural science professor at the Great School of Belgrade (Beogradska Velika Škola), the precursor of University of Belgrade. A series of subsequent meteorite falls ...Alena Zdravković, Maja Milošević, Kristina Šarić, Ivana Jelić, Ana Černok. "History of meteorite donations to the Collection of Minerals and Rocks of the University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mining and Geology (Serbia)" in 9th International Conference Mineralogy and Museums, Sofia, Bulgaria, Earth and Man National Museum and Bulgarian Mineralogical Society (2021)
Енергетска безбедност Европске уније у светлу актуелне енергетске транзиције
Бобан Павловић, Дејан Ивезић (2021)Енергетска стратегија Европске уније, која од 2015. године обухвата и циљеве у области климатских промена, тежи изградњи „енергетске уније” која потрошачима из ЕУ даје сигурну, приступачну, чисту и одрживу енергију. Енергетска политика ЕУ поставља пред себе амбициозне циљеве у погледу коришћења обновљивих извора – учешће од 32% до 2030. године. Овако опсежну и динамичну енергетску транзицију у Европи усложњава хетерогеност националних енергетских система у погледу структуре енергетског микса, нивоа увозне зависности, као и нивоа технолошког, друштвеног и економског ...енергетска безбедност, Европска унија, енергетски показатељи, природни гас, обновљиви извори енергије... ac.uk/download/pdf/76803169.pdf. 7. Russel, M., Energy security in the EU's external policy, Members' Research Service, within the Directorate-General for Parliamentary Research Services (EPRS) of the Secretariat of the European Parliament, Brussels, 2020, https://www.europarl.europa.eu/cms ...
... . 44. Elbassoussy, A., “European energy security dilemma: major challenges and confrontation strategies”, Review of Economics and Political Science, 4, 2019, pp. 321-343. 45. Savez energetičara Srbije, Globalna energetika, SENERGES, 2020, https://www.senerges.rs/globalna-energetika_l.html. ...Бобан Павловић, Дејан Ивезић. "Енергетска безбедност Европске уније у светлу актуелне енергетске транзиције" in Безбедносни форум, Евроазијски безбедносни форум, Београд (2021)
Минерагенија зеолитских туфова Србије
Vladan Kašić (2018-02-05)Лежишта наших зеолитских туфова (Златокоп, Игрош, Јабланица 1, Беочин, Топоница и Сланци) која су овде била предмет детаљних истраживања, просторно и генетски везана су за вулканске и вулканокластичне стене маринских средина сенонске и неогенске старости и језерске седименте неогене старости и настала су као продукт девитрификације вулканског стакла.Током лабораторијских испитивања при изради ове докторске дисертације, примењене су следеће аналитичке методе: оптичка испитивања петрографских препарата; рендгенска дифракција праха (XRD); скенирајућа електронска микроскопија (СЕМ метода); хемијска карактеризација зеолитских туфова у оквиру ...... 5C%26quot%3BAral%2C+N.%5C%26quot%3B+6603591959%29 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0273122397001133 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0273122397001133 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0273122397001133 152 Conference on the Occurence, Properties ...
... tailings using natural zeolites. Zeolite '97, 5 th https://doi.org/10.2298/GABP0701053v http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1387181103003767 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1387181103003767 153 International Conference on the Occurrence, Properties and Utilization of ...
... L., Cozza C., Giuliano V., Abbruzzese C., Melis P., (2004): Recovery of soils contaminated with heavy metals: Preliminary results.Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 13 (11 B), 1232-1236. Цветковић В., Жумберковић В., Ресимић К., Попов О., (1998): Миоценски пирокластити Северне Бачке. Зборник радова ...Vladan Kašić. "Минерагенија зеолитских туфова Србије" in Универзитет у Београду, Универзитет у Београду, Рударско-геолошки факултет (2018-02-05)
Development Of The Serbian Geological Resources Portal
... Géologie, 42–44. DIMITRIJEVIĆ, M.D. (Ed.), 1996. Geological Atlas of Serbia 1:2.000.000. The Serbian Ministry of National Natural Resources and Environmental Protection, Belgrade. STANKOVIĆ, R., KITANOVIĆ, O., TRIVIĆ, B., BLAGOJEVIĆ, B., PRODANOVIĆ, J., 2010. “GIS application in the manage- ment and ...
... allows easy presentation of geo data, both as vector and raster datasets. The georeferenced raster datasets, can be seen in the following maps: General geological map (raster) of Serbia 1:100.000, available at http://geoliss.ekoplan.gov.rs/OGK/RasterSrbija, Geological Map Of The Carpatho-Balkanides ...
... /web, National park Djerdap, set of hydro-geological maps and related description, available at http://geoliss.ekoplan.gov.rs/?page=djer- dap and General geological map (vector) of Serbia 1:100.000, with 9 sheets, available at 62 RANKA STANKOVIĆ, JELENA PRODANOVIĆ, OLIVERA ...Ranka Stanković, Jelena Prodanović, Olivera Kitanović, Velizar Nikolić. "Development Of The Serbian Geological Resources Portal" in Proceedings of the 17th Meeting of the Association of European Geological Societies, Belgrade, Serbia : The Serbian Geological Society (2011)