132 items
Razvoj infracrvene termografije
Damnjanović Vesna,Tomić Ljubiša, Petričević Slobodan, Pavlović Danica, Vasiljević Darko. "Razvoj infracrvene termografije" in Zbornik radova ETRAN 2018 no. MO, Beograd, Srbija:Društvo za Etran, Akademska misao Beograd (2018): 319-321
Probability density function estimation of a temperature field obtained by pulsed radiometric defectoscopy
Tomić Ljubiša, Kovačević Aleksandar, Damnjanović Vesna, Ocmokrović Predrag. "Probability density function estimation of a temperature field obtained by pulsed radiometric defectoscopy" in Measurement 46, Amsterdam, Netherlands:ELSEIVER VB (2013): 2263-2268
Characterization of periodic cylindrical subsurface defects by pulsed thermography
Dikic Goran, Tomić Ljubiša, Damnjanović Vesna, Milanović Bojan. "Characterization of periodic cylindrical subsurface defects by pulsed thermography" in Surface Review and Letters 22 no. 2, Singapur:World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. (2015): 11
Application of Finite Difference Time Domain method in Pulsed Thermography
Tomić Ljubiša, Elazar Jovan, Damnjanović Vesna, Milanović Bojan. "Application of Finite Difference Time Domain method in Pulsed Thermography" in Book of abstracts FOTONIKA 13, Belgrade, Serbia:Institute of Physics University of Belgrade (2013): 122-122
Kvantitativno ispitivanje defekata u aluminijumskim pločicama primenom infracrvene termografije
Tomić Ljubiša, Elazar Jovan, Damnjanović Vesna, Milanović Bojan, Kovačević Aleksandar. "Kvantitativno ispitivanje defekata u aluminijumskim pločicama primenom infracrvene termografije" in Zbornik radova 57. konferencije ETRAN MO, Zlatibor, Srbija:Društvo ETRAN (2013): 1-5
Investigation of Dielectric-Semiconductor Interface in MIS Structures Based on p-Hg0.8Cd0.2Te
Damnjanović Vesna, Elazar Jovan (2010)Damnjanović Vesna, Elazar Jovan. "Investigation of Dielectric-Semiconductor Interface in MIS Structures Based on p-Hg0.8Cd0.2Te" in Proceedings of MIEL (27th International Conference on Microelektronics) 1, Niš, Srbija:IEEE CONFERENCE PUBLICATIONS (2010): 131-134. https://doi.org/10.1109/MIEL.2010.5490515
Temperature Contrast Enhancment Techniques in Pulse Video Termography Applications
Tomić Ljubiša, Elazar Jovan, Damnjanović Vesna, Milanović Bojan, Kovačević Aleksandar. "Temperature Contrast Enhancment Techniques in Pulse Video Termography Applications" in Proceedings of 5th International Scientific conference on Defensive Technologies OTEH, Belgrade, Serbia:Militaru Technical Institute (2012): 427-431
Relacija između dubine defekata i termalnog kontrasta na povrsini metala u impulsnoj fles termografiji
Tomić Ljubiša, Milanović Bojan, Bonžulic Boban, Damnjanović Vesna, Dikić Goran. "Relacija između dubine defekata i termalnog kontrasta na povrsini metala u impulsnoj fles termografiji" in ETRAN 2015 MO1.1, Beograd:Drustvo za ETRAN (2015): 01-May
Validation of bucket wheel drive component model through vibration monitoring: a torque arm key study
Damnjanović Vesna, Jovančić Predrag (2014)Damnjanović Vesna, Jovančić Predrag. "Validation of bucket wheel drive component model through vibration monitoring: a torque arm key study" in Journal of Vibroengineering 16 no. 3 (2014): 1212-1218
Accuracy Increasing Methods of Belt Weigher Mass Measurement
Aleksandrović Snežana, Damnjanović Vesna, Jeftenić Ilija. "Accuracy Increasing Methods of Belt Weigher Mass Measurement" in Journal of the Technical University of Gabrovo 57, Gabrovo, Bulgaria:Technical University of Gabrovo (2018): 47-50
Primena termovizije za merenje i detekciju gasova
Kostić Ivana, Tomić Ljubiša, Damnjanović Vesna, Bondžulić Boban. "Primena termovizije za merenje i detekciju gasova" in International Conference of Eenergy Efficiency and Environmental Sustainability EES2012 Conference proceedings, Subotica, Serbia:University of Novi sad Faculty of Economics Subotica (2012): 157-160. https://doi.org/http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.me
Quantity testing of the defects in aluminum plates using pulsed thermography
Tomić Ljubiša, Damnjanović Vesna, Dikić Goran, Milanović Bojan, Bonžulović Boban. "Quantity testing of the defects in aluminum plates using pulsed thermography" in Proceedings of OTEH 2014 (6th International Scientific conference on Defensive Technologies), 9-10 October 2014, Belgrade, Serbia: (2014)
The Domain Modeling of Pulsed Flash Thermography by Finite Element Method
Tomić Lubiša, Damnjanović Vesna, Milanović Bojan, Dikić Goran, Bonžulić Boban. "The Domain Modeling of Pulsed Flash Thermography by Finite Element Method" in Photonica 2015, Belgrade:Institut za nuklearne nauke “Vinča” (2015): 203-204
Defect detection in aluminium using pulse thermography for sample width periodic structure
Damnjanović Vesna, Goran Dikić, B. Milanović and Slobodan Petričević. "Defect detection in aluminium using pulse thermography for sample width periodic structure" in FOTONIKA 2017, VI International School and Conference on Photonics, Beograd, Srbija:Institute of Physics Belgrade (2017): 82
Volume flow measurement of bulk solids on conveyor belts
Aleksandrović Snežana, Damnjanović Vesna. "Volume flow measurement of bulk solids on conveyor belts" in Transport & Logistics - International Journal 13 no. 27, Košice, Slovakia:Faculty of Mining and Geology, Belgrade, BERG Faculty, Košice (2013)
The Testing of Harmful gases using Passive Infrared Thermography
Tomić Ljubiša, Damnjanović Vesna, Aleksandrović Snežana. "The Testing of Harmful gases using Passive Infrared Thermography" in Journal Underground Mining Engineering XXI no. 2, Beograd, Srbija:Faculty of Mining and Geology, Belgrade (2013): 99-109
Многоатрибутная модальная поддержка при выборе рекультивации угольного карьера «Кленовник» в угольном бассейне Костолац
Димитријевић Бојан, Вујић Слободан, Матић Иван, Марианац Симеон, Николич Јован, Чолаковић Виолета (2014)Димитријевић Бојан, Вујић Слободан, Матић Иван, Марианац Симеон, Николич Јован, Чолаковић Виолета. "Многоатрибутная модальная поддержка при выборе рекультивации угольного карьера «Кленовник» в угольном бассейне Костолац" in Физико - технические проблемы разработки полезных ископаемых, Новосибирск:Сибирско отделения РАН (2014)
Defect Detection in Aluminium Using Pulse Thermography for a Simple width Periode Structure
Tomić Ljubiša, Elazar Jovan, Damnjanović Vesna, Milanović Bojan. "Defect Detection in Aluminium Using Pulse Thermography for a Simple width Periode Structure" in The 3rd International Conference on the Physics of Optical Materiales and Devices ICOM 2012, Belgrade, Serbia:Agencija FORMAT Belgrade (2012): 269-269
Primena impulsne termografije za ispitivanje aluminijumskih i pleksiglas test uzoraka sa periodičnom strukturom defekata
Tomić Ljubiša, Damnjanović Vesna, Kovačević Aleksandar, Knežević Dragan, Kovačević Katarina. "Primena impulsne termografije za ispitivanje aluminijumskih i pleksiglas test uzoraka sa periodičnom strukturom defekata" in Zbornik radova ETRAN 2014 (58. Konferencija za elektroniku, telekomunikacije, računarstvo, automatiku i nuklearnu tehniku), 2-5 juna 2014, Vrnjačka Banja, Srbija, MO3-2 (2014): 1-6
Analiza uticaja početne temperature test uzorka pri primeni impulsne termografije
Tomić Ljubiša, Damnjanović Vesna, Mišković Katarina, Bondžulić Boban, Knežević Dragan, Kovačević Aleksandar (2018)Tomić Ljubiša, Damnjanović Vesna, Mišković Katarina, Bondžulić Boban, Knežević Dragan, Kovačević Aleksandar. "Analiza uticaja početne temperature test uzorka pri primeni impulsne termografije" in Zbornik radova ETRAN 2018 no. MO, Beograd, Srbija:Društvo za Etran, Akademska misao Beograd (2018): 314-317