1027 items
Natural aggregate resources in Serbia – an overview
Simić Vladimir, Živanović Jelena, Životić Dragana, Beljić Čedomir. "Natural aggregate resources in Serbia – an overview" in XIX Congress of the Carpathian-Balkan geological association : Abstracts volume In Geologica Balcanica 39 no. 01-Feb, Sofia, Bulgaria:Akademichno Izdatelstvo Prof. Marin Drinov, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (2010): 362-363
The application of mathematical transformation on aeromagnetic data in order to detect magnetic anomaly sources
Ignjatović Snežana, Ivanović Nadežda, Vasiljević Ivana, Vasiljević Ilija, Kričak Lazar. "The application of mathematical transformation on aeromagnetic data in order to detect magnetic anomaly sources" in 45th International October Conference on Mining and Metallurgy, Bor:University of Belgrade-Technical Faculty in Bor (2013): 256-260
Archaeometric study of early medieval pottery Caričin grad, Serbia
Damjanović Ljiljana, Holclajtner-Antunović Ivanka, Bajuk-Bogdanović Danica, Šarić Kristina, Erić Suzana (2012)Damjanović Ljiljana, Holclajtner-Antunović Ivanka, Bajuk-Bogdanović Danica, Šarić Kristina, Erić Suzana. "Archaeometric study of early medieval pottery Caričin grad, Serbia" in 3rd Symposium of the Balkan Archaeometry Network, Bucharest, Romania, 29-30th October, 2012, Book of Abstracts, Bucharest: (2012): 26-26
Jurassic calc-alkaline granitoids associated with the East Vardar Ophiolites
Šarić Kristina, Cvetković Vladica, Romer Rolf L., Christofides Georgios, Koroneos Antonios. "Jurassic calc-alkaline granitoids associated with the East Vardar Ophiolites" in Geologica Balcanica, Abstracts volume, XIX Congress of the Carpathian Geological Association, Thessaloniki, Greece, 23-26 September 2010. 1*2 no. 39, Thessaloniki: (2010): 23-26
Model of selection of longwall roadway drivage technology using fuzzy topsis method
Gligorić Zoran, Tokalić Rade, Beljić Čedomir, Jovanović Saša. "Model of selection of longwall roadway drivage technology using fuzzy topsis method" in Zbornik radova, V međunarodna konferencija – Ugalj 2011 – Zlatibor, 19-22. oktobar 2011., Beograd, Srbija:Jugoslovenski komitet za površinsku eksploataciju (2011): 53-65
Coal production in Serbia, the social aspects and making strategic decision support
Beljić Čedomir, Ristović Ivica, Gligorić Zoran, Gluščević Branko, Tomašević Aleksandra. "Coal production in Serbia, the social aspects and making strategic decision support" in 3rd International Conference Economics and Management-Based on New Technologies EMoNT 2013, Vrnjačka Banja : (2013): 107-111
A Method for defining the boundaries of an open pit according to the surface
Hristov Stojan, Dimitrijević Bojan (2011)Hristov Stojan, Dimitrijević Bojan. "A Method for defining the boundaries of an open pit according to the surface" in Zbornik radova 5. Međunarodna konferencija UGALj 2011 no. V, Златибор, Србија :Jugoslovenski Komitet za površinsku eksploataciju Saveza inženjera rudarstva i geologije Srbije (2011): 79-88
Izbor rekultivacionog rešenja na primerima površinskih kopova uglja višekriterijumskom analizom
Dimitrijević Bojan, Lilić Nikola (2014)Dimitrijević Bojan, Lilić Nikola. "Izbor rekultivacionog rešenja na primerima površinskih kopova uglja višekriterijumskom analizom" in Zbornik radova 10. Međunarodna naučna konferencija o površinskoj eksploataciji Opencast Mining Conference - ОMC 2014 no. XIV, Zlatibor, Srbija:Jugoslovenski Komitet za površinsku eksploataciju Saveza inženjera rudarstva i geologije Srbije (2014): 43-53
Енергетски развој Републике Србије базиран на површинској експлоатацији
Јованчић Предраг, Димитријевић Бојан, Шубарановић Томислав, Степановић Саша. "Енергетски развој Републике Србије базиран на површинској експлоатацији" in VII -Стручно саветовање са међународним учешћем из области површинске и подземне експлоатације минералних сировина no. VII, Радовиш, Македонија:Здружение на рударските и геолошки инжењери, Македонија (2014)
Development of non explosive fuel mixture for non-invasive procedures of obtaining the blocks of decorative stones
Kričak Lazar, Petrović D., Negovanović Milanka, Janković Ivan, Zeković Dario. "Development of non explosive fuel mixture for non-invasive procedures of obtaining the blocks of decorative stones" in Proceedings of the 1st International Conference „ Harmony of nature and spirituality in stone“, Kragujevac, Serbia:Stone Studio Association (2011): 85-89
Impact of the variability of technological parameters on the effective reclaiming capacity of bucket wheel reclaimers
Komljenović D., Nurić S., Kričak Lazar, Pantelić M.. "Impact of the variability of technological parameters on the effective reclaiming capacity of bucket wheel reclaimers" in Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Material Hnadling, Constructions and Logistics MHCL 2012, Beograd,Srbija:University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mechanical Engineeering (2012): 135-141
Application of contour blasting in reducing the negative effects of blasting during opening the dimension stone deposits
Kričak Lazar, Janković Ivan, Negovanović Milanka, Zeković Dario, Mitrović S.. "Application of contour blasting in reducing the negative effects of blasting during opening the dimension stone deposits" in Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference „Harmony of nature and spirituality in stone“, Kragujevac, Serbia:Stone Studio Association (2013): 87-92
Korelacija resursa i rezervi čvrstih mineralnih sirovina kodifikovanih u okvirnoj klasifikaciji Ujedinjenih nacija i u zakonskoj regulativi Srbije
Ilić Miloje, Jelenković Rade, Vukas Radoslav, Beljić Čedomir. "Korelacija resursa i rezervi čvrstih mineralnih sirovina kodifikovanih u okvirnoj klasifikaciji Ujedinjenih nacija i u zakonskoj regulativi Srbije" in Zbornik radova = Proceedings / Šesta međunarodna konferencija Ugalj 2013, Zlatibor, 2-5. oktobar 2013, Beograd:Jugoslovenski komitet za površinsku eksploataciju (2013): 67-74
Hydrodynamic model of the open-cast mine Tamnava - West field
Polomčić Dušan, Bajić Dragoljub, Ratković Jelena, Šubaranović Tomislav, Ristić Vakanjac Vesna (2017)Polomčić Dušan, Bajić Dragoljub, Ratković Jelena, Šubaranović Tomislav, Ristić Vakanjac Vesna. "Hydrodynamic model of the open-cast mine Tamnava - West field" in Proceedings of the VIII International Conference “Coal 2017”, Belgrade:Yugoslav Opencast Mining Committee (2017): 327-339
Procedural decision making Algoritam in selection of reclamation solutions
Димитријевић Бојан, Мајсторовић Јелена, Јанковић Иван, Чебашек Владимир. "Procedural decision making Algoritam in selection of reclamation solutions" in Proceedings of the XIV International conference of the open and underwater mining of minerals, Varna, Varna, Bulgaria:Scientific and technical union of mining, geology and metallurgy Bulgaria, Sofia (2017): 240-243
Technical Solution for Reclamation of the Trachyte Open Pit Mine Kisnjeva Glava at Fruska Gora
Šubaranović Tomislav, Petrović Branko, Ivoš Vladimir, Ristović Ivica. "Technical Solution for Reclamation of the Trachyte Open Pit Mine Kisnjeva Glava at Fruska Gora" in Proceedings of the VI International symposium on mining and environmental protection, Vrnjacka Banja, Serbia:University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mining and Geology, Belgrade, Serbia (2017): 206-210
Protection of lignite opencast mine Radljevo North from the water of river Pljostanica
Šubaranović Tomislav, Ivoš Vladimir, Pavlović Vladimir, Minić Zvonko. "Protection of lignite opencast mine Radljevo North from the water of river Pljostanica" in Proceedings of the XIV International conference of the open and underwater mining of minerals, Varna, Bulgaria:Scientific and technical union of mining, geology and metallurgy Bulgaria (2017): 350-354
Otrovni gasovi koji nastaju pri miniranju, metode merenja, određivanje sigurnosnih rastojanja
Kričak Lazar, Negovanović Milanka, Cvjetić Aleksandar, Janković Ivan, Zeković Dario. "Otrovni gasovi koji nastaju pri miniranju, metode merenja, određivanje sigurnosnih rastojanja" in Zbornik radova VIII Međunarodne Konferencije Nemetali 2009, :Jugoslovenski Komitet za površinsku eksploataciju (2009): 114-125
Drill hole deviation in surface mine blasting
Negovanović Milanka, Kričak Lazar, Tošić Dražana, Ignjatović Snežana. "Drill hole deviation in surface mine blasting" in Proceedings of the 7th Balkan Mining Congress BALKANMINE 2017 1 no. 7, Prijedor, Republic of Srpska:University of Banja Luka Faculty of Mining Prijedor, Mining Institute Belgrade Ltd (2017): 93-101. https://doi.org/10.7251/BMC170701093N
Analysis of Household Coal Consumption in Serbia Based on Grey System Theory and K - means Clustering (Base for Network Optimization)
Gligorić Zoran, Gligorić Miloš, Štrbac-Savić Svetlana. "Analysis of Household Coal Consumption in Serbia Based on Grey System Theory and K - means Clustering (Base for Network Optimization)" in 1st Virtual International Conference on Science, Niš:Research and Development Center ALFATEC (2015): 45-48