2423 items
Синтеза и карактеризација керамике на бази сфена
Jelena R. Pantić (2015-07-10)Механохемијска активација стехиометријске смеше реактаната TiO2, SiO2 и CaCO3 показала се као веома успешна и једноставна метода за добијање сфена (CaTiSiO5). На основу мерења релативних густина свих синтерованих узорака установљено је да максималну густину од 93,9 % имају узорци који су активирани 30 минута и синтеровани на 1200 °С. Микроструктурном анализом, тј. анализом слика синтерованих узорака активираних 30 минута, које су добијене скенирајућом електронском микроскопијом, опажа се бимодална расподела величине зрна, са просечном величином од 3 μm, односно 5 ...сфен, механохемија, Ритвелдова метода, оптичка спектроскопија, микроструктурна анализа, фазна трансфоpмација, чврсти раствори... Beddow, J.K. (1980) Particulate science and technology. Chemical Pub. Co., New York. Benjamin J.S. (1992) Fundamentals of Mechanical Alloying. Mater Sci Forum 1: 88-90. Bismayer U., Schmahl W., Schmidt C. and Groat L.A. (1992) Linear Birefringence and X-Ray Diffraction Studies of the Structural ...
... Mean Field, Fluctuations and Renormalization. 2nd edition, World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. Urbanovich V.S. (1996) Sintering at high pressures and properties of aluminum nitride ceramics. In: Trzeciakowski W.A. (ed.) High Pressure Science and Technology. World Scientific Publishing ...
... data by iterating full pattern profile fitting. In: Prince E. and Stalick J.K. (ed) Accuracy in powder diffraction II. National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, Maryland, Special Publication 846: 213. Levin E.M. and Roth R.S. (1970) The system niobium pentoxide-phosphorus pentoxide ...Jelena R. Pantić. "Синтеза и карактеризација керамике на бази сфена" in Универзитет у Београду, Универзитет у Београду, Рударско-геолошки факултет (2015-07-10)
Model of oil and gas pipeline rinsing using the fluid flow
Batalović Veselin, Danilović Dušan, Živković Marija. "Model of oil and gas pipeline rinsing using the fluid flow" in Journal of Applied Engineering Science 9 no. 1, Beograd:Institute for Research and Design in Commerce and Industry (2011): 237-242
Minor and trace elements in olivines as probes into early igneous and mantle melting processes
Foley Stephen, Prelević Dejan, Rehfeldt Tatijana, Jacob Dorrit. "Minor and trace elements in olivines as probes into early igneous and mantle melting processes" in Earth and Planetary Science Letters 363 no. 1, Amsterdam, Netherlands :Elsevier BV Elsevier BV (2013): 181-191. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.epsl.2012.11.025
Applying GPR and 2D ERT for Shallow Landslides Characterization: A Case Study.
Abolmasov Biljana, Ristić Aleksandar, Govedarica Miro. "Applying GPR and 2D ERT for Shallow Landslides Characterization: A Case Study." in Landslide Science and Practice, Volume 2: Early Warning, Instrumentation and Monitoring 2, :Springer Verlag Berlin Heidlelberg (2013): 495-502. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-31445-2_65
Phase, morphological and statistical analysis of urinary stones from Serbian patients.
Mirković Miljana, Dosen Ana, Matović Branko, Erić Suzana, Vulić Predrag, Rosić Aleksandra. "Phase, morphological and statistical analysis of urinary stones from Serbian patients." in Seventeenth Young Researchers Conference, Materials Science and Engineering. December 5-7, 2018, Belgrade, Serbia, Program and the Book of Abstracts (2018): 21
Mineralogy and characterization of deposited particles of the aero sediments collected in the vicinity of power plants and the open pit coal mine: Kolubara (Serbia)
Cvetkovic Željko, Logar Mihovil, Rosić Aleksandra. "Mineralogy and characterization of deposited particles of the aero sediments collected in the vicinity of power plants and the open pit coal mine: Kolubara (Serbia)" in Environmental Science and Pollution Research 20 no. 5, Berlin : Heidelberg:Springer (2013): 3034-3049. https://doi.org/10.1007/s1356-012-1154-z
Machine Learning and Landslide Assessment in a GIS Environment
Marjanović Miloš, Bajat Branislav, Abolmasov Biljana, Kovaćević Miloš. "Machine Learning and Landslide Assessment in a GIS Environment" in Geo Computational Analysis and Modeling of Regional Systems, Part of Advances in Geographic Information Science Book Series (AGIS), :Springer International Publishing (2018): 191-213. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-59511-5_11
Quantitative analysis of syllable properties in Croatian, Serbian, Russian, and Ukrainian
Biljana Rujević, Marija Kaplar, Sebastijan Kaplar, Ranka Stanković, Ivan Obradović, Jan Mačutek (2021)Biljana Rujević, Marija Kaplar, Sebastijan Kaplar, Ranka Stanković, Ivan Obradović, Jan Mačutek. "Quantitative analysis of syllable properties in Croatian, Serbian, Russian, and Ukrainian" in Language and Text: Data, models, information and applications, John Benjamins Publishing Company (2021). https://doi.org/10.1075/cilt.356.04ruj
Structural features of two novel alluaudite-like arsenates Cd1.16Zn2.34(AsO4)1.5(HAsO4)(H2AsO4)0.5 and Cd0.74Mg2.76(AsO4)1.5(HAsO4)(H2AsO4)0.5
Stojanović Jovica, Đorđević Tamara, Karanović Ljiljana. "Structural features of two novel alluaudite-like arsenates Cd1.16Zn2.34(AsO4)1.5(HAsO4)(H2AsO4)0.5 and Cd0.74Mg2.76(AsO4)1.5(HAsO4)(H2AsO4)0.5" in Journal of alloys and compounds : an interdisciplinary journal of materials science and solid-state chemistry and physics 520, Radarweg 29; Amsterdam, 1043 NX; Netherlands:Elsevier BV (2012): 180-189. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jallcom.2012.01.002
Meteorite collection at the Faculty of Mining and Geology, Belgrade, Serbia – forgotten gems.
Alena Zdravković, Kristina Šarić, Ana Černok. "Meteorite collection at the Faculty of Mining and Geology, Belgrade, Serbia – forgotten gems." in EPSC Abstracts, EPSC2017-688-2, 2017, European Planetary Science Congress 2017. 11 (2017)
Recultivation and Sustainable Development of Coal Mining in Kolubara Basin
Ristović Ivica, Stojaković Milan, Vulić Milivoj. "Recultivation and Sustainable Development of Coal Mining in Kolubara Basin" in Thermal Science 14 no. 3, Belgrade, Serbia:Vinča Institute of Nuclear Sciences (2010): 759-772. https://doi.org/10.2298/TSCI091123002R
Study of the Synergetic Effect of Co-Pyrolysis of Lignite and High-Density Polyethylene Aiming to Improve Utilization of Low-Rank Coal
Ivan Kojić, Achim Bechtel, Nikoleta Aleksić, Dragana Životić, Snežana Trifunović, Gordana Gajica, Ksenija Stojanović (2021)... consists of water vapour (O–H stretching peaks around 3700 cm−1 and O–H bending peaks from 1400 to 1700 cm−1), CO2 (peaks between 2300 cm−1 and 2400 cm−1 corresponding to C=O stretching), and CO (peaks between 2100 cm−1 and 2200 cm−1 representing C–O stretching). Peaks corresponding to water vapour are ...
... Education, Science, and Technological De- velopment of the Republic of Serbia (Contract numbers: 451-03-9/2021-14/200168, 451-03-9/2021- 14/200288, 451-03-68/2020-14/200026, and Project No. 451-03-01039/2015-09/05) and Österre- ichischer Austauschdienst, OeAD (Project No. SRB 18/2016 and Ernst Mach Grant ...
... with scissors, and occasionally a new portion of NaCl was added. Then, mixture of HDPE particles and NaCl was additionally finely grounded in an agate mortar. The prepared mixture was carefully sieved through a 150 µm sieve. The obtained fraction <150 µm was dissolved in distilled water and filtered through ...Ivan Kojić, Achim Bechtel, Nikoleta Aleksić, Dragana Životić, Snežana Trifunović, Gordana Gajica, Ksenija Stojanović. "Study of the Synergetic Effect of Co-Pyrolysis of Lignite and High-Density Polyethylene Aiming to Improve Utilization of Low-Rank Coal" in Polymers, MDPI AG (2021). https://doi.org/10.3390/polym13050759
Prevent Leakage and Mixture of Karst Groundwater
Milanović Saša, Dragišić Veselin, Radulović Milan M., Stevanović Zoran. "Prevent Leakage and Mixture of Karst Groundwater" in Karst Aquifers – Characterization and Engineering (Stevanović Z. ed), Series: Professional Practice in Earth Science, :Springer International Publishing (2015): 531-600. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-12850-4_16
Geotechnical education in the function of sustainable development – foreign and domestic experiences
Rakić Dragoslav, Ćorić Slobodan, Šušić Nenad. "Geotechnical education in the function of sustainable development – foreign and domestic experiences" in Proceedings [Elektronski izvor] / 4th International Conference Science and Higher Education in Function of Sustainable Development - SED 2011, 7-8 October 2011, Uzice, Serbia, Užice, Srbija:High Business = Technical School (2011): 30-36
Analysis of Household Coal Consumption in Serbia Based on Grey System Theory and K - means Clustering (Base for Network Optimization)
Gligorić Zoran, Gligorić Miloš, Štrbac-Savić Svetlana. "Analysis of Household Coal Consumption in Serbia Based on Grey System Theory and K - means Clustering (Base for Network Optimization)" in 1st Virtual International Conference on Science, Niš:Research and Development Center ALFATEC (2015): 45-48
Post Early Miocenevertical-axis clockwise rotation in the West Vardar Zone of Serbia
... for the large-scale extension in the southern Pannonianbasin. Acknowledgement: This work was supported by the Ministry of Science and Education ofSerbia (Project No 176016) and by the Hungarian Scientific Research Fund OKTA K105245. References: Marton, E. 2006. Paleomagnetic evidence for Tertiary ...
... respect to Africa. fn: Pinter, N., Grenerczy, Gy., Weber, J1., Stein, S. & Medak, D. (Ed.). 7he 4dria microplate: GPS Geodesy, Tectonics and Hazards. NA4TO Science Series 1, 6, 71=80. Matton, E., Zampieri, D., Kazmćr, M., Dunkl, I. & Frisch, W. 2011. New Paleoce-Eocene paleomagnetic results from the ...
... Faculty ofMining and Geology, Department ofGeophysics, Djusina 7, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia The Vardar-Tethyan mega-suture lies between the Eurasian and Gondwana margins. It is composed of remnants of obducted ophiolites and ophiolite mćlange, distal parts of adjacent continental margins and post-obduction ...Vesna Lesić, Emo Marton, Vesna Cvetkov, Dragana Jovanović. "Post Early Miocenevertical-axis clockwise rotation in the West Vardar Zone of Serbia " in Environmental, Structural and Stratigraphical Evolution of the Western Carpathians, 11th ESSEWECA Conference, Geophysical Institute, Slovak Academy of Sciences Bratislava (2018)
Analyses of Landslide Hazard Evaluation Factors Using Polynomial Interpolation
Jovanovski Milorad, Abolmasov Biljana, Peshevski Igor. "Analyses of Landslide Hazard Evaluation Factors Using Polynomial Interpolation" in Landslide Science and Practice, Volume 1: Landslide Inventory and Susceptibility and hazard Zoning 1, :Springer Verlag Berlin Heidlelberg (2013): 561-566. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-31325-7_73
Direct selective lead, copper and zinc minerals flotation from polymetallic ore “Podvirovi”
Lazić Predrag, Vučinić Dušica, Stanojev J., Micović B.. "Direct selective lead, copper and zinc minerals flotation from polymetallic ore “Podvirovi”" in Journal of Mining Science 46 no. 6, :Elsevier (2010): 690-694
Silver-base metal epithermal vein and listwanite hosted deposit Crnac, Rogozna Mts., Kosovo, part II: A link between magmatic rocks and epithermal mineralization
Borojević-Šoštarić Sibila, Palinkaš Ladislav, Neubauer Franz, Hurai Vratislav, Cvetković Vladica, Roller-Lutz Z, Mandić Magda, Genser Johann (2013)Borojević-Šoštarić Sibila, Palinkaš Ladislav, Neubauer Franz, Hurai Vratislav, Cvetković Vladica, Roller-Lutz Z, Mandić Magda, Genser Johann. "Silver-base metal epithermal vein and listwanite hosted deposit Crnac, Rogozna Mts., Kosovo, part II: A link between magmatic rocks and epithermal mineralization" in Ore Geology Review 50, :Elsevier (2013): 98-117. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.oregeorev.2012.10.00
Petrological and organic geochemical properties of lignite from the Kolubara and Kostolac basins, Serbia: implication on grindability index
Životić Dragana, Bechtel Achim, Sachsenhofer Rainhard, Gratzer Rainhard, Radić Dejan, Obradović Marko, Stojanović Ksenija (2014)Životić Dragana, Bechtel Achim, Sachsenhofer Rainhard, Gratzer Rainhard, Radić Dejan, Obradović Marko, Stojanović Ksenija. "Petrological and organic geochemical properties of lignite from the Kolubara and Kostolac basins, Serbia: implication on grindability index" in International Journal of Coal Geology no. 131, Amsterdam, Netherlands:Elsevier BV (2014): 344-362. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.coal.2014.07.004