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Collected Item: “Influence of Post-Synthesis Treatments on the Properties of Brushite/Monetite Powders ”

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Аутор/и (Милан Марковић, Никола Николић)

Radovanović, Ž., Radovanović, L., Kremenović, A., Janaćković, Đ., Petrović, R.

Наслов рада (Наслов - поднаслов)

Influence of Post-Synthesis Treatments on the Properties of Brushite/Monetite Powders

Назив конференције (зборника), место и датум одржавања

Second International Conference on Electron Microscopy of Nanostructures ELMINA 2022, August 22nd–26th, 2022, Belgrade, Serbia

Уредник/ци зборника

Velimir R. Radmilovićand Vuk V. Radmilović

Издавач (Београд : Просвета)

Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts Knez Mihailova 35, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia

Година издавања


Сажетак рада на енглеском језику

Dicalcium phosphate (DP) materials, of which brushite and monetite were the most known, have
been intensively studied for several decades because of excellent resorptive and osteoconductive
properties that can satisfy the requirements needed for various medical applications, such as bone
cements, coatings of metallic implants and bone grafts [1,2]. Brushite and monetite are the dihydrated (CaHPO4·2H2O) and anhydrous (CaHPO4) forms of DPs, respectively, which showed much
better resorption due to higher solubility in comparison to the hydroxyapatite (HAp) and tricalcium
phosphate (TCP) [2].
In this study, the effect of different post-synthesis treatments on composition and morphology of four
brushite/monetite powders, were analyzed. All the powders have been prepared by modified
precipitation method described previously [3] with molar ratio of starting reagents (NH4)2HPO4 and
Ca(NO3)2·4H2O being 7:10. After filtering, powder I was obtained by drying the precipitate at 105
°C for 4 h, while powder II was obtained by precipitate freezing at ‒10 °C for 72 h, followed by
drying at room temperature for 72 h. By drying the precipitate at 110 °C for 24 h and 105 °C for 3 h,
powders III and IV were obtained, respectively. X-ray powder diffraction (XRPD) revealed that all
the powders are two-phase systems consisting of brushite and monetite: 98.8 mas.% brushite and 1.2
mas.% of monetite in I, 97.7 mas.% brushite and 2.3 mas.% of monetite in II, 66.7 mas.% brushite
and 33.3 mas.% of monetite in III and 45.9 mas.% brushite and 54.1 mas.% of monetite in IV. Field
Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy (FESEM, Figure 1) showed that particles of prepared
materials form the agglomerates in the form of triangular plates. In addition, materials were analyzed
for their spectral, thermal and textural properties.
[1] F Tamimi, Z Sheikh and Jake Barralet, Acta Biomaterialia 8 (2012), p. 474.
[2] E Boanini et al, Journal of Functional Biomaterials 13 (2022), p. 65.
[3] I Mayer et al, European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry (2003), p. 1445.
[4] The authors acknowledge funding from the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological
Development of the Republic of Serbia (Contract No. 451-03-68/2022-14/200287 and Contract
No. 451-03-68/2022-14/200135).

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