896 items
Kinetics, mechanism, and equilibrium studies of the reactions between a ruthenium(II) complex and some nitrogen- and sulfur-donor nucleophiles
Aleksandar M. Mijatović, Ratomir M. Jelić, Jovana Bogojeski, Živadin D. Bugarčić, Biljana Petrović (2013)Kinetika i mehanizam reakcija supstitucije između [Ru(trpi)(bpi)Cl]+ sa nukleofilima gvanozin-5′-monofosfatom, L-histidinom, tioureom i dimetilsulfoksidom proučavani su spektrofotometrijski u 0,1 M NaClO4 na 310 K. Red reaktivnosti za odabrane ligande je: tiourea > gvanozin-5′-monofosfat > L-histidin > DMSO. Ovaj red je povezan sa elektronskim, strukturnim i hemijskim karakteristikama kompleksa i nukleofila. Reakcija supstitucije sa tioureom je proučavana na tri različite temperature (288, 298 i 310 K). Negativna entropija aktivacije DS = potvrđuje asocijativni način aktivacije. Formiranje kompleksa [Ru(trpi)(bpi)H2O]2+ sa ligandima ...... Bocarelli A, Giordano D, Alessio E, Mestroni G (1993) Eur J Cancer 29:1873 19. Velders AH, Kooijman H, Spek AL, Haasnoot JG, de Vos D, Reedijk J (2000) Inorg Chem 39:2966 Kinetics, mechanism, and equilibrium studies of the reactions 1497 123 20. Hotze ACG, Caspers SE, de Vos D, Kooijman H, Spek AL ...
... between a ruthenium(II) complex and some nitrogen- and sulfur-donor nucleophiles Aleksandar M. Mijatović, Ratomir M. Jelić, Jovana Bogojeski, Živadin D. Bugarčić, Biljana Petrović Дигитални репозиторијум Рударско-геолошког факултета Универзитета у Београду [ДР РГФ] Kinetics, mechanism, and equilibrium ...
... between a ruthenium(II) complex and some nitrogen- and sulfur-donor nucleophiles | Aleksandar M. Mijatović, Ratomir M. Jelić, Jovana Bogojeski, Živadin D. Bugarčić, Biljana Petrović | Monatshefte für Chemie - Chemical Monthly | 2013 | | 10.1007/s00706-013-1044-1 http://dr.rgf.bg.ac.rs/s/repo/item/0005670 ...Aleksandar M. Mijatović, Ratomir M. Jelić, Jovana Bogojeski, Živadin D. Bugarčić, Biljana Petrović. "Kinetics, mechanism, and equilibrium studies of the reactions between a ruthenium(II) complex and some nitrogen- and sulfur-donor nucleophiles" in Monatshefte für Chemie - Chemical Monthly, Springer Science and Business Media LLC (2013). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00706-013-1044-1
Influence of mono- and two-component organic modifiers on determination of lipophilicity of tetradentate Schiff bases
Ispitivani su uticaji primene mono- i dvokomponentnih organskih modifikatora na određivanje lipofilnosti 12 tetradentatnih Šifovih baza metodom reverzno-fazne tankoslojne hromatografije. Osnovni cilj je da se proceni tip interakcije između posmatranih jedinjenja i komponenti primenjenih hromatografskih sistema i uspostavi neki obrazac ponašanja kako bi se lakše izabrala kombinacija organskih modifikatora koji će simulirati interakciju u biološkim sistemima na osnovu činjenica da iste osnovne intermolekularne interakcije su odgovorne za ponašanje supstanci i u biološkom i u hromatografskom sistemu. Primenjeni organski modifikator ...Nikola Stevanović, Aleksandar Mijatović, Aleksandar Lolić, Mario Zlatović, Rada Baošić. "Influence of mono- and two-component organic modifiers on determination of lipophilicity of tetradentate Schiff bases" in Chemical Papers, Springer Science and Business Media LLC (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11696-021-01884-5
Hidrogeološke karakteristike područja Cerničkog polja (Istočna Hercegovina) sa posebnim osvrtom na rizik od zagađena podzemnih vodnih resursa
Petar Vojnović (2023)... · Č f}\ - / : js 4; - llll -5= -070 : D e E 9 – >= :i EODO 7 OCı - > y —AAA OO _ _JA Š Ć 1969 „ O o M ayr s /20 ŠA —— O, Ž Z - UniverztetuN Sad 55e ” 5 niverzitet u Novom Sadu – K9 KOA O J % c . OE kk Prirodno-matematički fakultet · 5 I I I I I e +) d\ ~ Š o 7 o e „ NEN . __ . „VOVISN9 ...
... ljiva katalitička kombinacija CaO/trietanolamin u sihntezi etil-estara masnih kiselina iz otpadnih ulja suhcokreta OR-6. Nataša B. Sarap, Jelena D. Krneta Nikolić, Milica M. Rajačić, Ivana S. Vukanac, Marija M. Janković, Goran Češljar, Ilija Đorđević: Procena radioekološke situacije u životnoj ...
... karakteristika pošumljenih površina u cilju tipološke klasifikacije staništa i ocene stanja životne sredine kompleksa 'Stepin lug' – Beograd 7 d % Voda HIDROGEOLOŠKE KARAKTERISTIKE PODRUČJA CERNIČKOG POLJA (ISTOČNA HERCEGOVINA) SA POSEBNIM OSVRTOMI NA RIZIK OD ZAGAĐENJA PODZEMINIH VODNIH ...Petar Vojnović. "Hidrogeološke karakteristike područja Cerničkog polja (Istočna Hercegovina) sa posebnim osvrtom na rizik od zagađena podzemnih vodnih resursa" in Knjiga radova / 10. Memorijalni naučni skup iz zaštite životne sredine „Docent dr Milena Dalmacija“, Novi Sad 30-31.03.2023., Novi Sad : Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, Prirodno-matematički fakultet- Departman za hemiju, biohemiju i zaštitu životne sredine (2023)
Using gravity data to define structural correlation affecting the formation of Neogene basins
A gravity survey can help to define the structural correlation in the study area. The structures that have influenced the development of Neogene basins can be defined using gravity data. By applying mathematical transformations to gravity data, the geological structures (faults, nappes, etc.) that impacted the formation of Neogene basins can be defined. We have taken the part of the Dinarides as the test region. The paper presents the results obtained using the procedure residual, vertical gradient, and total ...Snežana Ignjatović, Ivana Vasiljević, Branisav Sretković, Milanka Negovanović. "Using gravity data to define structural correlation affecting the formation of Neogene basins" in The 54th International October Conference on Mining and Metallurgy, Bor Lake, Serbia, 18-21 October 2023, Bor : University of Belgrade, Technical Faculty in Bor (2023)
On the distribution modulo 1 of the sum of powers of a Salem number
Dragan Stankov (2016)It is well known that the sequence of powers of a Salem number θ, modulo 1, is dense in the unit interval, but is not uniformly distributed. Generalizing a result of Dupain, we determine, explicitly, the repartition function of the sequence , where P is a polynomial with integer coefficients and θ is quartic. Also, we consider some examples to illustrate the method of determination.Algebraic integer, the house of algebraic integer, maximal modulus, reciprocal polynomial, primitive polynomial, Schinzel-Zassenhaus conjecture, Mahler measure, method of least squares, cyclotomic polynomialsDragan Stankov. "On the distribution modulo 1 of the sum of powers of a Salem number" in Comptes rendus Mathematique (2016). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.crma.2016.03.012
The influence of Al<sup>3+</sup>ion on porcine pepsin activity<i>in vitro</i>
The in vitro effect of Al3þ ions in the concentration range 1.7·1026M–8.7·1023M on pepsin activity at pH 2, via kinetic parameters and its electrophoretic mobility was evaluated. Kinetic study demonstrated the existence of an activation effect of Al3þ at pH 2 on pepsin molecule. Kinetic analysis with respect to concentrations of haemoglobin showed that Al3þ ions increase the maximal velocity (Vmax) and kcat values rather than apparent affinity for substrate (KS) implying the non-competitive nature of activation which indicated ...... DOI: 10.1080/14756360701841095 RIGHTSLIMKMK&~Ž on an d Me di ci na l Ch em is tr y Do wn lo ad ed fr om in fo rm ah ea lt hc ar e. co m by TI B/ UB Ha nn ov er on 10 /2 8/ 14 = P E -a |, Š |-5} 5 d |--| 5 8 S Fo r pe rs on al us e on ly . Aluminium ...
... that the activation by AP? ions was of partial non-competitive type. Acknowledgements Especial thanks are due to N. Miljevic, Ph. D. and M. Stoiljkovic, Ph. D. from Vinca- Institute of Nuclear Sciences, Belgrade, Serbia for valuable discussions during the development of this paper. "This ...
... critical RIGHTSLIMKMK&~Ž X zi a S = o = 8 i o š - E = 2 -| E ~ } |-i o o Fj d bl -| . pi - Š o al Ch em is tr y Do wn lo ad ed fr om Š = P E -a |, Š |-5} 5 d |--| 5 8 S Fo r pe rs on al us e on ly . 1010 I7 M. Pavelhic et al. [34] precipitation ...Vesna M. Pavelkić, Kristina R. Gopcević, Danijela Z. Krstić, Marija A. Ilić. "The influence of Al3+ion on porcine pepsin activityin vitro" in Journal of Enzyme Inhibition and Medicinal Chemistry, Informa UK Limited (2008). https://doi.org/10.1080/14756360701841095
Exhumation history of the Juhor Mts. in central Serbia, the Northern Serbo–Macedonian Subunit
Uros Stojadinovic, Hannah Pomella, Nemanja Krstekanić, Bojan Kostić, Maja Maleš, Nikola Randjelovic, Miloš Radonjić (2024)Northern Serbo–Macedonian Subunit, low-t thermochronology, kinematic analyses, extensional deformationsUros Stojadinovic, Hannah Pomella, Nemanja Krstekanić, Bojan Kostić, Maja Maleš, Nikola Randjelovic, Miloš Radonjić. "Exhumation history of the Juhor Mts. in central Serbia, the Northern Serbo–Macedonian Subunit" in Geologica Carpathica, Jun 2024, Central Library of the Slovak Academy of Sciences (2024). https://doi.org/10.31577/GeolCarp.2024.12
Određivanje parametara smičuće čvrstoće tla primenom statističke metode
Božidar Rudnjanin (2024)Određivanje parametara smičuće čvrstoće tla je od ključne važnosti u geotehničkom inženjerstvu jer utiče na stabilnost i nosivost raznih građevinskih konstrukcija. Ovaj master rad obrađuje temu primene deskriptivne statistike za analizu parametara smičuće čvrstoće tla,čime se obezbeđuje osnov za donošenje odluka o planiranju i izvođenju građevinskih projekata.U prvom delu rada, prikupljaju se relevantni podaci o smičućoj čvrstoći tla iz prethodnih laboratorijskih ispitivanja za trasu buduće brze saobraćajnice Novi Sad - Ruma.Ti podaci uključuju vrednosti smičuće čvrstoće i različite faktore ...... 30[1 + 1,7 * 0,525 * F]: 30,55 ' 28 m C (kPa) - V je nepoznat 3.5 |i r3] E 3 •• H a D 2.5 Š e Vrednostiparametara = r ? Normalna raspodela o [ 1.5 ——Xmean i | š Xlow *rš 1 • d d ——Xmean Ž XI = OW o 5 0.5 [ 0 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 Vrednosti kohezije c (kN/m ...
... DATUM: OBI IO; KONTROLISAO: ~ 20.04.2021. — _O ĆO. d Š - Aleksandra Kosanović, dipl.ing.geol. Izdanje/izmena:1/4 (11.03.2020.) HZ.QO.LA-020 294/294 O6pasau 1 H3JABA O AYTOPCTBY 3ABPII(IHOT PAJIA Hwe H ripe3HMe cTy,leHTa &)@u W ]D 3464 - Bpoj HHJlekca [ 2225 /24 Hs3jaBMbyjeM Ja je ...
... slučajna promenljiva X ima normalnu raspodelu sa parametrima Ax i o, ako je njena funkcija gustine raspodele verovatnoće određena obrascem: fO) = e 310 D] Pri čemu je: o — standardna devijacija Ax - odstupanje rezultata pojedinačnih od srednje vrednosti merene veličine f(x) - funkcija gustine raspodele ...Božidar Rudnjanin. Određivanje parametara smičuće čvrstoće tla primenom statističke metode, 2024
Improvement of geodatabase queries within GeolISS
Ranka Stanković (2008)... Krstev C., Pavlović-Lažetić G., Vitas D., Obradović I.: “Using Textual and Lexical Resources in Developing Serbian Wordnet”, Romanian J. Information Science and Technology, Romanian Academy, vol. 7, No. 1–2, pp. 147–161, (2004) [12] Krstev, C., Vitas, D., Maurel, D., Tran, M. (2005). “Multilingual Ontology ...
... Krstev, C., Stanković, R., Vitas, D., Obradović, I. (2006). “WS4LR: A Workstation for Lexical Resources”. In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, LREC 2006, Genoa, Italy, May 2006, pp. 1692–1697 [10] Krstev, C., Vitas D., Stanković R., Obradović I., ...
... geodatabase) is defined, as well as header text (to be displayed in query construction), field type with coded values for string ‘C’, number ‘N,I’, date ‘D’, and domain ‘X’, with the domain name given separately. Ranka Stanković 69 Figure 3. The form for maintenance of query parameters ...Ranka Stanković. "Improvement of geodatabase queries within GeolISS" in Review of the National Center for Digitization, Beograd : Faculty of Mathematics, Belgrade (2008)
Towards Better Valorisation of Industrial Minerals andRocks in Serbia—Case Study of Industrial Clays
... April 2021). 31. Simić, V.; Životić D. Geological modelling of clay deposits as a basis for open pit designs. In Proceedings of the I Conference on Surface Clay Exploitation, Kanjiža, Serbia, 29 June–2 July 1995; pp. 197–199. 32. Simić, V.; Đurić, S.; Životić, D. Bentonitic Clays of the Drmno Deposit ...
... Hydrogeol. Eng. Geol. 1999, 49, 239–250. 37. Simić, V.; Životić D.; Đurić, S. Clay minerals in the sediments of the Ćirikovac field (Kostolac coal basin). Bull. Geol. Hydrogeol. Eng. Geol. 1999, 49, 251–265. 38. Simić, V.; Knežević S.; Životić D. Deposit of brick raw material “Tepe” near Novi Pazar. Izgradnja ...
... 2001, 55, 98–102. 39. Simić, V.; Stajević, B.; Životić D. Results of geological exploration of the “Majdan III” deposit near Kanjiža. In Proceedings of the KoMSEKO 2003, Kanjiža, Serbia, 18–21 June 2003; pp. 15–19. 40. Simić, V.; Životić, D.; Popov, K.; Bačkalić, Z. Deposit of brick raw materials ...Vladimir Simić, Dragana Životić, Zoran Miladinović. "Towards Better Valorisation of Industrial Minerals andRocks in Serbia—Case Study of Industrial Clays" in Resources, MDPI AG (2021). https://doi.org/10.3390/resources10060063
A Twitter Corpus and Lexicon for Abusive Speech Detection in Serbian
Uvredljivi govor na društvenim medijima, uključujući psovke, pogrdni govor i govor mržnje, dostigao je nivo pandemije. Sistem koji bi bio u stanju da detektuje takve tekstove mogao bi da pomogne da internet i društveni mediji postanu bolji virtuelni prostor sa više poštovanja. Istraživanja i komercijalna primena u ovoj oblasti do sada su bili fokusirani uglavnom na engleski jezik. Ovaj rad predstavlja rad na izgradnji AbCoSER-a, prvog korpusa uvredljivog govora na srpskom jeziku. Korpus se sastoji od 6.436 ručno označenih ...... excerpt from RDF version with frequency and attestations. # subproperty d e f i n i t i o n f o r f requency in t w i t t e r corpus : atv itkoFrequency r d f s : subClassOf f r a c : CorpusFrequency . : atv itkoFrequency r d f s : subClassOf [ a owl : R e s t r i c t i o n ; owl : onProperty f r a ...
... ex : s ense : lopov−s ense . : lopov−form a onto l ex : Form ; onto l ex : writtenRep " lopov " @sr . : lopov−s ense skos : d e f i n i t i o n " onaj k o j i krade , k r a d l j i v a c , lupe ž ; otima č , p l j a čka š ; prevarant , lupe ž " @sr ; onto l ex : r e f e r e n c e
... range of abusive topics. We already used this resource for the detection of abusive triggers and the augmentation of the abusive language lexicon. D. Jokić, R. Stanković, C. Krstev, and B. Šandrih 13:3 1.2 Related work In the past two decades, several methods and models for the detection of hate ...Danka Jokić, Ranka Stanković, Cvetana Krstev, Branislava Šandrih. "A Twitter Corpus and Lexicon for Abusive Speech Detection in Serbian" in 3rd Conference on Language, Data and Knowledge (LDK 2021), MDPI AG (2021). https://doi.org/10.4230/OASIcs.LDK.2021.13
Age and microfacies of oceanic Upper Triassic radiolarite components from the Middle Jurassic ophiolitic mélange in the Zlatibor Mountains (Inner Dinarides, Serbia) and their provenance
Hans-Juergen Gawlick, Nevenka Đerić, Sigrid Missoni, Nikita Bragin, Milan Sudar, Divna Jovanović (2017)Neo-Tethys, trench-like basins, synorogenic deposition, evolving thrust belt, Triassic palaeogeography... gy 25, 2, 160-197. Plašienka D. 2012: Jurassic syn-rift and Cretaceous syn-orogenic, coarse-grained deposits related to opening and closure of thc Vahic (South Penninic) Ocean in the Western Carpathians — an overview. Geol. Quarterly 56, 601—628. Radovanović Z. & Popević A. 1999: Geological ...
... Republic of Serbia, Užice 4, 1:50,000 and Missoni et al. (2012) (area between Trnava, Sirogojno and Rožanstvo in the Zlatibor Mountain, SW Serbia; Radovanović & Popević 1999). The investigated radio- larite components from the ophiolite mćlange in fissures, on top or aside different slide blocks are marked ...
... S., Suzuki H., Sudar M., Lein R. & Jovanović D. 2016b: Triassic radiolarite and carbonate components from the Jurassic ophiolitic mćlange (Dinaridic Ophiolite Belt). Swiss J. Geosci. 109, 3, 473-494, Goričan Š., Karamata S. & Batočanin-Srećković D. 1999: Upper "Triassic (Carnian- Norian) ra ...Hans-Juergen Gawlick, Nevenka Đerić, Sigrid Missoni, Nikita Bragin, Milan Sudar, Divna Jovanović. "Age and microfacies of oceanic Upper Triassic radiolarite components from the Middle Jurassic ophiolitic mélange in the Zlatibor Mountains (Inner Dinarides, Serbia) and their provenance" in Geologica Carpathica (2017)
Surface functional groups and degree of carbonization of selected chars from different processes and feedstock
Marija Ilić, Franz-Hubert Haegel, Aleksandar Lolić, Zoran Nedić, Tomislav Tosti, Ivana Sredović Ignjatović, Andreas Linden, Nicolai D. Jablonowski, Heinrich Hartmann (2022)The knowledge ofthe structural and chemical properties of biochars is decisive for their application as technical products. For this reason, methods for the characterization of biochars that are generally applicable and allow quality control are highly desired. Several methods that have shown potential in other studies were used to investigate two activated carbons and seven biochars from different processes and feedstock. The chars were chosen to cover a wide range of chemical composition and structural properties as a hardness ...Biougalj, različiti procesi dobijanja, različite sirovine, površinski aktivne grupe, x-ray, FT-IR,XPS... larger than that of the D peak. The spectra in Fig 9b show higher intensity. AC1 shows a higher intensity of the D peak, whereas HW1100g shows a higher G peak. The spectrum of PW700g (Fig 9c) has very low intensity and like AC1 a higher D peak. The intensity ratio of D and G peak (Ip/IG) was determined ...
... carbonization of selected chars Table 9. Ratio of the heights of D and G peak (ID/IG), crystallite size calculated from ID/IG, and the wavenum- bers v „. of peak maxima of the Raman spectra of the chars. Char Ip/IG L,/nm V x(D) /cm" Voeax(G) / cm" ACI 2.65 19 1336 1588 AC2 3.22 15 1337 1576 ...
... Ivana Sredović Ignjatović, Andreas Linden, Nicolai D. Jablonowski, Heinrich Hartmann. Supervision: Marija Ilić. Validation: Franz-Hubert Haegel. Writing – original draft: Marija Ilić, Franz-Hubert Haegel. Writing – review & editing: Nicolai D. Jablonowski. References 1. 14. 15. 16. ...Marija Ilić, Franz-Hubert Haegel, Aleksandar Lolić, Zoran Nedić, Tomislav Tosti, Ivana Sredović Ignjatović, Andreas Linden, Nicolai D. Jablonowski, Heinrich Hartmann. "Surface functional groups and degree of carbonization of selected chars from different processes and feedstock" in PLOS ONE (2022). https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0277365
Understanding partitioning of deformation in highly arcuate orogenic systems: Inferences from the evolution of the Serbian Carpathians
Nemanja Krstekanić, Liviu Matenco, Marinko Toljić, Oleg Mandić, Uroš Stojadinović, Ernst Willingshofer (2020)... range, northern Iran. J. Struct. Geol. 25, 659–672. Anđelković, J., Krstić, B., Bogdanović, P., Jadranin, D., Milenković, P., Milošaković, R., Urošević, D., Dimitrijević, D., Dolić, D., Rakić, M.O., Jovanović, L.J., Maslarević, L. J., Marković, B., Divljan, M., Đorđević, M., 1977. Explanatory ...
... paths in the East Serbian Segment of the Balkan–Carpathian Arc. J. Petrol. 54 (3), 421–451. Kounov, A., Burg, J.-P., Bernoulli, D., Seward, D., Ivanov, Z., Dimov, D., Gerdjikov, I., 2011. Paleostress analysis of Cenozoic faulting in the Kraishte area, SW Bulgaria. J. Struct. Geol. 33, 859–874. ...
... Palaeogeogr. Palaeoclimatol. Palaeoecol. 293, 343–352. Pastor-Galán, D., Gutiérrez-Alonso, G., Weil, A.B., 2011. Orocline timing through joint analysis: insights from the Ibero-Armorican Arc. Tectonophysics 507, 31–46. Pastor-Galán, D., Gutiérrez-Alonso, G., Zulauf, G., Zanella, F., 2012. Analogue ...Nemanja Krstekanić, Liviu Matenco, Marinko Toljić, Oleg Mandić, Uroš Stojadinović, Ernst Willingshofer. "Understanding partitioning of deformation in highly arcuate orogenic systems: Inferences from the evolution of the Serbian Carpathians" in Global and Planetary Change, Elsevier BV (2020). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gloplacha.2020.103361
Inženjerskogeološka istraživanja za potrebe izgradnje tunela T1 na putnom pravcu Požega-Kotroman
Andrija Popović (2024)Tokom izrade završnog rada korišćeni su podaci koje sam dobio u saradnji sa firmom „Saobraćajni institut CIP d.o.o.“, kao i ostala odgovarajuća stručna literatura.Osnovni cilj pisanja rada jeste definisanje određenih fizičko mehaničkih parametara i predlog podgrade i načina iskopa tunela na osnovu RMR klasifikacije.... VI VI III – IV VI V-VI II – IV EXCAVATION CLASSIFICATION Tiannomcia pari: Tipanor: T EOTEXHPMUKA CPEJAHA / GEOTECHNICAL UNIT E B A B D A c A B c A D A c E A c D A B E Vihxxebbepckoreonouika McTpaXuMBaMa 3a noTpe6e viarpante TyHena T1 Ha nyTHOM npaBuy TlonyxuHu npecek no ocuMi TyHena Tloxera-KorpoMaH ...
... MM dbw8 OM Ovv #/7M4} MY MRawhaWgM afAp eGA _ MA MBAAA WAh WA » A OOO I O D Ti L TTTTRR e ns W SuWay kg 3B, ,8 190 yy y 4704 54p P , h, MEAA | _ a 'H*if -> C4SMV (fi V TIK OL A \ ON D L JLO, ——— - as d a gipanud ul a M a — P av - __do0diii PIH?KEH5EPCKOT EOJIOHIKI/ PHPOQWMJI MCTPAžKHE ...
... klasifikaciji pripada IV-V kategoriji. Kvazihomogena zona D može se okarakterisati kao slaba sredina (stena) sa gledišta stabilnosti iskopa, sa očekivanim gravitacionim ispadanjem blokova iz kalote i duž ukrštenih pukotina. Geotehnička sredina D se javlja u više zona duž tunela, što znači da je u ovoj ...Andrija Popović. Inženjerskogeološka istraživanja za potrebe izgradnje tunela T1 na putnom pravcu Požega-Kotroman, 2024
Building learning capacity by blending different sources of knowledge
... (2009). Permission granted: open licensing for educational resources. Open Learning, 24(1), 97-106. Breslow L., Pritchard D. E., DeBoer J., Stump G. S., Ho A. D., & Seaton D. T. (2013). Studying Learning in the Worldwide Classroom: Research Into edX's First MOOC. RPA Journal, 8, Summer 2013, 13-25 ...
... Gorter, D. (2011). A holistic approach to multilingual education: Introduction. The Modern Language Journal, 95(3), 339-343. Chan, L.M., Zeng, M.L. (2006). Metadata Interoperability and Standardization – A Study of Methodology Part I, Achieving Interoperability at the Schema Level. D-Lib Magazine ...
... resource can be influenced by the learner, ranging from "very low", e.g. for documents that can only be printed to "very high", such as a virtual 3-D environments, offering various options for exploring. The rights category is a combination of DC and LOM. The publisher, a person, group, or ...Ivan Obradović, Ranka Stanković, Olivera Kitanović, Dalibor Vorkapić. "Building learning capacity by blending different sources of knowledge" in International Journal of Learning and Intellectual Capital (2016). https://doi.org/10.1504/IJLIC.2016.075698
Freeze-dried nanocrystal dispersion of novel deuterated pyrazoloquinolinone ligand (DK-I-56-1): Process parameters and lyoprotectant selection through the stability study
Jelena R. Mitrović, Maja Bjelošević Žiberna, Aleksandar Vukadinović, Daniel E. Knutson, Dishary Sharmin, Aleksandar Kremenović, Pegi Ahlin Grabnar, Odon Planinšek, Dominique Lunter, James M. Cook, Miroslav M. Savić, Snežana D. Savić (2023)Recently, nanocrystal dispersions have been considered as a promising formulation strategy to improve the bioavailability of the deuterated pyrazoloquinolinone ligand DK-I-56-1 (7‑methoxy-2-(4‑methoxy-d3-phenyl)-2,5-dihydro-3H-pyrazolo[4,3-c]quinolin-3-one). In the current study, the freeze-drying process (formulation and process parameters) was investigated to improve the storage stability of the previously developed formulation. Different combinations of lyoprotectant (sucrose or trehalose) and bulking agent (mannitol) were varied while formulations were freeze-dried under two conditions (primary drying at -10 or -45 °C). The obtained lyophilizates were characterized in terms ...... equipped with a small volume dispersion cell, Mal- vern, UK). Results are reported as d(0.1), d(0.5), and d(0.9), repre- senting 10%, 50%, and 90% of the particle volume below a certain size, respectively, and D[4,3] as the volume-weighted mean diameter. All particle size measurements were done ...
... Mitrović*, Maja Bjelošević Žiberna b, Aleksandar Vukadinović", Daniel E. Knutson d, Dishary Sharmin d, Aleksandar Kremenović *, Pegi Ahlin Grabnar , Odon Planinšek , Dominique Lunter', James M. Cook “, Miroslav M. Savić”, Snežana D. Savić “ * Department of Pharmaceutical Technology and Cosmetology, University ...
... P., Bellazzi, G., Marini, A., 2009. Physico-chemical characterization of anhydrous D-mannitol. J. Therm. Anal. Calorim. 95 (3), 871–876. https://doi.org/10.1007/510973-008-9384-5, Divović Matović, B., Knutson, D., Mitrović, J., Stevanović, V., Stanojević, B., Savić, S., 'Cook, J.M., Savić, M.M ...Jelena R. Mitrović, Maja Bjelošević Žiberna, Aleksandar Vukadinović, Daniel E. Knutson, Dishary Sharmin, Aleksandar Kremenović, Pegi Ahlin Grabnar, Odon Planinšek, Dominique Lunter, James M. Cook, Miroslav M. Savić, Snežana D. Savić. "Freeze-dried nanocrystal dispersion of novel deuterated pyrazoloquinolinone ligand (DK-I-56-1): Process parameters and lyoprotectant selection through the stability study" in European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Elsevier BV (2023). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ejps.2023.106557
Keyword Extraction from Parallel Abstracts of Scientific Publications
... R., Krstev, C., Vitas, D., Vulović, N., Kitanović, O.: Keyword-based search on bilingual digital libraries. In: Calì, A., Gorgan, D., Ugarte, M. (eds.) KEYSTONE 2016. LNCS, vol. 10151, pp. 112–123. Springer, Cham (2017). https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-53640-8_10 17. Vitas, D., Popović, L., Krstev ...
... automatic keyphrase indexing with small training sets. J. Am. Soc. Inf. Sci. Technol. 59(7), 1026–1040 (2008) 6. Paroubek, P., Zweigenbaum, P., Forest, D., Grouin, C.: Indexation libre et con- trolee d’articles scientifiques. Presentation et resultats du defi fouille de textes DEFT2012. In: Proceedings ...
... 1310, pp. 1–8 (2014) 10. Beliga, S., Martinčić-Ipšić, S.: Network-enabled keyword extraction for under- resourced languages. In: Calì, A., Gorgan, D., Ugarte, M. (eds.) KEYSTONE 2016. LNCS, vol. 10151, pp. 124–135. Springer, Cham (2017). https://doi.org/10.1007/ 978-3-319-53640-8_11 11. Bird, S., ...Slobodan Beliga, Olivera Kitanović, Ranka Stanković, Sanda Martinčić-Ipšić . "Keyword Extraction from Parallel Abstracts of Scientific Publications" in Sematic Keyword-Based Search on Structured Data Sources - Third International KEYSTONE Conference, IKC 2017 Gdańsk, Poland, September 11–12, 2017 Revised Selected Papers and COST Action IC1302 Reports, Springer (2017)
Hydrogeochemistry of Uranium in the Groundwaters of Serbia
Marina Ćuk, Maja Todorović, Petar Papić, Jovan Kovačević, Zoran Nikić. "Hydrogeochemistry of Uranium in the Groundwaters of Serbia" in Uranium - Past and Future Challenges, Springer International Publishing Switzerland (2015). https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-11059-2_89
Numerical modeling of Selanac debris flow propagation using SPH code
The Selanac debris flow is a very huge event triggered after extreme rainfall caused by Cyclone Tamara activity in the Republic of Serbia in May 2014. The Selanac case study was already modelling in different programs using Voellmy rheology assumptions like RAMMS software. In this paper research are focusing particularly on the process of debris flowing from initiation zone to main deposition area using Geoflow SPH two-phase model considering frictional rheology law. Main rheological parameters are back-calculated using also ...... Figure 3 Final model of flow heights A) 16s B) 30s C) 50s D) 100s SCG-XIII INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON LANDSLIDES. CARTAGENA, COLOMBIA- JUNE 15th-19th-2020 Figure 4 Erosion depths in meters in time steps A) 16 s B) 30 s C) 50 s D)100 s 5 CONCLUSIONS Final models show accurate results ...
... between the deformation-rate tensor and velocity field, and SCG-XIII INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON LANDSLIDES. CARTAGENA, COLOMBIA- JUNE 15th-19th-2020 D. rheological equation relating the soil-stress tensor to the deformation-rate tensor. Generally, it consists of the discretization of the depth averaged ...
... shear stress is given by: , (2) - where are: b basal shear stress, depth averaged velocity, and ’d is submerged density given by (3) There are different approaches for calculating erosion. Here ...Jelka Krušić, Biljana Abolmasov, Miloš Marjanović, Manuel Pastor, Saeid M. Tayyebi . "Numerical modeling of Selanac debris flow propagation using SPH code" in SCG-XIII International Symposium on Landslides. Cartagena, Colombia- February 22-26, 2021, International Society for Soil Mechanics And Geotechnical Engineering (2021)