2399 items
English for Geology Students 2 - Dyslexia friendly
Lidija Beko (2023)Lidija Beko. English for Geology Students 2 - Dyslexia friendly, Belgrade : The Faculty of Mining and Geology, 2023
A contribution to the knowledge of facial diversity of Badenian sediments in the Belgrade area
Filip Anđelković, Dejan Radivojević (2018)... Mining and Geology, master student, e‐mail: filip.andjelkovic@rgf.rs 2) University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mining and Geology, Department of Regional Geology, Kamenička 6, 11000 Belgrade Key words: Badenian, Belgrade, facies, facial diversity, sediments INTRODUCTION Belgrade and its su ...
... century, belongig to the following projects: Basic geological map of Yugoslavia, Geology of Serbia (Pet‐ ković, 1977) and Geology of the Belgrade and its surroundings (Anđelković M., 1987, 1989a, 1989b). MATERIAL AND METHODS The fieldwork that had been carried out in the Belgrade area ...
... слободном приступу. - Претрага репозиторијума доступна је на www.dr.rgf.bg.ac.rs The Digital repository of The University of Belgrade Faculty of Mining and Geology archives faculty publications available in open access, as well as the employees' publications. - The Repository is available at: www.dr.rgf.bg.ac ...Filip Anđelković, Dejan Radivojević. "A contribution to the knowledge of facial diversity of Badenian sediments in the Belgrade area" in 17th Serbian Geological Congress, Vrnjačka Banja, 17-20 maj 2018, Srpsko geološko društvo (2018)
Tectonothermal evolution of an asymmetric extensional system: the Juhor Mts in Central Serbia (Northern Serbomacedonian massif)
Miloš Radonjić, Uroš Stojadinović, Elco Luijendijk, Dejan Radivojević, Željko Golubović, Nikola Vuković (2018)... Nikola Vuković4 1) University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mining and Geology, Department of Regional Geology, Belgrade, Serbia, e‐mail: milos.radonjic@rgf.bg.ac.rs 2) Georg‐August‐Universität, Department of Structural Geology and Geodynamics, Göttingen, Germany, 3) First Quantum Minerals Ltd. ...
... P., Szafián, P., Windhoffer, G., Cloetingh, S., 2007. Present‐day stress field and tectonic inversion in the Pannonian basin. Global and Planetary Change 58, 165–180. Dimitrijević, M.D., 1997. Geology of Yugoslavia, 2nd edition. Geoinstitute, Belgrade, Belgrade, 187 pp. Erak, D., Matenco ...
... слободном приступу. - Претрага репозиторијума доступна је на www.dr.rgf.bg.ac.rs The Digital repository of The University of Belgrade Faculty of Mining and Geology archives faculty publications available in open access, as well as the employees' publications. - The Repository is available at: www.dr.rgf.bg.ac ...Miloš Radonjić, Uroš Stojadinović, Elco Luijendijk, Dejan Radivojević, Željko Golubović, Nikola Vuković. "Tectonothermal evolution of an asymmetric extensional system: the Juhor Mts in Central Serbia (Northern Serbomacedonian massif)" in 17th Serbian Geological Congress, Vrnjačka Banja, 17-20 maj 2018, Srpsko geološko društvo (2018)
Prostorni položaj ofiolita istočne Vardarske zone: geofizičko-geološki model i njegove geodinamičke implikacije
Dragana D. Petrović (2015-12-29)Centralni deo Balkanskog poluostrva je geotektonski veoma složen. Tetis je zatvorentokom gornjeg mezozoika, a ofioliti na zapadu i ofioliti Vardarske zone predstavljajuostatke nekadašnjih okeanskih prostora. Najistočniji deo Vardarske zone razlikuje se odsvih ostalih ofiolita na Balkanskom poluostrvu i karakteriše se najizraženijim suprasubdukcijskimafinitetom. Istočna vardarska zona locirana je u centralom delu Srbije.Na severu se prostire do Apusena u Rumuniji, a na jugu obuhvata cetralni deoMakedonije i Peonias zonu u severnoj Grčkoj. Istočna vardarska zona se nalazi istočnood geotektonske jedinice Kopaonik ...... from the South Apuseni Mountains: Magmatic arc and marginal basin. Romanian Journal of Tectonics and Regional Geology 76, 27–38. Nicolas, A., 1989. Structures of ophiolites and dynamics of oceanic lithosphere. Petrology and structural geology (Kluwer Academic Publishers), 367, doi: 10.1007 ...
... Turbiditic Basins of Serbia (Serbian Academy of Science and Arts), 79-100. Dimitrijević, M. D., 1997. Geology of Yugoslavia, Belgrade: Barex, Special Publications. Dimitrijević, M. D., 2001. Dinarides and the Vardar Zone: A short review of the geology, Acta Vulcanologica, 13 (1-2), 1-8. Dolić, D. ...
... J. E., Wortel, M. J. R., 2005. Nappe stacking resulting from subduction of oceanic and continental lithosphere below Greece, Geology 33, 325–328, doi: 10.1130/G20878.1. Hoeck, V. and Ionescu, C., 2006. Basic and intermediate volcanics in theEastern Carpathians (Rarău, Romania): are all of them ...Dragana D. Petrović. "Prostorni položaj ofiolita istočne Vardarske zone: geofizičko-geološki model i njegove geodinamičke implikacije" in Универзитет у Београду, Универзитет у Београду, Рударско-геолошки факултет (2015-12-29)
The challenges for Z-generation geologists
Dejan Radivojević (2022)Nastupajuća generacija geologa suočava se sa nekim problemima koji su poznati i njihovim prethodnicima, ali takođe i sa do sada novim i nepoznatim izazovima. Činjenica da mnogi geologiju povezuju sa „prljavim“ industrijama u kojima će biti sve manje prilika za zaposlenje u vreme kada se teži čistoj vodi, zemljištu i vazduhu kao i to da je smatraju zastarelom u sadašnje vreme brzog tehnološkog razvoja dovela je do velikog pada interesovanja za studije geologije svuda u svetu. Neophodno je još ...Dejan Radivojević. "The challenges for Z-generation geologists" in Tehnika, Beograd : Savez inženjera i tehničara Srbije (2022). https://doi.org/10.5937/tehnika2201037R
Ophiolites and related geology of the Balkan region (Editorial Material).
Robertson H.F. Alastair, Karamata Stevan, Šarić Kristina. "Ophiolites and related geology of the Balkan region (Editorial Material)." in Lithos no. 108, :Elsevier (2009): VII-X
Meteorite collection at the Faculty of Mining and Geology, Belgrade, Serbia – forgotten gems.
Alena Zdravković, Kristina Šarić, Ana Černok. "Meteorite collection at the Faculty of Mining and Geology, Belgrade, Serbia – forgotten gems." in EPSC Abstracts, EPSC2017-688-2, 2017, European Planetary Science Congress 2017. 11 (2017)
Projection of SO2 emissions in coal power plants in Serbia
Aleksandar Madžarević, Predrag Jovančić, Stevan Đenadić, Filip Miletić, Miodrag Ristović, Miroslav Crnogorac (2023)The production of electricity in the countries of South-Eastern Europe (SEE) was mainly related to the use of coal, predominantly lignite. The total installed capacity of thermal power plants using coal in these seven countries is 17.813 MW, distributed in 31 thermoblocks. The mentioned plants are the dominant pollutant emitters in all observed countries. Data on the largest emitters in the countries of the European Union and a comparison with SEE countries were collected. The calculation of emissions of ...... Belgrade, Faculty of Mining and Geology, Belgrade, SERBIA, E-mail: aleksandar.madzarevic(orgf.bg.ac.rs ! University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mining and Geology, Belgrade, SERBIA, E-mail: predrag.jovancicOrgf.bg.ac.rs ! University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mining and Geology, Belgrade, SERBIA, E-mail: ...
... E-mail: stevan.djenadic(orrgf.bg.ac.rs ! University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mining and Geology, Belgrade, SERBIA, E-mail: filip.mileticorgf.bg.ac.rs ! University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mining and Geology, Belgrade, SERBIA, E-mail: miroslav.crnogorac(ergf.bg.ac.rs Abstract: The production of electricity ...
... of The University of Belgrade Faculty of Mining and Geology archives faculty publications available in open access, as well as the employees' publications. - The Repository is available at: www.dr.rgf.bg.ac.rs O International Conference MINING AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION May 2023, Serbia PROJEKCIJA ...Aleksandar Madžarević, Predrag Jovančić, Stevan Đenadić, Filip Miletić, Miodrag Ristović, Miroslav Crnogorac. "Projection of SO2 emissions in coal power plants in Serbia" in 9th International Conference Mining and environmental protection, Sokobanja 24-27th May 2023., Belgrade : University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mining and Geology (2023)
Unraveling Innerworkings of Magmatic System Beneath the East Pacific Rise 9º50’N
Milena Marjanović, Suzanne M. Carbotte, Alexandre Stopin, Felix Waldhauser, Satish C. Singh, René-Édouard Plessix, Miloš Marjanović, Malden R. Nedimović, Juan Pablo Canales, Hélène D. Carton, Javier Escartin, John C. Mutter (2021)... of Marine Geology and Geophysics, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Columbia University; Palisades, NY, USA 3Shell Global Solutions International B.V.; Amsterdam, The Netherlands 4Now at Bureau de Recherches Géologiques et Minières – BRGM; Orléans, France 5Faculty of Mining and Geology, University ...
... of Belgrade Faculty of Mining and Geology archives faculty publications available in open access, as well as the employees' publications. - The Repository is available at: www.dr.rgf.bg.ac.rs Session: V009: Focused Observations of Ridge Near-Axis Remote and In Situ Investigations: Magmatic ...
... 4R2, Canada 7Department of Geology and Geophysics, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution; Woods Hole, MA, USA 8Laboratoire de Géologie, Ecole Normale Supérieure (CNRS UMR), PSL Research University; Paris, France Text: Volcanic activity is readily observed and monitored for subaerial volcanoes; ...Milena Marjanović, Suzanne M. Carbotte, Alexandre Stopin, Felix Waldhauser, Satish C. Singh, René-Édouard Plessix, Miloš Marjanović, Malden R. Nedimović, Juan Pablo Canales, Hélène D. Carton, Javier Escartin, John C. Mutter. "Unraveling Innerworkings of Magmatic System Beneath the East Pacific Rise 9º50’N" in AGU Fall Meeting 2021, American Geophysical Union (2021)
Numerical modelling of a single intra-oceanic subduction for the origin of the Balkan ophiolites
Nikola Stanković, Vesna Cvetkov, Vladica Cvetković. "Numerical modelling of a single intra-oceanic subduction for the origin of the Balkan ophiolites" in 5th Congress Geologists of the Republic of North Macedonia, Ohrid, 28-29. 10. 2024, Македонско геолошко друштво (2024)
Replica of the “Great Triangle Gold Nugget” Belonging to Belgrade University Collection, Gilded or Not?
... M.1 & JELIĆ, I.2 1 Faculty of Mining and Geology, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia 2 Natural History Museum, Belgrade, Serbia E-mail: alena.zdravkovic@rgf.bg.ac.rs Introduction The Collection of Rocks and Minerals, Faculty of Mining and Geology, the University of Belgrade in Serbia ...
... not darken by the time it was assumed that the model is gilded. Material and method Chemical composition of the gypsum model surface was carried out in the Laboratory for SEM, Faculty of Mining and Geology, University of Belgrade, using a JEOL JSM-6610LV scanning electron microscope, ...
... слободном приступу. - Претрага репозиторијума доступна је на www.dr.rgf.bg.ac.rs The Digital repository of The University of Belgrade Faculty of Mining and Geology archives faculty publications available in open access, as well as the employees' publications. - The Repository is available at: www.dr.rgf.bg.ac ...Alena Zdravković, Maja Milošević, Ivana Jelić. "Replica of the “Great Triangle Gold Nugget” Belonging to Belgrade University Collection, Gilded or Not?" in 8th Mineral Sciences in the Carpathians Conference, Acta Mineralogica-Petrographica, Miskolc, Hungary, Department of Mineralogy, Geochemistry and Petrology, University of Szeged, Szeged, Hungary (2021)
Depth estimation of archeological objects using Euler 3D deconvolution of magnetic data
Vesna Cvetkov, Ilija Vasiljević, Mirko Petković. "Depth estimation of archeological objects using Euler 3D deconvolution of magnetic data" in 5. Hrvatski geološki kongres. Abstract Book 5th Croatian Geological Congress, Hrvatski geološki institut (2015)
Photocatalytic Activity of the V2O5 Catalyst toward Selected Pharmaceuticals and Their Mixture: Influence of the Molecular Structure on the Efficiency of the Process
Sanja J. Armaković, Aleksandra Jovanoski Kostić, Andrijana Bilić, Maria M. Savanović, Nataša Tomić, Aleksandar Kremenović, Maja Šćepanović, Mirjana Grujić-Brojčin, Jovana Ćirković, Stevan Armaković (2023)Due to the inability of conventional wastewater treatment procedures to remove organic pharmaceutical pollutants, active pharmaceutical components remain in wastewater and even reach tap water. In terms of pharmaceutical pollutants, the scientific community focuses on -blockers due to their extensive (over)usage and moderately high solubility. In this study, the photocatalytic activity of V2O5 was investigated through the degradation of nadolol (NAD), pindolol (PIN), metoprolol (MET), and their mixture under ultraviolet (UV) irradiation in water. For the preparation of V2O5, facile ...DFT analysis, metoprolol, nadolol, nanomaterial characterization, photocatalysis, pindolol, β-blocker... Faculty of Mining and Geology archives faculty publications available in open access, as well as the employees' publications. - The Repository is available at: www.dr.rgf.bg.ac.rs - molecules Article Photocatalytic Activity of the V»Os Catalyst toward Selected Pharmaceuticals and Their Mixture: ...
... Sad, Serbia 2 · Centerfor Solid State and New Materials, Institute of Physics Belgrade, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia Laboratory of Crystallography, Faculty of Mining, and Geology, University of Belgrade, Đušina 7, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia Institute for Multidisciplinary Research, University of Belgrade ...
... 120 min (64% and 30%, respectively). However, the catalyst did not have expected behavior towards MET and NAD, wherein the degradation rate was almost the same for these two B-blockers (7% and 5%, respectively). Differences between the efficiency of PIN removal and removal of MET and NAD result ...Sanja J. Armaković, Aleksandra Jovanoski Kostić, Andrijana Bilić, Maria M. Savanović, Nataša Tomić, Aleksandar Kremenović, Maja Šćepanović, Mirjana Grujić-Brojčin, Jovana Ćirković, Stevan Armaković. "Photocatalytic Activity of the V2O5 Catalyst toward Selected Pharmaceuticals and Their Mixture: Influence of the Molecular Structure on the Efficiency of the Process" in Molecules, MDPI AG (2023). https://doi.org/10.3390/molecules28020655
Witness of the history: A hundred years old the geological hammer of Jovan Zujovic
Ljupko Rundić (2021)Током обележавања тридесет година постојања и рада Српског геолошког друштва 10. фебруара 1921. године, у знак великог поштовања према академику Јовану Жујовићу, председнику и оснивачу Српског геолошког друштва и српске геолошке школе, чланови СГД поклонили су му јединствени геолошки чекић са угравираном посветом и својим потписима. Током протеклих стотину година, многе генерације геолога проналазиле су инспирацију гледајући чекић и делећи ову причу с великим пијететом. Данас, када геолози посећују Спомен собу геологије (Рударско-геолошки факултет, ул. Каменичка бр. 6), где се пажљиво ...Ljupko Rundić. "Witness of the history: A hundred years old the geological hammer of Jovan Zujovic" in Annales Geologiques de la Peninsule Balkanique, National Library of Serbia (2021). https://doi.org/10.2298/GABP210607004R
Hydrogeochemical distribution of Ca and Mg in groundwater in Serbia
Petar Papić, Jovana Milosavljević, Marina Ćuk, Rastko Petrović . "Hydrogeochemical distribution of Ca and Mg in groundwater in Serbia" in Groundwater: Occurrence and Significance for Human Health, CRC Press, Balkema - Taylor & Francis Group (2014)
Multi-Criteria Approach for Selecting Optimal Dozer Type in Open-Cast Coal Mining
Ivan Janković, Stevan Đenadić , Dragan Ignjatović , Predrag Jovančić , Tomislav Šubaranović, Ivica Ristović (2019)... Stevan Djenadic 2, Dragan Ignjatovic 2, Predrag Jovancic 2, Tomislav Subaranovic 2 and Ivica Ristovic 2,* 1 Ministry of Mining and Energy, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia; ivan.jankovic@mre.gov.rs 2 Faculty of Mining and Geology, University of Belgrade, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia; stevan.djenadic@rgf.bg.ac.rs (S ...
... Stevan Djenadic 7, Dragan Ignjatovic *, Predrag Jovancic 2, Tomislav Subaranovic 2 and Ivica Ristovic *’* 1 2 Ministry of Mining and Energy, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia; ivan.jankovic@mre.gov.rs Faculty of Mining and Geology, University of Belgrade, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia; stevan.djenadic@rgf.bg.ac.rs (S ...
... commonly used mathematical method and is based on a multiple-criteria approach in the analysis of the existing data. AHP was designed by Tomas L. Saaty [16], and it can be used in numerous fields, such as medicine [17], agriculture [18], economics [19], engineering [20], traffic [21], etc. The AHP method ...Ivan Janković, Stevan Đenadić , Dragan Ignjatović , Predrag Jovančić , Tomislav Šubaranović, Ivica Ristović . "Multi-Criteria Approach for Selecting Optimal Dozer Type in Open-Cast Coal Mining" in Energies, MDPI (2019). https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.3390/en12122245
New data on Mesozoic Radiolaria of Serbia and Bosnia, and implications for the age and evolution of oceanic volcanic rocks in the Central and Northern Balkans
Valentina Vishnevskaya, Nevenka Djerić, G.S. Zakariadze. "New data on Mesozoic Radiolaria of Serbia and Bosnia, and implications for the age and evolution of oceanic volcanic rocks in the Central and Northern Balkans" in Lithos, Elsevier BV (2009). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lithos.2008.10.015
A multi-criteria approach for assessing the potential of renewable energy sources for electricity generation: Case Serbia
When assessing the potential of renewable energy alternatives for electricity generation, it is necessary to implement a multi-perspective approach that includes economic, technical, environmental, and socio-political criteria. For the evaluation of criteria and alternatives, the Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process (FAHP) method is applied. The obtained weights are formed according to the values of energy indicators and expert judgments. The use of a fuzzy numerical value scale for the assessment of expert judgments and energy indicators provides a more sensitive ...... impact on the calculation of the technical potential of 7 https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/engineering/pairwise-comparison B. Pavlović, D. Ivezić and M. Živković Energy Reports xxx (xxxx) xxx Table 12 The priority of RESs regarding the socio-political criterion C4 . C4 A1 A2 A3 A4 W-SC1 0.0793 0 ...
... слободном приступу. - Претрага репозиторијума доступна је на www.dr.rgf.bg.ac.rs The Digital repository of The University of Belgrade Faculty of Mining and Geology archives faculty publications available in open access, as well as the employees' publications. - The Repository is available at: www.dr.rgf.bg.ac ...
... energy sources for electricity generation: Case Serbia Boban Pavlović ∗, Dejan Ivezić, Marija Živković University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mining and Geology, Djusina 7, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia a r t i c l e i n f o Article history: Received 14 December 2020 Received in revised form 27 January 2021 Accepted ...Boban Pavlović, Dejan Ivezić, Marija Živković. "A multi-criteria approach for assessing the potential of renewable energy sources for electricity generation: Case Serbia" in Energy Reports, Elsevier BV (2021). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.egyr.2021.02.072
Tektonska evolucija severoistočnih Dinarida
... Mining and Geology archives faculty publications available in open access, as well as the employees' publications. - The Repository is available at: www.dr.rgf.bg.ac.rs 18. Kongres geologa Srbije "Geologija rešava probleme", Divčibare, 01-04 jun 2022. 18th Serbian Geological Congress "Geology solves ...
... Nikola Ranđelović1, Branislav Trivić1, Nemanja Krstekanić1,2, Bojan Kostić1, Uroš Stojadinović1 1University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mining and Geology, Djušina 7, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia; 2Utrecht University, Faculty of Geosciences, Princetonlaan 4, 3584CD Utrecht, The Netherlands; E-mail: nikola ...
... formed S2 foliation and dm-m scale open and isoclinal W to SW vergent folds. Subsequently, brittle structures formed in an E-W compressional regime. These include NNW-SSE oriented reverse and NW-SE to ENE-WSW oriented strike-slip faults. The youngest phase activated both ductile and brittle extensional ...Nikola Ranđelović, Branislav Trivić, Nemanja Krstekanić, Bojan Kostić, Uroš Stojadinović. "Tektonska evolucija severoistočnih Dinarida" in 18. Kongres geologa Srbije "Geologija rešava probleme", Divčibare, 01-04 jun 2022., Srpsko geološko društvo (2022)
Distribution of major and trace elements in the Kovin lignite (Serbia)
Dragana Životić, Olga Cvetković, Predrag Vulić, Ivan Gržetić, Vladimir Simić, Konstantin Ilijević, Biljana Dojčinović, Suzana Erić, Bogdan Radić, Sanja Stojadinović, Snežana Trifunović (2019)geochemical and mineralogical study was performed on lignite samples from the Upper Miocene Kovin deposit, hosting three coal seams. The Kovin lignite is characterized by high moisture content, medium to high ash yield, medium to high sulphur content and a relatively low gross and net calorific value. The mineralogical composition, and major and trace element contents were determined by X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive Xray spectroscopy (SEM-EDS) analyses, and inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES). ...... review.– International Journal of Coal Geology, 94, 32–43. doi: 10.1016/j. coal.2011.10.011 KORTENSKI, J. & SOTIROV, A. (2002): Trace and major element content and distri bution in Neogene lignite from the Sofia Basin, Bulgaria.– International Journal of Coal Geology, 52, 63–82. doi: 10.1016/S0166516 ...
... Analysis and significance of mineral matter in coal seams.– Inter national Journal of Coal Geology, 50, 135–168. doi: 10.1016/S01665162(02) 001179 WARD, C.R. (2016): Analysis, origin and significance of mineral matter in coal: an up dated review.– International Journal of Coal Geology, 165, 1–27 ...
... lignite (SE Peloponnese, Greece).– International Journal of Coal Geology, 65, 3–16. doi: 10.1016/j.coal.2005.04.005 CHOU, C.L. (2012): Sulfur in coals: a review of geochemistry and origins.– Interna tional Journal of Coal Geology, 100, 1–13. doi: 10.1016/j.coal.2012.05.009 CHRISTANIS, K., GEORGAKOPOULOS ...Dragana Životić, Olga Cvetković, Predrag Vulić, Ivan Gržetić, Vladimir Simić, Konstantin Ilijević, Biljana Dojčinović, Suzana Erić, Bogdan Radić, Sanja Stojadinović, Snežana Trifunović. "Distribution of major and trace elements in the Kovin lignite (Serbia)" in Geologia Croatica, Croatian Geological Survey (2019). https://doi.org/10.4154/gc.2019.06