405 items
Geotechnical conditions of “Debelo brdo” tunnel construction on the highway E-80: Nis-Merdare-Pristina (“Peace Highway”)
The construction of the highway E-80 has begun in Serbia, which will represent the traffic hub of the Western Balkans and will be part of the main regional transport network of Southeast Europe. Its total length through Serbia is 77 km, and one part of the route is designed through a typical plain terrain, while a larger part of the route passes through hilly terrain. The construction of the tunnel “Debelo brdo” is planned partly in an open cut ...Dragoslav Rakić, Irena Basarić Ikodinović, Radojica Lapčević, Dragan Lukić. "Geotechnical conditions of “Debelo brdo” tunnel construction on the highway E-80: Nis-Merdare-Pristina (“Peace Highway”)" in Proceedings of the XVIII ECSMGE 2024 geotechnical engineering challenges to meet current and emerging needs of society, Lisbon, 26-30 August 2024, CRC Press (2024). https://doi.org/10.1201/9781003431749-356 М33
Geotermalne karakteristike područja Semberije , Republika Srpska
Igor Glavaš (2024)Cilj završnog rada predstavlja, opis geotermalnih karakteristika područja Semberije, Republika Srpska, BiH.Rad se sastoji od opšteg dijela u kojem se navode osnovne karakteristike područja (geomorfološke, geografske, hidrološke,hidrometeorološke, geološke, tektonske i hidrogeološke) i specijalnog dijela koji detaljnije ulazi u tematiku osobina geotermalne energije i njihovih karakteristika u zadatom području kao i definisanje geotermalnog potencijala koje to područje ima.Sa prognoznim litološkim profilima 6 dubokih istražnih bušotina su izrađena 2 regionalna geološka, a njegovom konverzijom i hidrogeološka profila na osnovu kojih je, stečena ...Igor Glavaš. Geotermalne karakteristike područja Semberije , Republika Srpska, 2024
Hidrogeološke i hidrohemijske karakteristike pojave termomineralnih voda u reonu Volkovo (Skoplje - Republika severna Makedonija)
Hristina Petrova, Katarzyna Wątor, Ewa Kmiecik, Piotr Rusiniak, Boris Vakanjac, Vesna Ristić Vakanjac, Dimitar Petrov (2024)Kao rezultat tektonskog sklopa i litološko-geološkog sastava, na teritoriji Republike Severne Makedonije registrovan je veliki broj pojava termalnih, mineralnih i termomineralnih voda (T, M i TM voda). Dosadašnja hidrogeološka i hidrohemijska istraživanja ovih voda vršena od strane pojedinih autora sa ciljem da se definiše njihov lekoviti faktor kao i za potrebe banjskog turizma. Sprovedena istraživanja su, dakle, bila lokalnog karaktera i bila su vezana za njihove značajnije pojave. Tokom 70-tih godina prošlog veka, Kotevski je za potrebe izrade doktorske ...termomineralne vode, hidrohemijskie karakteristike, lekoviti faktor voda, Valakonje, Republika Severna MakedonijaHristina Petrova, Katarzyna Wątor, Ewa Kmiecik, Piotr Rusiniak, Boris Vakanjac, Vesna Ristić Vakanjac, Dimitar Petrov. "Hidrogeološke i hidrohemijske karakteristike pojave termomineralnih voda u reonu Volkovo (Skoplje - Republika severna Makedonija)" in 17. Srpski simpozijum o hidrogeologiji sa međunarodnim učešćem, Pirot, 2-6 oktobar 2024, Beograd : Univerzitet u Beogradu - Rudarsko-geološki fakultet (2024). https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.13739884 М63
Subsurface dams as a solution for supplementary recharge and groundwater storage in karst aquifers in arid areas
Stevanović Zoran (2014)Stevanović Zoran. "Subsurface dams as a solution for supplementary recharge and groundwater storage in karst aquifers in arid areas" in Engineering Geology for Society and Territory - Volume 5, Proceedings of the XII IAEG Congress, Torino 2014 5, :Springer International (2014): 471-474. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-09048-1_90 M33
E-Dictionaries and Finite-State Automata for the Recognition of Named Entities
Krstev Cvetana, Vitas Duško, Obradović Ivan, Utvić Miloš. "E-Dictionaries and Finite-State Automata for the Recognition of Named Entities" in Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Finite State Methods and Natural Language Processing, FSMNLP 2011, July 2010, Blois, France, A. Maletti and M. Constant (eds.), :Association for Computational Linguistics (2011): 48-56 M33
Palaeoenvironmental reconstruction of the Kovin lignite deposit, Serbia
Mitrović Danica, Đoković Nataša, Životić Dragana, Bechtel Achim, Stojanović Ksenija. "Palaeoenvironmental reconstruction of the Kovin lignite deposit, Serbia" in ICCP Program & Abstract Book. 67th Annual Meeting of the International Committee for Coal and Organic Petrology, September 5-11. 2015,, Potsdam, Germany:Schriftenreihe der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften Heft 87 (2015): 122-123 M34
Pyrolysis of lignite, HDPE, and lignite/HDPE mixture
Kojić Ivan, Gajica Gordana, Životić Dragana, Bechtel Achim, Stojanović Ksenija. "Pyrolysis of lignite, HDPE, and lignite/HDPE mixture" in ICCP Program & Abstract Book. 67th Annual Meeting of the International Committee for Coal and Organic Petrology, September 5-11. 2015,, Potsdam, Germany:Schriftenreihe der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften Heft 87 (2015): 96-97 M34
Representativeness of hydrodynamic models - overview of modern technics in model developing and model calibration
Polomčić Dušan, Bajić Dragoljub, Ratković Jelena. "Representativeness of hydrodynamic models - overview of modern technics in model developing and model calibration" in Proceedings of the XV Serbian Symposium on Hydrogeology, Belgrade:University of Belgrade - Faculty of mining and geology (2016): 33-50 M31
Seismotectonic characteristics of 2010 Kraljevo seismic sequence (Internal Dinarides, central Serbia)
Ana Mladenović, Vladica Cvetković, Ivan Dulić, Snežana Marjanović. "Seismotectonic characteristics of 2010 Kraljevo seismic sequence (Internal Dinarides, central Serbia)" in Émile Argand Conference - 13th Workshop on Alpine Geological Studies - September 7th-18th 2017 in Serbia, Zlatibor Mts., Beograd:University of Belgrade - Faculty of Mining and Geology (2017): 72-72 M34
Implementation of the results of recent research on the Kolubara coal basin in order to define hydrogeological parameters
Petrović Marijana, Polomčić Dušan, Bajić Dragoljub, Sinđelić Aleksandar. "Implementation of the results of recent research on the Kolubara coal basin in order to define hydrogeological parameters" in Proceedings of the XVII Serbian Geological Congress, Belgrade:Serbian Geological Society (2018): 490-493 M64
Избор рекултивационог решења површинског копа Кленовник вишеатрибутном анализом: моделски приступ код избора; А selection of the land reclamation resolution of the open pit mine Klenovnik by a multi-attribute analysis: modeling approach in selection,
Вујић Слободан, Димитријевић Бојан, Николић Јовица, Милошевић Драган, Макар Ненад, Марјанац Симеон (2013)Вујић Слободан, Димитријевић Бојан, Николић Јовица, Милошевић Драган, Макар Ненад, Марјанац Симеон. "Избор рекултивационог решења површинског копа Кленовник вишеатрибутном анализом: моделски приступ код избора; А selection of the land reclamation resolution of the open pit mine Klenovnik by a multi-attribute analysis: modeling approach in selection," in Зборник радова XL Симпозијум о операционим истраживањима СYМОПИС 2013 no. XL, Златибор, Србија :Универзитет у Београду, Факултет организационих наука, Београд. (2013): 745-747 M33
Macroscopically-Zoned Grandite from the Garnetite Skarn of Meka Presedla (Kopaonik Mountain, Serbia)
Tančić Pavle I., Vulić Predrag, Kaindl Reinhard, Sartory Bernhard, Dimitrijević Radovan Ž.. "Macroscopically-Zoned Grandite from the Garnetite Skarn of Meka Presedla (Kopaonik Mountain, Serbia)" in Geologica Sinica – English Edition 86 no. 2, Beijing Shi:Geological Society of China? (2012): 393-406. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1755-6724.2012.00668 M22
Многоатрибутная модальная поддержка при выборе рекультивации угольного карьера «Кленовник» в угольном бассейне Костолац
Димитријевић Бојан, Вујић Слободан, Матић Иван, Марианац Симеон, Николич Јован, Чолаковић Виолета (2014)Димитријевић Бојан, Вујић Слободан, Матић Иван, Марианац Симеон, Николич Јован, Чолаковић Виолета. "Многоатрибутная модальная поддержка при выборе рекультивации угольного карьера «Кленовник» в угольном бассейне Костолац" in Физико - технические проблемы разработки полезных ископаемых, Новосибирск:Сибирско отделения РАН (2014) M23
Мultiattribute model support in selecting the land reclamation at the open pit mine «Кlenovnik» of the coal basin «Кostolac»
Dimitrijević Bojan, Vujić Slobodan, Matić Ivan, Marijanac Simeon, Nikolić Jovica, Čolaković Violeta (2014)Dimitrijević Bojan, Vujić Slobodan, Matić Ivan, Marijanac Simeon, Nikolić Jovica, Čolaković Violeta. "Мultiattribute model support in selecting the land reclamation at the open pit mine «Кlenovnik» of the coal basin «Кostolac»" in Journal of Mining Science, Germany:Springer (2014). https://doi.org/10.1134/S106273911402015X M22
Middle and Upper Paleolithic settlement of the Balkans interior during the cold periods
Dušan Mihailovic, Katarina Bogićević, Vesna Dimitrijević, Stefan Milošević, Draženko Nenadić, Mirjana Roksandić (2022)Dušan Mihailovic, Katarina Bogićević, Vesna Dimitrijević, Stefan Milošević, Draženko Nenadić, Mirjana Roksandić. "Middle and Upper Paleolithic settlement of the Balkans interior during the cold periods" in 28th EAA Annual Meeting (Budapest, Hungary, 2022), European Association of Archaeologists, (31. avgusta – 3. septembra 2022), Budapest (2022) М34
Application of the VIKOR Method for Selecting the Purpose of Recultivated Terrain after the End of Coal Mining
Radmila Gaćina, Sanja Bajić, Bojan Dimitrijević, Tomislav Šubaranović, Čedomir Beljić, Dragoljub Bajić (2024)Radmila Gaćina, Sanja Bajić, Bojan Dimitrijević, Tomislav Šubaranović, Čedomir Beljić, Dragoljub Bajić. "Application of the VIKOR Method for Selecting the Purpose of Recultivated Terrain after the End of Coal Mining" in Proceedings of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Bulgaria, 28. maj 2024 , Prof. Marin Drinov Publishing House of BAS (Bulgarian Academy of Sciences) (2024). https://doi.org/10.7546/CRABS.2024.07.10 М23
Application of the VIKOR Method for Selecting the Purpose of Recultivated Terrain after the End of Coal Mining
Radmila Gaćina, Sanja Bajić, Bojan Dimitrijević, Tomislav Šubaranović, Čedomir Beljić, Dragoljub Bajić (2024)Radmila Gaćina, Sanja Bajić, Bojan Dimitrijević, Tomislav Šubaranović, Čedomir Beljić, Dragoljub Bajić. "Application of the VIKOR Method for Selecting the Purpose of Recultivated Terrain after the End of Coal Mining" in Comptes rendus de l’Acad ́emie bulgare des Sciences, Proceedings of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (2024) М23
A Novel Hybrid Fuzzy Multiple-Criteria Decision-Making Model for the Selection of the Most Suitable Land Reclamation Variant at Open-Pit Coal Mines
Bojan Dimitrijević, Tomislav Šubaranović, Željko Stević, Mohamed Kchaou, Faris Alqurashi, Marko Subotić (2024)рекултивацаиона решења, површинска експлоатација лежишта минералних сировина, животна средина, IMF SWARA, фази ROVBojan Dimitrijević, Tomislav Šubaranović, Željko Stević, Mohamed Kchaou, Faris Alqurashi, Marko Subotić. "A Novel Hybrid Fuzzy Multiple-Criteria Decision-Making Model for the Selection of the Most Suitable Land Reclamation Variant at Open-Pit Coal Mines" in Sustainability, MDPI AG (2024). https://doi.org/10.3390/su16114424 М22
Environmental Aspects of Proposed Engineering Solution for Inter-basin Transfer in East Herzegovina
Čokorilo Marina, Stevanović Zoran, Ristić-Vakanjac Vesna. "Environmental Aspects of Proposed Engineering Solution for Inter-basin Transfer in East Herzegovina" in Engineering Geology for Society and Territory - Volume 5, Proceedings of the XII IAEG Congress, Torino 2014 5, :Springer International (2014): 515-519. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-09048-1_99 M33
The impact of sand open pit „Jakovačka Kumša“ on groundwater in a part of Belgrade source
Matić Ivan, Polomčić Dušan, Vujasinović Slobodan, Marić Nenad, Zarić Jelena. "The impact of sand open pit „Jakovačka Kumša“ on groundwater in a part of Belgrade source" in Proceedings / IWA Specialist Groundwater Conference, 08-10 September 2011, Beograd:Institute for the Development of Water Resources Jaroslav Černi (2011): 397-403 M33