2274 items
Environmental Aspects of Proposed Engineering Solution for Inter-basin Transfer in East Herzegovina
Čokorilo Marina, Stevanović Zoran, Ristić-Vakanjac Vesna. "Environmental Aspects of Proposed Engineering Solution for Inter-basin Transfer in East Herzegovina" in Engineering Geology for Society and Territory - Volume 5, Proceedings of the XII IAEG Congress, Torino 2014 5, :Springer International (2014): 515-519. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-09048-1_99 M33
Concept of forming and usage of engineering geological investigations data base in the area of Belgrade City, Serbia
Tahov Vesna, Tornjanski Ivica, Abolmasov Biljana. "Concept of forming and usage of engineering geological investigations data base in the area of Belgrade City, Serbia" in Proceedings of the 11th Congress of the IAEG, Geologically Active 1, Auckland, New Zealand:Taylor&Francis Group, London (2010): 1587-1593 M33
The significance of crater for determining explosion cause in forensic engineering
Bjelovuk I., Jarmaz S., Kričak Lazar. "The significance of crater for determining explosion cause in forensic engineering" in Thematic Proceedings of International Significance ARCHIBALD REISS DAYS, Beograd,Srbija:Academy of Criminalistic and Police Studies (2012): 913-929 M14
Komparativna analiza stabilnosti kosina i njihova sanacija na primjeru površinskog kopa uglјa „Bogutovo Selo”-Uglјevik
Trivan Jelena, Čebašek Vladimir, Kostić Srđan, Gojković Nebojša. "Komparativna analiza stabilnosti kosina i njihova sanacija na primjeru površinskog kopa uglјa „Bogutovo Selo”-Uglјevik" in Proceedings of the XV Symposium On Engineering Geology And Geotechnics, Beograd:Society of Geological Engineers and Technicians of Serbia - Committee for Engineering Geology and Geotechnics (2016): 483-497 M33
Engineering geological and geotechnical investigations for design of higway E-80 Nis – Merdare
Basarić Irena, Bogdanović Snežana, Rakić Dragoslav,Janković Jovana, Stevanović Miloš. "Engineering geological and geotechnical investigations for design of higway E-80 Nis – Merdare" in 17th International Multidisciplinary Scientific Geoconference SGEM 2017/Conference Proceedings 12 no. 17, Albena: (2017): 279-287. https://doi.org/10.5593/sgem2107/ M33
Cutting Resistance Laboratory Testing Methodology for Underwater Coal Mining
Vladimir Čebašek, Veljko Rupar, Stevan Đenadić, Filip Miletić. "Cutting Resistance Laboratory Testing Methodology for Underwater Coal Mining" in Minerals, MDPI AG (2021). https://doi.org/10.3390/min11060564 М22
Geotechnical aspects of three dimensional stability analysis of landslides
Ćorić Slobodan, Čaki Laslo, Rakić Dragoslav, Ubiparip Boško, Berisavljević Zoran. "Geotechnical aspects of three dimensional stability analysis of landslides" in Planning, design, construction and renewal in the civil engineering : proceedings / 12 International Scientific Conference INDIS 2012, Novi Sad, 28-30 November 2012, Novi Sad:Faculty of Technical Sciences, Department of Civil Engineering and Geodesy (2012): 361-368 M33
Refinement of waste phosphogypsum from Prahovo, Serbia: characterization and assessment of application in civil engineering
Josip Išek, Lazar Kaluđerović, Nikola Vuković, Maja Milošević, Ivana Vukašinović, Zorica Tomić (2020)Josip Išek, Lazar Kaluđerović, Nikola Vuković, Maja Milošević, Ivana Vukašinović, Zorica Tomić. "Refinement of waste phosphogypsum from Prahovo, Serbia: characterization and assessment of application in civil engineering" in Clay Minerals, Cambridge University press (2020). https://doi.org/10.1180/clm.2020.11 М22
Shape memory alloys: Properties, demands and opportunities in engineering applications: PART I
Tatjana Volkov-Husović, Bojan Dimitrijević, Ana Alil. "Shape memory alloys: Properties, demands and opportunities in engineering applications: PART I" in Hemijska industrija, National Library of Serbia (2024). https://doi.org/ 10.2298/HEMIND240227013V М23
Influence of engineering properties on Polished Stone Value (PSV): A case study on basic igneous rocks from Serbia
Đokić Olivera, Matović Vesna, Erić Suzana, Šarić Kristina. "Influence of engineering properties on Polished Stone Value (PSV): A case study on basic igneous rocks from Serbia" in Construction and Building Materials no. 101, :Elsevier (2015): 1088-1096. https://doi.org/http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.co M21
Load test of Large Diameter Piles for the Bridge Across Danube River in Belgrade
Rakić Dragoslav, Šušić Nenad, Basarić Irena, Đoković Ksenija, Berisavljević Dušan. "Load test of Large Diameter Piles for the Bridge Across Danube River in Belgrade" in 15th Danube-European Conference on Geotechnical Engineering DECGE2014 – Geotechnics of Roads and Railways 2, Vienna, Austria :Institute of Geotechnics Ground Engineering, Soil and Rock Mechanics Vienna University of Technology (2014): 867-872 M33
Operational Efficiency Forecasting Model of an Existing Underground Mine Using Grey System Theory and Stochastic Diffusion Processes
Svetlana Štrbac Savić, Jasmina Nedeljković Ostojić, Zoran Gligorić, Čedomir Cvijović, Snežana Aleksandrović (2015)Svetlana Štrbac Savić, Jasmina Nedeljković Ostojić, Zoran Gligorić, Čedomir Cvijović, Snežana Aleksandrović. "Operational Efficiency Forecasting Model of an Existing Underground Mine Using Grey System Theory and Stochastic Diffusion Processes" in Mathematical Problems in Engineering (2015). https://doi.org/10.1155/2015/610307 М23
A review of Veliki Majdan tailings dam rehabilitation,
Kostović Milena, Vitorović Zdravko (2011)Kostović Milena, Vitorović Zdravko. "A review of Veliki Majdan tailings dam rehabilitation," in Proceedings of the XIV Balkan Mineral Processing Congress II, Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina:Faculty of Mining, geology and civil engineering in Tuzla and Faculty of Mining in Prijedor, University of Tuzla (2011): 799-801 M33
Wordnet Development Using a Multifunctional Tool
Ivan Obradović, Ranka Stanković (2007)In this paper we present a multifunctional tool for manipulating heterogeneous language resources. The tool handles electronic dictionaries, wordnets and aligned texts, and provides for their synchronous use in various tasks. We focus here on the description of the possibilities this tool offers in the development of wordnets. Besides the wordnet module which enables parallel handling of two wordnets, other modules, such as the module for morphological dictionaries and the module for aligned texts, as well as available finite ...Ivan Obradović, Ranka Stanković. "Wordnet Development Using a Multifunctional Tool" in Proceedings of the International Workshop Computer Aided Language Processing (CALP) '2007, Borovets, Bulgaria, September 2007, - (2007) М33
Investments and benefits in computer supported systems for remote monitoring and management in real time
Vujić Slobodan, Radosavljević Milinko, Miljanović Igor, Gigov Mihajlo. "Investments and benefits in computer supported systems for remote monitoring and management in real time" in Mining and Metallurgy Engineering Bor 2016 no. 1, Bor:Mining and Metallurgy Institute Bor (2016): 7-16. https://doi.org/10.5937/MMEB1601007V M24
Application of the unmanned aerophotogrammetry in monitoring conditions and changes at the open pit mines
Vujić Slobodan, Radosavljević Nenad, Milutinović Aleksandar, Gigov Mihajlo. "Application of the unmanned aerophotogrammetry in monitoring conditions and changes at the open pit mines" in Journal ”Mining and Metallurgy Engineering” no. in print, Bor:Mining and Metallurgy (2016): 1-6. https://doi.org/DOI 10.5937/MMEB160100IV M24
Аутоматска екстракција дефиниција – допринос убрзању израде речника
дескриптивни речници, метаанализа лексикографских дефиниција, аутоматска екстракција дефиниција, електронски речници, српски језикРада Стијовић, Цветана Крстев, Ранка Станковић. "Аутоматска екстракција дефиниција – допринос убрзању израде речника" in Лексикологија и лексикографија у светлу актуелних проблема, Институт за српски језик САНУ (2021) М14
Influence of mono- and two-component organic modifiers on determination of lipophilicity of tetradentate Schiff bases
The infuences of the application of mono- and two-component organic modifers on lipophilicity determination of 12 tet radentate Schif bases by reversed-phase thin layer chromatography were investigated. The main goal is to estimate types of interaction between observed compounds and components of the applied chromatographic systems and establish some behaviour pattern in order to easier choose a combination of organic modifers which will simulate interaction in biological systems based on the facts that the same basic intermolecular interactions are ...Materials Chemistry, Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering, General Chemical Engineering, Biochemistry, General ChemistryNikola Stevanović, Aleksandar Mijatović, Aleksandar Lolić, Mario Zlatović, Rada Baošić. "Influence of mono- and two-component organic modifiers on determination of lipophilicity of tetradentate Schiff bases" in Chemical Papers, Springer Science and Business Media LLC (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11696-021-01884-5 М23
Influence of mono- and two-component organic modifiers on determination of lipophilicity of tetradentate Schiff bases
The infuences of the application of mono- and two-component organic modifers on lipophilicity determination of 12 tetradentate Schif bases by reversed-phase thin layer chromatography were investigated. The main goal is to estimate types of interaction between observed compounds and components of the applied chromatographic systems and establish some behaviour pattern in order to easier choose a combination of organic modifers which will simulate interaction in biological systems based on the facts that the same basic intermolecular interactions are responsible ...Materials Chemistry, Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering, General Chemical Engineering, Biochemistry,General ChemistryNikola Stevanović, Aleksandar Mijatović, Aleksandar Lolić, Mario Zlatović, Rada Baošić. "Influence of mono- and two-component organic modifiers on determination of lipophilicity of tetradentate Schiff bases" in Chemical Papers, Springer Science and Business Media LLC (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11696-021-01884-5 М23
Речници у дигиталном добу - информатичка подршка за српски језик
Биљана Рујевић (2022)Морфолошки речници српског језика представљају електронски језички ресурс који има значајну историју развоја и коришћења за потребе обраде природних језика. С обзиром на то да су чувани у облику датотека чији је број нарастао па је самим тим управљање речницима постало отежано јавила се потреба за смештањем информација из речника у облик лексикографске базе. Како би се омогућио симултани рад на развоју речника за више корисника јавила се потреба за веб-апликацијом заснованој на лексикографској бази. Како би се размотриле ...Биљана Рујевић. Речници у дигиталном добу - информатичка подршка за српски језик, Београд : [Б. Рујевић], 2022 M70