2275 items
A new Bouguer gravity anomaly field for the Adriatic Sea and its application for the study of the crustal and upper mantle structure
Tassis G.A., Grigoriadis V.N., Tziavos I.N., Tsokas G.N., Papazachos C.B., Vasiljević Ivana. "A new Bouguer gravity anomaly field for the Adriatic Sea and its application for the study of the crustal and upper mantle structure" in Journal of Geodynamics 66, Pergamon, The Boulevard, Langford Ln; East Park; Kidlington, Oxford, OX5 1GB; United Kingdom Geophys:Pergamon (2013): 38-52. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jog.2012.12.006 M22
Hydrochemical characteristics of mine waters from abandoned mining sites in Serbia and their impact on surface water quality
Atanacković Nebojša, Dragišić Veselin, Živanović Vladimir, Papić Petar, Stojković Jana. "Hydrochemical characteristics of mine waters from abandoned mining sites in Serbia and their impact on surface water quality" in Environmental Science and Pollution Research 11 no. 20, :Ecomed Verlagsgesellschaft AG & Co. KG (2013): 7615-7626. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11356-013-1959-4 M21
WP4-Availability of Water Resources
Stevanović Zoran, Ristić-Vakanjac Vesna, Milanović Saša. "WP4-Availability of Water Resources" in Climate Changes and Impacts on Water Supply, Beograd, Srbija:Rudarsko-geološki fakultet (2012): 133-176 M14
Electrokinetic properties of hydroxyapatite under flotation conditions
Vučinić Dušica, Radulović Dragan, Deušić Slaven. "Electrokinetic properties of hydroxyapatite under flotation conditions" in Journal of Colloid and Interface Science no. 343, :Elsevir (2010): 239-245 M22
The environmental and health damage caused by the use of coal
Поред нафте и природног гаса, угаљ је најзаступљенији необновљиви извор фосилних горива који се тренутно користи широм света. Иако се последњих деценија улажу континуирани напори да се употреба угља замени различитим алтернативним изворима енергије (хидро, нуклеарна, ветар, соларна), очекује се да ће угаљ у догледној будућности остати најважнији извор топлотне и електричне енергије у свету. Упркос неоспорном значају угља у свету, његова употреба наноси озбиљну штету животној средини и здрављу људи. У овом тексту предавања детаљно ће бити размотрени ...Goran Tasev, Petre Makreski, Gligor Jovanovski, Dragana Životić, Ivan Boev, Rade Jelenkovic. "The environmental and health damage caused by the use of coal" in ChemTexts, Springer Science and Business Media LLC (2025). https://doi.org/10.1007/s40828-024-00200-4 М23
Compaction of Municipal Solid Waste
Jovana Janković Pantic, Dragoslav Rakić, Tina Đurić, Irena Basarić Ikodinović, Snežana Bogdanović (2022)Regardless of the numerous activities undertaken to reduce municipal solid waste, its annual volumes continue to grow. In Serbia, the most common and the only one form of waste disposal is at municipal landfills with daily compaction and soil covering. Municipal waste compacting is one of the basic components of the disposal process. Well compacted waste takes up less volume and allows much safer storage. In order to better predict the behavior of municipal waste at landfills, it is ...Jovana Janković Pantic, Dragoslav Rakić, Tina Đurić, Irena Basarić Ikodinović, Snežana Bogdanović. "Compaction of Municipal Solid Waste" in ICEG 2022: International Conference on Environmental Geotechnics, World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology (2022) М34
Does late Khersonian and early Maeotian Bukovo delta belong to the same river system?
Meri Ganić, Dejan Radivojević (2022)Meri Ganić, Dejan Radivojević. "Does late Khersonian and early Maeotian Bukovo delta belong to the same river system?" in 9th International workshop on the Neogene from the Central and South-Eastern Europe, University of Tuzla, Faculty of Mining, Geology and Civil Enineering (2022). https://doi.org/10.51558/2303-5161..2022.1.1.27 М34
Environmental flows and demands for sustainable water use in protected karst areas of the Western Balkans
Karst terrains cover some 30% of the Western Balkans, where rich karst aquifers represent the main source of potable water supply and ensure the development of local economies and tourism. In this “classical karst” region, there are also numerous sites or areas under different forms of protection—from those that are included in the UNESCO World Heritage list to natural monuments and landscapes that are protected by national legislation. In and around them are specific representatives of flora and fauna ...Zoran Stevanović, Aleksandra Maran Stevanović, Želimir Pekaš, Romeo Eftimi, Veljko Marinović. "Environmental flows and demands for sustainable water use in protected karst areas of the Western Balkans" in Carbonates and Evaporites, Springer Science and Business Media LLC (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s13146-021-00754-1 М22
Environmental flows and demands for sustainable water use in protected karst areas of the Western Balkans
Karst terrains cover some 30% of the Western Balkans, where rich karst aquifers represent the main source of potable water supply and ensure the development of local economies and tourism. In this “classical karst” region, there are also numerous sites or areas under different forms of protection—from those that are included in the UNESCO World Heritage list to natural monuments and landscapes that are protected by national legislation. In and around them are specific representatives of flora and fauna ...Zoran Stevanović, Aleksandra Maran Stevanović, Želimir Pekaš, Romeo Eftimi, Veljko Marinović. "Environmental flows and demands for sustainable water use in protected karst areas of the Western Balkans" in Carbonates and Evaporites, Springer Science and Business Media LLC (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s13146-021-00754-1 М22
Application of the Final Flotation Waste for Obtaining the Glass-ceramic Materials
Mira Cocić, Mihovil Logar, Suzana Erić, Viša Tasić, Snežana Dević, Saša Cocić, Branko Matović (2017)Mira Cocić, Mihovil Logar, Suzana Erić, Viša Tasić, Snežana Dević, Saša Cocić, Branko Matović. "Application of the Final Flotation Waste for Obtaining the Glass-ceramic Materials" in Science of Sintering 49, Belgrade:International Institute for the Science of Sintering (2017): 431-433 M23
Morphostratigraphical correlation of the Sava River sediments near Belgrade and the Južna Morava terraces
Draženko Nenadić, Katarina Bogićević (2024)Pleistocenske rečne naslage imaju veliko rasprostranjenje na području priobalnog dela reke Save kod Beograda. Tvorevine sličnih karakteristika izgrađuju visoke terase dolinskih sistema Velike, Južne i Zapadne Morave. Precizna korelacija naslaga Save i Južne Morave nije moguća.Draženko Nenadić, Katarina Bogićević. "Morphostratigraphical correlation of the Sava River sediments near Belgrade and the Južna Morava terraces" in Bulletin of the Natural History Museum, Centre for Evaluation in Education and Science (CEON/CEES) (2024). https://doi.org/10.5937/bnhmb2316035N М53
CC-PESTO: a novel GIS-based method for assessing the vulnerability of karst groundwater resources to the effects of climate change
The new GIS-based CC-PESTO method is shown to successfully assess and map the vulnerability/resilience of karst aquifers to effects of climate change. Karst aquifers were chosen due to their importance at the global level and widespread utilisation in potable water supply and irrigation, but also because of their hydrogeological complexity. The method was developed to assess the intrinsic vulnerability of aquifers, without considering the direct impact of variable climate factors, but considering the adaptive capacity of aquifers in response ...Zoran Stevanović, Veljko Marinović, Jelena Krstajić. "CC-PESTO: a novel GIS-based method for assessing the vulnerability of karst groundwater resources to the effects of climate change" in Hydrogeology Journal, Springer Science and Business Media LLC (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10040-020-02251-6 М21
Production of electricity from coal-fired power plants and accompanying CO2 emissions: comparison of EU-27 and US
Even in the third decade of the 21st century, large power plants are still responsible for more than half of the electricity production in Europe and US. They predominantly use fossil fuels in their work, which results in the emission of pollutants into the air, soil and water. In addition to the production of electric energy, fossil fuels, including coal, are used for industrial purposes. Although the use of coal, especially in the countries of the European Union, is ...Uroš Djorgovski, Aleksandar Madžarević, Predrag Jovančić. "Production of electricity from coal-fired power plants and accompanying CO2 emissions: comparison of EU-27 and US" in International Conference on Global Energy and Climate Change - ICGRECC-23, New York, 2023, Research Galery- Science Leagues (2023) М33
Against the tide: southeast to northwest shelf-edge progradation in the southeastern margin of Lake Pannon, Banat (Serbia and Romania)
In the late Neogene, the Pannonian Basin in Central Europe was filled with sediments when rivers from the Alps and Carpathians shed their sediment load into Lake Pannon. The most powerful source-to-sink system was that of the paleo-Danube, transporting sediments from the NW as far as the southeastern part of the lake. In the southeastern margin of the basin, however, local sedimentary systems worked in the opposite direction, against the “tide” of the prevailing N to S sediment transport. ...Dejan Radivojević, Miloš Radonjić, Lajos Tamás Katona, Imre Magyar. "Against the tide: southeast to northwest shelf-edge progradation in the southeastern margin of Lake Pannon, Banat (Serbia and Romania)" in International Journal of Earth Sciences, Springer Science and Business Media LLC (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00531-022-02188-z М21
Ostracods as indicator of the Badenian marine flooding (Central Paratethys, Bosnia & Herzegovina and Serbia)
Ljupko Rundić (2022)Ljupko Rundić. "Ostracods as indicator of the Badenian marine flooding (Central Paratethys, Bosnia & Herzegovina and Serbia)" in Journal of Faculty of Mining, Geology and Civil Enegeneering - Special Issue, Tuzla : Faculty of Mining, Geology and Civil Engineering (2022). https://doi.org/10.51558/2303-5161.2022.1.1.49 М51
Cutting elements of bucket wheel excavators in lignite opensast mines: Methodology and performed solutions
Dragan Novaković, Predrag Jovančić (2016)Bucket and cutting elements geometry (teeth and hardened steel) have very powerful impact on effective operation of bucket wheel excavator, and that`s why, problems of optimal geometry of elements in specific conditions always are of special interest in mining science and technique. If we want to achieve satisfactory utilization of bucket wheel excavator, it is necessary to modulate geometry material characteristics and technological parameters, as regards bucket wheel excavator work regime, and bucket wheel working performances, and also bucket ...Dragan Novaković, Predrag Jovančić. "Cutting elements of bucket wheel excavators in lignite opensast mines: Methodology and performed solutions" in 13th International symposium Continuous Surface Mining ISCSM 2016, 12-14 September 2016, Belgrade – Serbia, Belgrade : Yugoslav Opencast Mining Committee, Belgrade (2016) М33
Archaeometric study of medieval pottery excavated at Stari (Old) Ras, Serbia
Damjanović Ljiljana, Holclajtner Antunović Ivanka, Mioč Ubavka, Bikić Vesna, Milovanović Dragan, Radosavljević Evans Ivana (2011)Damjanović Ljiljana, Holclajtner Antunović Ivanka, Mioč Ubavka, Bikić Vesna, Milovanović Dragan, Radosavljević Evans Ivana. "Archaeometric study of medieval pottery excavated at Stari (Old) Ras, Serbia" in Journal of Archaeological Science 38 no. 4, London, England:Academic Press Ltd- Elsevier Science Ltd, 24-28 Oval Rr, London NW1 7DX, England (2011): 818-828. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jas.2010.11.004 M22
Simulation of groundwater regime and quantification of groundwater balance by means of hydrodynamic analysis: Case of open-cast mine 'Jakovačka Kumša'
Hidrodinamička analiza, kao metodološki postupak, korišćena je za simulaciju režima i kvantifikaciju bilansa podzemnih voda na širem području Površinskog kopa „Jakovačka Kumša“. Istražni prostor obuhvata i deo beogradskog izvorišta podzemnih voda koje se nalazi u neposrednoj blizini površinskog kopa, u priobalju reke Save. Na površinskom kopu se vrši eksploatacija peska, koji se koristi kao građevinski materijal. Analizom i sintezom podataka koji se odnose na geološke i hidrogeološke ka-rakteristike područja, u radu je prikazan trodimenzionalni hidrogeološki model istražnog područja. Prevođenje ...hidrogeološki model, hidrodinamički model, izvorište podzemnih voda, numerička metoda konačnih razlika, ModflowDušan Polomčić, Dragoljub Bajić, Jelena Ratković, Đorđije Božović, Predrag Pajić. "Simulation of groundwater regime and quantification of groundwater balance by means of hydrodynamic analysis: Case of open-cast mine 'Jakovačka Kumša'" in Tehnika, Centre for Evaluation in Education and Science (CEON/CEES) (2019). https://doi.org/10.5937/tehnika1901056P М52
Method validation and geochemical modelling of chromium speciation in natural waters
The study focuses on validating reference methods such as ICP-OES and ICP-MS for detecting ultratrace levels of chromium in groundwater, where concentrations are typically very low. Additionally, it verifies a hyphenated technique, IC-ICP-MS, for determining naturally occurring Cr(VI) in tested waters. The validation process involved various chromium analysis variants, including isotopes 52Cr and 53Cr in ICP-MS and IC-ICP-MS techniques, along with specific emission lines in the ICPOES technique. Statistical data processing revealed that the achieved limits of quantification for ...шестовалентни хром, ИЦ-ИЦП-МС, технике са цртицама, геохемијско моделирање, анализа спецификација, валидација методеPiotr Rusiniak, Katarzyna Wątor, Ewa Kmiecik, Vesna Ristić Vakanjac. "Method validation and geochemical modelling of chromium speciation in natural waters" in Scientific Reports, Springer Science and Business Media LLC (2024). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-024-77425-3 М21
Comparing the performance of different landslide susceptibility models in ROC space
Marjanović Miloš (2013)Marjanović Miloš. "Comparing the performance of different landslide susceptibility models in ROC space" in Landslide science and practise 1, Berlin, Germany:Springer (2013): 579-584. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-31325-7_76 M13