397 items
Neki aspekti održavanja jamske mehanizacije u rudniku Lece
Čokorilo Vojin, Jovančić Predrag, Milisavlјević Vladimir, Medenica Dragan. "Neki aspekti održavanja jamske mehanizacije u rudniku Lece" in Tehnika no. 4, Beograd:Savez Inžinjera i Tehničara Srbije (2013): 631-639 M51
Modeliranje disperzije prašine na području površinskih kopova lignite
Lilić Nikola, Knežević Dinko, Cvjetić Aleksandar, Milisavljević Vladimir. "Modeliranje disperzije prašine na području površinskih kopova lignite" in TEHNIKA - Časopis saveza inženjera i tehničara Srbije, Beograd:Savez inženjera i tehničara Srbije (2012): 911-918 M52
Problems of preparation and storage water from pay zones of hidrocarbon fluids to environmental protection - Problematika pripreme i odlaganja voda ležišta ugljovodoničnih fluida u cilju zaštite životne sredine
Mitrović Vladimir, Bošković Zvonimir, Stupar Jelka, Malbašić Tatjana. "Problems of preparation and storage water from pay zones of hidrocarbon fluids to environmental protection - Problematika pripreme i odlaganja voda ležišta ugljovodoničnih fluida u cilju zaštite životne sredine" in Technics Technologies Education Management / TTEM 7 no. No.3, Sarajevo: (2012): 1030-1036 M23
Kumulativna eksplozivna sredstva za perforiranje naftnih i gasnih bušotina
Petar Šućur, Jelka Stupar, Malbašić Tatjana, Mitrović Vladimir. "Kumulativna eksplozivna sredstva za perforiranje naftnih i gasnih bušotina" in Podzemni radovi (Underground Mining Engineering) no. 17, Beograd:Univerzitet u Beogradu - Rudrsko-geološki fakultet (2010): 69-76 M52
Deep oil wells between production and disaster - Duboke naftne bušotine između proizvodnje i katastrofe
Bošković Zvonimir, Mitrović Vladimir, Malbašić Tatjana, Stupar Jelka. "Deep oil wells between production and disaster - Duboke naftne bušotine između proizvodnje i katastrofe" in Technics Technologies Education Management / TTEM 7 no. No.2, Sarajevo: (2012): 580-585 M23
Functional corerelations between efficiency indicators of investments
Branislav Marić, Jelena Ćirić, Mitrović Vladimir, Mihajlo Rovčanin. "Functional corerelations between efficiency indicators of investments" in Afican Jornal of Business Menagement, Academic Jornal (2011) M23
Apriori ocena tačnosti proboja u horizontalnoj ravni između VI horizonta i potkopa P2 SD jame Blagodat
Stoiljković Vladimir, Milutinović Aleksandar, Ganić Aleksandar, Mikanović Radenko. "Apriori ocena tačnosti proboja u horizontalnoj ravni između VI horizonta i potkopa P2 SD jame Blagodat" in Časopis Podzemni radovi no. 23, Begrad:Rudarsko-geološki fakultet, Beograd (2013): 33-44 M52
Gemstone deposits of Serbia
Miladinović Zoran, Simić Vladimir, Jelenković Rade, Ilić Miloje. "Gemstone deposits of Serbia" in Geologica Carpathica 3 no. 67, :VEDA Publishing House of the Slovak Academy of Sciences (2016): 211-222. https://doi.org/10.1515/geoca-2016-0014 M22
Potentially toxic trace elements in some Serbian brown coals
Životić Dragana, Simić Vladimir, Gržetić Ivan, Lorenz Hans. "Potentially toxic trace elements in some Serbian brown coals" in Reports of the Serbian Geological Society, :Serbian Geological Society (2015): 1-14 M52
Modelling of AT Rocketbolts Parameters for Soko Underground Coal Mine
Milisavljević Vladimir, Tošić Dražana, Čokorilo Vojin, Ristović Ivica. "Modelling of AT Rocketbolts Parameters for Soko Underground Coal Mine" in Tehnički vjesnik - Technical Gazette 23 no. 3, Slavonski Brod (Osijek), Croatia: Sveuciliste Josipa Jurja Strossmayera u Osijeki ^Strojarski Fakultet u Slavanskom Brodu/ Technical faculties of the Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek (UNIOS) (2016): 661-666. https://doi.org/10.17559/TV-20140825132622 M23
New Approach to Equipment Quality Evaluation Method with Distinct Functions
Milisavljević Vladimir, Medenica Dragan, Čokorilo Vojin, Ristović Ivica. "New Approach to Equipment Quality Evaluation Method with Distinct Functions" in Thermal Science 20 no. 2, Belgrade, Serbia:Institut za nuklearne nauke “Vinča”/ Vinča Institute of Nuclear Sciences, UoB (2016): 743-752. https://doi.org/10.2298/TSCI150324142M M23
Results of Experimental Installation of Roofbolting System in the Mines
Dragan Zlatanović, Marija Ilić, Vladimir Milisavljević, Dragan Ignjatović. "Results of Experimental Installation of Roofbolting System in the Mines" in Mining and Metalurgy Engineering Bor no. 4, Bor:Mining and Metallurgy Institute, Bor (2014): 65-84. https://doi.org/10.5937/MMEB1404065Z M24
Impact of a failure zone above the underground roadway on rockbolting structure loading
Vladimir Milisavljević, Dragan Zlatanović, Simon Sedmak, Milenko Ljubojev. "Impact of a failure zone above the underground roadway on rockbolting structure loading" in Structural integrity and life/Integritet i vek konstrukcija 15 no. 2, Beograd:Society for Structural Integrity and Life / IMS Institute (2015): 85-94 M24
Case Study of Ventilation Method Development for Bar-Boljare Highway Tunnel Construction in Montenegro
Cvjetić Aleksandar, Lilić Nikola, Čokorilo Vojin, Milisavljević Vladimir. "Case Study of Ventilation Method Development for Bar-Boljare Highway Tunnel Construction in Montenegro" in Tehnika LXXII no. 5, Beograd:Savez Inžinjera i Tehničara Srbije (2017): 667-674 M51
Self-Engineering: Possibilities for Maintenance Operations in the Mining Machines Industry
Self-engineering is a relatively new branch of knowledge that aims to understand how systems could “autonomously” re-configure or repair themselves without the intervention of the operators. A direct field of application is within the maintenance spectrum. Having systems or machines capable of self-detecting or even self-repairing could represent a game-changer, in capital asset fields such as the mining industry in particular. This paper aims to investigate the possible benefits and challenges of self-engineering / self-maintenance concerning mining machines, specifically bucket-wheel ...self-engineering, self-maintenance, maintenance operations, mining industry, bucket-wheel excavator, gearbox revitalizationSteven Manders, Milorad Pantelić, Vladimir Milisavljević, Alberto Martinetti. "Self-Engineering: Possibilities for Maintenance Operations in the Mining Machines Industry" in SSRN Electronic Journal, Elsevier BV (2021). https://doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.3945979 М33
Sanitary protection zoning of groundwater sources in unconsolidated sediments based on a Time-Dependent Model
Vladimir Živanović, Igor Jemcov, Veselin Dragišić, Nebojša Atanacković . "Sanitary protection zoning of groundwater sources in unconsolidated sediments based on a Time-Dependent Model" in Groundwater Vulnerability and Pollution Risk Assessment. IAH - Selected Papers on Hydrogeology 24, London : CRC Press (2020) М14
Прелиминарни избор Система одводњавања површинског копа Дрмно од подземних вода
Томислав Шубарановић, Душан Поломчић, Владимир Павловић, Иван Јанковић . "Прелиминарни избор Система одводњавања површинског копа Дрмно од подземних вода" in Зборник радова X међународне конференције, Златибор, 13-16. Октобар, 2021, Београд : Југословенски комитет за површинску експлоатацију (2021) М33
Overview of the hydrogeological investigations of recently discovered world class deposits in Serbia
Europe industry has growing concerns on availability of the raw materials. To address this challenge, the European Commission has created a list of critical raw materials for the EU, launched EIT Raw Materials initiative, and continuously support research projects (like INTRAW, UNEXMIN etc.) with the aim of reducing the dependency and meeting growing demands. In the last 15 years Serbia is experiencing new bust in geological exploration of mineral deposits. Currently 167 exploration licenses are active, covering approximately 6000 ...Nebojša Atanacković, Vladimir Živanović, Veselin Dragišić, Sava Magazinović. "Overview of the hydrogeological investigations of recently discovered world class deposits in Serbia" in Proceedings of IAH2019, the 46th Annual Congress of the International Associaton of Hydrogeologists, Málaga (Spain), September 22-27, 2019, International Association of Hydrogeologists (IAH) (2019) М34
Efekti regeneracije bunara na primeru Grabovičkog polja kod Kladova
Na mnogim izvorištima podzemnih voda javljaju se problemi smanjenja eksploatacionog kapaciteta kao posledica starenja bunara. Bunar tokom vremena menja svoje performanse, bilo da je u eksploataciji ili van radnog procesa. Na njegovo starenje utiče veliki broj faktora. Kao posledice javljaju se ekonomski, privredni i socijalni problemi. Regeneracija bunara je u praksi pokazala najbolje efekte za rešavanje ovih pitanja. Na prostoru Kladovskog ključa u priobalju Dunava koristi se drenažni sistem bunara za odbranu od visokih vodostaja. Prilikom provere stanja bunara ...Ivana Cvejić, Veselin Dragišić, Vladimir Živanović, Tijana Vinčić. "Efekti regeneracije bunara na primeru Grabovičkog polja kod Kladova" in Tehnika , Savez inženjera i tehničara Srbije, Beograd (2022). https://doi.org/10.5937/tehnika2204431C М52
Hidrogeologija ležišta bakra i zlata Čukaru Peki – od istraživanja do eksploatacije
Podzemne vode, Mineralne sirovine, Rudnička hidrogeologija, Odvodnjavanje rudnika, Timočki magmatski kompleksNebojša Atanacković, Vladimir Živanović, Veselin Dragišić, Jelena Davidović. "Hidrogeologija ležišta bakra i zlata Čukaru Peki – od istraživanja do eksploatacije" in 18. Kongres geologa Srbije "Geologija rešava probleme", Divčibare, 01-04 jun 2022., Srpsko geološko društvo (2022) М34