633 items
Acoustic - optic approach for the examination of materials condition in objects of cultural heritage
Kričak Lazar, Barr M. Amy, Srećković Milesa, Dragović Magdalena, Čučaković Aleksandar, Ostojić Stanko, Kovačević Aleksandar, Borna Nada (2016)Kričak Lazar, Barr M. Amy, Srećković Milesa, Dragović Magdalena, Čučaković Aleksandar, Ostojić Stanko, Kovačević Aleksandar, Borna Nada. "Acoustic - optic approach for the examination of materials condition in objects of cultural heritage" in Book of Abstracts of 3rd International Conference MODERN METHODS OF TESTING AND EVALUATION IN SCIENCE, :Centralni Institut za konzervaciju, Naučno društvo za razvoj i afirmaciju novih tehnologija (2016): 32-32 M34
Cenozoic granitoids in the Dinarides of southern Serbia: age of intrusion, isotope geochemistry, exhumation history and significance for the geodynamic evolution of the Balkan Peninsula
Schefer Senecio, Cvetković Vladica, Fugenschuh Bernhard, Kounov Alexandre, Ovtcharova Maria, Schaltegger Urs, Schmid Stefan M. (2011)Schefer Senecio, Cvetković Vladica, Fugenschuh Bernhard, Kounov Alexandre, Ovtcharova Maria, Schaltegger Urs, Schmid Stefan M.. "Cenozoic granitoids in the Dinarides of southern Serbia: age of intrusion, isotope geochemistry, exhumation history and significance for the geodynamic evolution of the Balkan Peninsula" in International Journal Earth Sci (Geol Rundsch) 100 no. 5, Heidelberg, Germany:Springer-Verlag (2011): 1181-1206. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00531-010-0599-x M21
Olivine websterite veins cutting the Rabrovo serpentinites (South Macedonia): New evidence of the arc setting of the East Vardar ophiolites?
Boev Blažo, Prelević D., Božović M., Erić Suzana, Cvetković Vladica. "Olivine websterite veins cutting the Rabrovo serpentinites (South Macedonia): New evidence of the arc setting of the East Vardar ophiolites?" in Prilozi/Contributions 34 no. 01-Feb, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia :Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Section of Natural, Mathematical and Biotechnical Sciences, MASA (2013): 69-81 M51
Quartz from allchar as monitor for cosmogenic 26Al: Geochemical and petrogenetic constraints
Pavićević Miodrag, Cvetković Vladica, Amthauer Georg, A Bieniok, Boev Blazo, F Brandstätter, M Götzinger, Jelenković Rade, Prelević Dejan, Prohaska Thomas (2006)Pavićević Miodrag, Cvetković Vladica, Amthauer Georg, A Bieniok, Boev Blazo, F Brandstätter, M Götzinger, Jelenković Rade, Prelević Dejan, Prohaska Thomas. "Quartz from allchar as monitor for cosmogenic 26Al: Geochemical and petrogenetic constraints" in Mineralogy and Petrology 88, Heidelberg, Germany :Springer-Verlag (2006): 527-550. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00710-006-0134-8 M22
The Late Cretaceous Klepa basalts in Macedonia (FYROM)—Constraints on the final stage of Tethys closure in the Balkans
Dejan Prelević, Simon Wehrheim, Magnus Reutter, Rolf L. Romer, Blažo Boev, Milica Božović, Paul van den Bogaard, Vladica Cvetković, Stefan M. Schmid (2017)Dejan Prelević, Simon Wehrheim, Magnus Reutter, Rolf L. Romer, Blažo Boev, Milica Božović, Paul van den Bogaard, Vladica Cvetković, Stefan M. Schmid. "The Late Cretaceous Klepa basalts in Macedonia (FYROM)—Constraints on the final stage of Tethys closure in the Balkans" in Terra Nova no. 29 (2017): 145-153. https://doi.org/10.1111/ter.12264 M21
Mineralogija, hemija i distribucija odabranih mikroelemenata u uglju i glincima Ibarskog basena (Južna Srbija)
Željana Novković, Nenad Nikolić, Nevena Andrić-Tomašević, Violeta Gajić, Suárez M, Romero García E, Vladimir Simić, Dragana Životić (2023)Željana Novković, Nenad Nikolić, Nevena Andrić-Tomašević, Violeta Gajić, Suárez M, Romero García E, Vladimir Simić, Dragana Životić. "Mineralogija, hemija i distribucija odabranih mikroelemenata u uglju i glincima Ibarskog basena (Južna Srbija)" in Zbornik 36. Međunarodnog kongresa o procesnoj industriji – avgust 2023., SMEITS (2023) М64
Modeliranje tehnoloških procesa u rudarstvu u uslovima nedovoljnosti podataka primenom teorije grubih skupova
Zoran M. Štirbanović (2015-07-01)Rudarstvo, a u okviru njega i priprema mineralnih sirovina, se odlikuje složenošću tehnoloških procesa što je posledica velikog broja uticajnih parametara. Samim tim je potrebno biti veoma obazriv prilikom donošenja odluka u oblasti rudarstva. U cilju što efikasnijeg funkcionisanja procesa, moguće je primeniti različite metode koje služe za pojednostavljenje procesa odlučivanja. Jedna od takvih metoda jeste i teorija grubih skupova. Ona predstavlja relativno novu matematičku teoriju koja je pogodna za razumevanje nepreciznih i nepotpunih podataka kao i za otkrivanje ...rudarstvo, priprema mineralnih sirovina, teorija grubih skupova, višekriterijumsko odlučivanje, flotacijsko jalovište, flotacijski kolektor, flotaciona mašinaZoran M. Štirbanović. "Modeliranje tehnoloških procesa u rudarstvu u uslovima nedovoljnosti podataka primenom teorije grubih skupova" in Универзитет у Београду, Универзитет у Београду, Рударско-геолошки факултет (2015-07-01)
Određivanje sadržaja kiselih funkcionalnih grupa na površini biougljeva primenom Boehm-ovih titracija
Aleksandar D. Krstić, Aleksandar Đ. Lolić, Marija A. Ilić, Aleksandar M. Mijatović, Snežana J. Zlatanović, Zoran P. Nedić, Vesna M. Pavelkić (2015)Biougalj se dobija pirolizom iz organskog otpada. Smatra se ,,modifikatorom'' zemljišta i koristi se kao đubrivo i kao rezervoar za skladištenje ugljenika. Kvantifikacija funkcionalih grupa je važna zbog hemijske reaktivnosti biougljeva koji imaju uticaj na svojstva zemljišta. U istraživanju su korišćena 3 uzorka biouglja različitog porekla i jedan referentni, aktivni ugalj. Sadržaj kiselih funkcionalnih grupa je određivan titracijom po Boehm-u na dva načina: uvođenje N2 tokom titracije i tretman sa BaCl2. Optimizovan je način pripreme tri Boehm ova rastvora ...Aleksandar D. Krstić, Aleksandar Đ. Lolić, Marija A. Ilić, Aleksandar M. Mijatović, Snežana J. Zlatanović, Zoran P. Nedić, Vesna M. Pavelkić. "Određivanje sadržaja kiselih funkcionalnih grupa na površini biougljeva primenom Boehm-ovih titracija" in 52. savetovanja Srpskog hemijskog društva, Srpsko hemijsko društvo (2015) М64
Adsorption and Polymerization of Aniline on Cu(II)-Montmorillonite: Vibrational Spectroscopy and ab Initio Calculation
Batch adsorption experiments in the presence of oxygen were performed to study the interlayer reactions of aniline on Cu(II)-montmorillonite in aqueous solutions. At concentrations below a critical value of CC ) 2.6 mmol dm-3 only a colored Cu(II)-aniline complex is formed, characterized by a stability constant of log(Kassoc/dm3 mol-1) ) 1.5. At concentrations beyond Cc aniline polymerizes yielding a dark brown product, which is identified by two vibrational spectroscopy techniques, attenuated total reflection Fourier transform infrared (ATR-FTIR) spectroscopy and ...M. Ilić, E. Koglin, A. Pohlmeier, H. D. Narres, M. J. Schwuger. "Adsorption and Polymerization of Aniline on Cu(II)-Montmorillonite: Vibrational Spectroscopy and ab Initio Calculation" in Langmuir (2000). https://doi.org/ 10.1021/la000534d М21
Recycling of coal ashes from Serbian Nicola Tesla Power Plant
Marinković Slobodanka, Trifunović Prvoslav, Tokalić Rade, A. Kostić-Pulek. "Recycling of coal ashes from Serbian Nicola Tesla Power Plant" in The 43rd International October Conference on Mining and Metallurgy, Bor:Technical faculty in Bor University of Belgrade (2011): 55-58 M63
Unraveling Innerworkings of Magmatic System Beneath the East Pacific Rise 9º50’N
Milena Marjanović, Suzanne M. Carbotte, Alexandre Stopin, Felix Waldhauser, Satish C. Singh, René-Édouard Plessix, Miloš Marjanović, Malden R. Nedimović, Juan Pablo Canales, Hélène D. Carton, Javier Escartin, John C. Mutter (2021)Milena Marjanović, Suzanne M. Carbotte, Alexandre Stopin, Felix Waldhauser, Satish C. Singh, René-Édouard Plessix, Miloš Marjanović, Malden R. Nedimović, Juan Pablo Canales, Hélène D. Carton, Javier Escartin, John C. Mutter. "Unraveling Innerworkings of Magmatic System Beneath the East Pacific Rise 9º50’N" in AGU Fall Meeting 2021, American Geophysical Union (2021) М34
Has general english knowledge of serbian freshmen students prepared them for an esp course – a pilot study
ниво језичке компетенције, заједнички европски оквир за живе језике (CEFR), енглески за специфичне намене (ESP), општи енглески (GE), тест за одређивање нивоаДрагослава Н. Мићовић, Лидија В. Беко, Марија М. Ђорђевић. "Has general english knowledge of serbian freshmen students prepared them for an esp course – a pilot study" in Методички видици, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Novi Sad (2024). https://doi.org/10.19090/mv.2024.15.2.117-136 М51
Reclamation methods and their outcomes in Serbian mining basins
Ranđelović Dragana (2017)Ranđelović Dragana. "Reclamation methods and their outcomes in Serbian mining basins" in Book of Abstracts of 2nd International and 14th National Congress of Soil Science Society of Serbia Solutions and Projections for Sustainable Soil Management, :Soil Science Society of Serbia (2017): 56-57 M32
Improving the quality of environmental education through training of teachers for implementation of ICT in the processing of significant environmental dates
Ranđelović Dragan, Damjanović Zvonko, Ranđelović Dragana. "Improving the quality of environmental education through training of teachers for implementation of ICT in the processing of significant environmental dates" in Proceedings / XIX International Scientific and Professional Meeting Ecological Truth, Eco-Ist '11, 01-04 June 2011, Bor, Serbia, Bor:Tehnical Faculty Bor, University of Belgrade (2011): 535-540 M34
Public participation in the project of recоnstruction and building of a new smelter and sulfuric acid plant in RTB Bor
Ranđelović Dragana, Pacić Ivona, Ranđelović Dragan, Marijanović Toplica. "Public participation in the project of recоnstruction and building of a new smelter and sulfuric acid plant in RTB Bor" in Proceedings / XX International Scientific and Professional Meeting Ecological Truth, Eco-Ist '12, 30 May - 02 June 2012, Zajecar, Serbia, Zaječar:Tehnical Faculty Bor, University of Belgrade (2012): 255-263 M33
Phase, morphological and statistical analysis of urinary stones from Serbian patients,
Mirković Miljana, Došen Anja, Matović Branko, Erić Suzana, Vulić Predrag, Rosić Aleksandra (2018)Mirković Miljana, Došen Anja, Matović Branko, Erić Suzana, Vulić Predrag, Rosić Aleksandra. "Phase, morphological and statistical analysis of urinary stones from Serbian patients," in SEVENTEENTH YOUNG RESEARCHERS’ CONFERENCE MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING, Beograd:Materials Research Society of Serbia & Institute of Technical Sciences of SASA (2018): 21-21 M64
The recent fault kinematics in the westernmost part of the Getic nappe system (Eastern Serbia): Evidence from fault slip and focal mechanism data
Mladenović Ana, Trivić Branislav, Antić M., Cvetković Vladica, Pavlović Radmila, Radovanović S., Fügenschuh Bernhard (2014)Mladenović Ana, Trivić Branislav, Antić M., Cvetković Vladica, Pavlović Radmila, Radovanović S., Fügenschuh Bernhard. "The recent fault kinematics in the westernmost part of the Getic nappe system (Eastern Serbia): Evidence from fault slip and focal mechanism data" in Geologica Carpathica 65 no. 2, Bratislava, Slovak Republic:Veda, Publishing House of the Slovak Academy of Sciences (2014): 147-161. https://doi.org/10.2478/geoca-2014-0010 M23
An arid phase in the Internal Dinarides during the early to middle Miocene: Inferences from Mg-clays in the Pranjani Basin (Serbia)
N. Andrić-Tomašević, V. Simić, O. Mandic, D. Životić, M. Suárez, E. García-Romero. "An arid phase in the Internal Dinarides during the early to middle Miocene: Inferences from Mg-clays in the Pranjani Basin (Serbia)" in Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, Elsevier BV (2020). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.palaeo.2020.110145 М21а
Development of a petrographic classification system for organic particles affected by self-heating in coal waste. (An ICCP Classification System, Self-heating Working Group – Commission III)
M. Misz-Kennan, J. Kus, D. Flores, C. Avila, Z. Büçkün, N. Choudhury, K. Christanis, J.P. Joubert, S. Kalaitzidis, A.I. Karayigit, M. Malecha, M. Marques, P. Martizzi, J.M.K. O'Keefe, W. Pickel, G. Predeanu, S. Pusz, J. Ribeiro, S. Rodrigues, A.K. Singh, I. Suárez-Ruiz, I. Sýkorová, N.J. Wagner, D. Životić (2020)Self-heating of coal waste is a major problem in the leading coal-producing and consuming countries, independent of the recent or past coal exploitation history. The phenomenon of self-heating is dependent on many factors such as the properties of organic matter (maceral composition and rank), moisture and pyrite content, climate effects, and storage conditions (shape of the dump or compaction of the coal waste). Once deposited, coal waste undergoes oxidation, which can lead to self- heating with the overall temperatures ...M. Misz-Kennan, J. Kus, D. Flores, C. Avila, Z. Büçkün, N. Choudhury, K. Christanis, J.P. Joubert, S. Kalaitzidis, A.I. Karayigit, M. Malecha, M. Marques, P. Martizzi, J.M.K. O'Keefe, W. Pickel, G. Predeanu, S. Pusz, J. Ribeiro, S. Rodrigues, A.K. Singh, I. Suárez-Ruiz, I. Sýkorová, N.J. Wagner, D. Životić. "Development of a petrographic classification system for organic particles affected by self-heating in coal waste. (An ICCP Classification System, Self-heating Working Group – Commission III)" in International Journal of Coal Geology, Elsevier BV (2020). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.coal.2020.103411 М21а
Sedimentno petrološka ispitivanja flišnih sedimenata Šumadije
Jelena Obradović (1964)Jelena Obradović. Sedimentno petrološka ispitivanja flišnih sedimenata Šumadije, Beograd:Rudarsko Geološki Fakultet, 1964