614 items
Impact of the Bucket Wheel Support at Technical Parameters of the Block and Bucket Wheel Excavator Capacity
Ignjatović Dragan, Petrović Branko, Jovančić Predrag, Bošković Saša. "Impact of the Bucket Wheel Support at Technical Parameters of the Block and Bucket Wheel Excavator Capacity" in 12th International Symposium Continuous Surface Mining – ISCSM2014 1, Aachen:Springer (2014): 73-82. https://doi.org/DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-12301-1 M33
Повећање енергетске ефикасности површинског копа угља Дрмно у Републици Српској применом хоризонталних дренажних бушотина
Шубарановић Томислав, Степановић Саша, Димитријевић Бојан, Петровић Бранко. "Повећање енергетске ефикасности површинског копа угља Дрмно у Републици Српској применом хоризонталних дренажних бушотина" in Зборник радова Међународна конференција термоенергетика и одрживи развој TENOR 2011, Угљевик, Република Српска, БиХ:Народна Библиотека Филип Вишњић -Бијељина (2011) M63
Енергетски развој Републике Србије базиран на површинској експлоатацији
Јованчић Предраг, Димитријевић Бојан, Шубарановић Томислав, Степановић Саша. "Енергетски развој Републике Србије базиран на површинској експлоатацији" in VII -Стручно саветовање са међународним учешћем из области површинске и подземне експлоатације минералних сировина no. VII, Радовиш, Македонија:Здружение на рударските и геолошки инжењери, Македонија (2014) M33
Хидродинамички прорачун заштите површинског копа лигнита Дрмно бунарима од подземних вода у току 2017. године
Шубарановић Томислав, Стојићевић Зоран, Маринковић Љубиша, Илић Саша. "Хидродинамички прорачун заштите површинског копа лигнита Дрмно бунарима од подземних вода у току 2017. године" in Зборник радова 8. Међународне конференције УГАЉ 2017, Београд, Србија:Југословенски комитет за површинску експлоатацију (2017): 411-422 M33
Results of Laboratory geotechnical investigationsfor project of bridge at the Ada in Belgrade
Majstorović Jelena, Šubaranović Tomislav, Dimitrijević Bojan, Ilić Saša. "Results of Laboratory geotechnical investigationsfor project of bridge at the Ada in Belgrade" in Proceeding of the VIII International geomechanics Conference, 2-6 July 2018, International House of cientists „Fr. J. Curie“, Resort „St.St. Constantine and Elena“, Varna , Bulgaria, Varna , Bulgaria:Scientific and technical union of mining, geology and metalurgy & Federation of the scientific engineering unions in Bulgaria (2018) M33
Metode merenja poprečnih profila podzemnih rudničkih prostorija
Ganić Aleksandar, Milutinović Aleksandar, Tokalić Rade, Ognjanović Saša. "Metode merenja poprečnih profila podzemnih rudničkih prostorija" in Časopis Podzemni radovi no. 19, Beograd:Rudarsko-geološki fakultet, Beograd (2011): 19-26 M52
Uticaj cirkulacije podzemnih voda u karstu na pojavu bakteriološkog zagađenja
Vasić Ljiljana, Milanović Saša, Petrović Branislav, Stevanović Zoran. "Uticaj cirkulacije podzemnih voda u karstu na pojavu bakteriološkog zagađenja" in Vodoprivreda 45 no. 04-Jun, Beograd:Jugoslovensko društvo za odvodnjavanje i navodnjavanje (2013): 219-229 M51
Odvodnjavanje jame Ćirikovac kao deo sistematskog odvodnjavanja deponije pepela i šljake iz te Drmno-Kostolac B
Mitić Saša, Milojević Dragan, Makar Nenad, Tokalić Rade. "Odvodnjavanje jame Ćirikovac kao deo sistematskog odvodnjavanja deponije pepela i šljake iz te Drmno-Kostolac B" in Podzemni radovi no. 17, Beograd, Srbija:Univerzitet u Beogradu, Rudarsko-geološki fakultet, Beograd (2010): 29-34 M51
Uvođenje fiberglas sidara sa dvokomponentnom smešom u tehnološki proces jame rudnika Rudnik
Mitić Saša, Belić Zlatko, Milojević Dragan, Tokalić Rade. "Uvođenje fiberglas sidara sa dvokomponentnom smešom u tehnološki proces jame rudnika Rudnik" in Podzemni radovi no. 18, Beograd, Srbija:Univerzitet u Beogradu, Rudarsko-geološki fakultet, Beograd (2011): 15-20 M51
The Rift Sequence Stratigraphy of the Itebej Field (Pannonian Basin, Serbia)
Saša Ivanišević, Jelena Radišić, Ivana Isić, Dejan Radivojević. "The Rift Sequence Stratigraphy of the Itebej Field (Pannonian Basin, Serbia)" in AAPG Vienna, Paratethys petroleum systems between Central Europe and the Caspian Region, Vienna, 26-27 mart, 2019, AAPG (2019) М34
A Model for Determining Fuzzy Evaluations of Partial Indicators of Availability for High-Capacity Continuous Systems at Coal Open Pits Using a Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System
This paper presents a model for determining fuzzy evaluations of partial indicators of the availability of continuous systems at coal open pits using a neuro-fuzzy inference system. The system itself is a combination of fuzzy logic and artificial neural networks. The system availability is divided into partial indicators. By combining the fuzzy logic and artificial neural networks, a model is obtained that has the ability to learn and uses expert judgment for that learning. This paper deals with the ...системи, континуални системи експлоатације (роторни багер-транспортер-дробилично постројење), рударство, расположивост, меко рачунарство, фази логика, ANN, ANFISMiljan Gomilanović, Miloš Tanasijević, Saša Stepanović, Filip Miletić. "A Model for Determining Fuzzy Evaluations of Partial Indicators of Availability for High-Capacity Continuous Systems at Coal Open Pits Using a Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System" in Energies, MDPI AG (2023). https://doi.org/10.3390/en16072958 М23
Definition of groundwater genesis and circulation conditions of the complex hydrogeological karst system Mlava–Belosavac–Belosavac-2 (eastern Serbia)
Ljiljana Vasić, Saša Milanović, Zoran Stevanović, Laszlo Palcsu. "Definition of groundwater genesis and circulation conditions of the complex hydrogeological karst system Mlava–Belosavac–Belosavac-2 (eastern Serbia)" in Carbonates and Evaporites, Springer Science and Business Media LLC (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s13146-020-00550-3 М22
An Italian-Serbian Sentence Aligned Parallel Literary Corpus
This article presents the construction and relevance of an Italian-Serbian sentence-aligned parallel corpus, delving into the aligned sentences in order to facilitate effective translation between the two languages. The parallel corpus serves as a valuable resource for language experts, researchers, and language enthusiasts, fostering a deeper understanding of linguistic nuances and cultural expressions. By bridging the gap between Serbian and Italian, this corpus opens new avenues for cross-cultural communication and collaboration, and ultimately contributes to the improvement of language-related ...Saša Moderc, Ranka Stanković, Aleksandra Tomašević, Mihailo Škorić. "An Italian-Serbian Sentence Aligned Parallel Literary Corpus" in Review of the National Center for Digitization, Belgrade : Faculty of Mathematics, University of Belgrade (2023). https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.11203388 М53
The interaction of organoselenium trans-palladium(II) complexes toward small-biomolecules and CT-DNA
Serija organoselenijum trans-paladijum(II) kompleksa 1 (bis(2-(fenilselanilmetil)oksolan)dihloropaladijum(II)), 2 (bis(2-(fenilselanilmetil)oksan)dihloropaladijum(II)) i 3 (bis(2) ,2-dimetil-3-(fenilselanil)oksan)dihloropaladijum(II)) su korišćeni za ispitivanje reaktivnosti ovog specifičnog tipa kompleksa prema različitim bio-molekulima. Ovaj sistem je od posebnog interesa jer se jako malo zna o supstitucionim reakcijam organoselenijum paladijum(II) kompleksa sa trans konfiguracijom. Zamena koordinovanog hlorida sa serijom malih bio-molekula (l-Met, l-His, l-Cis, GSH i 5′-GMP) proučavana je pod uslovima pseudo-prvog reda kao funkcija koncentracije nukleofila i temperature korišćenjem tehnika zaustavljenog toka. Rezultati za proučavane komplekse ukazuju da ...Vera M. Divac, Aleksandar Mijatović, Marina D. Kostić, Jovana Bogojeski. "The interaction of organoselenium trans-palladium(II) complexes toward small-biomolecules and CT-DNA" in Inorganica Chimica Acta, Elsevier BV (2017). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ica.2017.07.012 М22
Facing Engineering Problems in the Fragile Karst Environment
Parise Mario, Closson Damien, Gutierrez Francisco, Stevanović Zoran. "Facing Engineering Problems in the Fragile Karst Environment" in Engineering Geology for Society and Territory - Volume 5, Proceedings of the XII IAEG Congress, Torino 2014 5, :Springer International (2014): 479-482. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-09048-1_92 M33
Energy geo-structure for sustainable development
Rakić Dragoslav, Basarić Irena (2014)Rakić Dragoslav, Basarić Irena. "Energy geo-structure for sustainable development" in Zbornik radova = Proceedings / 9. simpozijum Reciklažne tehnologije i održivi razvoj sa međunarodnim učešćem, Zaječar, 10.-12. septembar 2014. godine = 9th Symposium Recycling Technologies and Sustainable Development with International Participat 9, Zaječar, Srbija:Univerzitet u Beogradu Tehnički fakultet u Boru (2014): 476-481 M33
Application of hydrodynamic modelling for the selection of a groundwater source protection system
Polomčić Dušan, Bajić Dragoljub, Ratković Jelena, Božović Đorđije. "Application of hydrodynamic modelling for the selection of a groundwater source protection system" in Proceedings of the XVII Serbian Geological Congress, Belgrade:Serbian Geological Society (2018): 499-504 M64
Geothermal capacity, efficiency and distribution of thermomineral springs in the municipality of Kuršumlija (Serbia)
Valjarević Aleksandar, Srećković-Batoćanin Danica, Valjarević Dragana, Matović Vesna. "Geothermal capacity, efficiency and distribution of thermomineral springs in the municipality of Kuršumlija (Serbia)" in Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews no. 92, Amsterdam, Neherlands:Elsevier (2018): 948-957. https://doi.org/doi.org/10.1016/j.rser.2018.05 M21a
Variability of orogenic magmatism during Mediterranean-style continental collisions: A numerical modelling approach
Andrić Nevena, Vogt Karin, Matenco Liviu, Cvetković Vladica, Cloetingh Sierd, Gerya Taras. "Variability of orogenic magmatism during Mediterranean-style continental collisions: A numerical modelling approach" in Gondwana Research no. 56, Kochi, Japan:Internationl Association for Godwana Research (2018): 119-134 M21a
Integrating landslide magnitude in the susceptibility assessment of the City of Doboj, using machine learning and heuristic approach
In this work, landslide assessment of the Doboj City area was modeled by combining machine learning and heuristic tools. The machine learning part was used to map the Morphometric factor. i.e. probability of landslides based on relation between the magnitude of events and morphometric parameters: elevation, distance to streams, slope, profile curvature, and aspect. The Random Forest and Support Vector Machines algorithms were implemented in the learning protocol, which included several strategies: balancing of the training/testing set size, algorithm ...Cvjetko Sandić, Miloš Marjanović, Biljana Abolmasov, Radislav Tošić. "Integrating landslide magnitude in the susceptibility assessment of the City of Doboj, using machine learning and heuristic approach" in Journal of Maps, Taylor&Francis (2023). https://doi.org/ 10.1080/17445647.2022.2163199 М22